Maestría en Dirección Empresarial

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    Propuesta de un plan de mejora de cultura organizacional para empresa dicel S.A E.S.P.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Silva Moreno, Floresmila; Duque Ceballos, José Luis
    This research seeks to realize a plan to improve organizational culture for company DICELE.PS, starting from successful studies applied in companies to have an organizational culture that leads to compliance and constant self-assessment, developing traceability of the objectives achieve, in order to achieve business sustainability and the generation of empowerment and sense of belonging to the collaborators. Like, a diagnosis was made from the inside of the company showing the factors that allowed the improvement plan to be carried out organizational culture, thus generating a positive change for the company where the research was carried out, based on management commitment and organizational changes that must be made in order to reach a results company with staff focused on leadership, motivation and assertive communication
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    Impacto de la implementación de las normas internacionales de contabilidad del sector público en el portafolio de inversiones de la Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca-CVC
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2018) Ospina Gómez, Alejandro; Perdomo Agudelo, Ruby Milena; Castro Arbeláez, María Fanny
    This work is based on the obligation of state companies to present their financial statements under International information standards, the deadline to submit the initial statements adjusted to the standard is January 1, 2018, which leads to the Corporation Regional Autonomous Region of Valle del Cauca - CVC is developing the implementation plan for these regulations. Currently the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Valle del Cauca - CVC, is in the process of convergence towards International Accounting Standards of the Public Sector - NICSP and through this work the impact of the application on the investment portfolio of liquidity management was analyzed that it owns, this item being the most representative of the entity's assets, with which the future economic benefits are generated. In the development of the work, policies were defined, investments were classified, differences were compared between the previous norm of the public accounting regime and the norms under the International Financial Reporting Standards.
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    Propuesta de planeación estratégica para el mejoramiento de la oferta educativa en el centro de teleinformática y producción industrial del Sena Regional Cauca, en el Municipio de Santander de Quilichao
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Espinosa Urbano, Mirtha Gilma; González Yela, María Cristina; Corrales Castillo, Emilio José
    Nowadays, organizations are looking for business sustainability through strategic planning, this being their starting point for the reach of the organizational and strategic objectives, that is why this research was based on strategic planning for the improvement of the educational offer of the Center of Teleinformatics and Industrial Production CTPI of the SENA Regional Cauca in the Municipality of Santander de Quilichao, given that the latent concern of improving the demand of apprentices and labor opportunities is evidenced through strategies and objectives aimed at addressing the needs of the region, applying both internal and external analysis that allows us to see and apply improvement plans focused on the satisfaction of both the internal and external clients, thus achieving the social, economic and professional well-being of the inhabitants of this region, despite complying with government objectives . For this reason, this paper describes the situation that is being presented within the educational scope of the Center for Teleinformatics and Industrial Production of the SENA regional Cauca in Santander de Quilichao, thus determining the possible solutions through this strategic planning proposal
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    Diseño de un Modelo Gerencial Para restaurantes Gourmet: Caso de estudio aplicado a restaurantes de La Comuna II de la Ciudad de Palmira
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Lozano Manrique, Juan Sebastián; Gómez, Milton Leonardo; Ochoa Cubillos, Andrés Felipe
    The municipality of Palmira has had an important growth in the gastronomic sector in the last years; This phenomenon has generated the creation of new ventures in gourmet restaurants. Commune two, has become an exclusive gastronomic cluster, where the best restaurants are located, even world-class franchises have positioned themselves in this area. The present investigation tries to know the way in which the gourmet restaurants of this commune handle their administrative, financial, marketing and human talent management. The project is based on the compilation and conceptualization of the consulted bibliography of classic and contemporary management models and the impact of the application on the organizations, followed by this, the survey instrument was applied, carried out to the managers or administrators of the restaurants according to outside the case, in order to know how they handled the management in the 4 specific areas mentioned above. The survey was designed to be applied to both new restaurants and those that have been in the market for several years and have positioned themselves over time; to also identify from these the key factors that have led them to success. In the case of the restaurants that had closed and which were successfully contacted, a structured interview was conducted to find out what their management was like, when they were open and to determine what the factors that led them to the closure were. After the survey and structured interviews were applied; The respective discussions based on the theoretical references were carried out, giving way to the proposal of a management model based on these 4 areas that are considered within the research that fulfill as key factors to implement structured processes that allow comprehensive administrative management.
