Especialización en Gerencia Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible Empresarial - Virtual

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    Propuesta de la fase planear de un sistema de gestión ambiental para la empresa lácteos Danilo en el municipio de potosí Nariño
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Devia Piamba, Diana Carolina; Portilla Melo, Yessica Jhoana; Perico Rodríguez, Ángela Patricia
    According to the ownership of each of the productive processes and their relationship with the socio-economic one, it is important to plan policies, objectives and good environmental practices. The initiative of the design of an EMS in the Danilo dairy company in the Municipality of Potosí - Nariño. part of an organizational commitment, in order to develop activities that minimize environmental impacts throughout its value chain and integrate a sustainable approach throughout the process. The planning of the environmental management system aims to promote continuous improvement, in such a way that it contributes to the correct social and environmental development, in addition to guaranteeing compliance with current regulations on environmental matters, since the direct labor activities of continuous monitoring to avoid incurring regulatory inconsistencies. This article describes a general planning process to design an environmental management system based on the NTC (ISO 14001: 2015) in the dairy company, which consists of a previous analysis that will specify the weaknesses and strengths of the organization and thus establish strategies that will be developed to achieve the objectives proposed in the environmental policies.
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    Manejo integral de residuos químicos en el laboratorio de nutrición animal y análisis de alimentos, ufps
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Sosa Aguirre, Edna Carolina; Perico Rodríguez, Ángela Patricia
    The Francisco de Paula Santander UFPS University, located in the city of Cúcuta, North of Santander, has different laboratories of various kinds, among which chemistry laboratories can be mentioned, where chemical laboratory and analysis experiences are carried out as part of the teaching, research and extension process that are the services performed to the public. Both managers and the teaching staff and students are aware of the generation of waste products of the activities carried out for each discipline that, by their nature rather than their quantity, represent a potential risk to the environment and its inhabitants. Observing the characteristics of each waste such as its toxicity, flammability, corrosive nature and danger, the proposal of the “Comprehensive Chemical Waste Management Plan” generated in the UFPS University Nutrition Laboratory is proposed following the parameters presented by the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development and facilitating compliance with Decree 4741 of 2005.
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    Acciones propuestas como política pública en el sector minero para contribuir al desarrollo sostenible
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Colorado Guzmán, Lina Victoria; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andres
    This article presents the actions that the country’s public policy proposes to contribute to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030 that promote environmental sustainability in the mining sector. The Colombian Government, by proposing the extractivist model as one of the main drivers of economic growth in the country; intensifies the environmental challenges to be overcome in the mining industry; which must be considered as a critical factor in the definition of sector policies. As a result, extractive activities seek to align with the country’s green growth policies, through the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Agenda 2030 which offer an objective vision and give an opportunity to modify the paradigms of the sector.
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    Reúso de agua proveniente del vaciado de las tuberías del consumo de agua de aves en los galpones de ambiente controlado de la granja anastasia en el municipio de Alvarado, Tolima
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Figueroa Cuellar, Enith Johana; Suarez Bernal, Diana Paola
    Water is a fundamental input for the agribusiness sector, making intensive poultry farming part of this sector, 50% of the feeding of laying birds is water, which is why it is necessary that the quality of this is high standard. There are activities within a farm such as the management of the water supply infrastructure for the birds and the drains that are made to the pipes approximately twice a week in each shed, which consists of activating a valve to let the water run of poultry consumption abroad or to the sewage system, an action taken to oxygenate the water due to high temperatures and prevent pathogenic bacteria from proliferating by creating a pleasant environment for their growth; the above in favor of bird health. In accordance with the above, it is necessary to develop or design a system to generate a reuse of these waters activity that can be carried out taking into account some parameters such as the quality of especially microbiological water, sufficient storage and according to these two issues see in which activities can be used, the water is characterized and the quantity of water drained from the pipeline is determined to determine the feasibility of the design for its implementation.
