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    Efectos de la motivación en los entornos laborales de las entidades publicas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Prada Lozano, Tatiana Lorena; Vargas García, Lina Marcela
    Motivation in the work environments of public entities is not a matter of minor importance, its effects and the impact it has on public policies interest everyone equally; The performance of public sector entities depends largely on this factor; Anemployee motivated in their work acquires more commitment, identity and guarantees the achievement of the objectives set, despite the political and ideological dynamics at hand; The effects of motivation in the work environments of public entities are very varied and often clash with aspects that underlie the public sector due in part to the complex and dynamic nature of this sector of society and also in part to the existence of various types of motivation and ways to apply it. Through the recently constructed methodology of qualitative analysis and bibliographic review, the aim is to determine the effects that motivation generates in the work environments of public entities without leaving aside the contribution of the private sector. This review article broadly reviews recent studies on the current topic of motivation and its effects in work environments of public entities. The reader will realize that the motivational factor is very varied and that it helps the good performance of employees, contributes to their professional growth and often its effects affect the goals proposed by the entity in which they work, as well as the Studies contained in magazines, books, essays show the relevance and value of the motivational topic and how this experience becomes a reference for the success of any company and about which the last word has not yet been said
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    Las habilidades blandas y su influencia en el desempeño laboral en organizaciones de Latinoamérica
    (2024) García Castillo, Jeisson Ivan; Caicedo Garcia, Nathalia; Romo Londoño, Herliz Juliana
    Soft skills are fundamental in the contemporary labor ecosystem, they have become a cornerstone for organizational development in Latin America. The main objective of the article in question is to determine the influence of soft skills on the work performance of organizations in Latin America. The study explores the dynamics of the interaction between interpersonal competencies and corporate results, highlighting the role of soft skills through a meticulous literature review and analysis procedure, therefore, the study addresses. a qualitative descriptive methodology. The document highlights how the influence of soft skills can catalyze optimal work performance, a fundamental element for business success in the diverse and changing environment of Latin America. The study's findings not only open new horizons for academic research but also guide business leaders in implementing effective training and development strategies, crucial to boosting productivity and competitiveness in today's market.
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    Análisis del clima organizacional de una institución educativa oficial de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Ortiz Cortes, María Alexandra; Rincón Salazar, Marcela; Giraldo Patiño, Claudia Lorena (Director)
    The quality of education depended on the didactic resources or the academic curriculum, the organizational climate in which the educational activities were carried out, the analysis of this subject allowed the identification of aspects that influenced the performance and well- being of its members. Therefore, the problem identified is related to a lack of information about the work environment in a public educational institution in Santiago de Cali. This was based on the absence of an effective means of communication between the different branches of the institution, which makes it difficult to coordinate activities. Therefore, this research focused on analyzing the organizational climate of an official educational institution in Santiago de Cali, with the aim of identifying the influencing factors to propose strategies that would lead to its improvement, this work was based on the mixed approach and the type of study used was the descriptive one, the analytical method was used to understand the nature of the organization's climate, A survey adapted to the reality of the institution was carried out, which was applied to 10 employees of the administrative area, in order to analyze aspects related to the organizational climate such as communication, motivation, reward, conflict, cooperation, among others. The results of this study provided crucial information for the development of strategies to improve the organizational environment in the educational entity
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    Instrumentos de la reforma tributaria para enfrentar la evasión fiscal en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Ortega Gómez, Nicolás; Rubio Hurtado, Wilmar; Aristizabal Marín, Brahian Steban; Góngora Vanegas, Boris
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    Desafío del cumplimiento de los protocolos de bioseguridad como parte de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SST) en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Hernández Cano, Lina Marcela; Reina Arenas, Natali; Escobar Cabrera, Julio Cesar
