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    Participación en el mercado laboral por rangos de edad en el área metropolitana de Cali para el periodo 2019-3
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022-03-31) Zurita Hurtado, Keyla Yazuri
    In this research project we analyze the participation in the labor market of the city of Cali AM by age ranges of the third semester of the year 2019, and the different factors that influence this, for this we will use a micro data base of the Official website of (DANE), and the large integrated household survey (GEIH 2019), The labor partition is the labor force, which indicates the proportion of the population of working age, to estimate the probability of participation are used Binomial models within this there are variables of interest such as the supply and demand of jobs, employment rates by gender, age ranges, educational levels, socioeconomic stratum, head of household, father resides in household and mother resides in household that have a effect on productivity, the results show that the probability of participating in the labor market increases as the age ranges and educational level increase, if you are a man and the father resides of at home and decreases when the mother resides at home, when they increase age the probability of accessing the labor market decreases, in addition to understanding the labor participation of people in a time line that indicates aspects that determine said participation, starting from that unemployment is higher in young people who face a market with few opportunities, and in older adults, which shows that there is an age range where most people are active at the labor level, in addition to the lack of of inclusion to the elderly population that basically the market does not find useful after a certain age, which represents a problem at the social level.
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    Análisis comparado de las brechas salariales por género entre el tercer trimestre de 2019 y el tercer trimestre de 2021 para Cali y su área metropolitana
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022-11-28) Perez, Catalina; Obregón Morales, Johyner
    Wage discrimination continues to generate a broad paradigm among economists and researchers who try to explain the origin of wage differences between men and women. This research aims to estimate the gender wage gap for the city of Cali and its metropolitan area between the third quarter of 2019 and the third quarter of 2021, using as a database the large integrated household survey (GEIH) provided by the national department statistics (DANE). Wage differences due to human capital characteristics and unobservable effects or discrimination factors are estimated using the Oaxaca Blinder wage decomposition method. The results show the increase in total wage gaps during the two periods 1,1% and more pronounced in feminized activities 8%, where women are highly concentrated, while in masculinized activities where female participation is very low, women have higher labor income higher hourly averages than men, which reverses the gap in favor of women (-8,3%; -10,6%). Although women have managed to match the levels of productivity represented by the traditional factors of human capital (education and experience) which continue to be relevant to understand the behavior and evolution of the gaps in many sectors of the labor market, these factors only manage to explain a very small proportion of the pay gap.
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    Determinantes Macroeconómicos Del Consumo En Bienes Finales En Colombia (2015-2022)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-03-10) Chamás Ramírez, Andrés Felipe; Obregón Morales, Johyner
    This report makes a bibliographic review and analysis of the macroeconomic determinants of consumption in final goods in Colombia during the period 2015-2022, using the main theories that explain the behavior of short and long-term consumption. It is based on the hypothesis that the expectation of future income of the individual is the main determinant of long-term consumption (permanent income hypothesis), while short-term consumption is explained by his disposable income. The methodology used to find the long-term determinants is the Vector Error Correction (VEC) model and for the short term the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model is applied, both estimated with the final consumption variable as endogenous, and the variables disposable income and housing stock as exogenous. Among the main results, it is found that the housing stock variable as a measure of wealth determines long-term consumption, and the disposable income variable has a greater incidence in short-term consumption compared to wealth expectations
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    Determinantes de la informalidad laboral en cali y su área metropolitana para el tercer trimestre del año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Angulo Portilla, Daniel Alexander; Velasco Ordoñez, Victor Manuel; Duran Peralta, Julián
    This paper shows the factors that determine labor informality in Cali and its metropolitan area for the 2019-III period, based on information from the Great Integrated Household Survey-GEIH, where labor informality will be measured in terms of affiliation to social security using variables such as sex, age, whether or not they are heads of household, the type of employment contract and educational level. To carry out this estimation, a Probit-type empirical estimation model is used, where it is evident that being a woman increases the probability of belonging to the informal sector, likewise, it was also obtained that having a higher educational level, an advanced age and having a written employment contract decreases the probability of being informal.
