Maestría en Informática

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    Arquitectura tecnológica para la asignación de ambulancias en ciudades inteligentes
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Ospina Tobón, Luis Carlos; Dinas, Simena
    The ambulances assignment to attend patients involved in accidents is one of the biggest problems in many third-world countries. It is a problem due mainly to two factors: mobility and limited resource availability. Traditionally, the problem is addressed by requesting the patient assistance by using radio broadcasting to all ambulance operators. The problem is that some notified ambulances may not be close to the accident, others could be on duty, on their way to attend other accidents, or not available. Nonetheless, it has also been notices that broadcasting generates competition among ambulances, or even lack of assistance to patients when many operators decide to attend the same accident. Furthermore, the competition to assist, has sometime generated new accidents. In other cases, negative impacts have been seen from the economic, ethic, social, politic, and mobility perspectives. Because of this situation, A Technological Architecture for the Assignment of Ambulances in Smart Cities was designed. Additionally, an intuitive and easy-to-use functional prototype was developed, applying the Design Thinking methodology. It is a proposal that puts technology at the service of community and aims to improve citizen quality of life, as proposed in the smart city manifest. This proposal was made under the cloud computational paradigm, which deploy the front-end of a mobile application for medical emergency real-time notifications. Additionally, the back-end manages the business logic to assign ambulances in a intelligent way and taking into account availability and georeferencing. The application was made possible by using technologies such as React JS, React Native, Firebase, Realtime Database, Cloud Functions, Google Maps, and Directions API. The software architecture is completely functional, scalable, and adequate. It has a TRL 4 maturity level, and complies with Jakob Nielsen’s 10 usability principles, giving a solution to the outlined needs. Tests was focused on Emergency logging and ambulance assignment, and in 98% of the cases, the prototype chose the nearest ambulance, the response was lower than 2 seconds, and the system behaved according to the necessary events to give solution to the problem.
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    Modelo de seguridad biométrico para el Estadio Olímpico Pascual Guerrero basado en dispositivo inalámbrico para la captura de imágenes
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cuero Ponce, Elmer Steven; Castillo García, Javier Ferney
    The bad behavior of some soccer fans in Colombia generates insecurity in the stadiums, this article presents the proposal to support the security system in the Olympic stadium Pascual Guerrero located in the city of Cali - Colombia, for the development of this proposal begins with the consultation of the state of the art of the different systems that support the security system nationally and internationally and thus know how it works, the elements and human resource involved in the process, with this information begins the research process of the proposal for the development of the prototype of an electronic device that supports by means of images the biometric system of facial recognition that the governmental entities have for the identification of people who participate in vandalism actions and serves as evidence to apply the corresponding sanctions. The result of this investigation generated a prototype of the device with a cost of 1% with respect to the value that has as budget for the system of biometric cameras of the stadium, using the same human resource that currently supports logistics of the event, having as the only additional action the pressing of a button for the taking of images of the exact moment that the event is happening, this proposal makes that less time is required to make analysis to the evidences, since the images will be only of situations that present facts of bad behavior of the fans. This type of tools is part of the persuasive technologies that contribute to the strategies of change on the part of the fan towards a good behavior, to achieve that these scenarios are safe and become a culture for future generations.
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    Modelo multiclasificador aplicando minería de datos para el diagnóstico médico utilizando datos abiertos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Bolaños Ramírez, Harold Ferney; Dinas, Simena
    In order to understand, analyze and eventually make use of a massive amount of data, a multidisciplinary approach has been proposed: data mining, it consists in the process of identifying patterns from massive databases. Data mining can be used in several fields: mobile computing, web mining, financial analysis, crime analysis, engineering, management and medicine. In medicine, data mining techniques can be used by researchers for the diagnosis and prediction of sundry diseases. Researchers have widely used several statistical analysis and data mining techniques to improve the accuracy in the diagnosis of the different diseases in medical care. The use of individual data mining techniques reveals an acceptable level of accuracy to determinate the diagnosis of the disease. Sets or combinations of classifiers have produced promising results, improving accuracy, reliability and, most importantly, extensive coverage in many different and practical applications. In this study, we evaluated the application of feature selection methods and the use of a set of three classifiers based on three different mixing strategies using open diabetes and breast cancer databases contained in the ICU data repositorio with the goal of supporting decision-making in medical diagnosis. The effectiveness of the combinations was measured using three commonly accepted metrics, as well as the response times in the construction of the models. Analysis of the results reveal that the sensitivity, specificity and percentage of classification are higher compared to the individual techniques and provides the basis for establishing an improved multi-classifier model.
