Repositorio Institucional
Universidad Santiago de Cali

Recent Submissions
Mujeres, salud y lactancia: una revisión crítica de la literatura con enfoque psicosocial
(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Navia Papamija, Paula Andrea; Polo Balanta, Diana Lorena; González Cepero, Karen Vanessa; Giraldo Henao, Carolina; Cuevas Arenas, Héctor Manuel
This bibliographic review with a narrative approach aims to provide contributions to the redefinition of the care and promotion of breastfeeding to reduce the effects on the physical and mental health of mothers. Through the search in thirteen databases, it was possible to analyze 50 articles by authors in different countries of the Latin American and Western continent, where greater study interest was evident on the part of professions belonging to the field of health and the humanities. who contributed different perspectives. As a result, it was found that a hegemonic view prevails regarding the body of the nursing mother woman that establishes parameters for the practice of breastfeeding through sociocultural stereotypes, also, that influence risk and protective factors, strengthening or hindering its implementation; Also, the standardized care methods for this population and the promulgation of Exclusive Breastfeeding EBF by health systems are currently being questioned. Finally, as a discussion, it is proposed to be able to dimension new intervention alternatives with a gender and differential approach aimed at female empowerment, which go into reducing the gaps of oppression to which women are exposed due to the naturalization of the functionality of the system. Furthermore, to propose humanization as the way to address the felt needs of women through empathetic support that minimizes the consequences of the deterioration of their mental health
Efectos de un programa de entrenamiento de ejercicios resistido en fuerza de miembros inferiores en el adulto mayor no institucionalizados
(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-12-06) Ibata Gonzalez, Juan Camilo; Muete Gutiérrez, Miguel Ángel; Mestizo Santacruz, Emir Felipe; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
The increased rate of falls in older adults is a factor that increases the risk of morbidity and mortality, this being the second cause of death worldwide. The objective of the work is to analyze the effect of 8 weeks of resisted exercise on lower limb strength in older adults. The interventions were carried out with 42 participants divided into 2 groups, Control Group (CG) and Experiment Group (EG). Each session is 60 minutes, 3 times a week. GC performed flexibility, balance and coordination exercises and GE performed resisted exercises. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, ANOVA repeated measures for two factors group and time. Among the results, a statistically significant difference was obtained (EG – CG) (M=1.88 95% CI=0.28;3.48), time (week 0 to week 8) (M=-3.024 95% CI=-4.082;-1.966), interaction week 8 and 0 and GE CG (M= 2.43 95% CI=0.65;4.21).
Beneficios de Aquazumba como Terapia Rehabilitadora para la Artritis en Adultos Mayores
(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-06-21) Ortiz, David Fernando; Paz, Carlos David; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
Faced with the scarce scientific literature published in relation to the benefits of aquazumba as a rehabilitative therapy for arthritis in older adults, therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the benefits of conducting aquazumba classes in the rehabilitation of arthritis. in older adults. Aquazumba Reflection is a treatment to counteract the symptoms of arthritis, facilitating daily activities, flexibility exercises, range of motion, and aerobic conditioning help combat arthritis. Water reduces joint pressure and prevents joint injuries, allowing people with this disease to exercise comfortably, reducing symptoms and improving overall health. Conclusion It is impossible to ensure that the pain, swelling, among other symptoms will go away completely, but it is possible to counteract them with correct treatment, achieving a better quality of life and functionality.
El Juego como Estrategia Pedagógica desde la Educación Física para la Enseñanza de la Suma y Resta en la Básica Primaria
(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-11-28) Saa, Juan Camilo; Rojas P., Luis Jhonatan; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
Estrategias para prevenir y/o disminuir el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en adolescentes mediante la educación física
(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-11-28) Chagüendo, Jarol; Ramírez Pasuy, David Leonardo; Mejía Patiño, Richard Mauricio; Beltrán, Sol Patricia