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    Análisis de programa de SIVIGILA de la Secretaría de Salud Pública: Violencia intrafamiliar en la comuna 15 del Distrito de Santiago de Cali 2020-2021
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Ramírez Amelines, Jessica Paola; Moreno Arboleda, Egidio; Moreno Gutiérrez, José Luis
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    Inexistencia De Un Marco Normativo Para La Prestación Del Servicio Educativo Formal En El Nivel De Básica Y Media Para Adultos En La Modalidad Virtual En La Ciudad De Santiago De Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Giraldo Montero, Fernando de Jesús; Sevillano, Marlon Fernando; Cano Sterling, Andrés Felipe
    In Colombia, Law 115 of 1994, in Article 50, defines adult education in semi-presential and distance modalities. This law, in the mentioned article, has not been regulated nor does it embrace other types of teaching and learning modalities. The research focuses on conducting an analysis of the current regulations due to the different factors that are presented, in the sense of proposing access to education, through the expansion of educational coverage and inclusion of the adult population in the virtual modality at the levels of basic and middle education. A qualitative and quantitative analysis is proposed to different actors involved in education in the city of Cali, with various questions that respond to the specific objectives outlined. The results account for the need for modification of the current norm, considering the virtual modality as an expression of quality, coverage, inclusion, and flexibility in teaching and learning processes.
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    Análisis de la gestión educativa respecto de la formación docente en el marco de la Política pública de Atención a las Personas Con Discapacidad de Santiago de Cali.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Castrillón López, Natalia Andrea; Pérez Gómez, Carolina Del Carmen; Burbano Díaz, Camilo
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    Análisis de las prácticas pedagógicas en la educación inclusiva con estudiantes de básica secundaria y media, en la institución educativa gabriel garcía márquez de yumbo
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) García Bedoya, Solbey Milena; Moreno Gutiérrez, José Luis
    Society is in a constant transformation due to the differential conditions of the population, which has shown the urgency of promoting social and educational policies that favor the learning trajectories of the population with disabilities, in order to promote inclusion and equal opportunities for students with Specific Educational Needs (SEN). From this perspective, it is essential to analyze the results of pedagogical practices in inclusive education, for students with Specific Educational Needs (SEN) in secondary and middle school, at the Gabriel García Márquez Educational Institution in Yumbo. In this research, the mixed study method (qualitative and quantitative) is used, which includes data collection techniques, such as bibliographic and institutional consultation, observation, application of a survey to teachers and interviews with the teaching director, allowing key data to be obtained. for the construction of the results, contributing to the understanding from social reality, enabling the object of study. The above, by identifying the difficulties that arise in the Gabriel García Márquez Educational Institution, through a diagnosis that allows recognizing the criteria and policies on which the educational dynamics are developed with an inclusive approach, indicating factors that hinder the dynamics of learning to promote good pedagogical practice in inclusive education, applied to students with Specific Educational Needs in secondary and middle school, for which a Strengthening Plan is proposed, providing pedagogical support and thinking about benefiting the disabled population of the Institution Educational.
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    Análisis de la gestion pública del programa de tuberculosis durante la contingencia del covid-19 en el municipio de jamundí – valle del cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Sandoval, Andrés; Castillo, Letys; Gonzalez osorio, Maria fernanda
    The year 2020 was one of the most impressive in this era, where the COVID - 19 pandemic claimed innumerable lives, leaving psychosocial effects, however, other diseases that have also killed lives were left aside, therefore, this research is focuses on publicizing the programs and care of possible Tuberculosis (TB) patients and those who suffered from it during the pandemic. Therefore, the cases of infection by several countries with a high burden of Covid19, reflected in the decrease in the reporting of Tuberculosis cases, is linked to the low rate of recruitment of respiratory symptoms from hospital services and to through community agents. Tuberculosis took a back seat during the pandemic, which caused concern to health entities. It should be noted that at the beginning all patients with respiratory symptoms were studied for COVID-19, leaving aside other respiratory viruses that were always present in advance. circulating in the country. Therefore, the objective of this research is to analyze the management of the Tuberculosis program during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Municipality of Jamundí. Whose approach was qualitative, based on the evidence that was oriented towards the description of the phenomenon in order to understand and explain it.
