Finanzas y Negocios Internacionales

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    Propuesta de generación de valor económico agregado en 2023 “Caso Discolmedica S.A.S” Cali 2023
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Mosquera Fajardo, Edgar Leonardo; Omowale, Crenshaw Thomas (Director)
    The present thesis work focuses on the design and development of a Financial Management Model for Discolmedica S.A.S, a company located in the city of Santiago de Cali in the year 2023. The main objective is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization's financial management by optimizing resource allocation and strengthening its position in the market. The study begins with a rigorous analysis of the company's current financial situation, identifying areas of opportunity and challenges to overcome. Through literature review and consultation with experts in the financial field, a model is constructed that integrates planning, control, and financial evaluation tools. The proposed actions cover key aspects such as budgeting, cost management, the correct adaptation of phenomena associated with digitalization and financial globalization. In addition, it focuses on the adoption of financial technologies (Fintech) to improve decision making and operational efficiency in favor of the correct management of added economic value
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    Oportunidades del sector textil de confecciones del Valle del Cauca en el TLC Colombia – Unión Europea
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Caicedo Colorado, Wendy Tatiana; Orobio Zúñiga, Fernando de Jesús; Donado Mercado, Alexandra
    The objective of this research was to analyze the opportunities of the textile clothing sector of Valle del Cauca in the Colombia - European Union FTA, under a type of exploratory and descriptive study, applying a deductive method since an analysis was carried out based on the knowledge acquired during the race. Which resulted in the department of Valle del Cauca not taking advantage of the opportunities that the textile sector has to internationalize through the countries that make up the European Union, having as the main reason the low levels of industrialization of products to comply with the requirements that the entry of this type of merchandise contemplates, in the same way that the custom of offering to destinations that are within the territory of the American continent prevails, it should be noted that the FTA between. Colombia and the European Union contemplates exclusive benefits for the The textile sector because in the international context it has positioned itself with a high competitive quality in addition to being one of the sectors that provides the greatest contributions to the economy of the department and at the same time of Colombia
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    Conceptualización del marketing empresarial y las actividades de ventas online a través de páginas web y redes sociales
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Montenegro Silva, Valentina; Celis Ceballos, Stefania; Escobar Cabrera, Julio Cesar
    During the course of the research, the conceptualization of business marketing was carried out with the aim of describing the operation of online sales activities through web pages and social networks, taking into account the strategies that are commonly used to have positive results through virtual interaction between consumers of products and services with the company, to recognize its characteristics and impacts on society. Under a type of descriptive research, which allowed the development of the three specific objectives that led to results, and thus it was possible to conclude, that it is a new trend that benefits both parties, starting from the position of being a consumer or a company, since it results in lower costs, allowing positioning of lower prices, high visibility, greater reach and competitiveness
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    Diseño de una cartilla de formación en finanzas básicas para los microempresarios de la galería (plaza de mercado) del municipio de Santander de Quilichao, en el departamento del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Guevara Tejada, Daniella Alejandra; Martínez Erazo, Daniela; Ramírez Arboleda, John Steven; Delgado Martínez, Edinson (Director)
    The present work of degree, was developed within the field of finance and international business, in order to address and understand the need for basic knowledge to apply finance to small businesses and small-scale commerce; which, as it represents one of the most important lines of the national economy, requires different types of aid, not only monetary and fiscal incentives, but also training, education and training processes in the financial field. Therefore, with the present work, we sought to identify the scope and impact of financial education on the micro-entrepreneur. The specific theme to be developed was that of; the application of basic finances for the microentrepreneurs of the gallery (market place) of the municipality of Santander de Quilichao in the department of Cauca. The purpose of this research project was to design a simple primer on basic finance training for microentrepreneurs in the gallery (market place) of the Santander de Quilichao municipality, in the department of Cauca, that would allow training and orientation on basic finances to apply to microentrepreneurs. To carry out this task, a situational diagnosis was made on the financial knowledge of the microentrepreneurs of the gallery (market place) of the Santander de Quilichao municipality; which made it possible to identify the economic and financial characteristics of the microenterprises in the gallery (market square) of the Santander de Quilichao municipality
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    Plan de mercadeo para la Clínica Colón USC, Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2010) Castillo Rodriguez, Edgar Eduardo; Yanes Ramos, Víctor Andrés; Arabia Rios, Harold
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    Descripción de las ventajas y riesgos de la inversión del BITCOIN en Colombia entre 2014 y 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Lemos De La Cruz, Juan Felipe; Díaz Grajales, Carmen Alicia
    The objective of this work is to describe the advantages and financial risks of Bitcoin for investors in Colombia from 2014 to 2019. The research is carried out in a descriptive way where theoretical references, previous research and relevant facts are used (Hernández et al., 2014), to achieve an adequate context of the advantages and risks of Bitcoin in Colombia. The results show that virtual currencies evolve as a means of exchange and that despite being an alternative that can open the field to a new type of dual or multiple currency regime in which fiat and virtual currencies coexist, they must still pass a Deep regulation process by the Colombian government. It is concluded that although there is no regulation as currency, Bitcoin can be used in the country as a speculation asset by taking appropriate fiscal measures and assuming the risks of volatility they represent.
