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    Protocolos de tecnovigilancia de equipos en el área neonatal. una revisión sistemática
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Bustos Navarro, Karen Lucia; Sánchez Ortiz, Ricardo; Bermeo Varón, Leonardo Antonio
    Techno-surveillance programs and protocols are based on the prevention and control of the occurrence of adverse events in medical devices, which is an integral part of patient safety in health care. This has a greater significance when it comes to care in neonatal wards, given the fragility and dependence of these patients on health care, which in many cases depends on medical equipment and devices. The objective of this work is to analyze the protocols and procedures and technovigilance standards associated with neonatal equipment and procedures. This is done through the methodology of a systematic review, which will inspect the standards and protocols used for the technovigilance of neonatal wards. The results describe the main aspects related to the care to be provided to newborns, as well as the techno-surveillance programs and protocols and their application in the Colombian context. As a conclusion, it was determined that programmes, protocols and techno-surveillance depend on the social, technical, technological and legal development of each country or region and that, in the case of newborns, they are of vital importance as they are the new generations of citizens
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    Evaluación del crecimiento y desarrollo vegetal del rábano a partir del aprovechamiento de los lodos en un sistema de tratamiento de agua residual
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Victoria Villalba, Hernán Felipe; Cárdenas Talero, José Luis; Silva Leal, Jorge Antonio
    In recent years, population growth has significantly increased the demand for natural resources and the generation of wastewater. In this context, it is essential to integrate Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) into a circular economy. WWTPs produce reusable by-products such as gas, treated wastewater, and sludge. Stabilized sludge (biosolids) contains nutrients that can improve soil and substitute chemical fertilizers in agriculture. This study evaluates the suitability of secondary sludge and drying sludge from a WWTP with an extended aeration activated sludge system for use in radish cultivation. Pots of 0.7 L were used, and the treatments included a control group (soil and mineral fertilizer) and an experimental group with sludge applications at different rates, according to the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) requirements for radish cultivation. The results showed that secondary sludge did not achieve optimal radish development compared to the controls. However, dehydrated sludge demonstrated beneficial effects, with significant increases in leaf area and plant biomass compared to the controls. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test showed significant differences in the variables, highlighting dehydrated sludge at 2P dosage as the most effective. Dehydrated sludge significantly improved the growth and development of radishes, suggesting it as an effective and sustainable alternative, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers. However, both secondary and dehydrated sludge present a risk due to pathogen content, underscoring the need to implement sanitization treatments to reduce this pathogen content
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    Evaluación de metales pesados en partículas totales en suspensión en los alrededores de la Universidad Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) López Morales, Sharom Andrea; Reyes Arias, Tito Reinaldo
    Air pollution related to inhalable PM10 particles poses an environmental problem due to the possible effects on health and wellbeing in the population, which these pollutants can generate. Among the substances that are part of the components of PM10, heavy metals stand out; particles that alone can cause a variety of alterations on health and the environment. The uncertainty about the true levels of these metals in the atmosphere makes it necessary to evaluate their concentration at atmospheric level and identify if they comply with the regulations on air quality in force at the study site. In this research project, four heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Cr) were analyzed with a high probability of being presented in environmental samples collected from four points of the Santiago de Cali University. To achieve this, the samples were subject to acid digestion processes and analyzed using the atomic absorption spectrophotometry method, determining their concentration and comparing the results with current regulations. The results show compliance with the regulations for the permissible contamination limits related to the concentrations of two of the four metals selected for the Cu and Cr study. Cadmium and Lead on the other hand, fails to identify reliably, the values resulting from the analysis are too small to be adequately detected by the characterization method used for this investigation. However, the results are conclusive regarding the presence of these metals in the medium. The presence of chromium and copper in the environment is directly related to the physical characteristics of the study area, such as the high vehicular flow on nearby roads and to the meteorological behavior during the days of Sharom Andrea López Morales. [(2019)] collection. It is considered advisable that the city surveillance system presents disaggregated data for certain predominant metals in the air in order to identify problem foci within the daily monitoring of total suspended particles (PM10 and PM2.5).