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    Acuerdos, negociaciones e instrumentos sobre cambio climático
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Castellanos Landazábal, Mabel Yineth; Bernal Suarez, Diana Paola
    The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the agreements and conventions that affect global climate change and how this affects developing countries like ours, as well as an introduction on how the globalization aspect expands the appropriation of policies and mechanisms that seek to mitigate and provide some kind of solution to the effects caused by greenhouse gas emissions that cause so much damage to the planet; Some policies and conventions are mentioned, such as the United Nations Framework on Climate Change, which has been able to advance the critical issues despite the refusal mainly of some developed countries, in the same sense there are discrepancies even in the way of economic valuation of the environment and the methodologies used for it. It is notable that the environmental proposals have generated some kind of social and economic impact, the outlook for Colombia is incipient and the challenge is to achieve the adaptation of the policies, instruments and mechanisms of climate change consistent with the economic development and environmental sustainability.
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    Contaminación de canales de agua lluvia en zonas urbanas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Castillo Cardona, Gibran; Vargas Vásquez, Jhon Edwar
    The rapid growth of cities and the waterproofing of grounds, it causes the natural loss of water infiltration, makes it necessary to build of channels for rainwater within the cities, due to the increase of runoff water in urban areas and avoid flooding. The drainage system of rainwater varies according to the needs of each city or specific area to which it is necessary a hydraulic canal. Although, the interaction of the inhabitants with drainage canal is not always friendly, so there are problems of environmental nature. Due to this, the importance and role of drainage canal system in urban areas is established to avoid floods, collecting, storing and transporting runoff water in many cities around the world and cities nationwide depending on the needs and characteristics of the place where are they. The types of channels and the different sources of contamination are identified, characterizing the largest solid waste and liquid contaminants and the main environmental impacts that cause, finding: The major pollutants are food, paper and plastic waste, which are the main culprits of causer the drainage system causing flooding, and water stagnation. Finally, the case of the Caño Córdoba canal in the city of Arauca is presented, where there is evidence of water stagnation in different points of the canal due to solid waste thrown by the community.
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    Aplicación de principios de gestión ambiental y enfoque sistémico en la formulación de planes de manejo ambiental
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Vega Ríos, Ángela Pilar; Vargas Rios, Jhon Edwar
    Then, as a result of an exhaustive document review work, the conception that from the Colombian environmental legislation, has the management instrument with which prevent, mitigate, correct and / or compensate the environmental impacts caused in development is outlined. of projects, works or activities, object of environmental license, the Environmental Management Plan - PMA. Deepening, in turn, the way in which its formulation process is currently carried out in Colombia, in the guarantees of execution and full compliance that exist, under the exercise of adequate identification and effective control of the impacts, as well as the role it could take the application of the principles of Environmental Management and the Systemic Approach, both in its construction process and in the implementation of the established environmental management measures. Identifying throughout the said analysis, the limitations and variables that affect its adequate construction, together with the efforts of the competent entities in the matter, oriented to the elaboration of technical proposals that facilitate their definition and implementation. Raising to finalize, the conclusions that may highlight the current strengths and weaknesses of the environmental licensing process in the country.
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    Responsabilidad ambiental en Colombia en la agroindustria de la Palma de Aceite
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Torres Sinisterra, Kelly Carolina; Vargas Vásquez, Jhon Edwar
    This article presents a bibliographic review of the different environmental impacts caused by the agricultural expansion of the oil palm in the main producing countries, as well as the current state of this growth in Colombia and the implementation of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil ( RSPO for its acronym in English) specifically the principles fifth that refers to the responsibility with the environment and conservation of natural resources and the principle seven that refers to the responsible development of new plantings can mitigate and counteract the impacts. Taking into account that 14% of the continental area of the country is suitable for the expansion of this agro-industry, and that until May 2019 only 11% of the country's producing companies had a certification.
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    Impactos socio ambientales generados por la construcción de centrales hidroeléctricas en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Grajales Vega, Laura Patricia; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andres
    This article aims to show social, environmental and economic impacts which come from the construction and operation of hydroelectric power plants in Colombia. Nonetheless the power generation is thought as a public domain, constitutional laws of protection and conservation of natural resources are constantly violated. These mega-structures, change physical elements given by water, soil and air as well as biotic components such as biodiversity of flora and fauna species along with social and economic component. The goal of the government is focused on reach an economic growth, which benefits the progressive privatization of public-power plants which have caused impacts in different areas where damaged inhabitants are commonly limited to a financial reward due to the moving of entire villages. This means severe changes in people lifestyles creating forced displacement, being more violent than wars themselves.