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    Análisis de las características socioeconómicas que inciden en la demanda de fiestas y festivales municipales y departamentales en colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Dorado Barragán, Jhann Carlos; Rodríguez Fajardo, Iván Andrés; Masso Giraldo, Sergio; Andrade Agudelo, Doris Lilia
    Municipal and departmental fairs and festivals are examples of a tradition that brings together citizens due to their historical and cultural content. In Colombia there are around four thousand celebrations so far this year, which generate direct economic benefits, both for national and international tourism, as well as indirect benefits in the generation of jobs. This research carries out an analytical and descriptive study of the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics that affect the demand for municipal and departmental fairs and festivals in Colombia. The objective is to explain, essentially, the causes and effects through a binomial probability model, with data from the Cultural Consumption Survey (2020), obtained by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE). The results show the importance of variables such as: age, educational level, the region where one lives and the number of children for attendance at municipal and departmental fairs and festivals in Colombia.
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    Oportunidades de internacionalización para posicionar una Empresa en el exterior
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Benavides Velásquez, Valentina; Morán Dizu, Johan Andrés; Sánchez Rivera, Juan David
    This article addresses the process of identifying foreign market opportunities for a more effective internationalization of a company. Secondary sources such as the World Trade Organization and pedagogical databases are used to measure indicators related to GDP, market entry barriers and trade agreements. However, the article emphasizes the importance for companies to be adequately prepared before venturing into international markets, as they may face serious obstacles that threaten their survival.
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    Análisis comparativo del desempleo juvenil entre hombres y mujeres en cali y área metropolitana para el tercer trimestre del año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Burbano Sossa, Daniela; León Navia, Paola Andrea; Obregón Morales, Johyner
    Young people face different obstacles when entering the labor market. The purpose of this research was to comparatively analyze youth unemployment between men and women in Cali and its metropolitan area for the third quarter of 2019. This research was inferential and a binomial model was used to carry it out. This work was carried out with secondary information from the DANE page. The results show that women are more likely to be unemployed (56.5% unemployed women vs. 43.5% unemployed men). However, gender is not the only variable that affects youth unemployment. In conclusion, the work shows that the applicant's education increases the probability of job engagement for women 1.8%, as opposed to the probability of job engagement for men 1.0%.
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    Pronóstico de ventas para una empresa metal-eléctrica fabricante de cofres metálicos de baja tensión en una de sus referencias más vendidas en la ciudad de cali para el año 2021
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Solarte Mendez, Anderson; Luna, Oscar; Bedoya, Lina
    In the present work, a sales forecast of a type of chest manufactured by the company "XYZ" was carried out based on the information provided by the company, from 2012 to 2020 with monthly periodicity for a total of 107 data, including monthly sales, retail price excluding VAT and total monthly sales. A multiple regression model with seasonality and trend was estimated. Subsequently, the results obtained from the statistical process were analyzed and a forecast was made for a future period, showing that the sales of the company's main product do not show a statistically significant trend, but rather a stable behavior around an average value, a situation that reflects the absence of a bolder sales policy that has not led to a favorable increase in the level of sales.
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    Caracteristicas diferenciales de calidad del empleo en las plataformas digitales; caso rappi colombia, año 2019
    (2021) Cerón Cardona, Maria Angelica; Arango Cadavid, Alejandro; Loaiza Aguirre, Gerardo; Castillo, Ruben
    The main goal of the investigation is to analyze the differential characteristics of the employment’s quality of digital platforms on working conditions, Rappi Colombia 2019 case, this was mainly motivated by rumors about the violation of rights to decent and quality work manifested in constant protests by employees of the technological platform in Colombia and other countries where it operates. To verify compliance with the hypothesis, an analyze is carried out on the emergence of this new business model of the 21st century framed in a new era of industrial revolution. Primary and secondary information provided by the survey of Rappi workers and the Great Integrated Household Survey of 2019 is used. Based on the results obtained, it’s possible to conclude evidence of the informal conditions under which contracts are made in Colombia , which become more notorious in the case of Rappi, manifesting the breach of labor regulations, with arguments that under modality undertaken by the platform, each new employee can control the working conditions according to their needs and expectations, however, according to the statements of the Rappitenderos, the apparent independence is only a persuasive factor to avoid the contractual and labor formalization responsibilities that should be fulfilled.
