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    Acciones de intervención fonoaudiológica para favorecer el lenguaje oral en escolares – Una revisión de alcance en Latinoamérica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Obregón Garcés, Eliana Marcela; Obando Castro, Jelner Alexander; Velásquez Guzmán, Eduardo José
    The actions of phonoaudiological intervention aimed at favoring oral language in school children are considered as those practices performed by these professionals as facilitating strategies that contribute significantly to the development processes in students who are in school context
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    Influencia de los determinantes sociales de la salud en el desarrollo de la cognición y del lenguaje en niños de 1 –5 años de edad: una revisión de alcance
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Escobar Urbano, Humberto; Valencia Lozano, Lizbeth Fernanda; Velásquez Guzmán, Eduardo José
    The World Health Organization (WHO) defines Social Determinants of Health as “The circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work and age”. These are immersed in the quality of life of a person, the socioeconomic, cultural and environmental conditions in which they operate with the greatest impact on the child population, among other very important aspects such as the growth and development of children. This research seeks to identify the social determinants that influence and generate conditions that impact the development processes in early childhood, which seeks to identify the influence of the social determinants of health in children and their relationship with the development of cognition and language in children from 1 to 5 years old; was developed from a retrospective quantitative approach under the PECO strategy, a review of scientific articles was carried out from databases (Scopus, Springer, Sage journals, Pubmed and Science direct,) Within the process of selection, the search equation was used (social determinants AND cognition AND language AND child) where 8 documents were selected from the databases which met the criteria for research studies between the years 2013 to 2023
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    Situación de la educación superior en Colombia para la inclusión de personas sordas señantes en las instituciones universitarias. Revisión bibliográfica.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Pérez Arroyo, Margot Yaquelipe; Salazar Carvajal, Laura Daniela; Larrahondo, Mariana; Burgos García, Mónica
    In this review, we investigate the situation of signing deaf people in relation to access, permanence and the graduation in the Institutions of Higher Education (IES)
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    Características del proceso de lactancia materna en niños y niñas con labio paladar fisurado y/o paladar hendido.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Daza Palacio, Isabella; Lasso Otero, Assli Yineth; Guzmán Sánchez, Pilar Andrea; Larrahondo, Mariana; Guzmán, Pilar
    Breastfeeding is the most appropriate feeding method for the baby during the first six months of life, adapting to every moment and need of the infant
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    Efectividad de la electroestimulación en el abordaje de la disfagia neurogénica: una revisión de alcance.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Cruz Balanta, Emanuel; Argüello Vélez, Patricia; Larrahondo, Mariana; Argüello, Patricia
    Neurogenic Dysphagia (DN) is a clinical manifestation that alters the biomechanical process of feeding from the oral cavity to the stomach, secondary to a neurological lesion with a high prevalence in patients with Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
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    Influencia del trastorno de desarrollo del lenguaje TDL en las habilidades escolares: revisión de alcance
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Castaño Echeverria, Jilary Gisselle; García Jiménez, Valeria; Rebolledo Riascos, Mayra Alejandra; Quintero Uribe, Jhon Fredy; Larrahondo, Mariana; Quintero, Jhon Fredy
    This research reveals the influence of Language Development Disorder (DDL) on school skills, since research on this topic is rare, for this reason, a scope review was carried out in order to identify through the scientific literature aspects related to TDL and school skills
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    Instrumentos de evaluación estandarizados para la caracterización de las habilidades lingüísticas en adultos mayores con demencia tipo alzheimer y demencia vascular.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Jaramillo Narváez, Diana Karolina; González García, Laura Camila; Victoria Caicedo, Karen Julieth; Larrahondo, Mariana; Bernal Sandoval, Lina
    The most common dementia diseases presented in the elderly are Alzheimer’s type dementia and vascular dementia, which, generate a cognitive deterioration that affects social interaction and language skills, Making it difficult to communicate actively and effectively in daily life (Ardila, 2006)
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    Aportes de los entornos de educación inicial para la identificación y abordaje de la disfemia: una revisión sistemática [2011 - 2021]