    The objective of this essay is to analyze the challenges and challenges for the implementation of biosafety protocols as part of occupational safety and health (OSH) programs in Colombia. For this, the characteristics of the biological risk and its management are described, it establishes the requirements that the legislation has established for the implementation of the biosafety protocols. At the methodological level, a bibliographic review was used, which involved consulting secondary sources, such as scientific articles, research reports and documents from official authorities. Biological risk management is more common in businesses such as health institutions, beauty centers, hairdressing and related businesses. In the commercial and industrial context, it is not so common that emphasis is placed on their identification and management. With the coronavirus: Covid -19 pandemic, the need for mitigation measures is evident so that companies do not interrupt operations and do not put their employees as customers in danger. In the case of biological risk in the country, it has been seen that it even has the requirements of the general occupational risk system, however, in practical terms, its management has focused more on institutions and / or companies in the health sector where it is more likely that you may incur an unwanted event from exposure to biological substances
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    Causas y efectos del ausentismo laboral en las organizaciones
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Molina Vergara, Maritzabel; Mosquera Mosquera, María Marcela; Vargas García, Lina Marcela
    The following article aims to identify the causes and effects of absenteeism in organizations. To develop this research, the descriptive method was used, since the causes and effects of work absenteeism were only identified in the organizations identified in previous works, both from theoretical and practical perspectives, that is, the findings of applied research on the subject and a description will be made of these. The most common diseases were found to be: Cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnea-hypopnea, work stress, depressive disorders, covid -19, work fatigue, visual diseases, multi-skeletal disorders, psychosocial risk diseases, for which workers are absent from work, the most frequent work accidents were: falls, contusions, visuals, hand injuries and the most common effects generated in organizations are: Low productivity and competitiveness, work overload, high training costs. A search was made in the following databases ScienceDirect, Scopus, selecting 30 articles that deal with the topic.
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    Importancia de la identificación de los riesgos laborales en las áreas de producción
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Álava Arango, Jhon Cristian; Villegas Serna, Jonathan Andrés; Montes Ariza, Julio Cesar; Vargas García, Lina Marcela
    The general objective of this article is to identify the occupational risks in the production areas to which employees belonging to the industrial sector are subjected due to issues inherent to their routine work functions. Through the documentary analysis in databases such as Scopus and Science direct among others, different national and international scenarios are consulted in order to determine the risks in the production areas, their causes and consequences for the collaborators and the organization, with the In order to give greater importance to the subject, taking into account the well-being of the collaborators and thus, guaranteeing a better quality of life in their jobs. It was found that in industrial production areas, the types of occupational risk are chemical, physical, psychosocial, biological and biomechanical risks, which occurs depending on the main activities of each company, so it is important that employees are made aware on the importance of compliance with occupational health and safety regulations, in order to identify the risks to which they may be exposed and thus avoid causing accidents and accidents at work.
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    Ventaja del sello ambiental colombiano en el posicionamiento de marca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Franco Rodríguez, Ingrid Liliana; Vargas Angulo, Karen Licet; Rios Obando, José Fabián
    This article addresses a research topic regarding the Colombian environmental seal, and the advantages that its use has for brand positioning, in the practice of green marketing. This is a strategy implemented by producers for the consumer, through organic products, to reduce the negative impact that products have on the practice and use of the environment. In addition, knowing the way in which green labels have evolved in such a way that today it offers a brand positioning in companies, through the implementation of these ecolabels in their goods and services. However, the study was carried out under the investigative methodology to carry out an analysis of the market, to present the positions of the authors in relation to the positioning that generates the proper use and the advantages of the environmental seal in Colombian companies.