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    Métodos para la calibración de desfibriladores: una revisión
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Ruiz Aguayo, Jefferson; Delgadillo Barbosa, Fabián Camilo; Bermeo Varón, Leonardo Antonio
    The defibrillator is a biomedical device that generates an electrical impulse through external electrodes located on the chest, or internal paddles directly to the heart, to reverse cardiac arrhythmias, ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, atrial flutter, and supraventricular tachycardia, mainly. The good functioning of this equipment is of vital importance where the calibration takes a determining role in the use of the equipment to avoid adverse events. The calibration process of a defibrillator consists of comparing the quantities with the analyzer. Currently, there are several defibrillator calibration methods, where health institutions and metrological laboratories do not have the resources to define the most appropriate method, implementing the one that best suits their needs. In this paper, calibration methods are described, and, through a systematic study, standardization of a method is suggested, considering all its uncertainties and parameters. A review of the defibrillator calibration methods is carried out in databases such as Dialnet, Scielo, Science Direct, Google Academic, texts and theses from different international and national universities, finding 15 articles in a period from 2005 to 2019. The results indicate that the method proposed by Llamosa, Meza & Villareal is the most complete because it takes all the uncertainties that affect the measurement, such as the accuracy of the work pattern, resolution of the work pattern, resolution of equipment to be calibrated and repeatability of readings. It is recommended to change the 4000 analyzers to the 7000DP because the accuracy of the 4000 analyzers has high values that reduce the reliability of the method.
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    “Desarrollo de dispositivo para realizar terapia simultánea por medio de hipertermia, tens y vibración para el tratamiento del túnel carpiano”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Trujillo Ospina, Edwin; Hoyos Torres, Uriel Edinson; Bermeo Varón, Leonardo Antonio
    Carpal tunnel syndrome is neuropathy that irritate the median and ulnar nerve. It can cause pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the hand and fingers. The syndrome is more common in women than in men with a ratio of approximately 3:1and affects people in the age range of 35 to 60. Irritation of one of the nerves at the base of the wrist is treated with aprotocol called ascending, which ranges from therapeutic to surgical treatments. Among the treatments are those usingsteroids or various types of medication that normally have short-term results, the surgery that always has secondary effectsand post-operative trauma that could even relapse into a total disability of the hand and those performed with hyperthermia,TENS and mobility exercises by devices, which have had good results independently and combining two of these therapies. Considering the good results that these last treatments have had in this work, a device is developed that provides therapyfor carpal tunnel syndrome employing hyperthermia, TENS and neuro-mobility techniques independently orsimultaneously, to avoid surgical treatment, which causes disability and in some cases loss of normal motor functions. Thedevice is tested on 29 (10-19) people with and without disabilities to know its acceptability and effectiveness. The results Trujillo, E., Hoyos, U. E., & Bermeo, L. A. [(2020)] indicate that the device effectively provides the treatment of the 3 combined therapies in a single device, adequatelyproviding the therapy with the acceptability of 89.7% at the time of use and 62.1% after using the device. The device will allow the specialists to execute the therapy in a complete way reducing the attention times.
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    Utilización de parámetros derivados de la señal fotopletismográfica (ppg) para la valoración de dolor inducido experimentalmente en sujetos sanos: estudio de factibilidad
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Ramírez Mena, Andrés David; Argüello Prada, Erick Javier
    Given the need to assess pain experienced by patients in an adequate and objective way, several efforts have been made to determine whether it is possible to assess the pain suffered by an individual through physiological indicators. However, most of these efforts have focused on evaluating the response of subjects to thermal or, even, electrical stimuli, and very little evidence exists on the feasibility of detecting and/or quantifying the intensity of pain experimentally induced by mechanical stimuli. In addition, the use of multiple parameters can bring complications during implementation, electrical risk and discomfort for the subject. Based on this, the objective of this study was to assess whether it is possible, through certain parameters derived from the photoplethysmographic signal (PPG), to detect the presence or absence of pain caused by mechanical stimuli. The three parameters used were heart rate, PPG signal amplitude (PPGA), and the high-frequency component of heart rate variability. Fifteen healthy subjects (11 men and 4 women; between 18 and 45 years old) voluntarily participated in the study, after signing an informed consent. A mechanical stimulus was applied at three different intensities: 3, 6 and 9 N, for approximately 3 seconds, and the variations of the chosen parameters were captured through an acquisition circuit and a processing algorithm programmed in the MATLAB environment. The results obtained suggest that, even though the three parameters were able to distinguish pain from no pain, only the heart rate was able to differentiate between low and medium pain levels, as well as low and high pain levels. However, it was shown that, regardless of tensity, a mechanical stimulus capable of inducing pain could significantly influence the parameters analyzed. Future work could include a larger number of participants and randomize the application of the stimulus.