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Murillo Zapata, Daniela; Sánchez González, Delia esperanza; Larrahondo, Mariana; Torres, Natalia
    Dysphemia is a disorder characterized by involuntary interruptions in the fluency of speech, which are manifested in pauses, false starts, repetitions of syllables or words, among others; If not treated, specifically, at an early age, they can trigger communication problems and, with it, a disability or deficiency
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    Relación de la lactancia materna en el desarrollo del lenguaje y el habla: una revisión de alcance.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Benavides Cardona, Angie Mishel; Revelo Viveros, Liceth Vanessa; López García, Gabriela; Larrahondo, Mariana; Guzmàn, Pilar
    Breastfeeding is one of the most important indicators of child development and growth since it allows to optimize the nutritional status of the baby, strengthen the immune system, increase the production of immunoglobulins and increase the development and functionality of the orofacial and oromotor structures of the neonate
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    El ultrasonido usado en el diagnóstico de la disfagia, una revisión de su aplicación
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Amu Marquez, Laura Daniela; Bernal Sandoval, Lina Marcela
    In recent years, dysphagia has been diagnosed with tests such as Videofluroscopy and Fibroscopic Evaluation. In Colombia, this disorder has a high prevalence, with impacts on health and health care costs. Ultrasound is an alternative, non-invasive, inexpensive and providing details about swallowing. The aim of the following review is to describe the diagnostic applicability of ultrasound in oropharyngeal dysphagia in adults
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    Relación entre el contexto familiar, social y el deterioro cognitivo en adultos mayores vinculados a dos instituciones de la ciudad de Cali [2020].
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Aguado Álvarez, Natalia; Larrahondo, Mariana
    The present research aims to establish the relationship between the family and social context and cognitive impairment in older adults linked to two institutions in the city of Cali (2020). To meet the objective of the study, it is developed under a quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional approach, taking as the population adults over 60 years of age, the evaluation instrument is the "Mini Mental State Examination" (MMSE) and the scale of Gijón socio-family assessment (original version Gonzaléz et al). The data collected are tabulated in Microsoft Excel and an analysis is performed with descriptive statistics, standard deviation and dispersion measures through the SPSS program (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). The sample consisted of 49 older adults. The population participating in the study ranges from 65 to 89 years of age, there is a predominance of the female gender; the majority were in basic secondary level, had family and social contact. A correlation is made between cognitive impairment, social context and family context, so it can be affirmed with statistical evidence that there is no significant relationship between family and social context and cognitive impairment, which obtained a significance value of 0.81 (p > 0.05). It should be noted that the environment and cognitive deterioration can become determining factors, since the probability that the elderly will try to present alterations of an emotional nature such as depression and of a physical nature such as chronic diseases increases if there is no family, social support.
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    Implicaciones sobre el desarrollo del habla y lenguaje por otitis media pediátrica secundaria a la enfermedad de reflujo gastroesofágico. Una revisión narrativa
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Arroyave Rodríguez, Lina Marcela; Buitrago Arboleda, Jessica; Ceballos Arenas, Omar Alejandro; Méndez, Yeniffer
    Worldwide, gastroesophageal reflux represents a high incidence, which at first results as a physiological process in pediatric ages and when it remains present and persistent after two years of age, it transforms into pathological reflux called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)1. Among its consequences are ear infections such as otitis media2, this can be caused because the Eustachian tube is located in the rhinopharynx, communicating the middle ear with the aerodigestive tract3. Research has documented that otitis media can cause moderate to severe hearing losses depending on the complication of the case4, a situation that can cause different consequences and limitations in the development of speech and language in children. Based on what has been described, it is considered relevant to carry out a qualitative narrative review, which characterizes the implications on the development of speech and language due to pediatric otitis media secondary to gastroesophageal reflux disease. As a result, it was obtained that, there are speech and language complications that lead children from 0 to 6 years old to delays in phonetic, phonological, and morphosyntactic acquisition, and later difficulties in learning, reading and writing, among others.