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    Análisis de la ejecución y aplicabilidad de la política pública para las mujeres Vallecaucanas, en su eje de equidad económica, adoptada en el año 2010, en el contexto socioeconómico actual del departamento
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Hernández Sandoval, Jhon Jairo; Moreno Gutiérrez, José Luis
    The objective of this research is to carry out evaluation process of the public policy for the women in the region of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, issued through the approval of ordinance 317 of the year 2010 by the Departmental Assembly of Valle del Cauca, emphasizing one of its axes principles, enunciated in the previously referenced document, as “Economic Axis” which, when subjected to a process of review and evaluation based on different methodological principles, in addition to theoretical constructions around the process of formulation, structuring and updating of policies that public spheres are activated in a nation, which in the case of Colombia, can be issued not only from that of national power, but can also be the product of departmental and local governance instances, an example that is presented as the center of analysis in this document. Additionally, the last period of departmental government will be identified as the objective period of investigation, between the years 2019 and 2023, the period in which the different programs executed by the departmental government of Valle del Cauca were identified, with the objective of evaluating their effectiveness, and its validity, framed in the instruments that provide the departmental entity for the recognition of the rights of the women of the region, as well as the guarantees of their participation in the socioeconomic dynamics in Valle del Cauca
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    Análisis de la propuesta de diseño para la distribución político-administrativa de cali distrito especial en el marco del proyecto de acuerdo no. 198 – 2023 presentado por la alcaldía distrital al concejo distrital de santiago de cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Toro Echavarría, Audry María; Ledesma Mejía, Clara Isabel; Moreno Gutiérrez, José Luis
    The purpose of this written work was to analyze the proposal presented by the Santiago de Cali District Mayor's Office to the Cali District Council within the framework of Agreement Project No. 198 - 2023 on issues related to political-administrative distribution and development funds. which would be allocated to each locality; This would lead to determine whether or not this change is convenient for the city from the perception of public management and its different aspects. This study was of a qualitative nature and counted, as its main basis, with official documentary sources in which an interpretative consideration was taken and thus investigated whether the purposes of the State were met under the necessary relevance for it, taking into account some necessary aspects.
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    Análisis de efectividad de la implementación del principio de transparencia en la licitación pública no 4146. de la secretaria de bienestar social del distrito de santiago de cali.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Londoño Londoño, Vanessa; Rebellón Betancourt, William Alberto; Moreno, Jose Luis
    The principle of transparency through virtual platforms has been widely investigated, these referents contribute with their elaborations to the clarification of the concepts, characteristics, procedures and limitations that the use of ICT has within the framework of an open government model of the New Public Management and the principle of transparency in what to do institutionally; Thus, Colombia has made progress in democratic governance through ICTs, promoting mechanisms for citizen participation from these technologies, emphasizing spaces for transparency. Technological resources as a means for the exercise of the principle of transparency turn out to be an adequate instrument to deal with the problems that manifest themselves in cities like Santiago de Cali, especially in public contracting processes that are the focus of corruption. Through open government and the implementation of the principle of transparency in state contracting, it is possible to mitigate corruption through the publicity of such processes. It is of vital importance to evaluate the strategies that have been implemented to know the characteristics, procedures, financing, and other aspects on which the principle of transparency in public procurement is carried out. In this sense, this research contributes to the improvement of the institutional processes of public contracting; while for the academy it presents a theoretical, methodological and practical framework that can serve as a reference for future research that seeks to investigate this phenomenon in public administration in the city of Santiago de Cali.
