Licenciatura en Educación Física y Deporte

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    Efectos de un programa de entrenamiento de ejercicios resistido en fuerza de miembros inferiores en el adulto mayor no institucionalizados
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-12-06) Ibata Gonzalez, Juan Camilo; Muete Gutiérrez, Miguel Ángel; Mestizo Santacruz, Emir Felipe; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
    The increased rate of falls in older adults is a factor that increases the risk of morbidity and mortality, this being the second cause of death worldwide. The objective of the work is to analyze the effect of 8 weeks of resisted exercise on lower limb strength in older adults. The interventions were carried out with 42 participants divided into 2 groups, Control Group (CG) and Experiment Group (EG). Each session is 60 minutes, 3 times a week. GC performed flexibility, balance and coordination exercises and GE performed resisted exercises. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, ANOVA repeated measures for two factors group and time. Among the results, a statistically significant difference was obtained (EG – CG) (M=1.88 95% CI=0.28;3.48), time (week 0 to week 8) (M=-3.024 95% CI=-4.082;-1.966), interaction week 8 and 0 and GE CG (M= 2.43 95% CI=0.65;4.21).
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    Beneficios de Aquazumba como Terapia Rehabilitadora para la Artritis en Adultos Mayores
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-06-21) Ortiz, David Fernando; Paz, Carlos David; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
    Faced with the scarce scientific literature published in relation to the benefits of aquazumba as a rehabilitative therapy for arthritis in older adults, therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the benefits of conducting aquazumba classes in the rehabilitation of arthritis. in older adults. Aquazumba Reflection is a treatment to counteract the symptoms of arthritis, facilitating daily activities, flexibility exercises, range of motion, and aerobic conditioning help combat arthritis. Water reduces joint pressure and prevents joint injuries, allowing people with this disease to exercise comfortably, reducing symptoms and improving overall health. Conclusion It is impossible to ensure that the pain, swelling, among other symptoms will go away completely, but it is possible to counteract them with correct treatment, achieving a better quality of life and functionality.
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    El Juego como Estrategia Pedagógica desde la Educación Física para la Enseñanza de la Suma y Resta en la Básica Primaria
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-11-28) Saa, Juan Camilo; Rojas P., Luis Jhonatan; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
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    Estrategias para prevenir y/o disminuir el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en adolescentes mediante la educación física
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-11-28) Chagüendo, Jarol; Ramírez Pasuy, David Leonardo; Mejía Patiño, Richard Mauricio; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
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    Revisión Documental de Prescripción del Ejercicio Físico para Personas con Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC).
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-11-28) Lopez Angulo, Ivan Steven; Silva Velásquez, Jorge Steven; Valencia Salazar, Cristian Armando; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
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    Marco teórico de las adaptaciones fisiológicas en los practicantes de ejercicios isométricos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-06-21) Gutierrez, Juan Jose; Ramírez, Juan José; Ospina, Frank; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
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    Impacto del comportamiento sedentario sobre la salud de los estudiantes de básica primaria
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-06-21) Burbano Muñoz, Brayan Andrés; Torres Mora, Cristian David; Saavedra Osorio, Mauricio; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
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    Interacción de las adaptaciones fisiológicas en deportistas de alto rendimiento de ciclismo MTB
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-06-21) Ramos Ortega, Dani; Martínez Ordela, Juan Camilo; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
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    Adaptaciones Cardiovasculares Del Adulto Hipertenso En Entrenamiento De Fuerza
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-06-21) Maya Pérez, José E.; Tobar Valencia, Kelly Y.; Toro Terranova, Juan C.; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
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    Influencia del Método Pilates: reflexión de sus beneficios en población sedentaria
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022-12-03) Hoyos Espejo, Kevin Josiah; Londoño Botero, Luis Fernando; Beltrán, Sol Patricia
    A third of the world's population over 15 years of age or older demonstrates deficient physical activity, which is detrimental to health. However, the consequences for health that demonstrate sedentary behaviors are not well distinguished. Therefore, health-related complications tend to increase over time. A sedentary lifestyle deteriorates the human being among several mechanisms. Sedentary behaviors tend to impact the reduction in lipoprotein lipase activity, muscle glucose, protein transporter activities and thus also weakening all metabolic activities. Likewise, it has been related to postural and musculoskeletal problems, which have generated the inability of people to carry out their daily activities, in the same way, a sedentary lifestyle has caused complications at the level of self-esteem and symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. What we seek is to demonstrate that the practice of PM is an alternative strategy to combat various diseases that manifest themselves in sedentary behavior, which is where most of the health risks arise. In the three Physiological, Biomechanical and Psychological components, highly positive benefits were found in the metabolic, musculoskeletal and mental conditions of people.