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    Propuesta metodológica de un proceso de desarrollo de software híbrido basado en modelo de madurez enfocado en el modelado de negocio para una fábrica de software pequeña o mediana
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Arias Castrillon, Jhoan Sebastián; Silva Leal, Jorge Antonio
    There are standards that support the configuration of process management for an organization. They are called maturity models, it provides a collection of best practices for the development and delivery of high quality software applications. These models are extended areas to improve organizational performance in its internal and external management. They identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as provide benchmarking information. There are many maturity models such as OPM3, CMMI, P3M3, PRINCE, BPMM, among others. Each model differs with the others in terms of its factors and characteristics. Now, while the models describe the "what" through guidelines to establish a process framework and measure the capacity and maturity of the adoption of an organization, there are software development processes and methodologies, such as RUP - AGILE - PMBOK - TSP , which are intended to detail the "how", using defined processes that can be easily customized according to the projects and the model. Therefore, the first objective of this study is to compare the models and find a maturity model suitable for the Colombian context and small and medium-sized companies, and the second is a mapping between the integration of the selected maturity model and the different processes and methodologies of the current market.
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    Sistema de información para la articulación y administración de datos dinámicos del sector educativo (SIADSE) en el departamento del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Bambague Meneses, Rodrigo Gaitán; Sánchez Ledesma, Javier Arley; Dinas, Simena
    Nowadays, missional entities, in a public and private educational field, provide heterogeneous information systems (IS) to its service and use, delaying articulating the information. The spread of architecture and missional differences hinder the decision making and negatively impact the education fundamental right in the Cauca department. There by designing and developing a IS is proposed to articulate and analyze dynamically the different data sources information to facilitate the strategic educational field making decisions, following a protocol to an analysis and articulation data section. In line with the Ministry of national education normativity, this protocol is used to place strategical value to the information. This technological applied research proposes developing the objective, creating a single data source based on the analytics of the BIG DATA concepts. As a result, it seeks to generate reports or managerial sights that support the decisions agreed with the necessities, facilitating the optimal allocation of resources to the different educational programs and projects. All that is based on the SI development rooted in the XP and APEX methodology as an RAP development tool where they dynamically interacted to develop SIADSE.
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    Prototipo web para el modelo de acompañamiento y seguimiento a estudiantes de la UNIAJC
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Oviedo Bayan, Gustavo Adolfo; Dinas, Simena
    The Ministry of National Education (MEN) believes that dropping out of higher education for students or dropping out of higher education has become a phenomenon that affects institutions in Colombia. Each student faces social, academic and financial problems, which ultimately replicate in universities, since students are the raison d'être of a university, so it is necessary to implement a model to try to mitigate the phenomenon. The Information and Communication Technologies can support with information to help solve this problem, but not all the technological developments contribute what is necessary for the Institutions of higher education, as it is presented by the investigations that are reported in the literature of this article, an investigation was made with different universities at national level and consultations on the aspects that contribute to the desertion at international level. The creation of a model of characterization and follow-up to students, supported in a WEB prototype for the Antonio José Camacho University Institution, considering that this model can be adapted and implemented in any Higher Education Institution.
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    Chatbots para apoyar la detección de síntomas de trastornos psiquiátricos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cortés Loboa, John Edward; Dinas, Simena
    This paper presents Juliana, a Chatbot prototype for Facebook Messenger that has the purpose of acting as an intelligent virtual assistant that allows the application of the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). In addition to the application of the interview, Juliana has been given the possibility of notifying the result of the evaluation, indicating whether or not a specific user may have presumed symptoms of Major Depressive Episode and Risk of Suicide disorders. For doing so, models capable of understanding user’s queries in Spanish language using the Natural Language Processing skills of IBM Watson Assistant service were generated. Finally, in order to evaluate what the user experience is like when using Juliana, a quantitative type and descriptive subtype experimentation scenario was carried out with a sample of 50 users. Results show that Juliana offers a good user experience. However, it is important to consider those users who say they disagree with the quality of the system, the information and interface since improvements can be made to achieve a better experience for everyone.
