Maestría en Educación Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible

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    Avances de la Educación ambiental en cambio climático en universidades
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-06-05) González Bedoya, José Ricardo; Escobar Cabrera, Julio Cesar
    Universities play a very important role in environmental education and climate change wareness. The purpose of this paper is to analyze environmental education of climate change in universities, within some strategies that are managed worldwide are the incorporation of climate change in the curricula, not in areas of environment but also in areas such as health, engineering, social sciences, among others. We also offer courses and diplomas addressing climate change issues from different perspectives. Another strategy being developed is sustainable policies and practices. The methodology used for systematic review is the Prisma (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis), which has been adopted as a world standard for review papers. To collect the information of the proposed article, it is necessary to be guided by the method of the PRISMA Statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses), published in 2009 and designed to help authors of systematic reviews to transparently document the reason for the review. what was developed and what was found. In this way, it is intended to cover, in principle, the terms environmental education on climate change in universities This article reviewed literature from the last 5 years to understand in depth everything that revolves around environmental education on climate change in universities, developing a systematic review of the Wos and Scopus databases. The results show that universities can play a very important role in training leaders and professionals with a concrete understanding of the challenges and solutions in terms of climate change. The problem of climate change tends to worsen in the short and medium term, so it is necessary to join forces to address it. In conclusion, among the strategies of environmental education on climate change in universities, there is the incorporation of the subject in the course plans and in institutional policies, where both students and teachers are involved.
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    Dinámica de la consulta de bases de datos y libros de la biblioteca por los estudiantes de los programas de la facultad de educación de la Universidad Santiago de Cali (2017-2022)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Cortes Quiñones, Rosa Elena; Escobar Cabrera, Julio Cesar
    In the current era of knowledge, the consultation of quality and updated information for researchers and academic personnel is increasingly important. The purpose of the work was to analyze the dynamics of the consultation of databases and library books by students of the programs of the Faculty of Education of the Santiago de Cali University (2017-2022). The focus of the study was quantitative and the analytical method, where we worked with data supplied by the direction of the Santiago Cadena Copete library, on queries in national and international bibliographic databases compiled by the Elogim platform, and loans of registered books. in the Janium platform, in addition to the statistics of the attendance to trainings carried out by the library of the students of the undergraduate and postgraduate programs of the Faculty of Education in 2017 to 2022. The results show that the library has some of the most important bibliographic databases in the world (16 international and 2 national) with free access for students and professors, however, the level of consultation of the national and international bibliographic databases was low due to students of the undergraduate and graduate programs of the Faculty of Education between 2017 and 2022. In the case of book loans in 2022 by students of undergraduate programs, it was 21.5% of a total of 1,950 students and for graduate students it was 60.5%. out of a total of 147 students. The years 2020 and 2021, which were of pandemic, there was low participation in library user training. However, at present it has been increasing gradually. Finally, to propose strategies to increase the use of library services. In conclusion, the students of the Faculty of Education make low use of library services, which is possibly related to cultural changes in the way young people currently access information online due to the speed and diversity of resources available online, which coincides with the national and global trend.
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    Caracterización de los trabajos de grado de la maestría en educación ambiental y desarrollo sostenible (MEADES) de la USC realizados en las IE de primaria y bachillerato en el valle del cauca periodo 2011 a 2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Arias Vallejo, Viviana Patricia; Norato Hernández, Francy Liliana; Gonzalez Escobar, Luis Antonio
    The present descriptive research project is based in the characterization of thesis projects from the Master in Educación Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible (MEADS) of the Universidad Santiago de Cali. In this context, this work analyzed different thesis carried out in primary and high schools (IE) localized in the Valle del Cauca from 2011 to 2018. The total thesis analyzed were included in three main categories following, in the first two cases, the Law (1549) theory to know the transversality and relevancy of each thesis in the respective IE. In the third category were included the thesis which analyzed the MEADS competencies. The data obtained were organized using the Excel software to know: The knowledge areas, research lines, MEADS competences offered and the impact on the environment education in the Valle del Cauca. The 50 theses selected and analyzed found that the most frequent items were the transversality and immersions in 7 from 16 thesis. On the other hand, the relevance item showed the intervention of the three (3) actors (students, IE, Community), however it shows a lower percentage with the community. Finally, this document provided the importance to analyze the research documents to know the different topics evaluated. It was important the MEADS thesis but is necessary to socialize them to make future researchers with new topics.
