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    Posicionamiento de la marca 7.16 Beautyfashion en Santiago de Cali para el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Pérez Miranda, Dyan Gisset; Riascos Arboleda, Fredy Johan
    The main objective when starting with the consultation process carried out with the company 7.16 Beauty Fashion, is to design the ideal strategies to achieve the desired positioning in the city of Santiago de Cali. For this, it was necessary to carry out an internal and external diagnosis and also detect factors to improve and their strengths to reinforce them in the process, which leads us to know the current position of the company in the market, determining in its diagnosis which is its most important product. desired by the audience, and the one with the least turnover.The above was detected with the descriptive methodology where the necessary information was collected to proceed to design the strategies focusing on the Marketing Mix and concentrating on the Communication strategy, since the company has a history of 4 years, but its greatest weakness is communicate their new collections, points of sale and the form of payment which makes their positioning volatile. It is considered that by implementing the proposed strategies the company 7.16 Beauty Fashion will achieve the objective of positioning in the city of Santiago de Cali, achieving a benefit of reminding the consumer and loyalty of the same.
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    Estudio del comportamiento de compra y cultura de consumo de la generación y (Millenials) de los universitarios– caso universidad Santiago de Cali (USC)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) León Echeverry, Geraldine; Hurtado Marín, Héctor Fabio
    This project is a research about the purchase behavor and consumer culture of the pregrade students from Santiago de Cali University in Millenials generation, in Cali city, the research considers purchase behavor aspects, culture behavor, social factors, generationals factors, digital medias, among others external and internal factors, influentials at time to take a purchase. The metodology was a research of simple market, where uses tecnics cualitatives and cuatitatives, cause to response how is the purchase behavor of studets. The tecnic was a cross simple design, through focal poll, whit 22 questions aplied to 409 studens, later performed whit data treatment, finally present a statistical analisys for conclude which are most relevants and influence factor to take buying desicion in Sanitago de Cali University.
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    La importancia de las estrategias de fidelización, para la retención de los clientes de la línea de crédito hipotecario del banco caja social de la ciudad de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Serna Collazos, Héctor Fabio
    Loyalty is a marketing concept that distinguishes a customer's loyalty to a specific brand, product or service; that is to say; is that a client chooses a certain company; to make all or most of the purchases or acquisition of services or products, independent of external variables, which may influence your purchase decision, such as price or interest rate in the financial field, among other aspects to mention. Taking into account the aforementioned and after carrying out an analysis of the different aspects covered by customer loyalty, a document that mainly seeks is presented; determine the importance of loyalty strategies for the retention and attraction of clients of the mortgage line of the "Banco Caja Social" in the city of Cali. The document is divided into three parts: the first is to identify the needs of customers in banks, when they seek housing loans; the second part is an analysis of the similar and differential characteristics of the mortgage loan line of Banco Caja Social, compared to its main competitors Banco Davivienda and Banco BBVA. Finally, the third part includes the strategies proposed for the retention and attraction of the clients of the mortgage credit line of the Banco Caja Social of the city of Cali. It should be noted that these strategies are designed under the characteristics and needs of Banco Caja Social, which seeks not only to satisfy the basic needs of customers, but in turn, exceed their expectations, in such a way that they are delighted and generate relationships solid over time.
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    Influencia del marketing digital en el proceso de decisión de compra de los Millennials en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Ossa Zapata, Laura; Moreno Ricaurte, Jesús Esteban
    The purpose of this article is to study the influence of digital marketing on the decision-making process of millennials in Colombia according to the advancement and technological development that has been presented in recent years in the country. in this way, to have an insight into the plans and strategies that organizations have had to incorporate for their support and recognition of it. In order to achieve a good development of this article, a review and obtaining of secondary sources is made as support in books, undergraduate works, articles and research selecting concepts, definitions and characteristics that the millennial presents in Colombia highlighting the digital part as a starting point and as an important column of research of the article. As a result, the article manages to identify the characteristics and reasons why the decision-making process of buying a millennial in colombia is different from a purchase decision process in general and with this, the influence of digital marketing as a fundamental tool for the good development of the company.
