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Item El abandono del cargo público frente a la falta disciplinable en Colombia(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Martinez Ruiz, Katerine; Perea Bonilla, HernelIn the present investigation, it was sought to determine whether, in accordance with the jurisprudence of the Council of State, the abandonment of the charge generates a disciplinary punishable offense autonomous, independently of the declaration of vacancy. The starting point for this issue are the decisions that have been made around the abandonment of the public servants' office, being a controversial issue, to the extent that the Constitutional Court and the Honorable Council of State have had the opportunity to To pronounce on the measures necessary to declare the vacancy due to the abandonment of a public position as a cause of withdrawal from public service autonomously and without going to administrative procedures, for the constitutional right to due process, since in The norms that regulate the subject, this was not defined, nor as the causes of retirement are configured.Item Abordaje del síndrome de ansiedad desde el enfoque psicosocial(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Chica Rojas, Jenny Patricia; Henao, Carolina GiraldoThis bibliographical review aims to provide tools to identify the characterological traits of anxiety, the factors that may represent a risk or be protective in the person's social environment and the types of treatment and current interventions. Through the search in four databases, it was possible to carry out the analysis of 32 articles by authors in different countries of the American and European continent, a variety of professions and disciplines were evidenced that contributed a multiplicity of perspectives. As a result, it was found that there is a specific population that is mostly affected by AS (anxiety syndrome), women, as well as a range of ages ranging from 6 to 40 years who are more likely to experience an episode of SA either due to the educational or work context. Finally, as a discussion, it is proposed to be able to dimension new intervention alternatives to counteract the symptoms of AS and the proposal of a gender perspective to investigate the forms of oppression towards women and its consequences in the deterioration of their mental healthItem Abordaje fisioterapéutico en mujeres con incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo. Revisión documental período 2009-2018(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Lucumí Caracas, Marly Andrea; Gómez Ramírez, EsperanzaEl presente trabajo se denomina revisión documental en abordaje fisioterapéutico en mujeres con incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo según lo reportado en la literatura en los años 2009 al 2018 cuyo objetivo principal es determinar las técnicas fisioterapéuticas más utilizadas en la rehabilitación en la incontinencia urinaria en mujeres que la padecen. La Sociedad Internacional de Continencia definió en 2002 la incontinencia urinaria (IU) como la manifestación por parte del paciente de cualquier pérdida de orina involuntaria. Se pueden diferenciar diferentes tipos de IU, de esfuerzo (IUE) como pérdida involuntaria de orina durante un esfuerzo, el ejercicio físico, la tos o el estornudo, IU de urgencia (IUU) como la pérdida involuntaria de orina acompañada o inmediatamente precedida por urgencia e incontinencia urinaria mixta (IUM) como pérdida involuntaria de orina asociada a la urgencia y también a un esfuerzo, ejercicio físico, al estornudar y al toser. Esta enfermedad afecta principalmente a la mujer no solo en la edad adulta, sino que está presente en todas las edades.Item Absentismo de causa médica por accidente de trabajo y enfermedad laboral asociados a los peligros biomecánicos en una e.s.e. de alta complejidad de Santiago de Cali en los años 2017 y 2018(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cabezas, Nancy Mercedes; Cortés Gómez, Nacira Alejandra; Castro Aranda, Álvaro EstebanItem Absentismo laboral por causa médica en docentes del sector público del Valle del Cauca del 2017(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Bedoya Saenz, Johan Sebastián; Salazar Montoya, Maria VictoriaOccupational absenteeism is “ the no assistance to work of an employee that was supposed to assist” that means a high cost in the educational system, so that the absence of teachers represents a public interest, this paper characterize the Occupational absenteeism due to ATEL (work accident, occupational disease.) event in teachers from Valle del Cauca affiliated to a Colombian EPS; through a retrospective observational study using a data base from occupational disability of 2017, where it was found that the main cause of absenteeism is Occupational illness due to anxiety disorders and in occupational accident due to trauma, being more frequent in women and with a higher percentage among older than 45 years old, receiving most of them more than one disability.Item Abstencionismo como forma de participación, ¿derecho a no ser representado? implicaciones en su ejercicio(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Caicedo Osorio, Jonathan Jair; Giraldo Ángel, Laura AndreaThis article intends to study, the different implications of abstentionism as a form of participation in Colombia and the implications of exercising our constitutional right to vote and our right to be represented or not, having a generalized perspective taking as an example the data of the different most relevant electoral days lived in our country, making a comparison with national vs. regional elections and especially with those held on October 27, 2019, also obtaining a vision from constitutional law, based on the citizen prerogatives that establishes our Magna Carta, all of the above based on the inductive method of investigationItem Abuso de la posición dominante de