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    Evaluación del efecto de la reutilización sobre dispositivos médicos de único uso en una institución de salud del Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Méndez Arana, María Isabel; Vargas Vasquez, John Edwar
    The reuse of single-use medical devices (SUDs) is a common practice in our country's health institutions. Although this may lead to consequences, their extensive use is due to the costs of acquiring new devices, hazardous medical waste reduction and the positive impact on accessibility to health services. In Colombia there is no regulation that prohibits the reuse of SUDs; otherwise, the Colombian norm “resolution 2003 of 2014”, allows the reuse of a single-use medical device, as long as there is scientific evidence about its security. For this study, an analysis and characterization of five reused SUDs types in a Valle del Cauca health institution was performed: the inflatable anesthesia mask, the 23G vitrectomia handpiece, the combined constellation cassette and indigo cutters polishing and shearing, for which reuse procedures were identified and laboratory tests were applied for microbiological analysis, structural analysis and leak testing, to verify the functional characteristics of each type of medical device. As a result, it was shown that inflatable masks for anesthesia can be reused a maximum of five times, the handpiece vitrectomia 23G could be reused two and up to three more cycles, the constellation cassette can be reused up to one fifth cycle with the possibility of reuse in an additional cycle, diamond-encrusted milling cutters with a maximum of twice and for medical devices cutting cutters is left in a subsequent study where a metallographic and specialized hardness analysis will be performed by evidence of deformations found during structural analyses.
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    Implementación de un procedimiento de evaluación de obsolescencia en equipos biomédicos instalados en una institución prestadora de servicios de salud de nivel III en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Ramos Sánchez, Evelyn Maritza; Aragón Cano, Vanessa; Vargas Vásquez, Jhon Edwar
    The management of medical technology is a fundamental part of health institutions, which provides different tools to guarantee the operation and effectiveness of the technology. In this context, performance evaluations of biomedical equipment provide information on what is their physical-functional status that serves to verify that they are in optimal conditions and not a risk to the patient or health personnel. Therefore, it is proposed in the present investigation to develop an obsolescence evaluation procedure for a health service provider institution (IPS); For this purpose, a series of variables and criteria are determined to identify the current state of the technology within the institution and provide qualitative indicators, which provide the support to decide when it is time to make a replacement and / or device renewal caused by obsolescence. For which it was implemented in a specific area and as a product, accurate information was obtained about the medical devices evaluated for later decision making.
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    Revisión de métodos de calibración para monitores fetales
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Contreras Vélez, Jhon Jairo; Vargas Vásquez, Jhon Edwar
    Current national regulations requires health service providers to calibrate biomedical equipment containing measurable variables and used in hospitals. This activity generates greater reliability in the operation of the equipment and increases the quality of health care services. To perform the calibration, it is necessary to create and validate methods for each piece of equipment, taking into account the variables that are part of its system. Currently, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), which is responsible for issuing technical regulations for the standardization of methods, has not issued such guidelines for all biomedical equipment; therefore, each company providing calibration services must create and validate its own methods (non-standard methods). One of the equipment that does not have standardized methods is fetal monitors, which are diagnostic equipment used by medical personnel to evaluate information related to fetal heart rate and uterine activity. Considering their importance in clinical practice, the principle of operation is identified, the variables it measures and the operating ranges relevant to each variable in the clinical setting are analyzed. The use and information evaluated in a cardiotocography test (CTG) is then briefly explained. Finally, a review of existing calibration methods for fetal monitors is provided. It is important to note that the methods mentioned for each variable are taken from various authors with emphasis on those where information is certified by accrediting bodies, where the method and the measuring instrument or simulator applied is evaluated.