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    Propuesta de un plan de marketing para mejorar el posicionamiento de la empresa Juan Ma Postres en Santiago de Cali en el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Piedrahita Moreno, Leonardo; Piedrahita Zúñiga, Laura Daniela; Vidales Valbuena, Jorge Iván
    The main objective of the consultancy carried out at the Juan Ma Postres company is to prepare a proposal for a marketing plan to improve its positioning, which was developed based on specific objectives with an internal and external diagnosis of the company. that allowed to know the current positioning of the company, from which it was possible to design marketing strategies, actions and budgets that contribute to the positioning of the company according to the analysis of the micro / macro environment, as well as setting control indicators for the proposed strategies in the marketing plan, which allow the control and monitoring of the positioning of the company Juan Ma Postres, following the trend and demand of today's consumers, which is to a greater extent through the promotional channel. In a descriptive approach, it is possible to show that today innovation is responsible for revolutionizing the way to promote the positioning of brands, generating a significant impact and leaving aside the conventional, in the external and internal analysis that the result obtained was carried out. that the company is in today is basically to maintain and retain current customers and users, which is why our efforts were directed at creating effective and profitable strategies in the area of promotion of the company Juan Ma Postres. The consultancy and advice carried out allows us to conclude that a benefit of remembrance towards the consumer is achieved, which favors the ease with which the company and its products are accessed, with enough information that can be obtained from them through the proposed strategies, guaranteeing that the consumer has an experience that optimizes the satisfaction of their needs and loyalty to the brand. Therefore, the correct use of our proposed Marketing plan for the company has the ability to obtain an efficient response to the positioning of the company Juan Ma Postres in the market.
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    Plan estratégico de mercado para unidad médica visual: UMV ubicada en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, 2020:2021
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Grajales García, Luz Adriana; Gómez Sánchez, Nathaly; Rodríguez Tamayo, Leidy Johana
    The general objective of this work is to formulate a strategic market plan for the Visual Medical Unit: UMV located in the city of Santiago de Cali. 2020-2021. A methodological level is repeated in a descriptive study with a mixed approach: qualitative and quantitative. The results allowed showing, according to the analysis of the external factors evaluation matrix (MEFE), that there are more opportunities in the environment, however, issues should be placed on the topic of electronic business or digital commerce, since this implies a new panorama before which many companies are not adapted. The technological environment shows a growth in electronic commerce, in addition to the use of the internet as a sales and promotional channel, which is positive for companies to increase market coverage and develop this channel to generate higher sales. According to the MEFI Matrix result, the UMV has greater strengths than weaknesses, however, the latter must be corrected in the short term. The weaknesses are oriented to its lack of planning, which has led to the means that have been taken without being completely effective, for example, sales have focused on volume without analyzing the impact that the commercial strategy has had with profitability. . Based on the external and internal analysis, strategies focused on improving the performance of the Visual Medical Unit: UMV were formulated. These are considered viable to the extent that it adjusts to the capabilities of the company, and also considers the market outlook. Strategic objectives with respect to positioning, participation, sales and profitability are included, which are specific priority issues in administrative management and in particular the market.
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    Percepción sobre la programación neurolingüística de los estudiantes de mercadeo de la universidad Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Calero Castrillón, Cristian Andrés; Arbeláez Salazar, Rubén Darío; Escobar Cabrera, Julio Cesar
    Neuro-linguistic programming is a tool for marketing in general that acts as a facilitator of interpersonal communication, which also allows knowing the tastes and preferences of customers to be able to make an effective and friendly sale closing, as well as in a family environment to be able to sell an idea and you can get a positive response. Neuro-linguistic programming NLP tries to better understand personal improvement, seeking to achieve that each person connects with their internal strength to solve any concern or face any situation, since the investigations that work the human mind have generated this technique that allows to project positively and thus focus in a better way on the objectives. The purpose of this research was to determine the perception of neurolinguistic programming of marketing students from the Santiago de Cali University. This work was initially carried out with secondary information from the review of documents in electronic databases, in addition, the marketing students who were surveyed were the primary source. The results show that NLP is one of the tools that help us to better organize and use our skills and abilities, to increase relationships with others. Almost 50% of the students surveyed consider that neurolinguistics is an empirical technique, which is derived from neuroscience. The surveyed students had knowledge about NLP and the role of neurolinguistic programming and finally the strategies proposed to strengthen knowledge about neurolinguistic programming in students of the faculty are: Didactic workshop, Conference on tools and uses of neurolinguistic programming applied to sales and business closing, virtual extracurricular course of foundations of neurolinguistic programming and Diploma in strategic coaching to organize qualities in positions. In conclusion, programming will continue in the future to be a fundamental tool to take advantage of the mental processes that we use in our communication
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    Uso del endomarketing en las instituciones universitarias para mejorar la calidad en la educación
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Rúgeles Cortes, María Cristina; Tello Taborda, Isabel Cristina
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    Plan de comunicación para aumentar el posicionamiento y participación en el mercado del gimnasio Armysfit en el norte de la ciudad de Cali para el 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Arias Narváez, Melissa Angélica; Mina Varela, Carlos Alberto
    Armysfit is a semi-personalized functional training gym that has managed to stay on the market for two years. It currently provides service at its headquarter situated in the north of Cali, using social media as its key communication channel. During the development of the research, an internal/external diagnosis was made to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and to evaluate the current situation of the gym in the market. Then, information was collected from customers through a survey, to learn about certain characteristics and their level of satisfaction with the service. Finally, a qualitative analysis of some Instagram followers was made in order to build a new segmentation of the target audience. As a result, a strategic communication proposal is presented to improve Armysfit's positioning and participation in the market.