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    Fractales y Divisas: una contrastación de la hipótesis del mercado eficiente y el desarrollo de un modelo de trading cuantitativo, respaldado por la teoría fractal en los pares de divisa GBP/USD y EUR/USD en el periodo 2018-2020.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cal, 2021) Alomia, Luis Fidel; Prado, Banner Andrés; Beltrán, Daniel Mauricio
    The efficient market hypothesis has long been the dominant current of thought in financial markets, which is why a large number of models have emerged from its theoretical assumptions, with which an attempt has been made to explain and predict the behavior of the market. price of financial assets, however, for the creation of these models, it is necessary to start from a series of assumptions that do not obey the true movement of the price, causing said systems to fail over time, which is why it is necessary The search and use of alternative approaches that allow a better adjustment to the reality of the price, is therefore that, in this work, fractal theory is used as an alternative approach, not only to contrast the hypothesis of market efficiency, but also in addition, to create a model that allows profitable speculation over time. To this end, the research is divided into three parts, in the first, the state of the art is presented together with the objectives and research hypotheses, in the second part, the frame of reference is supported by the contextual, theoretical and conceptual framework. And finally, in the third part, the research methodology is developed and the results of the model are interpreted, reaching the conclusion that the market presents evidence of persistence in its yield series, during the observed period, for the EUR / currency pairs.USD AND GBP / USD and therefore, it could be said that in some moments of the distribution the price of these currencies develops in a fractal way, contrary to the hypotheses of normality and complete randomness indicated by the efficient market hypothesis, in addition it is also achieves the creation of a profitable fractal model during the 3 years analyzed, with a profit of 196.4%, a maximum annual reduction of 3.9% and a risk of ruin (RoR) of 1.26%, according to the results obtained through the backtesting.
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    Determinantes de la elección de consumo de cine en Colombia en el año 2017
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Pacheco, Victor Danilo; Popayan, Danny Alexander; Andrade Agudelo, Doris Lilia
    The following document shows the factors that influence film consumption in Colombia based on the DANE's 2017 survey of cultural consumption. The probability that an individual asist at the cinema will be identified by implementing a logit model from regressive variables such as age, sex and marital status, variables that capture the socioeconomic level such as income level, occupation and stratum and educational level, as well as variables that capture the cultural consumption of the individual, such as attendance at theaters, cinema, fairs and museums. Among some of the findings, it was found that the younger population attends more to the cinema, the female sex has a greater probability of consuming cinema, on the other hand, the socioeconomic level has a positive impact, where individuals belonging to the middle or high strata have a higher The probability of consuming cinema than those of the lower stratum, as well as having a higher educational level, presents a positive effect. This document contributes to identifying determinants that influence the probability of consuming cinema in Colombia.
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    Amenazas y desplazamiento forzado en colombia en los años 2010-2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Pérez Pérez, Isabella; Tayakee Sanchez, Tathiana; Vargas Rojas, Marlyn Vanessa
    This paper aims to determine the relationship between threats and forced displacement in the municipalities of Colombia for the years 2010 - 2019. Econometric estimates were made on the conflict and violence data of the CEDE panel, with the purpose of determining the association of these variables. With this information, it was obtained that the explanatory variables such as homicides, terrorist acts and enforced disappearance present a positive and significant relationship to forced displacement in the municipalities of Colombia. In addition, the development of the work seeks to provide a description of the characteristics of displacement and threats, taking into account the conflict situation in the country.