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    Características del proceso de lactancia materna en niños y niñas con labio paladar fisurado y/o paladar hendido
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Daza Palacio, Isabella; Lasso Otero, Assli Yineth; Guzmán Sánchez, Pilar Andrea
    Breastfeeding is the most appropriate feeding method for the baby during the first six months of life, adapting to every moment and need of the infant. Breastfeeding provides the necessary nutrients for the proper growth and development of the child, adapting correctly to the digestive function; In addition, it provides benefits for both mother and infant individually and jointly, among these, the bond that develops during the breastfeeding process, promotes growth and brain development, physiological and immunological, helps hormonal and physical recovery, among other benefits. There are different barriers that limit the adequate process of maternal sucking, such as anatomical malformations of congenital origin, such as cleft lip and palate, which hinder the feeding process from an early age, having unfavorable effects on oral mechanics, and the ability to generate negative pressure in the sucking process and tight closure for nipple attachment, also affecting breathing and swallowing during BF.
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    Caracterización de la comprensión de los verbos motores en pacientes con enfermedad de parkinson: una revisión de alcance
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Larrahondo Zuñiga, Kellen Andrea; Muñoz Torres, Sandra Lorena; Argüello Vélez, Patricia
    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative pathology that mainly affects the motor component due to the decrease of dopamine in the basal ganglia of the brain. Its deterioration not only reports important motor symptoms, but also cognitive symptoms, including mild cognitive impairment characterized by linguistic alterations in its expressive and comprehension aspects.
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    Estrategias de intervención empleadas por fonoaudiólogos para el manejo de la disartria en el periodo de 2011 a 2021: revisión narrativa
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Córdoba Cuarán, Jennifer; Matos Rojas, Daniela; Sánchez Girón, Katherine; Larrahondo, Mariana
    This research is a narrative review monograph, which arose from the need in the area of human rehabilitation to perform therapeutic interventions based on the best available scientific evidence, which seeks to identify current strategies used in the management of dysarthria in different territorial contexts. The objective of this review was to identify the intervention strategies used by speech-language pathologists for the management of dysarthria, through a narrative review based on scientific evidence, in the databases PubMed, Scopus, Springer Link and Science Direct, in the period from 2011 to 2021, providing a baseline for students and professionals in speech-language pathology as an intervention tool for clinical practice. Regarding the methodology, a search was conducted in the aforementioned databases. Eighty potential articles were selected for the research, which, after evaluation of the content and eligibility criteria, were narrowed down to 16, with a subsequent systematization of the findings. The results were based on the sociodemographic, methodological and thematic variables of the research, allowing the identification and description of 12 strategies implemented by speech therapists for the intervention of dysarthria. In conclusion, it was possible to rescue 16 studies that had updated scientific evidence, in which it was determined that the strategies were implemented in interventions with dysarthric patients and showed improvement, so they can be implemented in the professional clinical practice.
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    Características acústicas del fonema fricativo alveolar sordo /S/ en personas con fisura labio palatina: reporte de casos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Aragón Rentería, Belquin; Cardozo León, Rosany Nathalia; Sánchez Mejía, Francy Daniela; Burgos, Mónica
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    Estado auditivo de los trabajadores que asistieron a la IPS MARC en los periodos 2018 - 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Herrera Uribe, Angie Marcela; Burgos, Mónica
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    Comparación del desarrollo de la competencia lectoescrita en niños con TEA y sin TEA: una revisión documental
    (2021) Hoyos, Claudia V; Álvarez, Sofía P .; Herrera, Angie D; Argüello Vélez, Patricia
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    Situación de la educación superior en Colombia para la inclusión de personas sordas señantes en las instituciones universitarias. revisión bibliográfica
    (2023) Salazar Carvajal, Laura Daniela; Pérez Arroyo, Margoth Yaquelipe; Burgos García, Mónica
    In this review, we investigate the situation of signing deaf people in relation to access, permanence and the graduation in the Institutions of Higher Education (IES). Likewise, it highlights the importance of politics public entities created for the promotion of inclusion of the population in condition of disability in educational contexts.
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    Efectividad de la electroestimulación en el abordaje de la disfagia neurogénica: una revisión de alcance
    (2022) Cruz Balanta, Emanuel; Argüello Vélez, Patricia
    Neurogenic Dysphagia (DN) is a clinical manifestation that alters the biomechanical process of feeding from the oral cavity to the stomach, secondary to a neurological lesion with a high prevalence in patients with Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA).