Especialización en Desarrollo Humano y Organizacional

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    Análisis del clima organizacional en la Empresa Summar temporales, área de selección
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Bravo Suárez, Daniela; Londoño González, Sandra Janeth; Vargas Calderón, Diego Fernando
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    El proceso de bienestar en la UCC Cali y su incidencia sobre la felicidad en el trabajo en el personal administrativo en el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Gallego Barona, Nathalia; Moscoso Cruz, Dahyanna; Vargas Calderón, Diego Fernando
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    Mortalidad en las Mipymes en Colombia en los primeros 5 años de vida
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Paz Palencia, Daniel Esteban; Cerezo Rodríguez, Angélica; Moreno Soto, Juan Carlos
    This monograph, born from the concern of why in Colombia being a country where MSMEs are part of the highest percentage of contribution to national economic growth, they are also part of a high mortality rate in the first five years of life. That is why it was decided to investigate, through different authors, the frequent factors that directly and indirectly impact companies in Colombia, among them, financial, innovation, public policy problems, among others, can be observed. All this in order to inform companies and they can improve their competitiveness in the national and international market.
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    Análisis del clima organizacional en la empresa Summar Temporales
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Plaza Arcila, Luis Felipe; Giraldo Gil, Diego Hernán; Vargas Calderón, Diego Fernando
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    Alcaldía de Yumbo departamento administrativo planeación y desarrollo económico para el año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Parra Albornoz, Linda Viviana; Vargas Calderón, Diego Fernando
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    Percepción de felicidad en el trabajo del personal contratado por prestación de servicios en la secretaría de salud del Municipio de Yumbo en el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Mena Becerra, Ander Fabio; Quiroz Sánchez, Gloria Liceth; Vargas Calderon, Diego Fernando
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    Propuesta de mejoramiento del Clima Organizacional para La empresa calzado M.G. S.A. A través del Instrumento IMCOp
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Betancourt Valencia, Claudia Marcela; Gómez Lasso, Milency; Vargas Calderón, Diego Fernando
    This work is focused on offering a proposal to improve the organizational climate for the company CALZADO M.G. S.A. through the IMCOC instrument, which is defined as (Instrument to Measure Climate in Colombian Organizations), a tool designed to identify the climate perceived by employees in Colombian companies, which results from the application of a certain administrative model. Furthermore, it proposes general guidelines that allow interventions to be carried out within companies, aimed at improving the organizational climate that is diagnosed. In the methodology to be implemented, a Likert scale was considered, which defines the Organizational Climate as an open system made up of structural elements that have to do with the individual and their participation and that affect behavior; they are permanent, objective, describe and characterize one organization and distinguish it from another; Likewise, it describes the feeling that the employee has of his company regarding the opportunities that it offers, his values and rewards for a good performance. From this research method, it can be deduced that each one of the variables that treat the organizational climate, cooperation, interpersonal relationships, and motivation was evaluated, in the same way, when applying this proposal in the company, we will obtain positive and very favorable results that are of great motivation in our business development. As a result, it was obtained in the cooperation factor that the employees of the company CALZADO MG SA., Are not committed to meeting the goals and objectives of the company, the motivation depends on the work environment, the boss does not acknowledge or congratulate them Neither in public nor in private, this company will design motivational and recognition campaigns for employees, promoting them to the participation of new ideas and business strategies.