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    Impacto estimado del covid 19 por ramas de actividad económica en colombia para el 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Herrera Zúñiga, Willy Nelson; Bañol Salazar, Sebastián
    The objective of this work is to make an estimate of the impact that COVID 19 had in 2020 for the different branches of economic activity, according to their ISIC classification. For this purpose, a forecast was prepared by means of an Ordinary Least Squares Regression Model (OLS) that allowed a comparison between what happened and what could have happened given this scenario. For its part, it is worth mentioning that, as an inference mechanism, an intra-sample forecast was outlined with the use of time series of quarterly periodicity in periods between the years 2010 to 2020. The main results showed that the greatest loss of potential production was It occurred in the second quarter, this, caused by the measures taken to mitigate the impact of this situation, which affected in a considerable and differentiated way the commercial interactions and value chain of the main branches of economic activity, being more affected the activities of accommodation and food services and artistic and entertainment activities given the nature of its economic activity unconditionally mediated by the presence of people in its establishments.
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    Crecimiento económico y gasto público en seguridad en colombia, ghana, nicaragua y nigeria: 1961-2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Vergara Jaramillo, Javier
    In this work, the behavior of public spending on defense and economic growth was evaluated through a descriptive and empirical analysis, also, the type of relationship exerted between both variables was estimated for a group of countries: Colombia, Ghana, Nicaragua, Nigeria, for In the period 1961-2018, its methodological structure was designed with secondary sources obtained from the institutional repository of the World Bank Data Bank, in the theoretical aspects it was based on different theorists of public finance such as Wagner. The main findings show a fluctuating behavior in terms of the variables analyzed in all countries, but a better performance in Nicaragua in terms of the economic growth rates achieved. In the Colombian case, public spending on security and growth show an inverse relationship.
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    Estudio econométrico de la demanda y características de la oferta de bibliotecas en Colombia para el año 2017
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Fernández Cantero, Angy Lorena; Velásquez Galeano, Dayana Andrea; Andrade Agudelo, Doris Lilia
    The present project aims to carry out a study on the supply of public libraries in Colombia and the variables that determine their demand. For this, spatial analysis techniques are estimated for the offer, which allow establishing the spatial distribution of the number of public libraries in the country. Using a probit econometric model, the demand for libraries is analyzed using microdata from the Cultural Consumption Survey 2017. The results obtained from this research show that educational level is the most determining factor in the use of the public library and the higher it is, a person will be more likely to use it. It was also found that women attend more frequently than men, because being a woman, being young and single increases the probability of attendance, in terms of the level of occupation it is observed that the individual who is inactive attends more a library, in this case because a large part of the inactive people are students (university, technical, among others), this applies to all people regardless of any region of the country.
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    Determinantes de la probabilidad de resiliencia academica en la prueba pirls 2011 para colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Narváez,Andrés Felipe; Obregón Morales, Johyner
    In this research, the objective is to determine the associated factors that influence the probability of school resilience of fourth grade students evaluated in the PIRLS 2011 test in Colombia, using Probit binary probabilistic models, where a comparison is made with the Logit model in terms of the correct classification of the variables, in addition to this, the marginal effects of the Probit model are analyzed. On the other hand, explanatory variables such as socioeconomic level ISEC, sex, book possession at home, parental support, vandalism, location of the educational center, absenteeism, interest in reading, the teacher says interesting things. With respect to the results, it is observed that the socio-economic level of the students conditions the level of learning; the sex of the students does not manage to explain the academic success, on the other hand, variables such as parental support, book possession, interest in reading and the geographical location of the educational centre manage to increase the probability of academic success of students with resilient characteristics.