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    Integración de contenidos sobre educación ambiental en las clases de idiomas alemán e italiano desde una mirada interdisciplinar en la universidad Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Montini, Carmen Elena; Acuña Mikoleit, Marlen; Mora, Sergio Antonio
    The main objective of this qualitative master's degree work is to integrate contents on Environmental Education in German and Italian classes as foreign language classes at Santiago de Cali University. For this purpose, first, sources of environmental information of didactic importance for teaching-learning of foreign languages -German and Italian- were characterized, and then, a series of didactic strategies that led to the articulation of Environmental Education in the teaching of German and Italian was implemented. In this order, students' environmental knowledge was evaluated according to the proposed teaching strategies. Finally, it was established the interdisciplinary approach impact in the introduction of environmental topics in German and Italian language classes through a posttest, represented in a survey and a knowledge test not only linguistic but also on environmental topics.
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    Análisis documental de la gestión del riesgo de incendios forestales o de vegetación y actividades de educación ambiental en el departamento del valle del cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Calero Montealegre, Fabio; Guevara Fletcher, Carlos Eduardo
    Currently, there is a global environmental and ecological crisis, associated, between different factors by the global climate change, directly related to global warming and atmospheric pollution associated with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This alterations produce open burning and vegetation fires or vegetation or flora fires (generically called forest fires), which usually, indirectly and directly, degrade air, water, soil, flora, fauna, biodiversity and in general land biomes and ecosystems, configuring itself into an almost permanent risk and a recurring disaster, associated with various human activities, in most cases. Worldwide it is known that the risk of incidence of these forest fires can be of natural origin, it is also known that in clearly intertropical or equatorial climatic and environmental conditions, such as Colombia and Valle del Cauca, it is almost impossible that their origin is of this type; for this reason, based on existing data, it is estimated that, in about 95% or more of the cases of registered forest fires, the origins are associated with involuntary human activities or activities of socio-natural origin, directly anthropogenic or unintentional and scarcely deliberate. Therefore, from the environmental and disaster risk management, it is considered that by transforming behaviors, daily behaviors or changing attitudes of people and communities in their environment, it is possible to avoid or prevent this type of fire, for what environmental education stands as one of the best ways and perhaps the only viable one, that manages to avoid or prevent it, without relegating other complementary activities such as care, control and extinction, as well as the restoration and recovery of areas affected by them. Therefore, some actions and activities of environmental education are described, undertaken by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Valle del Cauca, CVC, as the environmental authority of the department and subsidiary of disaster risk management in its jurisdiction, aimed at advancing in avoiding, prevent and reduce or mitigate the negative impact of forest fires, for which it constitutes a descriptive and qualitative basic research, which can contribute to the development of academic and investigative work little known in this environment and basic to the expansion and deepening the knowledge of this type of risk, as a relevant problem and in order to contribute to sustainable development in municipalities with some level of threat, vulnerability or risk of forest fires in the department of Valle del Cauca and in Colombia
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    Análisis de la aplicación del sistema de gestión ambiental en relación con el manejo de residuos sólidos de las empresas químicas básica colombiana y químicos del cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Marín Ceballos, Claudia Nancy; Arias Loaiza, Julián Alonso; Gutiérrez Avendaño, Carol Mildred
    Química Básica Colombiana (QBC) and Químicos Del Cauca (QDC) are companies in the industrial chemical sector that produce basic chemicals as raw materials, used by other national and international industries in the production of various products. For the proper management of their environmental risks, companies have implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) certified in the ISO 14001 standard, but it presents deficiencies regarding solid waste management. As to date there is no bibliographic evidence on the realization of a study of the management of solid waste to the companies QBC and QDC contextualized in the EMS, it was decided to carry out the present work in order to analyze the application of the EMS in relation to the solid waste management. For this purpose, an investigation was carried out on the