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    Análisis de los acuerdos comerciales vigentes en Colombia entre los años 2009-2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cuartas Valencia, Luis Felipe; Guzmán Montoya, Girleza; Donado Mercado, Alexandra Patricia
    The FTAs in force in Colombia have the purpose of generating economic benefits by opening trade opportunities among member countries, however, there is still a long way to go if we talk about international trade since there are certain types of factors preventing existing treaties from being used to grow , exploit and contribute to the improvement of the economy. It is important to recognize free trade agreements as generators of business opportunities, as well as how the country is responding to the internationalization of its products. An analysis of how to improve the use of these FTAs in force in the current decade is carried out, from the generalities at the national level to something more regional such as the Valle del Cauca, scientific databases such as Sciencie Direct were used, Google Scholar and Scopus for the bibliographic review, in addition parameters relevant to the chosen topic were used. Exposing as a conclusion types of factors that prevent the use of FTAs throughout the decade, in addition to actions and strategies that have been used to effectively improve the incursion into international markets.
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    Análisis de los procesos de exportación del té verde colombiano
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Lectamo Caicedo, Luisa MarÍa; Cardona Cuellar, Oriana; Beltrán García, Leonardo
    In Colombia there are few the companies whom work in green tea exportation for not having the knowledge or for lack of interest, which creates a waste of opportunities. The present work has as objective, to know if the green tea exportation processes in Colombia have allowed to take advantage from the comercial opportunities that the FTA with United States offers, which creates an access bridge between both markets. Through a descriptive study and using the deductive and inductive method investigations are addressed about green tea growing tendencies on the America's market, just as the processes of exportation required, based on studies done by entities of foreign trade, scientific articles and data base research, to finally analize the existence of a comercial advantage from the FTA's agreement. Concluding that there's still a lot to be improved in matter of costs and logistic. On the other hand, the FTA created a positive impact on the green tea Colombian exportations, with promising projections that Colombia can take even more advantage by improving its industry from productivity, competitiveness and innovation.
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    Eficiencia de mercados en la bolsa de valores de Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Díaz González, Michelle Lorena; Vargas Llanos, Cristian Orlando; Díaz Grajales, Carmen Alicia
    In international trade, one of the most important issues to study and analyze is the efficiency of financial markets, this occurs because in these it is not possible to forecast the returns on assets. Efficiency is measured through the returns of the factors of production, in this case from loans and wages on the income of banks. The concept of efficiency is used to describe a market in which all available information is reflected in the prices of financial assets. For this reason, it is necessary to further investigate the efficiency of financial markets in the Colombian stock market. Initially, the most relevant concepts regarding the issue of market efficiency worldwide are disclosed. Subsequently, each of the theories that support the investigative article and the antecedents that support said investigation will be explained. Finally, the article concludes with the main characteristics of the issue of market efficiency in the Colombian Stock Exchange, among them that Colombia manages an inefficient semi-strong market efficiency because, although in the country analysts try to predict Looking ahead to the historical behavior of the market, participants have access to the financial and accounting information of the companies. The objective of this research article is to analyze the issue of financial market efficiency in the Colombian Stock Exchange, for this, different literature such as degree works, articles and databases were used that help to understand the subject to be studied much better.