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    La actividad física como mediadora de enseñanza del idioma español como lengua extranjera en la etapa de la niñez.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-02-10) Barona Landázuri, Leisy Dayana; Rivera, Ferney
    The article aims to promote physical activity as a mediator of teaching the Spanish language in the childhood stage with pedagogical strategies that strengthen learning-teaching using playgame as the main entity. Therefore, the project is based on facilitating the learning process through recreation, including traditional games that help to learn clearly, quickly and generate satisfaction in order to achieve expected results for children in the childhood stage.
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    Revisión documental sobre la realización del ejercicio físico como estrategia de intervención en estudiantes universitarios con depresión y ansiedad.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-11-28) Arango Montoya, Nicolle Andrea; Escobar Gomez, Laura Camila; Tirado Sanchez, María Camila; Rivera Hurtado, Ferney
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    Analisis de los factores relacionados a la practica de ejercicio fisico en personas que asisten al gimansio de Cali Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-07-27) Revelo Villota, Brayan Fernando; Rivera Hurtado, Ferney
    Factors related to the practice of physical exercise is a crucial factor in establishing healthy habits in people's daily lives. The objective of this article is to analyze the factors related to the practice of exercise in people who attend the gym in the city of Cali, Colombia. The purpose of this analysis is to know the reasons that influence the physical activity of gym users. Adherence to physical exercise in gyms is a constant challenge for fitness professionals and users. Despite good intentions, many abandon their routines before reaching their goals. Adherence to fitness in the gym is influenced by several interrelated factors, including motivation, health, aesthetics, and use of leisure time. Understanding and addressing these factors holistically allows gyms to design customized programs that encourage greater adherence and thereby promote a more active and healthy lifestyle.
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    Análisis De La Influencia De Los Factores Sociodemográficos En La Práctica De La Actividad Física De Los Adolescentes En Latinoamérica.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-07-27) Vergara Mera, Yurleivys; Mina Paz, Libia Jimena; Romero Zapata, Koler David; Rivera Hurtado, Ferney
    The practice of physical activity in adolescents in Latin America is worrying because 84% of adolescents do not reach the minimum intensity of 150 minutes recommended by the WHO. The objective of this study is to analyze how sociodemographic factors influence the practice of physical activity among adolescents in Latin America. Physical activity during adolescence is essential for healthy development and the prevention of chronic diseases in the future. Encouraging physical activity in adolescence is essential for the physical, mental and social development of young people, and lays the foundations for a balanced adult life; This analysis reveals that sociodemographic factors such as sex, socioeconomic status, parents' education level, age, culture, and geographic location play a significant role in adolescents' participation in physical activity in Latin America.
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    Beneficios de la práctica de la natación sobre la salud cardiovascular en la población adulta mayor.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-07-27) Batero Rua, Cristian Yovanni; Gomez Castro, Arnold Mauricio; Rivera Hurtado, Ferney
    The objective of this study was to investigate how regular swimming practice can improve cardiovascular health in the older adult population. This study focused on promoting the practice of swimming as a comprehensive strategy to improve cardiovascular health and, consequently, the quality of life of older adults. We sought to show how swimming can be an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in this population group. To achieve this goal, we conducted a detailed analysis and review of the literature and previous studies on the benefits and effects of swimming on cardiovascular health in older adults. The study findings demonstrated that swimming offers numerous benefits to the cardiovascular health of older adults.
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    Análisis del efecto del entrenamiento HIIT en la condición aeróbica de los jugadores universitarios de futsal
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-07-27) Bolaños Sevillano, Harold Eduardo; Valencia Candelo, Anny Yassel; Montero Villalba, Carlos Andres; Rivera Hurtado, Ferney
    Various forms of high intensity interval training (HIIT) or High Intensity Interval Training are periodically used as specific interventions to improve physiological capabilities in futsal players (Wahl, 2014; Arazi 2017). This article analyzes the physiological effects and benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT)in university futsal players, based on a recent systematic review. The impacts of HIIT are analyzed on variables such as maximum VO2, anaerobic threshold, muscular adaptations and performance in specific futsal tests. In conclusion, it was found that the benefits of hiit in futsala are the improvement of Vo2 max, similarity with the demands of the game, it helps to improve the anaerobic threshold and also helps in physical recovery for short periods of time.