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    Propuesta para el diseño del Sistema De Gestión Ambiental con base en la NTC ISO 14001: 2015 en el Hospital San Andrés E.S.E de Tumaco
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Medina Báez, Katherin; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andres
    This paper describes a partial proposal for the design of an Environmental Management System (EMS) based on the international standard ISO 14001: 2015 for the Hospital San Andrés E.S.E. The process that was considered for the design of the SGA uses the methodology based on the guidelines established by the ISO 14001: 2015 norm in its numerals 4 (Context of the organization), 5 (Leadership) and 6 (Planning). An initial environmental review was made in the hospital, where the environmental impacts associated with the activities, services and processes of the organization were identified and, in addition, a review of the applicable regulations was made. Likewise, the SGA was partially planned, where the environmental risks that influence the execution of environmental policy and environmental goals were identified. At the end of this work the objective was met, which consisted in designing an environmental management system that meets the requirements of ISO 14001: 2015 and that serves as a basis for the implementation process and future certification of the company where it developed.
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    Diagnóstico de las causas de Deforestación en el Municipio de Bajo Baudo en el año 2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Córdoba Urrutia, Anny Jhojaira; Reyes Arias, Tito Reinal
    This study addresses a diagnosis of the causes of deforestation in the municipality of Bajo Baudo during 2018, it should be noted that this municipality is located on the Pacific coast of the department of Chocó and most of its population is afrodescendant, in which there are large extensions of forest and wildlife. However, in this town there are activities that attack the environment such as illegal mining, hunting endangered animals and cutting down trees, the latter being the subject of this investigation. It is worth noting that large areas of arid land may already be observed given the increase in extractive wood activities whose main purpose is commercial, so that certain animal and plant population species have decreased considerably. Therefore, under an explanatory methodology, the deductive method was used to clarify from a theoretical point of view the comparisons and factors that helped to design a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. In this sense, it was possible to identify some incidental factors in this problem, such as the lack of knowledge part of the population about the consequences of such practices, the lack of social investment from national government, poverty, the high rate of unemployment and weak law enforcement from environmental authorities. The negative impact on the environment could be determined by assessment on the risk extinction for some animal and plant species the soil erosion and decrease in oxygen production among others.
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    Captura del dióxido de carbono y producción de oxígeno en la jurisdicción del departamento de amazonas – Colombia.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Castañeda Bernal, Víctor Alfonso; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andres
    The present article determines the carbon dioxide CO2 capture and O2 oxygen production for the jurisdiction of the department of Amazonas-Colombia, being the department with the greatest territorial extension in the country and the most biodiverse in fauna and flora. One of the most important ecosystems on the planet is the lung of the world that contributes to the sustainability of the atmosphere in order to have a better air quality and quality of life. For the determination of the results, secondary information is collected from bibliographic texts that fix the biomass of primary forests and from the mathematical formulas provided by the Intergovernmental Panel of Experts on Climate Change IPCC, the values of the total carbon fixed are found. It is stored in the forest and the oxygen that it produces and contributes to the planet.
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    Impactos ambientales en zonas costeras y marítimas de Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Loaiza Quintero, Karen Yohana; Salazar Calvache; Oscar Andres
    Colombia has a large coastal zone corresponding to the Caribbean and Pacific region with an area practically equivalent to the continental zone. The Caribbean coast houses 12.5% of the total population, while the Pacific region is only 1.6%, in both cases, mostly concentrated in a few urban centres. Untidy population growth has generated considerable marine-coastal environmental impacts such as coastal erosion, degradation and habitat loss, as well as affecting ecosystem services. In the Caribbean, pollutant accumulation processes are facilitated because it is a closed sea with shallow water, with greater pollution from the Caribbean region with respect to the Pacific, as well as the number of polluting sources that affect the quality of the Waters. On the other hand, the wear of the coasts constitutes one of the principal innate warnings of marine origin used as a probabilistic tool against natural phenomena. In recent years, protected coastal areas have been defined, seeking to protect sensitive ecosystems, which generate important ecosystem services. One of the most important threatened ecosystems are coral reefs because they provide habitat, food and protection to many marine species.