management of solid waste through observations of the place, documents and company records, collection of photographic evidence, review of the audits carried out (2017 to 2019), evaluation of the solid waste generated by the organization and the application and analysis of a survey on the perception of employees regarding EMS. As a result of this research, the elements of the EMS that affect the correct management of solid waste were established (temporality of the environmental aid, insufficient environmental culture and source reduction, traditional training method, among others) and, from there, some strategies were proposed solution among which stands out the proposal of a training-type process that allows staff to develop their competence, leading to the improvement of the EMS in the proper management of solid waste
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    Uso de algunas de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación en la educación ambiental de niños y adolescentes
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Maya Gómez, Lorena; Urrutia Mosquera, Ana Blasina; Miranda, María Claudia
    The great changes in the social, cultural, economic and radical transformations caused by the era of New Information and Communication Technologies, a new teaching and learning dynamic has been inserted, which led us to analyze how they influence education environmental of the students of the Valle I Youth Technical College. To do so, take two groups of students, one control of 22 and one experimental of 25 making a statistical comparison. It was found in the experimental group that the use of NICT in EAs allowed better learning outcomes and better pro-environmental behaviors for the responsible use of the available resources of their environment compared to control group
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    Unidad didáctica para el conocimiento y manejo de residuos sólidos para los estudiantes de grado 5-A de la Escuela Nuestra Señora del Portal de Jamundí
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Labrada Machado, Albany; González Escobar, Luis Antonio
    This research for the Master's degree work in environmental education and sustainable development, aims to develop a didactic unit to strengthen the correct management and disposal of solid waste, to meet this objective an evaluation of the knowledge that children have of Primary grade 5 on solid waste management and environmental protection. Subsequently, the action strategies for the development of the environmental teaching unit and the activities to be developed taking into account school experiences were identified. And, finally, the classification of changes in environmental concepts in students during the application and development of the teaching unit was carried out. A quantitative, descriptive methodology was used, an instrument was applied to children in fifth grade. As a result, it was found that children in fifth grade of primary school despite the fact that the community does not have knowledge about the correct management of solid waste management and disposal, minors, if they have them basically, and want to know about more processes to achieve implementation in the community, home and school. Therefore, the acceptance of the thematic unit for this activity, takes a lot of strength not only in the children of fifth grade, but in the partners of other courses, in the families, community in general. Conclusion: it is determined that children have an awareness of environmental change, want to learn and strengthen themselves for the great challenge that awaits them in the not too distant future. Thus, it is of the utmost importance that thematic units be developed for all children, so they will be given a tool for the battle they will face in the future
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    Estrategias pedagógicas para el fortalecimiento de la enseñanza de la lombricultura en la institución educativa monterredondo, Miranda, Cauca”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Narváez Guerrero, Claudia Patricia; Medina Ordoñez, Sandra Milena; Granja Escobar, Luis Carlos
    This project was thought as a learning strategy in resuming the practice of integral management of solid waste, its use and transformation in the production of worm farming, in the Monterredondo Educational Institution, Miranda municipality, Cauca Department. The objective is to offer alternatives to strengthen and improve pedagogical practices through learning strategies in the teaching of worm farming, for students of the sixth grade of the Monterredondo Educational Institution, Miranda municipality, Cauca Department. Despite the imminent deterioration and abandonment of the project in this institution, to propose learning strategies that take up the practice of integral management of solid waste, its use and transformation in the production of worms. Methodologically it was based on a qualitative study, through a type of Participatory Action Research, which determined pedagogical strategies that motivated the generation of environmental awareness. The techniques used in the development of the work were: documentary analysis, participatory diagnosis of informants (sixth students, teachers, directives and some parents), interviews, descriptive analysis of interviews, analysis of information, and fieldwork. This proposal to build and determine the learning strategies promoted in environmental education led to the transformation of traditional models of education; where training, participation and compliance with regulations, motivating this population to identify and depend in a balanced way with their environment
