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    Análisis de la influencia del Big data en la innovación tecnológica del sector financiero en América Latina
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Giraldo, Yamid Hermida; Bolaños Nequipo, Shary Alejandra; Mendieta Meza, Liliana María; Mina Varela, Carlos Alberto
    In Latin America, it is important to identify whether using Big data they have found any expected solutions, and what expectations are there for the future taking into account socioeconomic conditions. Technological innovations, mobile applications and informational development forms assertively influence society, in the same way they do in the sector, and for this there is a need to implement the use of Big data. The idea is to be competitive and, at the same time, gain ground in the market, in terms of customer management and exploration. The financial sector in the region has shown a commitment to be at the forefront of technology, by engaging in data science, since successful cases have been shown where they generate a series of benefits, both in internal and external processes of companies (customers). It is hard work due to the conditions of the Latino population, where cash continues to be the main means of payment and additionally the lack of financial education. Companies know that the benefits are significantly positive, but it requires a large investment, so outsourcing services is a key factor for Big data to generate the expected result
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    Propuesta para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los jóvenes de la institución educativa la anunciación de la comuna 14 de Cali, por medio de las tics y la formación en derechos sexuales y reproductivos, para el año 2021
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Mazuera Moreno, Patricia; Moreno Gutiérrez, José Luis
    The following document presents a proposal to improve the quality of life of the youth of the I.E La Anunciación through ICTs and training in Sexual and Reproductive Rights for the year 2021. For the present work a descriptive análisis was performed using the data obtained by DANE and the mayor's office of Santiago de Cali, finding variables such as sex, educational level, home ownership, educational assistance, access to electricity and health affiliation, which indicated a low quality of life for the population of the commune 14. For this, the Logical Framework methodology was taken into account where it is illustrated in a practical way how the proposal will be executed and its respective measurement, the problem tree was used to identify the central problem and the objectives tree to know the main solution alternatives and not only improve the education of young people who are located in one of the communes with low rates of access to higher education, but also generate employability of professionals in their areas. This project will have an investment of $ 108,265,600 COP, where the highest cost corresponds to the payroll ($ 96,000,000 COP) required to carry out the project. While, the lowest costs belong to stationery and photocopies ($ 579,600 COP). At the same time, the cost per monthly beneficiary is a minimum value of $ 25,296 COP. Also, it is noteworthy that the total number of beneficiaries will be 430 people, which in turn is a limitation since it is a minimum number of beneficiaries compared to the number of people who live in commune 14. However, It should be noted that this project is a pilot test that will be useful for future larger proposals
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    Huella de carbono de la ganadería bovina de carne y leche en Colombia, para cinco departamentos – año 2016
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Vejarano Santacruz, Andrea; Castillo Tabares, Rubén
    This research analyzes livestock systems based on bovine meat and milk production in Colombia, integrating livestock practices that generate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by identifying feed, manure, loss management as emission sources and the use of energy, in combination with the production systems and type of herd, which cause the emission charge of (GHG) in the atmosphere and limitations on the carbon footprint (HDC). The study presents the application of the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM) based on Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), which is considered as a methodological tool to estimate GHG emissions from bovine livestock production activities, where the different emission sources and the types of gases such as CO2, CH4 and N2O, present in the HdC are distinguished according to the type of herd; meat and milk, and production system; pastures and mixed. Taking as a case study the departments of Antioquia, Casanare, Cesar, Córdoba and Meta, in 2016, modified in the information of the National Agricultural Census -CNA year 2014 and the National Agricultural Survey -ENA year 2016. The results that show the mixed systems of the meat herd generated the highest intensity of GHG emissions associated with HDC, finding methane as the predominant gas derived from enteric fermentation. These variables vary to a significant increase in global warming, positioning the impact of the livestock sector as damaging to the environment, requiring a significant reduction in production and consumption in the key sectors that require the greatest contribution to HDC and therefore to climate change (CC). Which translates into an alert for Colombia, being necessary strategies for sustainable transformation through the application of the mitigation potential as a strategy to guide livestock production towards an ecological economy.