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    Beneficios del ejercicio aeróbico en la salud de las mujeres gestantes
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-07-27) Monroy Castelblanco, Julián David; Penagos Espinosa, Valentina; Rivera Hurtado, Ferney
    The objective of this article is to expose the benefits of aerobic exercise on the health of pregnant women, through a review of various research. Aerobic exercise during pregnancy has been found to provide multiple benefits for both mother and fetus. Maintaining a moderate exercise routine helps improve overall physical fitness, reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and promotes more balanced mental and emotional well-being. Aerobic exercise during pregnancy is a topic of growing interest and relevance. in the field of maternal health. As the benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle are investigated, there is a need to understand how aerobic exercise can be performed. Benefit the health of pregnant women during pregnancy. In the present study we carry out a compilation work where we expose the different benefits of aerobic exercise for the health of pregnant women.
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    Optimización de la habilidad comunicativa (escucha) en los niños de 7 a 8 años por medio de juegos cooperativos dentro de la fundación constructores de paz “casa montessori”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-07-19) Avenia José, Michelle Ramírez; Maya Pérez, Esneyder; Rivera Hurtado, Ferney
    This article addresses the relevant topic of optimizing communication skills, specifically listening, in children aged 7 to 8 years through the implementation of cooperative games in the environment of the "Casa Montessori" Peace Builders Foundation. The importance of developing these skills in early childhood is then analyzed in detail, considering the following key steps: • It begins with a solid theoretical foundation that supports the importance of communication skills in child development. Previous research is highlighted that underscores how effective communication is essential to children's academic, social, and emotional success. • The specific relevance of the skill of listening in the communication process is explained in depth. It highlights how active and empathetic listening is essential to understanding the needs and emotions of others, promoting healthy relationships and effective learning. • The idea of using cooperative games as an effective pedagogical strategy to develop listening skills in children is introduced. It is argued that these games encourage collaboration, empathy, and effective communication by requiring children to work together to achieve common goals. • A case study is presented at the "Casa Montessori" Peace Builders Foundation, detailing how cooperative games were implemented to improve the communication skills of children aged 7 to 8 years. The specific activities carried out and the results observed are described. • The results obtained from the case study are analyzed, demonstrating how the application of cooperative games contributed significantly to improving children's listening skills. It concludes by emphasizing the importance of incorporating similar strategies in educational programs for the comprehensive development of children. • The implications of this study for education are raised and recommendations are offered for future research and educational programs focused on strengthening communication skills in childhood. • In summary, this article highlights the crucial importance of developing listening skills in children aged 7 to 8 years and demonstrates how cooperative games can be an effective tool to achieve this goal, contributing to the comprehensive development of children in the context of the Peace Builders Foundation "Casa Montessori".
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    Análisis del impacto del entrenamiento de fuerza en el rendimiento deportivo en los jugadores de rugby
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-07-27) Moreno Leal, Angie; Hurtado Ramirez, Jhonier Alexis; Rivera Hurtado, Ferney
    Rugby is a sport discipline that requires a unique combination of physical capabilities, within this context, strength training is crucial to improve players' performance. This article analyzes the impact of strength training on the athletic performance of young adult male rugby players, highlighting its importance and benefits. Strength training not only improves physical capacity, but also prevents injuries, increases explosive power and optimizes muscular endurance. In addition, different strength training techniques and programs used in high performance sports are investigated and how they translate into improved performance in competitions. The physiological adaptations derived from strength training increase muscle mass, improve power and the ability to perform explosive movements, which is fundamental in rugby. In addition, proprioception training improves stability, balance and strength, decreasing the risk of injury during the intense physical contacts of the game. In conclusion, the impact of strength training in male rugby players on sporting performance lies in improving the sporting health of each player, correcting asymmetrical characteristics and increasing vertical and horizontal power profiles.
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    Integración de la educación física y ciencias naturales en la educación secundaria: un enfoque interdisciplinario.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Betancourt García, Juan Pablo; Beltrán, Sol Patricia (Director)