las entidades financieras como presupuesto transgresor de los derechos fundamentales del usuario bancario(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Santacruz Riascos, María CamilaAccording to the Colombian legislation, which is in charge of seeking protection and protection for the non-violation of constitutional and legal guarantees, it is established the prohibition of the abuse of private entities, empowered by the provision of public services. Nonetheless, the dominant position assumed by these corporations continues to be a matter of debate. It should be noted that, on several occasions, there has been a degree of negligence regarding the satisfaction of the needs of the banking user due to the lack of information, tending to make these legal persons take possession of a privileged environment and take the financial consumer to a disadvantaged situation.Item Abuso del derecho del arrendador en el contrato de arrendamiento de vivienda urbana en Colombia(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Quintero Villamizar, Richard SimónItem Abuso sexual en menores de edad en Europa y Latinoamérica. Revisión 2012-2018(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Saavedra Galarza, Mireya; Mina Abonía, Cristhian Darwin; Domínguez Muñoz, Fabián Arley; Meneses Urrea, Luz AdrianaItem Accesibilidad a los derechos Laborales en Colombia(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Parra Palacios, Wilmer Jair; Anduquia Castelblanco, Carlos Humberto; Bustos Romero, Michel FedericoEl presente escrito es realizado con la clara intención de visibilizar y dimensionar cual accesibles son los derechos laborales en Colombia para la gente del común, se quiere saber y establecer, cuan fácil o difícil es para colombianos y colombianas acceder a un empleo formal y en condiciones dignas. Se pretende también conocer que es la OIT y el real alcance y aplicación de las NIT en el ordenamiento jurídico colombianoItem Accesibilidad espacial desde los barrios a las Instituciones Educativas Oficiales del distrito de Buenaventura(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-11-02) Guerrero Leudo, Andres Felipe; Orozco Ordoñez, IvánThis study addresses accessibility to public educational institutions in Buenaventura, Colombia, using four measurement methods. Despite the importance of education as a fundamental right, challenges are identified in terms of its accessibility in this region, marked by the Afro-descendant and indigenous population and high levels of poverty. Accessibility is assessed using isochronous, Hansen, Hansen population-adjusted indicators and Integral Route Factor. The results reveal that the majority of the population lives in areas with a regular road network, which facilitates accessibility to official educational institutions. However, there is a disparity in accessibility, with the central neighborhoods being the most accessible and the peripheral neighborhoods and in the western area the least accessible due to the lack of nearby educational centers. In addition, areas with different levels of mobility to official educational institutions are identified. The analysis also shows relationships between accessibility indicators, such as the correlation between Hansen and Hansen adjusted for population. However, no significant association was found between Hansen and the Integral Route Factor. This study offers valuable considerations and conclusions to guide policies that promote equality and access to education in Buenaventura. The quality of the road infrastructure is highlighted as a key factor in accessibility, and it is emphasized that a high accessibility index does not guarantee quick access to educational centers if the necessary services are not offered.Item El acceso a la administración de justicia frente al principio de la gratuidad. Estudio de caso: casa de justicia los mangos, 2016-2017(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Correa Sánchez, WalterThe purpose of this degree work is to determine access to the administration of justice against the principle of gratuity to citizens who come to the House of Justice Los Mangos, during the period 2016-2017. Accordingly, three specific objectives were formulated: 1) Analyze the principles of procedural law from the Political Constitution of 1991; 2) Know the national program of the houses of justice in Colombia as of decree 1477 of 2000; and 3) Check access to the administration of justice of the users of the Los Mangos House of Justice during the 2016-2017 period. An investigation of Basic type located in the descriptive and quantitative level, which was approached from the analytical and synthesis method, was treated. The proper functioning of the administration of justice necessarily implies the real and effective possibility of accessing it, it is an indispensable condition to consider that political institutions are legitimate. In that sense, access to justice is a right that can be affected by various factors, which are generally associated with the vulnerability of a sector of society. However, the model of articulating formal justice to informal justice in the House of Justice Los Mangos, reveals an effective response to the legal needs of a vulnerable population who find in one place, an organic and functional availability that does not imply a cost such that it becomes nugatory your right of access to justice.Item Acceso a la justicia un derecho universal del cual gozan unos pocos en la ciudad de Cali(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Guzmán Mosquera, Laura Marcela; Millán Torres, Manuel ÁngelItem El acceso a la protección social de las mujeres transgénero(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Londoño Romero, Daniela; Restrepo Ortíz, Katheryn Jhoan; Carmona Bayona, Erica FlorinaThis research work aims to determine the guarantee scope of the Colombian State with respect to transgender women's access to