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    Correlación de dinamometría manual con los genes CO1A1 e IL6 y la predisposición de lesiones musculares y articulares en adultos mayores de las comunas 17, 19 y 20 de Santiago de Cali- Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Alegria Bonilla, Santiago; Galindo Polo, Oscar Alexander; Ordoñez Arbeláez, Daniel Felipe; Rosero Rosero, Ilem Dayana
    It has been reported that dynamometry in the elderly has been considered as a biomarker of aging because it helps to identify muscle weakness, which is related to multiple alterations such as osteopenic processes and physical dysfunction. Mutations in genotypic profiles and their polymorphisms can condition injuries in aging, therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the correlation of manual dynamometry and the association with the predisposition of muscle and joint injuries of the elderly of Santiago de Cali
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    Intervención fisioterapéutica para la potencialización del gesto deportivo en BOCCIAS. Estudio de caso y revisión de literatura
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Morales Saavedra, María Camila; González Ambuila, Valentina; López Muñoz, Stephany; Ordoñez Mora, Tatiana (Director)
    This document reports a clinical case of an athlete with a diagnosis of Spastic Cerebral Palsy, a Boccia player in the Bc1 category. To do this, a physiotherapeutic evaluation and biomechanical analysis of his sporting behavior will be carried out through the Kinovea application and a literature review. The main objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of physiotherapy management to enhance its launch. A 3-week intervention is proposed in which techniques such as: PNF, strengthening, proprioception, flossing and accessory aids will be used. The entire process will be evaluated each week of intervention to obtain results of effectiveness of the applied techniques
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    Batería corta de desempeño físico (SPPB) y su relación con la predisposición de lesiones musculares y articulares asociadas al gen COL1A1 e IL6 en adultos mayores de la comuna 17, 19 y 20 de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali-Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Ararat Sandoval, Maryleysi; Guevara Campo, Gabriella; Rojas Salazar, Laura Patricia; González Ruíz, Katherine (Director)
    Introduction: Aging leads to a series of physiological changes, influenced by lifestyle, environment and genetics, which increases the risk of morbidity and mortality in the elderly. The COL1A1 gene encodes an essential protein in connective tissues, which, when presenting a polymorphism, is associated with musculoskeletal injuries. For its part, the interleukin 6 (IL6) gene is known as a pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory regulator, and it has been reported that some polymorphisms such as interleukin-6 (IL6)-174C/G and IL-6 174G/C (rs1800795) have been linked to a greater predisposition to fractures and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women respectively. These alterations, in turn, are associated with a decrease in physical abilities, leading to a progressive loss of functionality and quality of life of the elderly
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    Análisis de las características de la marcha en pacientes hemipléjicos: Una revisión sistemática
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Sánchez Collazos, Valentina; Escobar Ocampo, Mary Alejandra; Arias Coronel, Florencio (Director)
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    Capítulo Dolor
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Vargas, Víctor Fernando; Quiguanás López, Diana Maritza (Director)
    Introduction: Pain aims to understand what are the triggering mechanisms of the physiology or neurophysiology of pain in order to determine its frequency, time, duration, intensity, location, type of pain and symptoms that each person experiences throughout their life cycle. Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience of a part of the body because of an external or internal agent and can occur in any part of the body or organism. Materials and Methods: A literature review of articles related to Pain was performed, combining Desc:Pain, physiotherapy, oncology, nervous system, duration, method, treatment, Visceral pain, Acute pain, acute pain, Chronic pain. The classification of articles includes a total of 26 articles of descriptive type, qualitative and systematic reviews, The search was carried out in different databases such as: Pubmed, Science Direct, Google Academic among others. Results: After the search, articles of the different types of pain for management were included and articles that did not mention in one way or another any characteristic associated with pain or that did not show the specific application of methods were excluded. Conclusion: There are different types of assessment methods for pain management, among them are the Unidimensional or qualitative ones, the best known is the Eva Scale or visual analogue and Mcgill, MRI or functional brain magnetic resonance, on the other hand there are the multidimensional ones such as: West Haven-Yale where this was the first and most common pain assessment model
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    Escalas de evaluación del síndrome post unidad de cuidados intensivos. Revision de alcance
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Arteaga Hurtado, Juan Pablo; Quiguanas, Diana Maritza (Director)
    The objective of this work is to "Determine the different evaluation instruments related to Post Intensive Care Unit Syndrome and their applicability in the field of physiotherapy." Regarding the methodology, a scope review was carried out, the following terms were considered: “scale”, “measurement”, “instrument”, “rehabilitation” and “syndrome”, these were used in combination with the Boléan operators “AND”, “OR” and “NOT”. The information search was carried out in the databases Medline, Scopus, Scielo, Dialnet, Dspace, Elsevier and ScienceDirect, and other bibliographic resources such as Google Scholar. To obtain the results, a total of 530 articles and research works were identified. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 28 investigations were selected for the development of the work. It was observed that there are risk factors that, due to the severity of the diseases, increase the probability of "SPCI" once the patients are discharged, it was established that a safe strategy considered as a general standard in patient management critically ill, is defined as “The application of physical activity within the first two to three days at the onset of a serious illness or injury” in the ICU. The instruments used to evaluate the Post Intensive Care Unit Syndrome were identified, developing the most used ones according to the material consulted. Conclusion: it was evident that there are instruments used to measure the SPCI, according to the physical, cognitive and psychological aspects