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    Propuesta de mejoramiento de la empresa sociedad portuaria terminal de contenedores de Buenaventura S.A. - T.C. BUEN S.A. con base en el acuerdo OTC (capítulo 7: obstáculos técnicos al comercio)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Jiménez Cuero, María Belén; Vargas Calderon, Diego Fernando
    As part of the growth and development of the world, the transportation sector has an important role in strengthening economies, the process of globalization and competitiveness without borders. Consequently, one of the pillars of the sector composes port logistics activity in foreign trade as vital for trade development between economies, a reality that requires countries an effort to optimize their production processes element, with the availability and accessibility of goods necessary to achieve greater competitiveness in the international context condition. Currently Colombia is in a global environment, which requires greater competitiveness in activities involving economic dynamism including port logistics which is immersed in the system network is a major axis of the global process where the country, the last ten years shows progress in the strategic export plan, which main objective is to strengthen access new markets through the negotiation of Free Trade Agreements (FTA). To take into account the above, the problem is focused on the impact the FTA in port logistics processes of the main ports of Colombia, as its trajectory can be very useful when characterizing the system processes to find the challenges facing the country. This project pursues the following purposes: The first purpose is to identify the essential elements of the International Port logistics against the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the U.S.A. The second purpose is to review the requirements of the TBT Agreement (Chapter 7: TBT) for the Company Container Port Society of Buenaventura S.A. - TCBuen S.A. as trade integration policy. The third purpose is to provide a comprehensive and improvement proposal for the company Container Terminal Port Society of Buenaventura S.A. - TCBuen S.A.
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    Formulación del plan estratégico para la fundación Icomsalud Ips. En el periodo 2020-2022
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) De la Cruz Devia, Gaspar; Herrera Popo, Alexis; Duque Ceballos, José Luis
    Nowadays, organizations must design and implement a strategic plan, since this allows them to have a directed route previously generated with dedication, time and objectivity, to achieve that it is sustainable and sustainable in time. Strategic planning according to Serna (2003) "is a process through which the organization defines its medium- and long-term objectives, identifies quantitative goals and objectives, develops strategies to achieve these objectives and locates resources to carry out these strategies. This process is carried out through the analysis of its opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses, thus being a transcendental procedure for all companies. In order for strategic planning to have a high impact on the organization, management must keep the institutional mission and vision focused, and on what basis it takes goal-oriented actions. The process of strategic planning is a responsibility of high impact and lasting in time, and that carries out any decision process in a right or wrong way, which generated the decision of the formulation of the strategic plan for the foundation ICOMSALUD IPS, in the period 2020-2022,
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    Diseño de un modelo de gestión para el seguimiento de egresados de la facultad de salud de la USC
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Calvo Bolaños, Paola Andrea; Jiménez Durán, Diana Patricia; Moreno Soto, Juan Carlos
    The purpose of this document was to design a management model for monitoring graduates of the Faculty of Health of the Santiago de Cali University. With a descriptive-explanatory methodology, a survey was applied to representatives of each one of the Programs of the Faculty of Health, where it was possible to demonstrate the commitment that senior management has with the management model, but also the lack of a unit responsible for the process, the lack of disclosure of information and good monitoring of the work performance of its graduates, which become bottlenecks when making decisions for the benefit of the Institution and its students. The need for joint work between the Institution and all its areas is concluded, it is not only the responsibility of the Faculty, but that support from the other sections is received, in order to make a good management of information collection and monitoring
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    Diseño del modelo de gestión humana para el fortalecimiento de las competencias de los colaboradores en la Fundación Icomsalud I.P.S
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Suarez Rojas, Angie Dubelly; Guinand Galvis, Olga; Duque Ceballos, José Luis; Corrales Castillo, Emilio José
    The present research work on the design of the human talent management model to strengthen the competencies of the collaborators at the Icomsalud Ips foundation started from the concern about the construction of a model that would allow Human Talent Management to be carried out and strengthen the competencies of the organization. The research had as a general objective, the realization of the design of the human talent management model to strengthen the skills of the collaborators at the Icomsalud Ips Foundation. The development of the research is descriptive exploratory type describing the attributes of the foundation, its problems related to human management, the causes that originated the situation analyzed. The focus of study is qualitative, the method of inquiry is deductive, this allowed us to infer new knowledge not developed in the foundation. The conclusion is achieved by carrying out an organizational diagnosis, proposing a human management model that is in progress and it is hoped to obtain the best results seeking to strengthen the foundation's competencies.