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    Gestión de historia clínica y administración de la operación de IPS Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud en casa, con funcionamiento en la nube y dispositivos móviles: Caso de Estudio IPS ICOMSALUD
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) González Hernández, Mario; Moya Chavez, Francisco David
    Health sector in Colombia with the enactment of Law 100 of 1993, of December 2, 1993, Integral Social Security System, presented a great transformation in the functional and operation alstructure in the provision of health services. A great variety of Software have been oriented to satisfy the integral operation in the Health Provider Entities and intramural care in Health Service Provider Institutions. Meanwhile, the evidence for the development of computer support has been directed to the billing system in the Health Service Provider Institutions of extramural care, being categorized as Pymes. For all this, the importance of the implementation of computer support in extramural care in the category of home care is based on the recovery of the patient, the rotation of beds in clinics or hospitals, the generation of employment. The implementation of cloud computing strengthens the administration of management and the portability of the clinical history in the Health Service Provider Institutions ICOMSALUD with its home care service, in addition to compliance with the electronic clinical history (Law 1438 of 2011), which allowed to continue in the intramural care market.
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    Aplicativo web orientado a mejorar los procesos de especies menores: Caso de estudio CUY (Guinea Pig)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Portillo Cuaran, Luis Makensey; Tavera Romero, Carlos Andrés
    Taking into account the importance that the raising of the guinea pig has acquired in recent years, the present research sought to study and analyze in an exhaustive manner the state of the art of the processes of breeding of minor species: case of a guinea pig and how it can be improved its production implementing an application in terms of food and vaccination, as a second objective, analyzed the characteristics, tools, technologies, which can be implemented for the development of this application which will allow a large amount of data to be stored allowing a more suitable inventory through a good modeling of Entity Relationship; and finally, he sought to identify a reliable method so that the application is easy to understand, so that everything related to the central theme of the investigation can be known. The selected development methodology was PSP, the goals set are: construction of the requirements formats, elaboration of the UML diagrams, codification of the application and application tests. This document is organized as follows: introduction, state of the art of minor species processes, technologies for application development, results and conclusions. The main contribution of the research presented here is to allow systematization of breeding in small species, presenting the guinea pig as a case study. Also, strengthening the market for Nariñenses is expected to reduce costs by approximately 40 percent. All of the above based on the need to manage the time to feed, when and how to provide the respective vaccines and keep an adequate control of the species, in order to place a new vision of the producer in the breeding process, since it will be shown that they can obtain significant savings at the time of producing it, thus motivating it to strengthen this ancestral activity carried out by the producers.
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    Diseño de una Guía para Reducir los Riesgos de inseguridad en redes inalámbricas LAN de empresas (Mi Pymes) en Sandoná-Nariño
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Narvaez Chaves, Neyi Maricela; Dussan,Ciro Antonio
    This document presents results of a security analysis of WLAN networks in the township of Sandoná Nariño, Colombia based on the analysis of a private company which offers training service. The study is the result of research project "Diseño de una guía para reducir los riesgos de seguridad en redes inalámbricas LAN de empresas (MiPymes) en Sandoná Nariño". the collected and analyzed information was obtained through the use of the OWISAM methodology and surveys on the application of information security controls of the ISO 27001 standard. As a result of the investigation it was demonstrated that the entity has an acceptable level of security as far as to the logical part but it faces a critical level in management and control of company policies. A point of view is given in the conclusion section, taking advantage of the contact had both the network devices, mobile devices and personnel of the entity. And finally, the recommendations guide is attached, which is the final (deliverable) product of the investigation which will help the company to solve the vulnerabilities found during the investigation.