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    Efectos en la calidad de vida relacionados con la composición corporal y el nivel de actividad física en adultos universitarios. Análisis Secundario
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Parra Castañeda, Jhonatan; Vallejo Andrade, Andrés Fernando; López Calderón, Juan Sebastián; Vitery Ramos, Jenny del Rosario (Director)
    The adoption of obesogenic habits and lifestyles with low levels of physical activity are related to the development of NCDs. Objective: To determine the relationship between quality of life with respect to body composition and level of physical activity in an adult population in a university environment. Methods: An exploratory descriptive analysis was performed, categorical data were determined using relative frequency distribution and proportions. Differences in proportions were stipulated using the Chi2 test and differences in means using the Student's t-test. Using univariate associations between quality of life, variables of interest, body composition and physical activity level, statistically significant differences in the estimated Prevalence Ratios (PR) by subpopulations were determined. For statistical tests of hypothesis testing, a significance level of 0.05 and a 95% confidence level were established. Results: The difference between physical activity and sarcopenia showed statistically significant differences in relation to quality of life (P<0.05). The probability of being affected in quality of life was lower with high level of physical activity (PR 0.6; 95%CI 0.46-0.96; P=0.01) and normal sarcopenia index (PR 0.7; 95%CI 0.62-0.92; P=0.002), as well as age between 27-59 years (PR 0.3; 95%CI 0.11-0.84; P=0.008). Conclusions: Quality of life is positively associated with age under 59 years, level of physical activity, muscle mass
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    Fuerza y composición corporal relacionada al riesgo cardiovascular: revisión exploratoria
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Zuluaga Gonzalez, Jhon Alejandro; Esguerra Arboleda, Ana Maria; Rengifo Viedma, Valentina; Vitery Ramos, Jenny del Rosario (Director)
    Introduction: Muscle strengthening is a physical characteristic that impacts the muscular performance and functional capacity of an individual, in its relation to cardiovascular risks, overweight and obesity pointing out how excess weight generates a biomechanical load that affects both muscular and pulmonary function; in addition, demonstrate the findings of global and respiratory muscle strength, it is known that muscle strength is measured with maximal inspiratory and expiratory effort. Methodology: This exploratory review follows the methodology described by Arksey and O'Malley (2005)(1) for a scoping review, a method that allows the approach of the available scientific evidence regarding the studied relationship between muscle strength and aspects of body composition. Results: Among the most relevant findings of this review is that studies show that increased adiposity is frequently associated with reduced muscle mass and consequently reduced strength, In addition obesity has a direct impact on the respiratory system, considering that fat accumulated in an android form in the body affects the elastic properties of the rib cage and the efficiency of diaphragm muscle contraction and with it the values of Maximal Inspiratory and Expiratory Pressure and lung volumes.Conclusions: According to these findings, it is proposed as possible research areas focused on determining biomarkers related to muscle damage in central obesity, both in obese subjects with high BMI and in obese normopese subjects associated with abdominal fat distribution
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    Efectividad de la rehabilitación pulmonar en pacientes post COVID-19, una revisión sistemática 2019-2023
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Castillo Choco, Flor Jimena; Landazury Riascos, Leidy Geraldin; Ruiz Trujillo, Silvana; Segura Ordoñez, Alejandro (Director)
    Introduction: Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) has been implemented as an approach strategy for patients with post-COVID-19 sequelae with the aim of improving physical deconditioning, aerobic capacity, muscle strength, dyspnea, quality of life and functionality, a greater knowledge based on scientific literature on effects of the implementation of PR could favor rehabilitation professionals to substantiate its use based on scientific evidence. Methods: A systematic review was carried out following the inclusion criteria based on a search of electronic databases such as: PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, Springer, Google Scholar, without language restriction, including Randomized Clinical Trials and cohort studies. Results: A total of 21 articles were included, in English language 100%, the number of participants was 1761, aged between 39 and 71 years. 57% of PR programs were performed at the hospital level and 43% on an outpatient or tele-rehabilitation basis. Intervention time ranged from 3 to 12 weeks, 3 to 6 times per week, between 1 to 2 sessions per day, with duration per session between 20 to 50 minutes. Conclusions: The implementation of PR where strength, endurance, aerobic capacity training was included with indications of exercise prescription aspects such as duration, intensity, progression and type of exercises showed a positive effect on the improvement of dyspnea, aerobic capacity, muscle strength, lung function, quality of life and functionality in patients with post COVID-19 sequelae.