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    Estimación de la elasticidad de la demanda de energía eléctrica en el sector industrial de Colombia para el año 2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Montenegro Marín, Cristhian Merlín; Bonilla Cárdenas, Santiago
    Electric energy is a fundamental resource for production, since it makes it possible to transform raw materials into final goods in a more efficient and accelerated way. Without this resource it would be impossible to supply the needs that originate in the interactions of economic activity, therefore, it is of vital importance to be able to observe how sensitive the industrial sector is to variations in different variables, such as price, income and labor and the price of other goods, therefore, a multiple linear regression model was estimated based on the protocols of previous authors to observe the elasticity of energy demand for 2018 in Colombia, where it was found that Electricity demand is inelastic to variations in price, workers' income, added value, fixed assets and the price of other inputs (natural gas). Furthermore, it was found that the price inelasticity of demand has decreased thanks to the impact of the inclusion of renewable and sustainable energy such as energy generation and cogeneration.
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    Principales determinantes de la inserción laboral de los egresados universitarios en Colombia: un estudio para el año 2017
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Parra Jiménez, Ingrith Cecilia; Yara Jurado, Jhony Efrain
    This written document is intended to analyze through an empirical test which are the main determinants of labor participation of university graduates in Colombia, focusing the study for the year 2017. In the development of the work, use is made of the database provided by the Ministry of National Education (MEN), which is the follow-up survey of graduates of higher education carried out in 2017 for the labor market, with the aim of determining the relevant aspects of graduate immersion in work. For this purpose, a linear model, a probit model and a logit model are estimated, to obtain the results that explain the main determinants of the labor participation of university graduates in Colombia, and thus test the hypothesis that more education more job opportunities. The dependent variable is the employment situation, that is, whether you are working or not, and the independent variables that will be used are: work experience, marital status, number of children and level of study. Among the main results found is that one of the determinants of the labor insertion of university graduates is work experience in a 2,2%, leaving aside the signaling theory at the national level, which is one of the most relevant in this study.
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    Revisión literaria sobre la propensión de compra de los individuos mediante la analítica predictiva en el sector Retail de consumo
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Campo Vidal, Jessica Marcela; Giraldo García, Jennifer; Polo Vidal, John Andrés; Mina Varela, Carlos Alberto
    The document in question being of a literary nature; it compiles and exposes the procedures to fulfill the objective of this article which is to examine the effectiveness of the models of purchase propensity through predictive analytics, that is to say, that through the different methods mentioned here it is possible to evidence the robustness that these tools of the Big Data have to analyze in detail the factors that affect the preferences at the time of buying. For this reason, the document is made with a descriptive type methodology supported by a literature review that begins with the most frequent techniques and concepts of predictive analytics oriented to making good decisions. Following this, the most relevant cases of companies that have implemented this system are presented, and finally, the most precise and effective methods that predictive analytics can use to increase consumption in the retail sector are suggested. Consequently, it is specified that the most viable treatment corresponds to the Recurrent Neural Networks, the decision trees, and the Business Intelligence through Machine and supervised Deep Learning.
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    Eficiencia técnica en las industrias manufactureras valle del cauca, periodo 2015-2017
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Bedoya Muñoz, Natalia; Osorio Martínez, Sebastían Patricio; Serna Aros, Juan Felipe; Durán Peralta, Julián
    Technical efficiency is used in companies to advance the production processes that determine their competitiveness and their chances of survival. In this sense, the research presents the analysis of the technical efficiency of the manufacturing industries of Valle del Cauca during the period 2015-2017. For this, the data used to fulfill this objective will be from the Annual Manufacturing Survey, whose form is applied by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), as well as those provided by the Cali Chamber of Commerce, based on the Economic Balance of Cali and Valle del Cauca, and the Office of Economic Studies. Consistent with the data acquired, the approach used will be a log-log translogarithmic stochastic frontier econometric model, the objective of which is to search for mathematical relationships that allow the behavior of one economic variable to be explained from the observation in time of other different variables. , called explanatory variables. Regarding the most relevant results according to the stated objective, it indicates that, when a process is carried out between financial resources and labor costs, in the companies that make up the conglomerate of 11 productive branches of Cali, there must be a balance between labor and capital so that production performance is efficient, effective and effective; and can generate profitability and business profit.