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    Formulación de un plan estratégico para la empresa gestión en seguridad S.A.S (GES-S.A.S) de Cali periodo 2019 – 2023
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Rodríguez Coral, Daniela; Rodríguez Castillo, John Freidy; Rojas Muñoz, Alfonso Lucas
    In this degree project, the main objective was to formulate a strategic plan that would allow identifying the current situation of the company Gestión en Seguridad S.A.S, located in the city of Santiago de Cali, and establishing different plans, actions and strategies, in time periods coherent, in order to bring to the company a level of positioning, visibility, profitability and sustainable over time. By knowing the current state of the company Gestión en Seguridad S.A.S, it allows us to formulate action plans, procedures and strategies, which help to propose and materialize short, medium and long-term goals, in favor of continuous improvement and grounded in its niche of deal. To carry out the strategic plan, was carried out a diagnosis of the sector and the environment, for this, were used different models such as the competitiveness diamond and Porter's five forces, the value chain and the PESTEL matrix. Acording to the results, it was found that the company GES S.A.S has advantages in its services and is competitive in its sector. In the same way, an internal analysis corresponding to the operation of the company was carried out, based on surveys developed by the clients, in this way, they can give testimony of the services offered, who affirmed in their entirety that the procedures carried out were between an excellent and very good level. Finally, the MEFE, MEFI and DOFA matrix was prepared to do the identification of the company's weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats, however, there are threats that do not represent a greater risk for the company due to its easy of being mitigated in a medium term and weaknesses can present a long-term risk if the opportunities that are evidenced by their environment and in the Balanced Scorecard (CMI) or Balanced Scorecard that conclude the strategic plan and the needs for its implementation in the company.
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    El estrés laboral y el desempeño en las organizaciones
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Sánchez Mosquera, Daniel Fernando; Trejos Betancur, Jeidy Juliana; Palomeque Valencia, Juan Camilo; Vargas García, Lina Marcela
    This article aims to determine how work stress influences performance within organizations. Additionally, the causative factors of this disease and how they have a direct or indirect impact on the health of employees were identified. This document also intends to express how work stress can influence the quality of life of workers. The bibliographic review method was used to collect secondary information sources, which were highly relevant to build the discussion of the article. This information was obtained from: Scielo, Scopus and ScienceDirect. The descriptive study was used, since it includes a lot of information about the subject. It was found that work stress has a negative influence, directly affecting the performance of employees within the organization, and in turn giving rise to many other diseases.
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    Riesgos psicosociales y el estrés en el ámbito laboral en empresas de servicios
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Castañeda Vélez, Angy Tatiana; Bonilla Chaves, Karen Daniela; Escobar Cabrera, Julio Cesar
    This article aims to I identify the strategies used to mitigate psychosocial risks and stress at work activity of enterprise as sales of services to this sources was used secondary information going in search of documents and articles the databases (Scopus and Science Direct, among others), where this problem was validated, helping to fulfill the proposed activity. These documents allowed finding and confirming information about the negative aspects that arise. of psychosocial risks and stress, affecting the worker in their quality of life and in the organizational sphere of companies, allowing to broaden the knowledge on this problem, it was also found that different authors have explained how to mitigate this type of risk and how These have manifested themselves in a work environment. With the aforementioned, it seeks to publicize what have been the possible solutions or preventions that the service companies in Colombia have implemented in the prevention of psychosocial risk and in the health care of workers, maintaining their Organizations a safe work environment based on the SG-SST, allowing workers to be productive and efficient.
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    Riesgos laborales del teletrabajo en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Sogamoso Loaiza, Angélica María; Arce Gil, Lina Marcela; Meneses Ruiz, Stephany Johana; Vargas García, Lina Marcela
    The purpose of this article is to identify the occupational risks of teleworking in Colombia, for this purpose the search for secondary sources found in the databases of the Santiago de Cali University, such as Scopus and ScienceDirect, was used, additionally information was obtained from the repositories of different universities in Colombia and other databases such as Scielo and Dialnet. The type of study is descriptive since it is possible to identify the most important characteristics to develop the research problem and provide data and related to the central theme. It was found that the main factors that affect this type of work are mainly the environmental conditions found in the workplace, ventilation, noise and lighting, ergonomic risks and psychosocial factors. Additionally, teleworking is considered an organizational structure that is increasing and is moving away from traditional structures, therefore it implies addressing security and surveillance measures that improve the quality of life of employees and protect physical, mental and social health. of these, considering the regulatory guidelines and procedures established by the nation to promote the prevention, protection and care of employees associated with the development of their work and improvement of working conditions and risk mitigation.