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    Fuerza muscular y composición corporal relacionada al riesgo cardiovascular en población universitaria
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Tejada González, David Stiven; Rosales Mora, Esnedy Yaney; Delgado Bejarano, Ardani; Vitery Ramos, Jenny (Director)
    The distribution of body adiposity and muscle strength has been shown to be directly related to the risk of cardiovascular disease, with excess adiposity, especially visceral fat, being an important factor in the development of diabetes, metabolic disease and cardiovascular disease. Recent studies show that there is a relationship between handgrip strength with overall muscle strength and good metabolic status. This study sought to establish the relationship between muscle strength and variations in body composition with cardiovascular risk in adults, in a sample selected between May and October 2022. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study included a sample of 162 subjects, 63% women, aged 18 to 80 years. Weight, height, abdominal perimeter, hip perimeter, fat percentage by Bioelectrical Impedancemetry, grip strength and respiratory muscle strength with Pimax were measured. Differences in proportions were determined using the Chi2 test and mean difference with the t student test. Univariate associations were estimated between cardiovascular risk and the variables of interest: body composition and respiratory muscle strength, evaluating whether there were statistically significant differences in the Prevalence Ratios (PR). estimated by subpopulations. A significance level of 0.05 and a reliability level of 95% were established for all statistical tests to contrast hypotheses. Statistical analysis was performed using Epidat 3.1 software. Results: A Conicity Index greater than 1.2 was shown to be a powerful risk factor associated with a cardiovascular event, being aged >60 years and also having a clinical history that significantly increases mortality (p<0.05), in the waist hip index it was observed that the cardiovascular risk is 0.50 times greater in 83.6% of the female sex. Regarding sex, the increase in abdominal perimeter in men showed a significant increase (p<0.05) related to cardiovascular risk. The decrease in grip strength had a greater impact in the female sex 95.6%, with values below the predicted <16.0 kg (p= 0.001). Conclusions: Body composition, grip strength and respiratory muscle strength variables are closely related to cardiovascular risk, with the risk being higher in women
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    Valoración neuromuscular del paciente con síndrome de Guillain Barré
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Ordoñez Silva, Katerine; Martínez Hernández, Angie Julieth; Quintero Villanueva, Jeniffer; Rosero Rosero, Ilem Dayana (Director)
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    Efecto del ejercicio aeróbico sobre la proteína Tau en personas con enfermedad de Alzheimer. Una revisión de alcance
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Porras Lopez, Orlando Andrés; Anchico Cuero, Deily Camila; Ospina Rodriguez, Jessica Johanna; Cortés, Sergio Leonardo
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    Influencia del peso en el equilibrio estático y balance dinámico postural en los bailarines de salsa en Santiago de Cali en el año 2023 - 2024
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Perdomo Escobar, Laura Alejandra; Hernandez Barahona, Valentina; Estacio Chamorro, Johan Sebastian; González Ruiz, Katherine
    Culture has been present throughout history, being a fundamental part of human development. It can be considered that the main cultural feature of the city of Cali is the practice of salsa dancing, since it is recognized as the “world capital of salsa” and has been declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation. The practice of this has been seen from a cultural, artistic and sporting angle
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    Efecto de aplicabilidad de educación en neurociencias para manejo de dolor en pacientes adultos con artrosis de rodilla comparado con la fisioterapia convencional reportados en la literatura: Revisión de alcance
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Libreros Mojica, Isabella; Rojas Rodríguez, Lina Vanessa; España Morales, Nicol; Sánchez Montoya, Lida Johana
    Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease affecting cartilage and surrounding tissues. The Osteoarthritis Research Society International defines osteoarthritis as a condition of the joints, primarily affecting the articular cartilage. Conservative treatment is a priority to minimize the functional impact, using strategies such as conventional physiotherapy (strengthening, balance and stability exercises) and nowadays different innovations have been carried out including pain neuroscience education (PNE), which has been shown to reduce in patients with knee osteoarthritis
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    Estrategias de prevención del riesgo cardiovascular asociadas a cambios de la composición corporal en población adulta. Una revisión exploratoria
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Garcìa Bonilla, Karen Yoana Orcid:; Betancur Valencia, María Camila Orcid:; Moran Murillo, Stephanie Orcid:; Vitery Ramos, Jenny
    The article highlights the importance of addressing cardiovascular risk related to body composition in university adults, emphasizing the need for preventive strategies adapted to this population. The connection between obesity, lack of physical activity, and energy imbalance with cardiovascular risk is emphasized, as well as the promotion of active and healthy lifestyles to avoid long-term complications. The prevalence of sedentary behaviors and the relevance of body weight control to prevent chronic diseases are highlighted
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    Efectos del entrenamiento muscular inspiratorio en nadadores: Una revisión sistemática
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Martínez López, Karol Dayanna; Garzón Rodríguez, María Alejandra; Rodriguez Scarpetta, Maria Angelica; Daza Arana, Jorge Enrique
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    Secuelas músculo esqueléticas Post-covid19 en adultos mayores con reposo prolongado
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Preciado Quiroz, Mayerli; Marín Zapata, Heidy Alexandra; Echeverri Ballesteros, María Alejandra; Urrea, Diana Carolina
    COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS COV2 virus, leaves serious musculoskeletal sequelae that leads to different signs and symptoms such as dyspnea, fatigue, myalgia, joint pain and even repercussions in the neurological system. Objective: To know the post-Covid 19 musculoskeletal sequelae in older adults with prolonged bed rest and intensive care unit. Methodology: This scoping review followed Johanna Briggs' protocol, performing a systematic search in 6 databases such as Scopus, Sage Journals, Pubmed, Oxford, Science direct and Dialnet independently. Title, abstract and full text filters were used. Abstract: Older adults who have had COVID-19 prolonged rest experience musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and neurological sequelae, including fatigue, myalgia, and joint problems. Rehabilitation improves pulmonary and muscle function, but the mental and cognitive consequences are challenging. These findings underscore the importance of rehabilitation for older patients after COVID-19. Conclusion: Musculoskeletal sequelae in older adults after COVID-19 can cause loss of function and independence, impacting daily activities
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    Caracterización del patrón de marcha en niños con parálisis cerebral basados en sistemas de análisis del movimiento
    (2024) Murrillo , Naren Herran; Perez Martinez , William David; Quiguanas López, Diana Maritza; Quiceno, Diana
    The aim of this research is to characterize gait in children aged 6 to 15 years with cerebral palsy using inertial sensors and 2D computer graphics. A cross-sectional descriptive clinical case study with non-probabilistic purposive sampling was conducted. Ten participants with CP, walkers and without comorbidities, with mean age of 11.5 years, were selected. Instruments such as a sociodemographic questionnaire and physiotherapeutic assessment tools were used, including the Modified Ashworth Scale, Gross Motor Function Measure, Gross Motor Rating, Manual Ability Rating System, and Functional Mobility Scaled (FMS). The results revealed detailed information on muscle tone, gross motor function, functional skills, limitations and functional mobility in these children. Limitations of the study include sample size and the exclusion of non-ambulatory children. Implications focus on improving the understanding of gait in children with ICH. The original contribution lies in the application of inertial sensors and 2D computer graphics in this population. In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive characterization of gait in children with CPI, highlighting the importance of technological approaches in physiotherapeutic evaluation and the importance of individualized approaches