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    Análisis del déficit de espacio público verde, por efecto del crecimiento urbanístico de la ciudad de Medellín
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Chaparro Fajardo, Laura Caterine; Flórez Echeverri, Jennifer; Bernal Suárez, Diana Paola
    Green public space is a key element in cities, recognizing their ecological functions and their contribution in the formation of ecological networks. However, in the cities of Latin America such as Medellin, Colombia, there are deficit of public space compared to the minimum indicator of 15m2/capita recommended by the World Health Organization – WHO, indicator that given the rapid growth of the population will continue to decline over time. For this reason, it is necessary an adequate management and planning of the land as a key tool to address this deficit. Currently in Colombia, there are phenomena such as a shortage of urbanizable soil, incomplete development on the urban fringe, low quantity and quality of public space, as well as loss and deterioration of natural resources, because of poor management of urban development and unplanned land use. Therefore, it is an important issue to understand the problem, establish responsibilities and come up with solutions involving all actors in society as an integral part of the sustainable development of the city.
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    Análisis de las condiciones generadoras del peligro aviario: caso aeropuerto internacional Ernesto cortissoz de la ciudad de barranquilla, Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Benavides Céspedes, Julián Andrés; González Herrera, Alejandra; Perico Rodríguez, Ángela Patricia
    Aviary danger is one of the major problems with which airports worldwide struggle to control and mitigate the accidentality that it can generate within the development of its air operations. For the realization of this document, a bibliographic review of different sources and databases of domestic and foreign airports was carried out, which established the methodologies and processes implemented to control the problem in mention. In this way a general concept was obtained which facilitated the comparison and analysis of the processes carried out within the Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport which provides its services to the city of Barranquilla, Atlantic. These comparisons focused on the study of the different avian, migratory and native species that were evident on the air side of the airport (reeling runways, hangars and aircraft parking areas) which are attracted by the food sources that they can find and by the right spaces for reproduction, the latter is generated by the geographical location of Ernesto Cortissoz Airport. Once this bibliographic review was carried out, the relevant conclusions were generated which emphasize observations and suggestions that can be applied at the Airport
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    Análisis de alternativas de cultivos complementarios a la papa en dos fincas de la vereda el guamal (subachoque)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Puerto Diaz, Jaime Arturo; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andrés
    The growing need to provide abundant and quality food forces the farmer to adapt their customs and production dynamics, in order to improve the productivity of their land, it is proposed to opt for complementary crops to the potato (priority product of the village), trough growing and harvesting a series of foods compatible with the climatic, productive and economic conditions of the region. The exercise is carried out in two farms located in the El Guamal village of the municipality of Subachoque, Cundinamarca, which perfectly represent the productive and social customs of the region, thanks to the disposition of their owners and caretakers, this proposal will come true according to the times of each crop. In this way and respecting the customs of the farmers, their socio-economic conditions and the ability to recover and use of the land of that region will be gradually improved.
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    Metodología para el desarrollo de las dimensiones económica, social, cultural e institucional en el diagnóstico de los esquemas de ordenamiento territorial - eot
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) González Angarita, Sonia Luz
    In this paper a methodology for the development of the economic, social, cultural and institutional dimensions will be done as adiagnostic of the land management plan (Esquema de Ordenamiento Territorial EOT). The later is developed first with thepresentation of a methologic chart of the realization of the dimensions previously mentioned; then, an explanation of the topics to bementioned along the paper will be presented and finally, the conclusions of each one of the topics will be exposed. Theaforementioned is done with the aim of having a tool that allows to have a coherent articulation of the land diagnostic with theformulation of the EOT in order to finally achieve an adecuate model of land ocupation.