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    Estrategias públicas de protección de los adultos mayores habitantes de calle en el municipio de Santiago de Cali, en los años 2019-2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Díaz García, Laia Alejandra; Tovar Salas, Nelson Enrique
    Objective: To identify the public strategies implemented in Santiago de Cali for the protection of elderly street dwellers, in the years 2019-2020. Methodology: Basic study under an exploratorydescriptive approach, using documentary and bibliographic information collection. Especially the Street Inhabitant Census (CHC) carried out by DANE in 2019 and 2021, Sectorial Census of Inhabitants of and in the Street of Santiago de Cali of 2005, Population Bulletins: People Inhabitants of Street presented by the Municipal Council or the organization Cali How We Are Going, 2019, Social Public Policy for Street Inhabitants 2020-2030 and programs for the care of the Street Inhabitant of the Mayor's Office for the periods 2016-2019 and 2020-2023. Results: In 2019, DANE censuses 4,749 homeless people, 3,539 (74.5%) answered the interview and 1,210 (25.5%) required observation to carry it out. 10.9% were elderly street dwellers. With 5.4%, most are in the range of 60 to 64 years. Of 353,105 older adults in the city, 0.15% are street dwellers. Conclusions: The need for social assistance (cleanliness, provisional roof, health care and food) of the elderly street dweller due to the health emergency by COVID-19 as a highly vulnerable population is solved, but it is not reflected in Santiago de Cali strategies and actions such as job training and income generation that really protect this population in the long term, allowing them to enjoy their minimum vital and quality of life
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    Análisis de la incidencia del control fiscal en la ejecución del programa de alimentación escolar - pae en el distrito especial de santiago de cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Lucumi Lucumi, Edison; Ayala Zapata, Jose Andres
    The school feeding programme (SFP) is an instrument designed to provide nutritional assistance to students in official institutions in the country. In Cali, the implementation of this programme took place for the first time in 2014. Since its entry into operation, numerous irregularities and shortcomings have been found in the framework of the development of the programme in the city, involving each of the activities that are part of the programme's agenda. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the impact of the fiscal control exercised over the SFP, in order to make the programme more efficient for future versions. To this end, the research proposes a series of exercises that have to do with: the characterisation of food security policies in terms of the SFP, an analysis of the tools available to exercise fiscal control, and finally, the determination of the level of relevance of these tools with respect to the reports of the fiscal audit of the Comptroller of Santiago de Cali. Likewise, within the methodological aspects, it is a descriptive study with a mixed approach, based on elements such as the case studies carried out by the District Comptroller's Office in the framework of fiscal audits, therefore, all the information required for the construction of the project was of a secondary nature. Finally, as a result of the research, it was found that: there is a specific regulatory framework around the SFP, on which each of the corresponding activities are executed; however, in practice, these policies are not efficient and present many inconsistencies and irregularities with respect to the provision of the service. Likewise, it was found that fiscal control tools should be made more rigorous because their level of relevance is not adequate, with the understanding that, given that there are sufficient resources for the fulfilment of the objectives proposed by the SFP, these do not materialise in a substantial proportion.
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    Pertinencia de los programas de formación a los que acceden los jóvenes entre 17 y 25 años de los estratos 1 y 2 en instituciones de educación superior de orden municipal en el distrito de santiago de cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Rojas Suárez, Juan Pablo; Diaz Martínez, Ermilson; Andrade Agudelo, Doris Lilia
    The objective of this research is to identify the relevance of the academic offer aimed at young people from 17 to 25 years of strata 1 and 2 by municipal public higher education institutions in the District of Santiago de Cali. A descriptive study with a mixed approach was used. The primary sources were reports from the Antonio José Camacho University Institution and the National Sports School. There is evidence of a demand in different economic sectors, if the behavior of employment by sectors is analyzed, then there is a greater demand for labor in trade and vehicle repair, in the manufacturing industry, public administration, defense, education and human care, also in artistic activities, entertainment and recreation, likewise, the sector of professional, scientific, technical and administrative services activities reflected greater generation of jobs. Regarding the level of relevance of the training programs accessed by young people between 17 and 25 years of age from strata 1 and 2 who have access to municipal higher education in the district of Santiago de Cali, it can be concluded that The offer of the Antonio José Camacho University Institution as the National Sports School responds to market demand if the number of employed population by economic sector is taken as a reference and if the employability rates are compared.
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    Análisis del mejoramiento de las condiciones económicas de los beneficiarios del programa de sustitución de vehículos de tracción animal en el distrito de Cali, Fase II, 2017 - 2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Gil Salazar, Yesid; Palacios, Jaer Esmir
    The purpose of this research is to evaluate the second phase of the animal-drawn vehicle substitution program - VTA, in the district of Cali; For which survey-type data collection techniques were used, applied to 164 beneficiaries of the program; as well as consultations and informal interviews with different strategic actors who participated in the process. The elapsed time of the second phase of the program is 3 years and three months, with a cutoff date of March 2022, a period that allows observing changes in some of the variables under study. The type of research used in this work is descriptive and exploratory. An evaluation of the program is carried out using the Propensity Score Matching - PSM methodology, in order to establish the final condition of the beneficiary population. The main result of the evaluation allows us to indicate that the monthly income of the beneficiaries of the STVA program was greater than the monthly income of the population that has not yet received the benefit.
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    Análisis sobre el cumplimiento del componente nutricionaldela política pública de infancia y adolescencia conenfoquediferencial étnico, en el municipio lópez de micay(2017-2019)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Riascos Riascos, Javier; Borja Mosquera, Janny Milena
    In Colombia, the Public Policy on Childhood and Adolescence (Law 1098 of 2006) is the routethat guides the guarantee of rights for children in the national territory, the same that in someof its chapters highlights the importance of the Ethnic Differential Approach in the comprehensivedevelopment of minors, taking into account the conditions of their environment and their cultural aspects, but that in action the benefits of said Law are not significantly evidenced and it is not known for sure what the reasons are. The analysis of the coherence of the Colombian Public Policy for Childhood and Adolescencewith the Ethnic Differential Approach in the Municipality of López de Micay (Cauca), allows adiagnosis of the real application of the norm in community homes, achieving in some wayhaveclear conclusions regarding the integral development of the boys and girls who are trainedintheICBF service units. The application of interviews with citizens familiar with the process of girls and boys in community homes and child development centers of the ICBF in López de Micay, was a keystrategy to establish the coherence of the norm with the Differential Approach; With whichit waspossible to show that the integral development of the boys and girls of the Municipality is not taking place in accordance with their cultural environment. The shortcomings of the Colombian public policy for childhood and adolescence are evidencedinterms of its application in community homes and especially in relation to the nutritional component. This is based on what was expressed by the people interviewed, who consider that the food products described in the ICBF standard minute do not respond to the nutritional needsof the children in the area, which significantly affects the integral development of the minors. According to the results of the research, it can be said that the girls and boys who attend dailychild development centers and ICBF community homes in the Municipality of López de Micay- Cauca, show deficiencies in the aspects related to the recognition of their environment andgenerally their physical performance is not the best. What increases the concern in the familiesand public servants of the territory. This situation becomes a concern that as public managers responsible for the permanent evaluation of the public policies that are implemented in the territory should not be overlooked, given that they have the training and criteria to advise state servants in planning strategies tomeet the needs of families.
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    Evaluación de la implementación del pilar estratégico de comportamiento humano del plan local de seguridad vial en santiago de cali 2018-2021
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Barona Bedoya, Beatriz Eugenia; Tabares Marin, Wilmer; Obregón Morales, Johyner
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    Formulación de lineamientos y estrategias del programa público de fomento de la lectura a través de herramientas TIC´S en Santander de Quilichao, en el periodo 2022 - 2025
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Burbano Hernández, Elkin Yamith; Vásquez Rivera, Oscar Iván
    This document is aimed to propose a public program to promote reading among cultural actors, through information and communication technologies, in Santander de Quilichao, within the 2022-2025 period. Therefore, the qualitative method was used as an analysis method to understand the problem based on the information managed in documents and provided by the cultural actors. Technical tools offered by public management researchers were used to collect data: surveys, interviews and documentary reviews. Comprehensive rationality was used as a method for understanding reading problem and exploring alternative solutions, based upon the existing state of the art. Public policy is the current instrument in public management to attend public problems. Thirteen cultural actors were consulted, eight (8) public and six (6) private actors. Thirteen voices enhanced this proposal to understand the reality of the reading processes in our municipality. Existing challenges are expressed to reduce the cognitive gap and move towards a culture of reading with critical thinking. This proposal calls to nurture, to strengthen and to consolidate the existing reading processes through the design and implementation of public policy. According to the obtained result, aspects of each chapter are anticipated. The first one presents a characterization of cultural actors and agents promoting reading in the municipality. At the same time, the programs and activities that make up its processes are outlined. The second one, the relevance and favorability of the design and implementation of a public policy to promote reading is known. Finally, eight (8) guidelines that will guide the public policy to promote reading for Santander de Quilichao are defined and described.
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    Análisis de la política pública del deporte, la recreación y la actividad física en el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de la población del Municipio de Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Caicedo Capera, Lucrecia; Fernández, Saúl Rick
    In order to identify the application of the different sports programs in the municipality of Santiago de Cali during the years 2016-2018, the public policy of Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity was analyzed. The methodology developed was of a quantitative type and the method used was descriptive, exploratory, the technique used was the survey, 100 surveys were carried out on the inhabitants of strata 1, 2 and 3 who benefited from sports programs. It could be established that 48% of the inhabitants of strata 1, 2 and 3 are satisfied with the investment made by the municipality in sports activities such as recreation, physical activity and physical education and 52% are not satisfied, in relation Because if the sports activities carried out by the municipality were in accordance with the needs of the inhabitants, 52% considered that it did respond and 48% considered that they did not respond to the needs of the inhabitants, in terms of the perception that the inhabitants have about The budgetary investment made by the municipality in recreation, 27% of the respondents considered that the investment is sufficient for the needs of the inhabitants and 73% considered that it is not sufficient. This means that the inhabitants of strata 1, 2 and 3 have a satisfactory perception of the sports programs carried out by the municipality and that they contribute to improving the quality of life of its inhabitants, but they stated that more intervention is required to satisfy the needs of the population.