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    Estudio sobre la deserción estudiantil en el programa de administración de empresas de la universidad Santiago de Cali (Pampalinda) en el periodo 2013-2015
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Arciniegas Molano, Juan Pablo; Gil Osorio, Alfonso; Duran Peralta, Julian
    Con el fin de brindar un panorama general a los lectores sobre los aspectos clave en la formulación y el desarrollo del presente estudio, a continuación los autores adelantan una reseña puntual sobre los principales aspectos surtidos durante la fase de anteproyecto.A manera de registro sobre sus antecedentes, y en el marco posgradual de la Maestría en Dirección Empresarial, la presente investigación nace de la inquietud estudiosa de sus autores por la permanencia en las aulas de la comunidad estudiantil del Programa de Administración de Empresas, adscrito a la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la USC. De tal modo, el estudio se encuentra en directa consonancia y relación con el campo de conocimiento de la Maestría, buscando de esta manera unificar el reto investigativo asociado a la culminación de los estudios posgraduales, con el abordaje de una problemática de singular importancia tal como es la deserción estudiantil. En relación con lo anterior, la pregunta orientadora de la investigación se centró en el interrogante sobre ¿cuál es la situación de la deserción estudiantil en el Programa de Administración de Empresas de la Universidad Santiago de Cali (Pampalinda) en el periodo 2013 – 2015 y qué alternativas se requieren para reducir este fenómeno?
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    Internacionalización de las empresas de salud estudio de caso: "Clínica Salud"
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Palomino Medina, Liliana; Duque Ceballos, Jose
    This case study describes the actions carried out by CLÍNICA SALUD in order to internationalize and find in the export of services an option to receive new income with the resources that it had in the period 2013-2016, the line of research in which it was framed The work was the business development and competitiveness. The results of the research on the behavior in the sale of the export of health services, showed a growth rate of 209% in the turnover of the year 2016 in relation to the year 2015. The research work contains written information on the concepts of globalization of the economy and markets, the internationalization of the company, the competitive and comparative advantage, information on the processes, the design of an internationalization plan, the international competitiveness, the Strategic alliances and new perspectives of international marketing, within a globalized market. This route responds to the fact that the internationalization of a company implies a positive change within the organization, which gives way to the innovation of its processes and procedures, adopting opportunities for improvement, which result in an economic benefit and positioning For the organization. The field work was carried out directly at the international office of Clínica Salud, where an informal consultation of the personnel in charge of this area was conducted through unstructured interviews with the process carried out focusing on preventive and curative medicine and the situations experienced for Export health services to other countries. The strategy applied in greater percentage was the accompaniment with the health intermediaries. We reviewed the administrative documentary evidence, financial results and the evaluation of customer satisfaction. In the final part are the conclusions and recommendations necessary for the development of the internationalization process in a structured way. Keywords: Export of health services, health tourism, globalization, internationalization, curative medicine, preventive medicine, wellness medicine, health intermediaries, Bancoldex. Joint Commission Intermational (JCI).
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    Plan estratégico de mercadeo y plan de medios para la maestría en informática de la Universidad Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Murillo Erazo, Bernely; Vargas Calderón Diego Fernando
    To address this research project whose main idea is to propose a Strategic Marketing Plan for the Master's Degree in Computer Science at the University of Santiago de Cali, it is necessary to know the context of postgraduate education in Colombia and its history, as well as its relevance to the economic moment that the country lives and the perception of the professionals in front of this level of higher education. The engine of economic development and competitiveness of a nation has a close relationship between the formation of human talent and the consolidation of institutional infrastructures. Separate results are not conceived. Applied knowledge is only possible with the interaction of different sectors of society and institutions. In this sense, several decades ago Colombia sent groups of professionals to train at postgraduate levels abroad, an effort that had important and notable results in the economic development of the country, in the productive, public and educational sector. Dynamic that in the decade of the seventies was truncated by the economic crisis of the developed countries that diminished the budgetary aid to the programs of academic cooperation with Colombia.