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    Propuesta de un plan de mercadeo para la empresa PHIDIAS SAS Cali 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) González González, Paula Alejandra; Forero Bocanegra, Julián Andrés; Peña García, Lina Marcela; Vargas Muñoz, Luz Angella
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    El TRADE marketing una herramienta para el posicionamiento de marca y el incremento de ventas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Artunduaga García, Brian Alexis; González Marín, Carolina; Polanco Riveros, María Camila; Vargas Muñoz, Luz Angella
    The manufacturer must take into account the changes in consumer trends and as the retail sector is increasingly consolidated and in many cases it is its main market, it is there that the importance of consolidating and establishing an excellent manufacturer-distributor link is born. The objective of this exploratory study using multiple cases, is to provide an opportunity to the Colombian industry as Trade Marketing allows to increase sales and improve brand positioning, establishing what it is for, how it is implemented, what are its functions and objectives. Verifying and demonstrating the effectiveness of trade marketing in the markets, the influence it has in strengthening relationships with distributors and identifying the most suitable channel for each product in the portfolio. The conclusions show the effectiveness of the trade marketing strategies studied in order to increase sales and positioning, through joint strategies between the manufacturer and distributor.
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    La transición del marketing tradicional al marketing digital en las pymes del sector comercio en Colombia los últimos 5 años (2015-2020)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Idarraga Tellez, Alejandra; Artunduaga Londoño, Daniela María; Muñoz Botina, Katherin; Burbano Cerón, Jose María
    This article is the product of a bibliographic review research, the objective of which was a review of the concepts of marketing, in this article the topic of digital marketing is taken as a reference. The article is based on emphasizing what the transition from traditional to digital marketing has been in SMEs over the past 5 years, noting what benefits they can bring, and how it is contributing to becoming increasingly profitable. Knowing what these challenges have had to face the market with the changes that have arisen over time, discovering what have been those new needs that have been generated in consumers and after that know how digital marketing has positively influenced the help of solving these new needs that have been created not only in consumers but also as a highly potential alternative for SMEs.
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    Importancia del CRM como estrategia de fidelización de clientes en entidades bancarias
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Valencia Sánchez, Annie Carolina; Burbano Ceron, Jose María
    This document has as orpuse to make known CMR importance like financial consumers loyalty estrategics. For this porpuse it was made a bibliographic review from 2011 to 2020 using SCINCEDIRECT a SCOPUS databases it was found that banks interact in a globalized world where should they focus their efforts to estrategic´s creation o resourse oprtimization do it value to financial consumers. The CMR has become in a key tool for achive objectives through dates´analysis, market requirements, giving effective answers through innovative products and a better services to final score build lasting relationships.The CRM like strategic has to incluied T.I., and human resourses from all organization to be fundamental part of the process support of technologies. It was decided to global world at defferents country banks was implement the CMR throuugh a strategic process undestarding the importance to organizations and like final score the costumer loyalty.
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    Evaluación del impacto de las estrategias de Neuromarketing en la decisión de compra de las personas entre 20 y 30 años que viven en el estrato 2 de la cabecera Municipal de Candelaria Valle
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Hernández Galvis, Ana María; Burbano Cerón, José María
    This work entitled "evaluation of the impact of neuromarketing strategies on the purchase decision of people between 20 and 30 years living in stratum 2 of the municipal seat of Candelaria Valle." Identifies the main influential criteria in the decision of purchase of said individuals as well as the benefits and consequences of the implementation of the strategies used in neuromarketing to capture, convince and preserve certain objective segmentation. Finally, a study is carried out on the factors that have the most influence at the moment of making a purchase in people between 20 and 30 years of stratum 2 of the municipality of Candelaria Valle with their respective results and analysis of them.