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    Calidad de la medición del peso corporal durante las primeras etapas del desarrollo infantil: una revisión
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Riascos Arboleda, Julián David; García Herrera, Felipe Augusto; Argüello, Erick Javier
    One of the anthropometric variables that allow predicting possible abnormalities in the development of newborns is body weight. Just as a lower than expected value could increase the risk of the probability of dying during the first year of life, a high birth weight could also be a risk factor for developing obesity. In the case of neonates who are in intermediate therapy, weight is measured daily using a neonatal scale or a baby scale. Since the weight of a newborn is expressed in grams, the relative error can be considerable, which implies the need to ensure the quality of the results provided by these instruments. Based on this, a systematic review of the literature regarding the quality of body weight measurements in newborns was carried out. To this end, a literature search between 2007 and 2019 was performed on 6 databases: Bdigital, Iopscience, Mincit, Minsalud, Repositorio and Scielo. After removing duplicates and evaluating whether the study was really relevant, 19 documents were chosen for analysis. Of the total number of studies reviewed, it was found that Colombia does not currently have a quality assurance program for the measurements reported by baby weighing scales. This, in turn, could be attributed to insufficient national and international regulations for measurements in biomedical equipment; very expensive metrology processes for some regions; and personnel not capable or qualified to carry out metrological activities. Hence the need to carry out new studies of current regulations, both nationally and internationally in terms of quality assurance processes in the measurements of biomedical equipment for weighing newborns. This in order to promote the generation of new mechanisms that focus on improving the provision of health services
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    Evaluación del desempeño del filtro de olla cerámica EKOFIL® bajo dos concentraciones de plata coloidal
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Cuastumal Recald, Jorge Alexander; Méndez Posso, José Leonardo; Pérez Vidal, Andrea
    The ceramic pot filter technology impregnated with colloidal silver is a viable alternative for the treatment of water for human consumption, characterized by its low cost, ease of handling and efficiency. In this research project, the performance of a Colombian-made filter model, impregnated with two concentrations of colloidal silver (500 ppm and 1000 ppm) was evaluated. PH, conductivity (µS/cm) and turbidity (UNT) were defined as follow-up variables and as a response variable total silver (mg/L). Synthetic water was used adjusting turbidity with kaolin (5.07 ± 0.51 UNT) and conductivity with NaCl (0.37 ± 0.5 µS/cm). The filters were evaluated under two operational conditions based on the pH of the synthetic water or tributary; in the first condition the pH was of the order of 8.60 ± 0.83 units and in the second of 5.36 ± 0.25 units. Additionally, in the first condition, synthetic water was inoculated with an average E.coli concentration of 2.1 x 103 CFU / 100 mL in order to evaluate the influence of the colloidal silver concentration on the microbiological removal efficiency. The results of the study showed that there is no significant statistical difference between 500 ppm and 1000 ppm filters in terms of the removal of E.coli in the effluent (gl=18, F=18.8.49, p=0.41) reaching average efficiencies 98%, in addition to evidencing that there is no health risk since the maximum concentration measured was 0.03 mg Ag/L in the 1000 ppm filter. The average turbidity of the effluent was 0.47 ± 0.22 UNT for the 500 ppm filter and 0.59 ± 0.25 UNT for the 1000 ppm filter, showing that there are no significant statistical differences in terms of turbidity (gl=43, F=47.49, p=0.29 ). It is concluded that increasing the concentration of silver in the filters does not influence the efficiency of microbiological removal and, on the contrary, it could unnecessarily increase the cost of the filtration system, being advisable to impregnate the ceramic pot with a concentration of 500 ppm.
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    Métodos de calibración para insufladores abdominales
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Hernández Mendoza, Jefferson; López Pacheco, Moisés; Bermeo Varón, Leonardo Antonio
    The pneumoinflator or abdominal insufflator is a fundamental equipment in a large number of surgical specialties, mainly in laparoscopic surgeries. It is used for the introduction of CO2 into the abdominal cavity, known as pneumoperitoneum, to generate adequate working conditions for intervention. the gas supplied in terms of volume, flow and pressure, are essential to prevent adverse events such as hypercapnia, hypothermia and embolism. Given the importance of a pneumo-insufflator when used in surgery, the health care institutions should verify that their equipment is in optimal conditions of use, with periodic calibration and good management of preventive maintenance-oriented at risks. For pneumoinflator equipment, there is a wide and diverse variety of calibration methods because the equipment has two separately creditable variables such as flow and pressure, but there is no standardization of a guaranteed method or of the coupled variables for this equipment, which could lead to possible errors at the time of calibration. Thus, in this paper presents the most relevant calibration methods for abdominal insufflators. A standardized method is suggested to help reduce errors that may arise in the calibration process, the unification of calculations and a better estimate of uncertainty. Additionally, the principle of operation of the equipment, its characteristics, maintenance routine, internal composition and the complications that could occur during surgery are presented.