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    La globalización y su relación con las nuevas tendencias de gestión humana en Coomeva Cooperativa Cali para el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Riascos Palomino, Candy Camila; Díaz Granados Ramírez, Ingrid; Vargas Calderón, Diego Fernando
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    Estudio de factores del salario emocional en la empresa NC Construcciones & Cia S.A.S.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Angulo Mosquera, Angie Marcela; Vargas Calderón, Diego Fernando
    NC CONSTRUCCIONES & CIA S.A.S, is a company in the construction sector, dedicated to the commercialization of intangibles and engineering with 18 years of experience in the natural gas networks and non-bank financing market. The functionality of the company goes hand in hand which the bidding process is for projects at the Southwest region level. Being a large organization in the sector and compared to other contracting firms, the implementation of strategic planning has been empirical and by regulation of the certifying entities. During the organization's service time it is verified that there is no type of planning in the human resources department specifically in the welfare process. In the current market, new trends are created that are not unrelated to implementation in Colombian companies. Because human beings nowadays want more time for their personal affairs and / or their families. Given the situation, it is necessary to implement wellness plans focused on the emotional salary methodology in the company NC Construcciones & CIA S.A.S that will allow establishing and generating a pleasant work environment, more committed and happy collaborators.
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    Análisis de las causas que generan absentismo laboral en las mujeres de un almacén de cadena en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Robles Franco, Yenny Paola; García Solís, María Fernanda; Astudillo Villegas, Ricardo
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    Estudio documental de la influencia de la cultura organizacional en la motivación laboral, en empresas colombianas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Valencia Cortes, Julian Alejandro; Cepeda Buenahora, Karol Andrea; Gongora Vanegas, Boris
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    Medición del clima organizacional en la dirección de desarrollo humano de la Alcaldía Distrital de Buenaventura, 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Ibáñez Ramírez, Jairo; Vargas Calderón, Diego Fernando
    The objective of this paper is to determine the influence of organizational climate and job satisfaction on the job performance of officials belonging to the Human Resources Department of District Mayor's Office of Buenaventura. Under the process of exploratory and descriptive research, it tends to know the particularities of the subject in the environment and the population that is submitted to the study. Qualitative, quantitative and descriptive research was developed, since the conditions of work environment, job satisfaction were measured; proceeding to describe the levels of representation in 86 people belonging to the different dependencies of the Administrative and Operative Area of the Department, which allowed to determine the existing relationship between the two variables established as the central axis of the investigation, determining it as proportional between the organizational climate and Job satisfaction in the work performance.
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    La motivación como factor determinante en el buen desempeño laboral de los funcionarios de la Alcaldía de Villa Rica Cauca, para el año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Viafara Galeano, Angela Yasmin; Posso Catavoli, María Ximena; Gongora Vanegas, Boris
    The Municipal Administration of Villa Rica - Cauca, because it is a public entity, is due to good service to the community, as it is created in its mission that is to build for each of the Villarricenses a future framed in peace, coexistence peaceful and respect for difference, offering each one services with quality and relevance and empowering the capacities of being, through access to quality education, healthy environment and justice from the integral development. For this reason it requires that its officials or collaborators are motivated to perform their functions and this research allows to identify the motivational factors of the human talent of the Mayor of Villa Rica-Cauca, with which it is intended to improve the performance of the organization. Through the implementation of a satisfaction level survey of public employees. Through the exploration of 25 applied surveys, which correspond to 15.2% of the total of the officials of the City Hall of Villa Rica, in its different hierarchical levels, this work intends. Identify the motivational factors of the human talent of the Mayor of Villa Rica-Cauca, with the intention of improving the performance of the organization. For which it is necessary to recognize the elements that affect the motivation through a diagnosis, identify the degree of work performance that has its officials and identify the degree of motivation in the officials of the municipality of Villa Rica Cauca, this through of the implementation of the mentioned instrument. With a methodology implemented to this investigation of descriptive type since the intention is to identify factors that influence the motivation of the officials. We use the inductive method, since we start from a particular knowledge towards a general one and apply tools such as the survey to reach conclusions and supported in this, give recommendations that serve to improve the work performance of the employees of the Municipal Administration of Vila Rica Cauca.