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    Consumo y contaminación ambiental por desechos generados por el nacimiento en madres adolescentes. Estudio de caso alumnos grado noveno Institución Educativa Manuel María
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Torres Ramírez, Paola Andrea; Freire Tigreros, María Eufemia
    Teenage pregnancy has always been relating with public health problems, given the biological and psychic repercussions for both; the young mother and her baby. However, it is also known that it produces other impacts in the social and cultural environments in the short and long period, the causes of increasing in maternity in adolescent can be multiple. Nevertheless, this study will focus on determining the relationship that exists between the births of teenage mothers and the environment consequences like a consumption and pollution. The method for this research was the case study with a measurement; where a pre-experiment was made, to students of ninth grade of the Institution Educative Manuel María Mallarino of Santiago de Cali. They were in a training; making transversality between sexual education with the problem of teenage mothers and environmental education with overpopulation and its impacts on the environment, supported by the Malthusian theory, where it is sayd that the limited supply of natural resources opposes a potentially infinite demographic pressure. Subsequently, with a survey is evaluate its level of understanding of the topic. This research would be of the quantitative type, where the data was processed and then translated into Excel tables. As a result after training 81 students between the ages of 14 to 19, it is possible to demonstrate through a closed survey that 93% the got to understand the relationship, cause and effect that is generated between the unplanned births of teenage mothers, the degradation of resources and the impact on the environment. Perceiving that a new baby would not only affect his future aspirations, but also bring consequences for the sustainability of the planet; therefore to greater population, greater consumption of natural resources and increase in polluting agents.
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    Análisis de la adherencia al protocolo de manejo de residuos sólidos hospitalarios (RSH)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) García Galindo, Olga Lucia; Endo Collazos, Nayibe; Mosquera Cadena, Johanna
    The problems associated with the waste generated by health institutions are a cause for concern, due to the danger, the potential spread of infectious diseases and the environmental risks derived from the methods used for their treatment and final disposal. The objective of this research was to analyze the adherence to hospital solid waste management (RSH) protocols by the Sanitary personnel in operating rooms of an IPS of II level of health care in Cali. An observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, in which the characteristics of the population were estimated against the management of solid waste; through sources of information such as a closed Likert-type survey with the purpose of establishing the behavior of the population in relation to solid waste management, a field visit to the operating room area of the hospital where the characteristics of the population were estimated against solid waste management; the results obtained show that there is adherence to the protocol adapted to the management plan of integral waste management in health care and other PGIRASA activities with a good and excellent score in 57% and 37% respectively; only 6% in acceptable, a percentage that is not discriminable in light of the good results obtained and also for the permanent actions proposed by the health institution in environmental management processes, which are part of the dynamics of growth in Building a green hospital.
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    Estrategias de arquitectura para edificaciones sostenibles. Estudio de caso: institución Educativa Juan XXIII de Montería
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Rivera Martínez, Luis Alberto; Mosquera Cadena, Johanna
    This descriptive case study examines a set of architecture strategies for sustainable buildings with an emphasis on their application to propose an architectural design. It sought to contribute to the improvement of the thermal comfort of the Juan XXIII Educational Institution in Montería, - Colombia. It also aims at impacting the well-being of the educational community and its missionary dynamics. The elaborate architectural design is being implemented at this time to transform the school buildings into more pleasant, functional and ecologically sustainable spaces. It is possible to report that a reduction in temperature from 42º to 24º and a reduction in relative humidity from 73% to 56% have been achieved in the areas intervened at the time (phase I). A total of 42.5 tons of CO2 emission was also avoided with the use of solar energy.