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    La participación comunitaria: Elemento crítico en el marco de la gestión ambiental
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Floréz Varela, Isabel Cristina; García Gómez, Henry
    Uno de los ejes fundamentales para la práctica de la gestión ambiental, es la participación comunitaria. Más allá de los fundamentos teóricos y el cumplimiento de la legislación ambiental de nuestro País, es importante reconocer que los procesos que se lleven a cabo con los diversos actores, deberían enfocarse no solo como eventos programáticos para la ejecución de los proyectos, obras y/o actividades, sino prepararlos para la toma de decisiones futuras, es decir, entablar vínculos con las comunidades, especialmente aquellas más vulnerables por aspectos como la biodiversidad, riqueza cultural y que por lo tanto representan diversidad de beneficios económicos, estos últimos debidos especialmente por la explotación de recursos,, pero que no se ven reflejados en las poblaciones de las zonas afectadas y en contraste se evidencian grandes problemas ambientales, políticos y sociales. Debido a este enfoque de la participación comunitaria, es necesario establecer que este eje no se desconoce por completo en Colombia, pero si debemos analizar cuáles han sido los casos verdaderamente exitosos, es decir, aquellos en los que se proporciona a la comunidad las herramientas claves para determinar si la información que se les brinda acerca de los beneficios que se pueden obtener por la ejecución de un proyecto, en verdad compensan, no solo económicamente, sino también a nivel ambiental y social, los efectos causados por el desarrollo de los mismos.
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    Impactos ambientales, sociales, económicos y confrontación armada que genera la actividad minera en el bajo Cauca Antioqueño y como apuntar a la sostenibilidad y RSE del sector
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Herazo Almanza, Erika Marcela; García Gómez, Henry
    La minería responsable y sostenible, es una tendencia nueva que se está adoptando en Colombia por el gobierno para controlar dicha actividad entre las grandes empresas mineras nacionales y extranjeras interesadas en explotar en territorio nacional, aunque en el país abunda la minería ilegal, que desconoce este concepto. Ante esto, surge la necesidad de adoptar unas prácticas y programas que no perjudiquen el futuro de las comunidades y los ecosistema, por lo cual se debe determinar en qué proporciones se requiere de variables como la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, la mejora continua, las necesidades de la comunidad y la necesidad de mitigar el impacto ambiental para establecer un escenario futuro donde sea posible desarrollar el modelo de minería responsable y sostenible sin dejarse afectar por la corrupción y el conflicto de intereses ya que se está negociando el futuro de un estado y los recursos a explotar son no renovables. ¿Por qué la minería debe incorporar responsabilidad social empresarial?, es un cuestionamiento que se deben plantear los involucrados en este tipo de actividades, ya que hay muchos factores a considerar, entre los cuales el más importante es el impacto ambiental y socio-cultural que ha causado la explotación minera en el territorio nacional. En Colombia, en las zonas en que se ha desarrollado dicha actividad se ha afectado sustancialmente los ecosistemas intervenidos, y más aún, si estos procesos no son controlados por los entes gubernamentales. Ante esta situación, se deben tomar medidas que permitan limitar esta práctica bajo condiciones inadecuadas, obligando a optar por procesos estandarizados, de calidad y que le permitan a las comunidades afectadas integrarse en la recuperación del impacto ambiental y social causado, accediendo a los beneficios que las empresas han estructurado bajo el modelo de responsabilidad social.
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    Daños ambientales por la explotación minera ilegal de oro en el Municipio de Timbiquí
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Rios Lasso, Carlos Alberto; Gómez García, Henry
    the gold is a natural product that represents wealth before the European invasion for them and for those countries that have it, for the capitals who extracted it, thanks to the values that reaches to the different markets. Historically and through time the demand for this metal has increased and with it the number of people engaged in extracting it and get it. This process is done through mining in some cases legally and others illegally. Technique of exploitation and benefit process, or the method depend on the type of deposit and the regulations of law found in the land. For it is used tools and substances chemical that affect and deteriorate the ecosystem. By it earlier is necessary, count with them permits and licenses that authorize perform this activity, by the commitment of the recovery and restoration of the land that assumes who it explodes. Do it without having it is considered ilegal. The practice of the mining is back to times colonial in the municipality of Timbiqui (Coast peaceful Colombian), time from which has been considered a place rich in that mineral. In this territory mining has been practiced by tradition and as an inheritance, has been an active part in the economy of this municipality, displacing and replacing the agricultural activities such as the planting of crops and animal husbandry. But also has brought to get important changes in the environment that year after year are more worrying. The work aims to describe and analyze the impacts that the practice of illegal mining has caused to the components of biotic and Abioticos in the municipality and the negative relationship that obviously is going to have sustainable development. The descriptive analysis based on an analysis of several documents published in news, reports and other studies are therefore used.