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    Propuesta de manejo adecuado y aprovechamiento de residuos sólidos de la zona urbana y centros poblados de los resguardos indígenas de Cumbal, chiles y Panan, del municipio de Cumbal Nariño en el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Tipas Cuaspud, Miriam Del Pilar; Moreno Gutiérrez, José Luis
    In the urban area and the populated centers, which are part of indigenous reservations, in the municipality of Cumbal Nariño, there is environmental contamination due to the lack of awareness of the population regarding the appropriate practices on waste management, the absence of educational tools and the serious consequences that these actions represent over time. In search of a solution, this proposal seeks the proper management of solid waste through community action, selective collection and the use of organic matter. For the development of this project, the logical framework research methodology (MML) was applied, which contributed to the interaction of the community, resorting to its creativity in the adoption of the knowledge applied to the separation at the source, within its homes. For the investment phase there is a minimum cost of ten thousand pesos and a maximum of nine million pesos corresponding to the screws and the supply of plastic bags respectively. As a result of the analysis of the efficiency costs, it can be concluded that the project is viable. One of its great limitations is the lack of interest and commitment on the part of public institutions regarding environmental conservation.
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    Oportunidad de comercialización de café tostado colombiano desde el departamento del Huila hacia el mercado chino
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) López Mora, Natalia; Ruales Criolla, Paola Andrea; Valbuena Núñez, Laura Sofia; Beltrán García, Leonardo
    This research aims to determine the opportunity of commercialization for roasted coffee grown in the department of Huila, Colombia to the Chinese market. The main purpose is to demonstrate through the analysis of the environments, how between time the coffee begins to form part of the China's population, in spite about the te was always the tradition. With a market exploration study, we have used the inductive methodological design, where construction of data and conditions are applied through observation and analysis found using the internet and book platforms to achieve the commercialization of the coffee to the Chinese market. The investigation allows us to conclude that China is a country that traditionally drinks tea, however, over time, the habitual consumption of this drink has changed due to the second option of a hot drink, such as coffee. The trend in the consumption of this product is on the rise since China today is a potential country for importing it.
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    Tendencia de consumo de empaques biodegradables en los millennials frente a los países bajo la alianza del pacífico
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Moran Saenz, Priscila; Peña Ortiz, Karen Tatiana; Donado Mercado, Alexandra Patricia
    The purpose of this article is to analyze if the companies from Valle del Cauca that produce biodegradable packaging find in the millennials a potential demand in the countries under the Pacific Alliance. The methodology used is a literature review, which shows a problem that consists of the amount of waste accumulated with decomposition up to 1,000 years. This has made society aware when looking for methods to contribute positively to the environment. The participation of the millennial generation is crucial, because they are highly influential in the social media, a network which currently it`s use is very common, therefore this research contributes to the analysis of the demand in this generation with biodegradable products where it promotes the benefits offered by the Pacific Alliance agreement to exploit its full potential in each member country.
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    Oportunidades de exportación del valle del cauca en el acuerdo comercial Colombia-Estados Unidos: El caso del sector frutícola
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Serna Guzmán, Valentina; Salazar López, Isabella; Riascos Panesso, Julie Sirley; Donado Mercado, Alexandra Patricia
    The purpose of this article is to document the agricultural sector opportunities in the Valle del Cauca under the Colombia - United States FTA. The methodology used for its development was a review of the literature on fruit trading and trade agreements. The main results show Colombia’s great potential in this sector thanks to the biodiversity it has, its climate and its geographical position, which is the reason it offers the right conditions for the production of both tropical and exotic fruits. Nevertheless, in order for Colombia to take full advantage of the trade agreement signed with the United States and be more competitive compared to other neighboring countries, it must allocate more resources to innovation, technology and road infrastructure.
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    Relación entre el mercado de renta variable y los riesgos económicos y políticos de la economía global para el año 2020 en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Botero Rojas, Jorge Humberto; Pasuy López, Andrés Felipe; Sarria Agudelo, Andrés Felipe
    This article contains the systematic review of the literature to establish the link between the equity market and the economic-political risks of the global economy by 2020 in Colombia. Arguments are presented that demonstrate the impact that the political and economic environment has when making decisions to invest. The effects of changes in monetary policies on treaties and relations with other countries are established. From this perspective, each one of the theories was analyzed to understand the main concepts involved in the activities of the stock market, and in this way advance towards the fulfillment and development of the general objective. To do this, they had the help of books, magazines and internet articles regarding information topics and opinions based on the subject, which were of great help for its development.