minimum social protection floors such as education, health and the protection of old age. In the understanding that these minimum floors are of primordial character to guarantee an integral, vital and dignified social security, considered as a human and fundamental social right.Item El acceso al agua potable y al saneamiento básico del derecho humano en la distribución, ausencia y deterioro de acueductos en las zonas rurales en el Valle del Cauca(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2018) Segura Solis, Aura Eliana; Guerrero Moreno, Álvaro AlfonsoItem Accidentalidad laboral en el área de estructura de una empresa constructora de la ciudad de Cali, durante años 2014-2016(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Martínez Bustos, Jessica Alejandra; Posada Solarte, Angelow; Cárdenas Jaramillo, JeimmyWork accidents involve significant human and economic costs for the company, the injured and society. One of the main concerns of the companies is the control of the risks that undermine the integrity of their human, material and financial resources. The effect of an event like these negatively affects productivity threatening the strength and permanence of the company in the market. Companies should be concerned about the safety of their processes and especially of their workers, as they have an ethical responsibility to provide them with safe conditions and with the least risk to their integrity.Item La acción como mecanismo de protección del derecho fundamental a la salud: Desde la óptica jurisprudencial y la ley 1751 de 2015.(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Camacho, Gloria Eugenia; Cuartas Mosquera, HernánItem La acción de restitución de tierras como mecanismos de justicia transicional en Colombia en el contexto geográfico del bajo Cauca Antioqueño(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Puerta Muñoz, Sandra MilenaThis essay has the aims to analyze land restitution action as a Transitional Justice mechanism in Colombia, initially the significant contributions will be analyzed as a reparation measure for victims of the conflict armed. The most important aspects of Law 1448 of 2011, its articles that guarantee the effectiveness of repair processes from legal and administrative frameworks, will be analyzed. And finally a geographical area of one of the zones most marked by the displacement phenomena of the Bajo Cauca Antioqueño will be delimited, the causes of the armed conflict will be reviewed in a general manner and then an approach will be made of the sentences more relevant of land restitution in the Bajo Cauca of the effectiveness of the repair action from its most important actor the Land Restitution Unit (URT).Item La acción de tutela como alternativa para la protección del derecho a la salud del régimen contributivo entre 2007 y 2016(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Hernández Hernández, Doris Carolina; Ordoñez, EdwardEl derecho a la salud debe ser protegido por completo y la población colombiana merece un Sistema de Salud adecuado, ágil, eficiente y oportuno. Sin embargo, la forma en que el Sistema de Salud ha operado durante los últimos diez (10) años no ha sido adecuada y el Estado colombiano es responsable de esto, debe ser garante de su organización para todos los colombianos en la protección de su propia salud, la utilización de la tutela y los recursos públicos del Sistema. Con base en esto, a lo largo de este trabajo se realiza una compilación legal de normas de los últimos ocho (8) años, que ha sido diversa y que requiere una interpretación hermenéutica, constitucional y formal en su aplicación, para identificar los problemas legales, operativos y organizacionales en el Sistema de Salud, así como la responsabilidad del Estado. Adicionalmente, se llevó a cabo una revisión y análisis de las tutelas sanitarias interpuestas por los colombianos entre 2007 y 2016 para identificar errores en las normas y las necesidades "reales" del derecho a la salud y finalmente los pronunciamientos más importantes del Tribunal Constitucional sobre la eficiencia y eficacia de la protección fundamental al derecho de salud en comparación con la realidad operativa y financiera del sistema actual. Tanto el Estado como el Tribunal Constitucional, así como los propios afiliados, no son conscientes ni son responsables de las funciones y responsabilidades para garantizar el bienestar 11 público y la protección de los recursos públicos de salud. Por un lado, existe un desconocimiento excesivo de la garantía de los derechos de salud; por otro lado, la presión sobre la protección a cualquier norma que permita a los afiliados tener acceso a un derecho que en "algunos" casos puede ser excesivo y en contra de los principios de eficiencia, eficacia y buena gestión de los recursos públicos de salud y el beneficio general. Con esto se pretende obtener dos posiciones para debatir en relación a posibles soluciones y solidaridad entre todos los actores del Sistema HealhItem La acción de tutela para amparar el derecho fundamental a la salud en santiago de cali, 2016-2018(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Álzate Giraldo, Nancy; Jaramillo García, Gustavo AdolfoThe objective of this article is to establish the applicability of the tutela action to protect the fundamental right to health in Santiago de Cali during the period 2016-2018; in that sense, three specific objectives were formulated: 1.- To examine the constitutional foundations that promote the fundamental right to health; 2.- Analyze the applicability of the action of guardianship in health from the constitutional jurisprudence; and 3.- Verify the guardianship actions filed by users of the health system in Santiago de Cali, during the period 2016-2018. The methodology used was applied. In the municipality of Santiago de Cali the tutelage action persists as the most effective means to achieve the protection of the right to health.