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    Factores determinantes para el éxito del liderazgo en los procesos organizacionales
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Ramírez Yusty, Andrés Felipe; Jaramillo Montes, Sebastián; Valoyes Marín, Juan Camilo; Escobar Cabrera, Julio Cesar
    This document aims to identify the factors that determine the success of leaders in organizational processes. For this, the scopus, sciencedirect and springer databases were reviewed, using the words leadership, leadership styles and management processes leading human talent for the search, 30 articles published between 2010 and 2020 were selected, in which The leadership styles and characteristics of the leaders that propitiate the organizations to be successful in their processes were evidenced, establishing in this way, the impact that efficient leadership can have in the development of organizational processes. Among the main findings were scenarios in which depending on the leadership style, there is influence on the organizational climate and the performance of the collaborators, this being more productive in terms of the tasks assigned to them.
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    Formulación del direccionamiento estratégico (organizacional) a la empresa comercializamos repuestos SAS ubicada en Santiago de Cali – Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Muñoz Velasco, David Mauricio; Morales Rojas, Tania Mercedes; Mina Varela, Carlos Alberto
    Companies that wish to maintain themselves over time must build an appropriate structure, in such a way that it redirects the vision of the employees to the proper functioning of the various positions in the company. To this end, the purpose of this work is to respond to the problems regarding the analysis, design and proposal of a plan for improving strategic (organizational) management, using the methodological instruments associated with strategic management for the company. Spare parts SAS., For this, matrices such as PESTEL, POAM, PCI, MEFE, MEFI, DOFA and IE are used as support; in addition to the questionnaire that served as a tool for collecting the information necessary for decision-making under data offered from different sources and with it, achieve an appropriate analysis. This allowed us to propose strategies that help fulfill the business mission and vision, by giving documents such as the function manuals, which help the company and employees to understand the actions-functions-responsibilities to be fulfilled; and that they support the fulfillment of the company's objectives.
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    Informalidad del sistema de seguridad y salud en los servicios de estética ornamental (peluquerías)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Betancourt Jiménez, Yuly Vanessa; Arrigui Cruz, Mónica Gisell; Sabogal Arce, Lizeth Victoria; Vargas García, Lina Marcela
    This article was carried out with the aim of exposing the informality of the health and safety system in the services of ornamental aesthetics better known as hairdressing salons, observing that it is one of the segments where labor informality is most reflected by its flexibility in hours and income and where more occupational risks arise due to misuse and lack of knowledge of the risks to which these beauty professionals are exposed. The high degree of informality in these establishments dedicated to personal care and beauty, make it an unprotected segment and with limited access to job security, due to their different types of contracts, whether direct or indirect. This article is based on the investigation of secondary sources such as databases of the Santiago de Cali University and repositories of different universities, where it is possible to identify that, in the personal care and beauty establishments, the necessary security measures are not in place. the prevention of occupational risks.
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    Liderazgo: Definiciones y estilos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Uzuriaga Balanta, Mario Fernando; Osorio Quintana, Cesar Augusto; Arias Erazo, Oscar Fernando; Cruz Aguilar, Pedro León
    The purpose of this bibliographic review article is to identify the most relevant definitions and leadership styles, published in scientific journals between 2010 and 2020. This research was carried out by extracting articles from indexed journals from the database such as: Scopus, Sciencedirect, Springer, using the keywords: leadership styles, leadership, characteristics of leaders, definitions of leadership and definition of leadership styles. A documentary analysis of 30 of these articles was carried out, which yielded highly relevant information with which the written document was prepared. It was found that throughout history different definitions of leadership and leadership styles have emerged and that there is currently a tendency of organizations towards the search for ideal leadership, which is appropriate to the cultural and demographic setting and environment, taking into account it has certain general peculiarities in the leadership actors. We also identify that the authors have modified and adapted these leadership concepts and leadership styles, with which it is concluded that knowing these theoretical concepts allows leaders to perform better in a practical and successful way in the development of different roles in world contexts. Organizational worldwide.allows leaders a better practical and successful development within the different movements and contexts within the organizational world worldwide.