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    Oportunidades de exportación del Valle del Cauca en el sector de cosméticos con los países miembros de la alianza del pacífico
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Ayala Zamora, Gabriela María; Ramírez Gutiérrez, Angie Lorena; Donado Mercado, Alexandra Patricia
    The purpose of this article is if the Valle del Cauca, the cosmetics sector, has export opportunities with the member countries of the Pacific Alliance, however, profound changes in its transformation dynamics are needed to acquire more knowledge and trajectories of investigation. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the economic opportunities of exports from Valle del Cauca compared to the member countries of the study sector, for this reason the methodology used in this research is a literature review which facilitates the description of the information and the development of the investigation. In addition, an important factor for the development of this investigation was the collection of data from other investigations, which allowed obtaining results that support the approach to the problem, where it was evidenced that the cosmetics sector presents billions of dollars
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    Tendencias agroexportadoras del aguacate HASS y la Uchuva frente al contexto del acuerdo de paz en Colombia (2015-2019)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Mosquera Romero, Gabriel Antonio; Delgado Martínez, Edinson
    The following research focuses on the study of the Colombian agricultural sector and its impact on GDP, in order to analyze and understand agro-export trends. The present work aims to study through the theoretical perspective and the bibliographic analysis the factors that determine and make possible the success of the consumption of the mentioned agricultural products towards the foreign market. Consumption trends are an important element in the economic dynamics of the countries, mainly in the category of exports, in the case of Colombia, which has a wide range of unconventional agricultural products, the good interaction and understanding of these trends would grant great opportunities for national producers. The research allowed us to conclude that agricultural products, particularly exotic fruits, are highly desired in foreign markets due to healthy consumption trends and their consumption is maximized through agribusiness.
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    Estudio de viabilidad para la exportación del arándano azul colombiano al mercado Norte Americano
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Murillo González, Breidi Jhoan; Orozco Arciniega, Sebastían Patricio; Serna Aros, Juan Felipe; Donado Mercado, Alexandra
    The blueberry, is a fruit that is native to the northern hemisphere and a large part of Europe, this fruit belongs to the genus Vaccinium corymbosum. The nutritional and medicinal properties of the blueberry have meant that the last 10 years have generated a great demand and consumption of this fruit. The North American region, in addition to being an area where blueberries are produced in large volumes, it is also an area where blueberries are consumed in large quantities due to the trend of having a healthy diet by the population, therefore, that region represents an opportunity for Colombia to export berries because the country can produce them throughout the year and the fruit that is produced is optimal for the international market.
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    Determinación de la incidencia de las tic y la I+D en cadenas de suministro en Colombia desde una perspectiva bibliográfica entre 2009-2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Castillo Santamaria, Daniela; Ochoa Chavez, Katherine; Salinas Giraldo, María Alejandra; Díaz Grajales, Carmen Alicia
    This document aims to determine the incidence of ICT and R&D in supply chains in Colombia from a bibliographic perspective between 2009-2018. Therefore, through a descriptive methodology, research that previously integrated the issue of supply chains was analyzed, including those that belong to the technology sector and how the use of ICTs affects, the results show that the literature about the Supply chains in Colombia are scarce, in this sense, in the national literature there were 3 documents that deal with processes of Colombian supply chains such as benchmarking, knowledge management and the inclusion of new processes such as 3D printing.
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    Análisis de la relación existente entre los 4 indicadores de las bolsas que integran el Mila durante 2014 y 2017
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Sepúlveda Sánchez, Brian Irne; Gaviria Puentes, Mario Andrés; Villa Botero, Fabián Andrés; Díaz Grajales, Carmen Alicia
    The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the 4 indicators of the stock exchanges that make up the MILA during 2014 and 2017. For the achievement of this objective, a descriptive methodology is used that takes as a sample the relation of the indexes belonging to the stock exchanges in the integrated Latin American market (MILA). The results allow us to conclude that there is a great similarity of the indices in terms of trends since 2016 especially for the Peru and Mexico stock exchanges and with less inclination for Colombia. All these from 2016 had a bullish movement recovered its price after here each one from a point in 2014 will present the fall in their prices as a result of the slowdown in the global economy.