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    Determinantes de la elección femenina de participar en el mercado laboral en Colombia en el año 2018 un estudio para las 13 áreas metropolitanas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Arce Córdoba, María Fátima; Tovar González, Victoria Eugenia; Morales Johyner Obregón
    The study of the participation decision, and even more, the choice of the types of employment in which an individual can perform, can be conclusive in the dynamics of social mobility processes that are generated within a population. This document aims to analyze through empirical verification the determinants of employment for four categories, controlling for three socioeconomic strata: low, medium and high. In the development of the work, the database provided by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) is used, which is the Large Integrated Household Survey (GEIH) prepared in 2018 for the labor market. For this purpose, a multinomial logistic regression model is estimated, in order to obtain the results that explain how women choose their occupations recognizing that, those from lower and less educated strata, choose less paid jobs following the logic of the added worker, while those who belong to a higher social segment, do so under the logic of the encouraged worker, choosing better qualified and paid jobs. The dependent variable is the occupational occupation divided into 4 categories and the independent variables that will be used are: Educational level, marital status, head of household, Age of children (12-17 years), Size of the household and a control variable that It will be stratification.
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    Pronóstico del precio del café colombiano para enero del 2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Micolta Bedoya, Hector Fernando; Romero Bustamante, Leidy Johana; Obregón Morales, Johyner
    In this research work on the forecast of the price of coffee, the objective is to forecast the price of Colombian coffee for January 2018 using the monthly data obtained from the international coffee organization (ICO) following the Box-Jenkins methodology for autoregressive models Integrated mobile average (ARIMA) resulting in the best model being an ARIMA of order 2,1,2 confirming that the use of these models following the methodology mentioned above are appropriate for forecasting.
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    Pronòstico de la Actividad Edificadora en Colombia para el Ùltimo Semestre de 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Raigosa Diaz, Maria Ximena; Castillo Tabares, Rubén
    In Colombia, the construction sector is considered a lever of the economy, and given its importance it is a sector present in national development plans. Its growth is promoted through the creation of mortgage financing and subsidy systems for the promotion of economic development from the supply of housing, and as a response to the growth of needs due to population growth. Given the above, this paper proposes to make a forecast of the building activity; housing and civil works in Colombia for the last semester of 2019. Using information from the Economic Indicators Around Construction (IEAC) carried out by the DANE that collects information from 15 investigations, adjusted to international standards, a stationary behavior was observed, reason why which to build the forecast, a self-progressive statistical moving average (ARMA) autoregressive integrated moving average model that explains a variable through its past behaviors is applied. In this case, an adjusted behavior with 95% confidence was found for the months of June to December 2019, concluding that the use of this forecasting method is successful and allows short-term business planning that the use of this forecast method is accurate and allows a short time business planning.
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    Pronóstico de ventas; empresa de plaguicidas del Valle del Cauca, segundo semestre del año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cruz Bonilla, María Camila; Betancourt Caicedo, Yeslyn Fernanda; Castillo Tabares, Rubén
    In this paper, time series models were estimated that modeled the behavior of pesticide sales of the company “XYZ” from August 2014 to December 2019. Two types of methodologies (Simple linear regression and Box Jenkins) were analyzed, and a marked trend and seasonality was found; in the case of the ARIMA model, it was necessary to differentiate the series to stabilize it and have greater precision in the forecast generated. Finally, the simple linear regression method is chosen, because in this case it is more adjusted to the amount of observations obtained from the company and shows a behavior like the previous periods.
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    Factores determinantes de la participación femenina en el autoempleo en Colombia para el año 2016
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Domínguez Castro, Daniela; Flórez García, Helen Dayana
    This document analyzes the determinants of female participation in self-employment in Colombia for the year 2016. For this, a database provided from the official page of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) and the Great Integrated Household Survey (GEIH 2016). Two Logit models are estimated to find results that explain female labor participation in self-employment divided into categories of "self-employed" and "self-employed" women; in order to contemplate which are the variables that influence around the proposed topic. The dependent variable is a dichotomous variable that represents the decision to be self-employed using the occupational categories of employer and self-employed, defined as 1 if it is self-employed and 0 if it is a salaried worker, the explanatory variables are the level of schooling, age, marital status, number of children in the home and if the woman is head of household. As results, homogeneous effects are found with the variables schooling, age and marital status between the models of the "patron" women and the "own account"; finally it is found that the number of minors in the household decreases the probability in 0.203% for the "patrons", but increases the probability in 1.12% in the women "own account".