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    Estrategias didácticas en el aislamiento, restauración y conservación del humedal Talaga municipio de Timbío (Cauca), a partir de una evaluación ambiental
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Ángel Ledesma, Jesús Johany; Guevara Fletcher, Carlos Eduardo
    Wetlands in the world have an important function in ecological, social and economic aspects, they are considered as strategic ecosystems for nature and the human being. The application of statistical tools such as MicMac® software, allowed to analyzed the environmental factors, problems and impacts that affect the Talaga wetland, located in Timbio municipality, in the department of Cauca, which allowed to design eight teaching strategies (exhibition magisterial, problem solving, debates and discussions, workshops, field work, ecological campaigns, ecological groups and project development) applied for the isolation, restoration and conservation of the wetland. A prospective methodology was applied, using the method of structural analysis created by Godet, which gave him the name of Matrix of Cross Impacts Multiplication Applied to a Classification with its acronym MICMAC and a matrix formed by the variables considered important (absence and neglect of government entities, catchment and diversion of flow, reduction of artisanal fishing for consumption, inappropriate land use, sewage drainage, increase in solid waste, anthropic activities, decrease in primary productivity, decrease in secondary productivity, decrease in plant cover, decrease in diversity of flora and fauna, increase in leaching of nutrients and soil dragging, decrease in transparency, variation in solar radiation permeability, increase in erosion, increase in load of dissolved solids, eutrophication of the wetland source, biological and chemical oxygen demand, temperature variation of microclimates, increase in load of nutrients) adjusted by a group of Conservation Technician instructors of Natural Resources of Timbío 2017, in order to know and prioritize the factors that are most sensitive to the transformation of the ecosystem and on which mitigation, preservation and / or conservation actions should be taken, using didactic strategies by apprentices. Four critical variables were found: Eutrophication of the source of the wetland, Decrease in diversity of flora and fauna. The most influential variable is increase in the load of dissolved solids, and the one with the greatest dependence is the variable Increase in leaching of nutrients and soil dragging. The application of these tools, in the ecological context, allows determining within the variables that affect the Talaga wetland, which are more relevant and what kind of strategies should be implemented to know the state of transformation of these ecosystems at local, regional and national levels.
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    Análisis socioambiental en el espacio turístico de la vereda escaño (San Andrés de Pisimbalá – Tierradentro - Cauca)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Hurtado Meneses, Jessica Julieth; Granja Escobar, Luis Carlos
    Taking as a framework of interpretation the social production of space and environmental sociology, it was analyzed how the inhabitants of the Escaño village (corregimiento of San Andrés de Pisimbalá, department of Cauca) socially and environmentally produce the space from tourist activities, to this, the perception of the tourist space was built from the dwelling community to understand the environmental practices, the representation of the socio-environmental space was established from the governmental institutions and finally the construction of the socio-environmental relations of the tourist space lived was determined from the perceived and conceived of the inhabitants. The methodology implemented in the research is qualitative with a hermeneutical approach; the instruments applied were the semi-structured interview with 10 inhabitants of the territory and the observation in field work. The Atlas Ti computer program was used to analyze the interviews. A feeling and appropriation of the ecological resources that surround the community of the village of Escaño was found, however, in the environmental practices based on their testimonies a contradiction between environmental thinking and actions is denoted. In the tourist space of the village of Escaño, it is interrelated and finds the vision of environmental institutions, tourism corporations and the rural and indigenous community
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    Programa de educación ambiental de la empresa de energía del Quindío articulada con la Norma ISO 14001
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Ospina Arias, Andrés; González Escobar, Luis Antonio
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    Relación entre la gestión ambiental y el control de pérdidas de proceso en una empresa papelera
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Vidal Castillo, Hernán; González , Luis Antonio
    The current work contains a description of the environmental management and its contribution in the control of the loss of processes, in the areas of pulp and paper production of the company Propal Planta 1, considering two important aspects of the system of environmental management, eco-efficiency and environmental education. The control of these losses are associated with the reduction or recovery in the source of materials that can be reprocessed, marketed or in some cases used as biofuel, which has a positive economic impact. The research had a descriptive character, during which data collection, field visits, parameter evaluation, document review, among other activities. The results obtained show some deficiencies in the control of loss processes both in the equipment and in the operative part and as from the environmental management it contributes to generate strategies for the solution of environmental problems. Finally, it’s concluded that there are opportunities for improvement through the development of educational aspects and eco-efficient practices that contribute to the sustainability of the company.