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    Fortalecimiento de la educacion financiera inicial en los jovenes de la facultad de ciencias economicas y empresariales de la universidad santiago de cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Ocampo Soto, Emely Andrea; Villegas Tovar, Nallary; Medina Hurtado, Lina Maria
    This article presents a project aimed at addressing the issue of over-indebtedness and the lack of financial education among young people in higher education institutions, with a particular focus on students from the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences (FCEE) at the University of Santiago de Cali. It highlights how this situation negatively impacts the financial lives of many individuals, despite the increasing access to financial products. Research reveals that a significant portion of young people lack the knowledge to make sound economic decisions. The project's main objective is to strengthen the financial skills of university students and contribute to the development of a culture of financial responsibility, in order to reduce the risk of debt and over-indebtedness in the current socio-economic context. To achieve this goal, qualitative research was employed using a deductive method, which included conducting diagnostic surveys and implementing a pilot training program. Survey results clearly indicate the lack of financial knowledge among students at the FCEE, but the implemented training plan proved effective in improving their knowledge in this field.
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    Propuesta de un programa de capacitación bancaria para microempresarios de la ciudad de cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Arias Giraldo, Maria Camila; Moreno Gutiérrez, David Alejandro
    This project is aimed at microentrepreneurs in Cali's Commune 11 and seeks to design a training plan for financial tools that will enable them to broaden their knowledge of savings, investment and credit, generating the capacity to encourage the growth of their businesses. Commune 11 is an active economic and commercial zone with a wide range of products and services. It is a strategic point in the city due to its location and the diversity of activities that take place in the area. The project ranges from a live virtual training day for microentrepreneurs, to designing and developing a flexible financial training program through interactive capsules, organizing modules segmented by financial approach and exposing its content in affordable platforms for the community of microentrepreneurs in the city. We worked on the qualitative methodology of participatory action through surveys,informal interviews and experiences of microentrepreneurs to understand their needs and contribute optimally to the fulfillment of their growth projections. The surveys show that in the topics of relevance for this project, such as savings, investment and credit, microentrepreneurs have a need to broaden their field of information and improve their financial decision-making.
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    Propuesta para la creacion de una biblioteca comunitaria en la caseta comunal del barrio calimio desepaz – cali, valle del cauca.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Sánchez Villa, Luisa María; Moreno Gutierrez, Jose Luis
    The public library is essential for society, covering cultural, educational, social and economic aspects. The community library emerges as an alternative to the insufficiency of the municipal library system, playing an important role as a social and cultural promoter in the communities. The main objective of this article is to present a proposal for the creation of a community library in the community house of the Calimio Desepaz neighborhood, characterizing the information, demographic, cultural, educational and social needs. It was recommended that territorial leaders coordinate this type of experiences on a continuous basis to generate cooperation networks and alliances. The methodology included the use of structured surveys, validation of archival records, direct interviews and community observation. A sample of 218 users was achieved, prioritizing the population; The community library in the Calimio Desepaz neighborhood would be a catalytic tool for education, offering access to information, reading and culture, reducing the educational gap and strengthening the sense of identity and belonging of the neighborhood's inhabitants.
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    Reacciones electorales a la protesta social en Cali: Un análisis de convergencia espacial para votaciones por partidos de izquierda en elecciones presidenciales 2014 a 2022
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Carvajal Izquierdo, Luis Felipe; Vargas Cardona, Robinson Andrés; Burbano Valencia, Enrique Javier
    This research work investigates how the geographical distribution of votes changed in favor of left-wing political parties in presidential elections of Cali after the 2021 Social Protest. For this, the study used the convergence approach through the classical method (Sala-i-Martin, 2006), the transition matrix and the Kernels Density Estimation (KDE) methods (Quah; 1993; 1996; 1997), examining election results from 2014 to 2022. The results indicate a pattern of persistence of votes for the party studied in the neighborhoods where exposure to protest was more intense, but also convergence towards higher voting scales, which suggests the presence of a bandwagon effect on the electoral outcomes, and the influence of socioeconomic gaps at a geographic scale.