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    El desarrollo de la agroindustria del biocombustible y la seguridad alimentaria en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Rivas Hurtado, Johnatan Mauricio; Gómez Hurtado, Kelly Johana
    This paper aims to analyze how the development of biofuel agroindustry in Colombia affects the country's food security. Through a descriptive-analytical analysis that aims to show, and make a synthesis, about the relationship between the development of agro-industry and the phenomenon of food security. With a scope of only doing a literary review and collect statistics on biofuel production and food production. As a result, the development of biofuel agroindustry has 5 plants for the production of ethanol and 7 plants for the production of biodiesel. It is understood that for the production of these large extensions of land is needed, altering the use of the soil for the production of food. But despite the rates of malnutrition and malnutrition represent an adverse reality for food security. Which allows us to conclude that food security is located in those regions where the biofuel industry has had its greatest development.
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    Medición de la eficiencia de los hospitales públicos de nivel 1 de la región pacífica colombiana en el año 2017
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Pérez Álvarez, Ronald Stiven; Velásquez Valencia, Tania Maryury
    The use of tools to evaluate the efficiency of public hospitals allows to determine which are the ones that perform best and which will have to optimize the use of their supplies. In this regard, this research carried out the measurement of the efficiency of 103 Public Level I Hospitals located in the Pacific Region of Colombia for the year 2017; to do this, a nonparametric technique called Data Envelope Analysis (DEA) was used. The data used for the study were provided by the Hospital Information System (SIHO) provided by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. The results showed that of the 103 hospitals, 3 had an optimal level of efficiency in the use of their hospital resources, 8 hospitals had high efficiency, 8 hospitals had medium efficiency and 84 hospitals had low efficiency; At the regional level, the 3 best Hospitals are located in the department of Cauca and hospitals with lower levels of efficiency are located in the departments of Chocó and Nariño.
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    La influencia del nivel de educación sobre la decisión de la participación en la fuerza laboral en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali y su área metropolitana año 2016 tercer trimestre
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Franco Ñungo, Andrés; Hurtado Hinestroza, Royer Alfonso
    The purpose of this document is to determine the impact that education has when it comes to entering the labor market in the city of Santiago de Cali and its metropolitan area in 2016, third quarter, so a participation model is estimated labor. The purpose is achieved using the information from the large integrated household survey (GEIH, 2016), and a logit econometric model was estimated, where the variables taken into account were, years of schooling, head of household, age, age squared, sex. It was found that having an additional year of schooling in the city of Santiago de Cali and its metropolitan area increases the probability of being inserted in the labor market, that is, having an additional degree of education positively influences the participation of the individual in the market of city work.
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    Determinantes de la elección de consumo de música en vivo en Colombia en el año 2016
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Idrobo Sulbaran, Liseth Yulieth; Galindo Sánchez, Víctor Manuel; Andrade Agudelo, Doris Lilia
    Cultural events have allowed society to evolve without losing its roots and acquire new customs, making a combination of them at present, one of the most ancestral ways of transmitting them has been through music, music brings with it sense of belonging, experiences, emotions and social connection. Live music with the passage of time has generated a large market that has not been exploited as it should be. This produces, therefore, the emphasis and the need in general to make the present writing that has as purpose to determine the variables that can condition the decision of an individual with respect to the consumption of live music in Colombia for the year 2016 and of this way to understand where Colombia is going in relation to the economy of culture, emphasizing live music. The suggested purpose will be achieved through a probit econometric model using the cultural consumption survey conducted in Colombia in 2016. In Colombia, the economy of culture is not seen as a high-impact branch for society, however, culture is annexed to the human being and it is vitally important to investigate it; through the study of determinants of live music consumption for 2016, it is found that the Colombian individual who consumes live music tends to be in greater proportion the woman, educated, from the Atlantic coast, and from stratum 1 and 2 who in Colombia is classified as low.
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    Incidencia del monocultivo de la caña de azúcar, en los aspectos económicos y socio ambientales del Valle del Cauca, en el período 2007 - 2017
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Álzate Córdoba, Juliana Andrea; Peñaranda Alcalde, Sergio Daniel
    The monograph, the incidence of monoculture of sugarcane, in the economic and socio-environmental aspects of Valle del Cauca between 2007 – 2017, It is perform of this recognized sector, so it generates for the valle del cauca, Being this crop of big importance within the agro industry, However, it has a tendency to monoculture sugarcane, therefore, this monograph includes a qualitative development of different phases, getting data and bibliographic information which in turn presents a descriptive analysis of the referenced information, Expose, the difficulty of finding data that in one way or another are real and that can provide us knowledge, seeking to have a debate, because in a certain way, the information is restricted, consequently, difficulty a deeper analysis, spite of this, it was possible to obtain some works and investigations of big importance for the development of the presented objectives, contributing facts in the economic and socioenvironmental component, highlighting, in the same way, the different documents, norms, decrees and laws found which are regulated by the state for the sugar sector or in its defect agrarian. Finally, and with the realization of the foregoing, some conclusions and recommendations are generated, which go according to what was done during the document.
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    Factores asociados a la participación laboral juvenil en Cali área metropolitana - año 2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Gallego Valencia, Juan David; Polanía Sarria, Julián Andrés; Gamba Rodríguez, Andrés Felipe
    This document analyzes some of the factors associated with the labor participation of the young population, between 14 and 28 years of age, in Cali Metropolitan Area, based on the information of the Great Integrated Household Survey - GEIH, in the year 2018. To determine the probability of participation probabilistic models are estimated and take into account the age, sex, head of household, stratum, care or attention of children, years of schooling, attendance at educational institution and other non-labor income as variables that explain The models. The results show that the probability of participation increases with increasing age and years of schooling, if one is male and head of household, and decreases when the stratum increases, one has the responsibility of caring for or caring for children, studies and perceives other non-labor income.
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    Probabilidad de participar en el mercado laboral según el nivel de educación: un estudio para Medellín y su área metropolitana en el período 2016: 4
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Granada Rojas, Mónica
    The following document seeks to quantify the differentiated effects of the educational level of the inhabitants of Medellín and its metropolitan area for the 2016 period: 4 on the decision to participate in the labor market, based on the Great Integrated Household Survey (GEIH). There was a variable that categorizes the individuals in the sample in: no education, basic primary, media, technical and technological, professional and more. In addition to this, some sociodemographic variables were included, such as sex, head of household and age. For the estimation of the model, a logistic regression was used. It was found that the probability of participating in the labor market increases 12.3% due to being a man, 11.48% for being head of household. For the educational level, it was found that the probability increases 10% for individuals with primary education, 13% for individuals with secondary education, 18.84% for individuals with a technical or technological degree, and finally 18.31% for those who obtained a degree of professional or more.
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    Estimación ajustada del comportamiento de la inflación en Colombia entre 1994/95 - 2006/07: una aproximación usando curvas de Engel
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Rodríguez Burbano, Jeison Gerardo; Obregón Morales, Johyner
    El presente trabajo estima el sesgo en la inflación medido a través del IPC. La metodología utilizada consistió en hallar curvas de Engel, es decir, se estimó una demanda de la proporción del gasto en alimentos en función del gasto real de los hogares, donde además, se incluyó un grupo de controles asociados a las características sociodemográficas de cada hogar en 23 áreas metropolitanas. Los datos utilizados corresponden a la Encuesta de Ingresos y Gastos de los años 1994/95 y 2006/07, donde se contó con 11260 observaciones. Los resultados arrojan una sobreestimación promedio anual de la inflación de 1.61 puntos porcentuales, congruente con resultados de autores anteriores. De igual forma, se incluyó cálculos de elasticidades de gasto (0,51) y precio (compensada (0,19) y no compensada (0,35)) de la demanda, encontrando que los alimentos son bienes normales-básicos e inelásticos, tal como lo platea la teoría económica.