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    Propuesta para la gestión de residuos sólidos en la secretaría de cultura del centro cultural de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Rodriguez Villada, Jaime Alexis; Perez Vidal, Andrea
    This research addresses the issues related to the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan (PGIRS) implemented in the Ministry of Culture of Santiago de Cali, specifically regarding the challenges presented by the entity in the separation at the source and the good practices in the use of waste generated by officials and users who visit the Cultural Center. The objective of this article is to contribute to the current state of solid waste management in the Ministry of Culture of Santiago de Cali, proposing improvement actions that allow improving the control of collection points that are distributed in that public space. It starts with identifying the different activities that are carried out within the Secretariat by means of data obtained such as: source separation, final disposal and statistical observation through the average perception of officials and visiting users. In the results, it was found that the Secretariat generates approximately 14,907 kg per year of unusable solid waste and of which 31.2% is material with potential that can be exploited through recycling or reuse processes. In the perception, it is observed that 41% of the officials only sometimes use the ecological points and 47% of the users state that they do not do so due to lack of signage. The proposal is directed towards a philosophy of continuous improvement established in the PHVA cycle, accompanying what it has with new proposals that seek to correct the deficiencies found in the diagnosis, as well as to give correct compliance with the comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan
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    Desarrollo de un dispositivo biomecatrónico adaptable al miembro superior humano para ejercicios funcionales de acondicionamiento físico
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Tovar Sánchez, Javier David; Franco Vargas, Sergio Alejandro; Arcos Hurtado, Edgar Francisco
    Recognizing the importance of technology in the different processes of scientific, economic and social research, and putting it at the service of man in favor of improving their health conditions, has been a constant throughout history. Today these advanced technologies are offered only in specialized places for such purposes, which limits users in time and space to make use of them, not allowing the integration of such technologies to their daily lives and facilitate their living conditions. Another relevant aspect is the high costs associated with these technologies, a factor that prevents people who do not have economic resources from accessing them. Taking into account these aspects, and in order to reach a larger population, we developed a biomechatronic device adaptable to the human upper limb with double functionality, the first is the prevention of diseases associated with sedentary lifestyle through the enhancement of functional exercises of physical conditioning, focusing mainly on strengthening and bodybuilding in the early stages after an injury, the second is rehabilitation for people with mobility difficulties in the upper limb, either by natural causes or accidental, providing in a single portable device the ability to prevent and rehabilitate diseases and / or injuries of the upper limb. The first is the ability to prevent and rehabilitate diseases and / or injuries of the upper limb. In the process of developing the device, stages of planning, generation and evaluation of concepts, detailed design, construction, tests and adjustments were carried out to finally arrive at the prototype that managed to satisfactorily supply the bodybuilding and rehabilitation phases, the latter being the main axis, given the technical specifications required for bodybuilding in active users.
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    Evaluación del efecto de la plata coloidal sobre la calidad química del agua filtrada de dos modelos de filtros caseros
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Avilés Torres, Bryan Camilo; Narváez Garavito, María Alejandra; Silva Leal, Jorge Antonio
    The purification of water and sanitation is a public health problem, where the technological gap in water treatment systems between the urban and rural population is evident, therefore, to minimize this problem, various treatment systems are implemented to supply water. Drinking water of communities with socio-economic limitations among them are the systems of home purification as the filter system by filtering bed of ceramic vessel. In this study we evaluated a ceramic pot filtration system, called Ekofil and Ekofil plus, which consists of a clay pot impregnated with colloidal silver and the Ekofil plus that has an activated carbon cartridge reinforcement impregnated with colloidal silver. The concentration of silver on the filtered effluent was evaluated in two models of ceramic pot filters used in the treatment of water for human consumption, for which the measurement of two types of synthetic water was carried out under controlled laboratory conditions for 10 weeks. The results obtained in both filtration models showed that the silver leaching was below the limit of 0.1 mg / L established by the EPA. According to the control variables pH, conductivity and turbidity, it was evident that the Ekofil filter was the one most in accord with what was established by Colombian regulations (Resolution 2115 of 2007) with a removal of 95.4%. Both systems of potabilization provide safe water in order to supply rural communities that do not have water treatment systems.
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    Diseño de un manual de calidad para la empresa ASIA SOLUTION S.A.S basado en la resolución 4002 de 2007 del INVIMA
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) De la Cruz Velasco, Andrés Felipe; Escarria Obando, Carlos Mauricio; Arcos Hurtado, Edgar Francisco
    ASIA SOLUTION SAS is a company whose main activity is the import and commercialization of biomedical equipment mainly for aesthetic use, initially founded in the city of Bogotá in 2014. It is currently operating in the city of Cali, through an initial diagnosis it is possible to identify absence of information due to poor organization, undocumented procedures which has generated reports of non-compliance, return of products for guarantee due to bad storage, lack of knowledge, lack of traceability of processes, which has generated loss of credibility in customers Due to the fact that the company does not have a certified quality management system, this is how document design takes importance through engineering methodologies that allow the identification of its organizational processes, the standardization of activities, the implementation of management indicators and clear objectives with r concrete results that reduce the difficulty to implement a QMS based on Resolution 4002 of 2007 of INVIMA, which allows to mitigate not only the absence of informality in the organization but also in order to achieve certification of storage and conditioning capacity of the CCAA medical devices, minimum requirement for all importing and commercializing establishments of medical devices.
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    Protocolo para la adquisición de señales mioeléctricas de los músculos inervados por los nervios ulnar, radial y medial para una órtesis de mano
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Bravo Hoyos, Andrea Alexandra; Pérez Plaza, Vanessa; Bermeo Varón, Leonardo Antonio
    An orthosis is an external device applied to the body at the time of a structural, functional or disability impairment, which over the years has demonstrated its benefits in rehabilitation and functionality. Currently, there are active orthotics of general design. This suggests some adaptability in the person who has a disability, leading to an inadequate use of the orthotics in many cases. An alternative is the design of orthoses in a specific way, which has limited studies. This is the case of the hand, which is one of the organs with greater external functionality in the human body and which is directly related to daily activities such as feeding and non-verbal communication, mainly. This project proposes a protocol for the acquisition of myoelectric signals in the muscles of the upper limb. They are innervated by the radial, medial and ulnar nerve, which are responsible for the movements of flexion, extension, ulnar and radial deviation of the hand. They also have to do with metacarpophalangeal flexion, metacarpophalangeal extension, and opposition and thumb adduction. In the future, this project can be used as a guiding base for the design and construction of a specific functional active hand orthosis. This study includes the generation of patterns of each movement and the comparison of the magnitude of the myoelectric signal, in order to determine the specific location of the electrodes. Samples of the signals were made in six people without disabilities, non-invasively. The points of greatest innervation detected by the surface electrodes in each muscle were determined. Seven (7) protocols and / or recommendations for the location of sensors in the muscles with reference in the SENIAM were obtained, with the aim of defining the appropriate combinations for the design of an active orthosis. Finally, with this study it is possible to determine the location of the electrodes for the proper classification of the eight (8) movements. Depending on the disability to be treated, the designer and / or manufacturer of the orthosis will be free to determine the necessary number of devices electronic devices according to the needs. The idea is to avoid overloaded systems of devices (sensors, actuators) that can generate trauma during the use of the orthosis and even its uselessness due to ergonomics problems or simply due to the weight of the device.
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    Diseño y construcción de un dispositivo de medición de succión en neonatos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) García Arias, Lina Vanessa; Bermeo Varón, Leonardo Antonio
    The sucking reflex is innate and must function properly in terms of its capacity and coordination with the other reflexes involved in the feeding process, avoiding metabolic, linguistic and neuronal complications, which if not attended to in time can lead to death of the newborn . In Latin America, the most methods used are qualitative and inaccurate, based on subjective evaluation scales such as the escalation of NOMAS (Scale of Neonatal Evaluation of the Oral Engine) and the one established by Virginia Apgar in 1953. In the present study, we describe a new wireless system for the quantitative and objective measurement of the sucking reflex in newborns that allows obtaining the results of different sucking patterns in real time. The measuring system consists of a resistive force sensor (RFP-602e). The sucking data is sent via Bluetooth to a portable computer, in which a program was developed in the MATLAB® programming environment to receive, display and store the sucking patterns. A total of ten term newborns were recruited from The Siloé siglo XXI Hospital, which is attached to the Ladera Health Network, in Santiago de Cali, Colombia. Results show that the proposed system is adequate to measure the sucking behavior of babies, even within a few hours of life, which could help doctors to detect in a timely manner the risk of delayed child development in the future.