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    Gestión de eficiencia energética como fuente de ventaja competitiva en la Universidad Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Velasco Ramirez, Zonia Yasmin; Vera Porras, Juan Pablo; Echavarria Garcia, Jorge Enrique; Valencia, José David; Florez Guzman, Mario Heimer
    Currently, the Santiago de Cali University is in a constant process of improving its infrastructure and its administrative structure, in order to ensure compliance with more and better quality standards for its students and different stakeholders. In that sense, some of the most important aspects that must be considered, are those related to environmental improvement, efficient use of energy and savings for reinvestment and control of the costs generated by the exacerbated consumption of electric fluid. Due to the above, the present investigation realizes the importance of the efficient use of energy in the Santiago de Cali University through a model that must be implemented from the strategic management of the university for energy efficiency in which it can be identified the appropriate activities for its implementation. On the other hand, the institution has a wide diversity of competitive advantages, which contribute to the development and execution of timely and applicable strategies to the current conditions of infrastructure and academy remodeling Within the framework of globalization, in matters of world development, an agenda of 17 objectives and 169 goals is proposed to work in the next 15 years, which was adopted by the general assembly of the United Nations in NEW YORK. (December 25, 2015). Taking into account the importance of the impact that the University of Cali has on the transformation and construction of society, it is very pertinent that the objectives of the institution are aligned with the sustainability objectives at a global level.
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    Diseño de estrategias y actividades de bienestar universitario en la Universidad Santiago de Cali para el periodo 2016-2017 a fin de mejorar la participación de los estudiantes de postgrado
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Toncel Bravo, Kelly Mercedes; Grueso Cordoba, Anny Lizeth; Gomez Valencia, Adriana; Duque Ceballos, Jose Luis
    University Welfare in support of the teaching, research and extension processes, fundamental pillars of Higher Education, executes activities aimed at comprehensive training, through the guiding axis: Human Development, as established in Agreement 05 of 2003 Welfare Policies Academic. In view of its action, a comprehensive and transversal strategy has been created through the areas of: Health, Sport, Culture, Promotion and Human Development to consolidate aspects of the Being, generating an environment of Good Being, Good Doing and Good Living, to students (Technician, Technologists, Undergraduate, Postgraduate), teachers, graduates and administrative staff. Action that has been affected by the low participation in the activities, especially by the students of Specializations and Masters.
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    Diagnostico de necesidades organizacionales de TI para la implementación de una marco de gestión estratégica de tecnología de información caso estudio: Alcaldia Distrital de Buenaventura
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Solis Caicedo, Engelbero; Bayardo Buitrago, Luis
    This paper, collects information on the subject of governance applied to information technologies and specifically the public company, which as a case study is taken the district mayor of Buenaventura, where, through the collection of information through surveys to Officials belonging to the IT department, a diagnosis is made of the current state of the information systems, which support the processes of functioning of the city hall, in order to measure the degree of maturity of the management of information technologies and the implementation From government frameworks to IT processes. In this way to detect the main needs that the mayor has regarding the strategic organization for the coordination and management of IT resources and implement a governance framework.
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    Creación de una fundación de innovación social para desarrollar competencias laborales en personas con discapacidad y vincularlas exitosamente al mercado empresarial en Cali: hilos de amor
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Barona Mendoza, Tatiana; Cabrera Minota, Nhora Ximena; Bravo Garcia, Saulo
    People with disabilities constitute a vulnerable group of the population worldwide, which is increasingly increasing due to factors such as accidents and diseases during the development of the individual or birth. However, although there are advances for people with disabilities to participate in the dynamics of civil society, as they leave behind the stage between 0 and 5 years, 1 the process of development of being and its participation in environments Educational and labor is incipient. In this regard, the Child Pedagogy specialist, Sofía Cruz, (2017), points out that: “One of the greatest difficulties that children with functional diversity must face at the end of their early childhood between 0 and 5 years and their families, is not finding an adequate infrastructure to continue their education in their social environment or for the practice of complex examinations, or clear work strategies by institutions or kindergartens or community support; institutions not consistent with its diversity and the same conditions of organization and structure of the city to be able to function positively. In virtue of this, it is essential that all entities are related in order to improve the quality of life of each child ”. “The invitation is to territorial entities, families, kindergartens, institutions of secondary and higher education and professionals responsible for the care of the population with functional diversity, to continue strengthening together the paths of inclusion and quality of life of girls and boys with disabilities creating a policy that allows us to observe the inclusion and progress of these human beings in order to lead a life like any other person without stumbling or discrimination ”.