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    Análisis de la gestión pública sobre la prevención del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en niños y adolescentes en Santander de Quilichao, cauca, en los años 2012-2016."
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Valencia Menza, Joel; Ramos Cruz, José Raul; Escobar Cabrera, Julio Cesar
    The purpose of this research was to know the management of the territorial entity of the Municipality of Santander de Quilichao, before the prevention of the consumption of psychoactive substances (SPA), during the years 2012-2016. The public management carried out through the existing documentary review was analyzed. In addition, verify the sectors affected by the scourge, where verify interviews with the population; Likewise, representatives of non-governmental organizations were interviewed who expressed their opinion regarding the actions of the Territorial Entity. On the other hand, information was collected regarding the management carried out by the Municipality regarding the problem. The result that does not have a determining interest of the Territorial Entity to address this scourge in the population. In conclusion, the consumption of SPA in Santander de Quilichao will not diminish, since this will depend on a clear and concise public policy with greater resources to be able to develop mechanisms for the prevention and attention to the problem posed
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    Diseño de una propuesta de código de ética y buen gobierno para la Universidad Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Grisales, Diego; Portocarrero Cuero, Juan
    The objective of this research is to design a proposed code of ethics and good governance for the University of Santiago de Cali, Institution of Higher Education currently committed to achieving institutional accreditation, endorsement granted by the National Accreditation Council - CNA - organism of the Ministry of National Education (MEN) responsible for monitoring that institutions comply with the highest quality protocols. The behaviors and actions of the human being in a social field and particularly in corporations, governments, religious institutions, military and universities, today a phenomenon known as corruption at its best. A discourse and an action is constructed that contradicts the essence of ethics that seeks transparency in human actions and behaviors. In Colombia, there are several cases with large corruption problems that could be affected as the antithesis of good behavior or ethical behavior both in public and private companies, within the government, in religious and military institutions at all levels and in universities public and private nationwide. The latter, sometimes to the surveillance of the Ministry of National Education (MEN) and strict standards for granting high quality accreditation, must be determined of the need for ethical actions in their administrative and training processes, committing all their levels from the highest hierarchical level; likewise, the university as an institution that integrally forms a whole community, implicitly acquires the commitment and responsibility to do so from the strictest ethical rectitude. The University of Santiago de Cali, currently has the purpose of being recognized as an institution with high quality accreditation. To date, few Higher Education Institutions accredited by the Ministry of National Education (MEN) have a code of ethics and good governance. This research paper intends to write a proposed code of ethics and good governance for the University of Santiago de Cali, which condenses the current management, administration, planning and control practices formulated under the guidance of Dr. Carlos Andrés Pérez Galindo and thus based on a document his policy of "Transformation and Good Governance" that he has rightly been implementing in his administration.
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    "Evaluación de la implementación del documento conpes 80 del 2004 política pública nacional de discapacidad. Línea de acción para la superación de riesgos en : Identificación de las barreras de acceso y las prácticas institucionales de discriminación y movilidad de la población con discapacidad de la comuna 17 por parte de la alcaldía de Santiago de cali durante el periodo 2012-2014."
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Vasquez Castillo, Carolina; Peñuela Fernandez, Guillermo
    La movilidad no es un tema que hace referencia a un grupo poblacional específico como se ha creído; pues siempre que se habla del tema se piensa en la persona que se desplaza en una silla de ruedas olvidándose de las otras discapacidades como las auditivas, visuales y las de talla baja, reconocido también como personas con discapacidad. Pero también encontramos aquellas personas que en estado de convalecencia, mujeres en gestación y aquellas que utilizan un carro de mercado, un coche o algo similar no pueden desplazarse de manera independiente por existir en ciertos sitios barreras físicas o arquitectónicas que generan a la persona con discapacidad. Es por ello que se hace necesario evaluar la política pública de discapacidad orientada a tomar medidas individuales y colectivas para que haya fácil acceso tanto al entorno físico como de comunicación e información en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, dando cumplimiento a las normas que sobre la materia han expedido las leyes estatutarias, entre ellas la Ley 1618 de 2013 y que de igual manera, la sociedad asuma la responsabilidad de contribuir para que las personas con discapacidad sean autónomas en su desplazamiento por la ciudad.