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    El desarrollo y potencial de la publicidad digital frente a la publicidad impresa tradicional en Colombia posterior al año 2010
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Segura Montenegro, Leydi Vanessa; López López, Leydi Viviana; Abella Cifuentes, Mario Felipe; Vargas Muñoz, Luz Ángela
    The aim of this paper is to describe the development and potential of digital advertising. At the methodological level, a descriptive - exploratory study was used, which is used as a technique, documentary review and literature criticism, through which the behavior of the public sector is described since 2010. According to the results, accelerated growth is evident that has had publicity in recent years, according to data from the investment sector from 2015 to 2018 had a substantial increase, from $ 376,110 million, to $ 848,594 million, which shows the strong growth at the same time it has gone growing the penetration of information and communication technologies (ICT), an aspect that has been driven by state policies to democratize Internet access and the benefits that this brings, also the private sector has favored the sector with an internet service of broadband and mobile phones at lower costs that have facilitated the different sectors of the population can hire it. The competitive dynamics of mobile telephony has led operators to strengthen the offer of mobile internet, according to the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (2018) mobile internet especially through 4G networks. Fixed connections, and those based on the 3G network, have been favored in the public industry since we facilitated the transfer of data and every day. The factors that affect the advertisers' preference for a type of advertising are based on costs, coverage, attention, advertising in the case of digital advertising, the above is possible, you can have a greater geographical coverage. of the market, interaction is another differentiating factor of the loyalty and management of the relationship between the consumer, the company or the brand
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    Percepción de los estudiantes de la facultad de ciencias económicas y empresariales de la Universidad Santiago de Cali, frente a productos derivados del Cannabis
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Ledesma Cifuentes, Bryan; Giraldo Ramírez, Hugo Fernando; Rosales Prado, Juan Camilo; Escobar Cabrera, Julio César
    Medical Cannabis is the evolution of medicine and the economic revolution for the future of Colombia. The objective of the research is to determine what the students of the University of Santiago de Cali think about medicines and natural products based on Cannabis. The realization of the research project is of a descriptive type on the part of the theory of psychology and consumer behavior. The results shown by the students of the Santiago de Cali University weigh that they are open to know the subject, very little about the research, medicinal, cultural and economic fields that the plant generates for Colombia. In conclusion there is a positive perspective on medical Cannabis and the best way to know this topic is through educational marketing.
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    Influencia de los criterios de marca en las estrategias de marketing experiencial en el posicionamiento de las marcas iPhone y Samsung del sector de telefonía móvil en los estudiantes de la facultad de salud de la Universidad Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Camayo Abella, María Paula; Riascos Díaz, Nathalia; Álvarez Carmona, Marisol; Vargas Muñoz, Luz Ángela
    According to Bernd Schmitt (1999) experiential marketing has as its main objective to establish emotional connections between brands and consumers through their experiences. The work identifies from the theory the most relevant brand criteria for the execution of effective strategies of this type of marketing that positively influence the positioning of the brands in the market; specifically, a comparison is made between the degree of influence of the brand criteria immersed in the iPhone and Samsung experiential marketing strategies of the mobile telephony sector, adopting as a research object the students of the health faculty of the Santiago de Cali University. The results of the study evidenced that definition and cognition of the brand criteria inside of the experiential marketing strategies have been decisive in the positioning of both brands (Apple and Samsung) in the faculty health student’s of the Santiago de Cali University.
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    Propuesta para un modelo de negocio estilo “Pub” Drink & Food en el municipio de Yumbo-Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Castellanos Muñoz, Daniela; Ramírez Pérez, Daniela; Sánchez Arias, Valeria; Mina Varela, Carlos Alberto
    Yumbo - Valle del Cauca is a municipality which does not have many entertainment establishments for its inhabitants and because of that, a proposal has been proposed for a PUB-style business model called DAVADA Drink & Food, which will have various entertainment services for the clients accompanied by exquisite products for the taste of each person. Consistent with this, a thorough investigation was carried out on the municipality and the target of the business. Therefore, the first part of the development of the work is carried out a market study to analyze the possible success or failure of the business and to be able to see by means of a survey the thought that the target audience of DANAVA has about a business idea style PUB in the municipality of Yumbo. Following that, the place where the PUB (Municipality, neighborhood, municipality) will be located in order to start establishing an organizational study of the company and legal to establish the company physically in that place. Finally, a financial study is carried out which will reflect the total investment for the company
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    Plan de mejora en el área de servicio al cliente para la empresa ‘lle-ser’ ubicada en el corregimiento rozo (Palmira), en el año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Polanco Moore, Valeria; Vargas Quiñones, Jhoan Manuel; Vergara Cruz, Alejandro Esteban; Vargas Muñoz, Luz Angella
    LLE-SER LTDA, is an industrial company whose vision is to be a leader in the cosmetics sector, the obvious problem is that it does not present a formally constituted area of customer service, limiting the lack of personalized attention to customers. With this research project, it was possible to investigate the variables that are affecting the customer service of that company and formulate an improvement plan so that customers feel satisfied and have a specialized area where they answer all their queries, requests or complaints and respond in time to any problem that is occurring, and thus generate customer satisfaction and trust towards the company. They are solved so that customers feel comfortable with the company's service.
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    Importancia de la cultura de servicio al cliente en los restaurantes de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2018) Vargas Bayer, Wander Martín; Pacheco Narvaez, Sugey del Carme; Duque Ceballos, José Luis