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    Estrategias para el control y prevención del fraude fiscal por utilización de proveedores ficticios y simulación de operaciones, en la división de gestión de fiscalización de la seccional Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Garcia Gálvez, Maria Sandra; López Duque, Sandra Yaninna
    Through the discovery of several investigations made to taxpayers from different economic sectors in Cali, a pattern that consisted on fictitious suppliers and simulated transactions was found. Based on this, there was made an analysis about the behaviors of companies, the effectiveness of the tax administration tools and the current legislation in order to understand that fraud is committed at every level and even if there were drastic rules, these felonies will continue to appear. Technological developments provide a high degree of certainty in fraud detection. Thus, one may think that no one would dare to commit crimes of this style; nevertheless, it has been found that fraud techniques evolve just as fraud detection techniques do, fraud techniques are technified; inspection entities must be at the forefront and able to battle this calamity. This paper makes allusion towards the consequences of committing tax fraud, emphasizing on the importance of analytic tools required for its early detection. Additionally, it was essential to mention the fact that the legislation included a tax fraud sanction in 2012. Furthermore, in 2016, there was also included the process (or steps to follow) needed in order to rate abusive conducts and apply their respective sanction. Other focuses of the analysis included the types of fraud in organizations, international tax legislations and their impact on economic development. This analysis was made by identifying the common interest of international organizations to battle fraud under the motto: “zero tolerance towards fraud”. Moreover, the paper emphasizes on the proposal of strategies to detect and prevent fictitious suppliers and simulated transactions fraud, so that tax evasion could be countered. In this context, Colombia could accomplish an effective collect of taxes, materializing the construction of public works and consequently improving the national life standard. Finally, it was concluded that fraud is epidemic. It prevails in public and private institutions, and also in countries, whether they’re Latin American or European. If any type of fraud is committed, then it’s because the State/Government isn’t efficient enough to prevent it.
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    La ganadería Bovina de doble propósito y el desarrollo rural en Colombia-problemática y oportunidades con la firma del nuevo acuerdo de paz entre el gobierno y las farc
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Baracaldo Pinto, Victor Manuel; Barahona Urbano, Helder
    This document describes, from a historical perspective, the consequences that Colombia has had in relation to the extensive livestock production added to the armed conflict and to the lack of support on the part of the Colombian state. In addition to the above, dual purpose cattle raising as an opportunity for the Colombian countryside due to the transformations that can be faced in the present when peace agreements are signed where there are great opportunities for return and production in the countryside. To achieve the purpose in this document, with the help of secondary sources from the databases, the necessary revision will be made to document the evolution of livestock and its implications in Colombian history. After analyzing the information collected, it was possible to verify that the Colombian camp remains in oblivion, as also the lack of technology has produced a great delay in spite of the great wealth that counts the Colombian territory added to the internal armed conflict.
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    Diseño de los macroprocesos de la gestión del talento humano del fondo de empleados Hospital Universitario del Valle Fonehuv
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Conde Scarpetta, Nury; Vargas Calderon, Diego Fernando
    Employee funds in Colombia function as associative, private and non-profit companies. According to Decree 1481 of 1989, the employee fund can only be constituted by workers dependent on institutions or companies, public or private, under certain conditions that rest in the statutes of the fund. Associates must have a minimum association link, for example: belonging to the same entity or company, or they can be part of companies that make up a business group or can be independent of each other, provided they develop the same economic activity. Workers, called in the funds of collaborating employees, must also be associated. Therefore, in the management of human resources, the policies and skills that are indispensable for managing labor relations, as well as their conditions, the election of applicants, the management of induction programs, distribution of salaries, stimuli, are equally competent. , benefits and information within the company. According to the history of the employee fund - FONEHUV, the macroprocesses of the management of human talent have not been seen with the importance that merits it, which affects the deficient administration of personnel and collective labor relations. These macroprocesses become a conclusive aspect, since the success of the entities and organizations, results largely to what people do and how they do it, having to invest in them in order to generate great benefits. That is why, the human resources area becomes a fundamental part of articulation with the other areas of the company, being able to enhance teamwork and individual work, which allows the organization to evolve substantially and thus achieve its increase.