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    Identificación de actitudes y conductas ambientales universitarias para el diseño y ejecución del plan de educación ambiental en la Universidad Mariana, Pasto- Nariño
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali., 2019) Torres Martínez, Luz Natalia; Madroñero Palacios, Sandra Milena
    This research project aimed to formulate lines of action for the design of the Environmental Education plan at the Mariana University, Pasto, Nariño. It is a first step to environmentalize the curricula, because it helped in identifying educational needs in environmental matters and postulating guidelines to prioritize the actions that must be carried out. Universities must play a much more active role in the process of training environmentally responsible citizens, which is achieved from scientific research. The research project was based on participatory action research and descriptive research, in which different activities were established such as: direct observation, semi-structured surveys, workshops with the educational community with the application of techniques such as: DOFA Matrix, Problem Tree and Prioritization Matrix. The results shown the environmental impact of a university campus, so it is a step in formulating environmental improvement plans. The Mariana University has potential to be a sustainable university. However; it is necessary to implement environmental plans, programs and projects that propose environmental care and by a campus with actions that lead it to be more environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is necessary to institutionalize the university environmental management in order to steer it towards an accreditation process as a sustainable campus.
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    NeutroMag-D: una solución para minimizar el impacto ambiental ocasionado por derrames líquidos ácidos y/o básicos en su cadena de producción, abastecimiento, transporte y disposición
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Suárez Galíndez, Jairo Roberto; Ramírez, Jonathan Pelegrín
    The environmental impact of the industrial sector caused by accidental spills of acids and bases generates the need to generate proposals for chemically friendly solutions that mitigate this type of mishaps and contribute to more sustainable industrial processes. In this context, an alternative solution is proposed through the evaluation and study of an optimal absorbent material and the use of an amphoteric product. This analysis was carried out in the company Quimicol S.A., which characterized the occurrence of spills of hazardous liquid substances and the ability of their operators to manage them from an environmental educational and occupational health approach. Likewise, the response and load capacity of various retaining absorbent materials were evaluated. Through laboratory tests, the components were analyzed to determine the most effective concentration of the Magnesium Sulphate monohydrate anhydrous solid mixture (MgSO4) and Magnesium Oxide (MgO) for the neutralization of the spills. Based on the results observed in the training and knowledge of workers, a guide was designed to strengthen the actors on human and environmental effects, precautionary measures and protocols for action in response to this emergency and finally, a didactic tool with the protocols and the way the product is applied when the spill occurs.
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    Actitud ética del cuidado de los entornos ambientales de los estudiantes universitarios y diversas formas de vida
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Sánchez Gómez, Ángela María; Maya Ramírez, Libardo; Muñoz, Mauricio Esteban; Gil Claros,María Fernanda
    This project describes the ethical attitude of the students of the Javeriana University towards their environmental environment, for which qualitative research is carried out under the ethnographic method. The instruments used were semi-structured interviews and focal groups, applied to an intentional sample. With the data obtained, an analysis and interpretation of the findings was made in order to understand, within the framework of integral environmental education, the knowledge, concepts and perception that the students manifest about the ethics of care in the practice of critical pedagogy and attitude posture. It is necessary to approach this relationship by including basic concepts in the situation of the environment: Ethics as care of the planet, which makes us look at integral environmental education, not exclusive to the human species, but even to the non-human one, critical pedagogy that is so, inasmuch as it starts from locating in a situation lived or posed together with the learner, for through the question to awaken posture and/or behavior, responsible actions -to take charge- towards the relationship that the learner establishes with the environment, social responsibility to build dynamics where the learner puts into play relations of respectful and responsible coexistence, based on the processes of self-education and commitment to the environmental challenges of the present. In order to strengthen and make sustainable the exercise of integral environmental education, any effort must go beyond the formation of the student and the academy must invite the co-trainers to establish organic systems of significant learning for the sustainability of the Common House.
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    Ecocuentos educando a la primera infancia en el cuidado del medio ambiente aplicando TIC
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Valderrama Maturana, Aníbal Alexander; González, Luis Antonio
    The work presented below takes up the results of the application of a case study, under a descriptive methodology, in the Casa Maternal Gotita de Gente Children's Garden, located in the city of Cali. Based on support in ICT and theorizing about the role of educational strategies, constructivism, meaningful learning and libertarian education, a proposal based on eco-stories was built, which was socialized among a sample of 13 boys and girls aged five years. The results obtained showed that the knowledge prior to the intervention lacked a significant appropriation for the students. After the work with the eco-readers, it was possible to obtain significantly higher quantitative results, while at the same time a closer approach between the student and the concepts was evidenced.