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    Enfermedades laborales en el área administrativa
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Nieva Nieva, María Camila; Solis Tique, María De Los Ángeles; Macias Samboni, Yennifer Astrid; Vargas García, Lina María
    The objective of this study is to identify the occupational diseases that can occur in the Administrative area. In this context, organizations develop administrative tasks with multiple risk factors (mainly psychosocial and ergonomic) that affect the health and well-being of employees. The methodology used to address the objective was through methods and techniques that allow the obtaining of information as secondary sources, making use of the Santiago de Cali University database, degree works, books, articles, among others. As a result, it was evidenced which are the factors that cause diseases (precisely in the administrative area) and how occupational health systems use to counteract them, in the same way it was found that occupational diseases in the administrative area are generated mainly by sedentary lifestyle and the lack of physical conditioning of the job, which can cause or deteriorate physical or psychological injuries, it is pertinent that each organization has an adequate Occupational Health and Safety Management System that benefits the health of the employee and the company; since this system aims to minimize occupational risks and employ low absenteeism among workers.
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    Diseñar un aplicativo en Excel, para distribuir el impacto de las variables más representativas en la creación de empresas usando simulación de Montecarlo
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Londoño Díaz, Raúl Andrés; Bustamante Escobar, Luis Eduardo; Moreno Soto, Juan Carlos
    The objective of this research was to design an Excel sheet for Financial Simulation to define the concepts, variables and possible scenarios to apply the Monte Carlo Model to investment projects. The methodology used was a descriptive type quantitative approach with an experimental, explanatory, descriptive design; the information was collected through the generation of a physical and private database; the information was obtained through physical documents and web pages. Instruments were designed to collect, classify and analyze the existing common information. Subsequently, the specialized literature consulted was analyzed to identify the criteria for selecting software for the analysis and simulation of investment projects. And finally, the Excel sheet method was designed to identify and project the selection criteria of a project in three possible scenarios. The results showed that the elaboration of an Excel sheet to project the application of the Monte Carlo Model in three possible scenarios is possible, feasible and very practical, yielding results within a context of the marketing, operational, administrative, legal, accounting and financial areas. Resulting in a very particular and practical tool when evaluating investment projects.
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    Diseño de una propuesta de un modelo de direccionamiento estratégico para la empresa Perfum de la ciudad de Cali 2020-2023
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Pizo León, Lina Marcela; Bautista Zapata, LLinari Carolina; Rojas Muñoz, Alfonso Lucas
    This research was based on the strategic direction for improving the competitiveness of the Perfum company, located in the city of Cali, where it was analyzed from different internal and external points of view of the organization, thus obtaining the required information using different instruments such as direct observation, meetings, DOFA, for the preparation of the proposal and the fulfillment of the stated objectives, addressing some theoretical aspects from which the points of view are analyzed. In this way, it could be concluded that if we apply the strategic direction in the company, the competitiveness of the Perfum company in the city of Cali can be improved.
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    Impacto del ausentismo en las organizaciones en los países iberoamericanos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Libreros López, Laura Catherine; Casanova Trujillo, Diana Patricia; González Torres, Adrián Alexis; Cruz Aguilar, Pedro León
    Absenteeism is a situation that occurs frequently in all types of organizations, it is presented as an abandonment of assigned responsibilities and it is important not only to determine its causes but also to measure its occurrence and impact on the productivity and institution`s environment, whatever their nature, as well as the quality of life of the collaborators. The following article will deal with the impact of this problem on Ibero-American organizations. The objective of this study is to determine the factors, methodology and variables that influence absenteeism in Iberoamerica Organizations and their impact. For this, a search was made in the databases Scopus, Oxford, Science Direct, Taylor and Francis Group, of scientific articles published in the period between 2010-2020, obtaining a number of 35,687 articles, selecting 30 of these. It was found that there is a relationship between personal satisfaction and the rate of absenteeism in organizations, the causes are usually common musculoskeletal diseases, anxiety disorders and inadequate work environment. In some way, variables such as age, sex, family responsibilities and cultural factors also intervene. It should be noted that the effects on productivity and compliance with institutional objectives they are a common denominator.