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    Estudio de la medición del clima laboral de los empleados del área de docencia del Colegio San Fernando Rey seccional Cali 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Mejía Martínez, Brigtte Cristina; Martínez Guevara, Lizbeth; Díaz Grajales, Carmen Alicia
    The following study contains the results of the Organizational Climate measurement carried out in the SAN FERNANDO REY SCHOOL The project was carried out with the application of an Instrument made specifically to evaluate the work climate taking into account that it is constituted by 24 reagents that is 24 questions, grouped into 5 categories or dimensions that are: communication, respect, teamwork, recognition, development. The 24 factors are evaluated on a scale of 4 response variables, the maximum being fully agreed and the minimum totally disagreed. The results are presented qualitatively and quantitatively. Where, according to these results, an intervention plan was designed oriented towards the improvement of the categories with the lowest scores. With these actions and others that are registered in the intervention plan, the work of the Organizational Climate is expected to continue and the members of coordination will give you the proper follow-up. The important thing about the phases carried out is that it was possible to obtain a large amount of information, which is organized and that the directors of the school can use to modify the factors that negatively influence the aforementioned dimensions, in this way within a period of two years could carry out another study of organizational climate that would reflect the progress and improvements of the school in all dimensions.
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    Diseño de un plan de incentivos que permite motivar el personal administrativo de la Universidad Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Colmenares Gómez, María de los Ángeles; Vargas Mazuera, Vivian Vanessa; Vargas Calderón, Diego Fernando
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    Análisis de los estilos de liderazgo que inciden en la motivación y retención laboral de los colaboradores en una organización prestadora de servicios de aseo en Palmira, valle
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Forero Ayala, Tatiana Alcira; Alvarado Gomez, Bryan Armando; Vargas Calderon, Diego Fernando
    Leadership is perhaps one of the biggest issues in the recent decades, it must be said that there are many academics and researchers whose inquiries have been opposed and thanks to this the birth of new styles has been allowed. These leadership styles are studied every day by top managers in the largest companies worldwide. A good leader understands that capital and assets are the engine of the organizations, but he also understands that the soul is the collaborator; reasons why everything is supposed to be a properly - synchronized set between happiness at work, motivation, and productivity. But not all the organizations work like this. The present research project is divided into three chapters, in which an investigation was carried out from a mixed approach in which the different leadership styles that directly influences the motivation of employees are studied right within an organization that is responsible for providing cleaning services in the city of Palmira, Valle; and the incidence of the predominant leadership style with the motivation and job retention of its employees. Everything that was mentioned above, is in order to make a model of improvement in work motivation, which allows to increase retention levels in the company
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    Beneficios e incentivos para la retención de la generación Millennials en las organizaciones
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Vergara López, Laura Melisa; Vargas Calderon, Diego Fernando
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    Adaptación de un modelo de gestión del conocimiento en la línea de producción de extractos de levadura en levapan s.a planta Tuluá
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Campo Palacio, Carlos Alberto; Guevara Marulanda, Sandra Milena; Vargas Calderon, Diego Fernando
    In the present work it is inquired about the Knowledge Management inside the company SA, located in Tulua Valle del Cauca, in which yeast is produced for the bakery, our exploration focus in the area of Yeast Extracts in which work 40 people. This work summarizes the contributions of several authors in Knowledge Management and also includes the results of a survey applied to the entire population in which they inquired about current practices regarding the creation, transfer, use and storage of information. For the realization of this study we rely on the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 regarding the incorporation of its new requirement that requires knowledge necessary for the normal development of the Organization, and for this purpose, knowledge is grouped with other resources such as they are the people, the infrastructure and the environment. When analyzing the results of the survey, 6 variables were taken into account, such as: Identification of knowledge, transmission, technology, means, decision making, organizacional culture and competitiveness. Finally, a proposal was presented to the group in the area of extracts, which was accepted and constitutes a valuable contribution for Levapan S.A, within which the strategic pillars of the Organization are immersed, which will strengthen the development of people, products and processes
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    Diseño de una propuesta de incentivos y beneficios que le permita a una mediana empresa prestadora de servicios de tecnología, reducir los indices de ausentismo y rotación de personal
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Ríos González, Carolina; Correa Gutiérrez, Mayra Alejandra; Duque Ceballos, José Luis