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    Diseño de un web service para la automatización y control del proceso de expedición de licencias de uso para casas desarrolladoras de software
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Pineda Maturana, Luis Alberto; Loaiza Buitrago, Diego Fernando
    Web services follow a focus on service and availability that, in the companies of this revolutionary technological era, demand an extended use of the corporate portfolio of the same and that every year they advance in giant steps to a constant interaction between systems of different nature that add value to the business. A web server for license control allows centralizing and automating a process that is carried out slowly. This article describes a web service design that is integrated with any software system, facilitating the completion of the licensing process and being able to generate from there an optimal service to the client.
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    Desarrollo de la API ZKalmanUSC para Implementación de Filtro de Kalman Discreto
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Campos, Zuleika Alezones; Alzate sánchez, Juan Camilo
    The Kalman Filter is one of the most used algorithms in the treatment of spatio-temporal problems, presenting itself with increasing application in new areas of knowledge, and increasing its use in the world of computing, which makes it very important its application in computer programming; From the above, this article describes the development of an Application Programming Interface (API), which facilitates the implementation of the Discreet Kalman Filter. Having as objective the generalization of the mathematical models, for their application from the JAVA programming language; Initially, its development focuses on the presentation of the fundamental mathematical base to be programmed, after that a methodology with the organization of the source code is displayed, showing the class diagram with a reference to the mathematical models used and culminating with the section of results obtained, from the demonstration of a simple example, together with the performance times compared to another existing API, which has the same filter implementation functionality. Demonstrating how the development of a discrete Kalman Filter computer library, it is a possibility that provides an instrument to provide software solutions, allowing a variety of options from learning the mathematical models of the filter, or implementing it from a mode advanced, in which the developer is released from performing additional tasks that are currently required, at the time of programming.
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    La Virtualización como apoyo a las prácticas de Green It
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Sánchez Figueroa, Daily; Valencia Bonilla, Warner Fernando; Váldes Castro, Edgar
    This research provides an overview of virtualization to support good practices in Green IT, where technologies are designed to keep power consumption at the lowest level possible, including different levels: from the performance of the microprocessor, to the operation of data centers. Perspectives as time usability of electronic devices in order to quantify the levels of e-waste generated worldwide, and behave globally and a comparison with Latin America is to find out the trends of practices technologies are also addressed green in organizations
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    Informática cuántica: un acercamiento a sus métodos, desarrollos y aplicaciones
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Cuellar Garcia, Andrés; Velásquez, Yana Elida
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    Diseño de aplicación móvil para domicilios en campus universitario. Caso de estudio: Universidad Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Hernández Conde, Henry
    Designing a mobile application to place orders within a university campus is very useful when it comes to avoiding trips by users and it becomes a great attraction for services that offer products. To think of a mobile device as a starting point for the presentation of solutions for current problems is an almost mandatory challenge, as well as the portability that allows you to use in our most common tasks, such as communicating with our loved ones, sending photos, Ask for a taxi or order food. In this sector of gastronomy, in particular, the restaurants, the countryside, the field of action, the users, the day, the day, the demand, the services and the products, ever closer, the offer is very wide and the marketing media. The innovative technological solutions and the reach of all the users, the offers of the clients, the offer of the products, the offer of products to a group of users.
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    Modelo de aceptación y uso de Cloud Computing para el reporte de cartera de servicios de salud
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Campos Álvarez, Diego Armando
    The boom of the health economy, the implementation of economic criteria and the constant change of regulations, require precision, effectiveness and efficiency at the moment of submit the health care bills provided by different clinics and hospitals in Colombia. This document emphasizes the adoption of new technologies in an entity of a public nature and responsible of payments, so they can serve as a management tool to maintain control over portfolio information. An engineering request is presented for a web platform that relies on the use of resources and processing through Cloud Computing guaranteeing quality and integrity of the information.
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    Modelo de caracterización del perfil del cliente adaptado al sector de la construcción, aplicando minería de datos: caso de estudio en empresa constructora
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Erazo Cardona, Carlos Alberto
    Building houses process in construction companies is affected by fallen negotiations before delivery of the living place, unknowing the reasons for this situation. In building sector there is no a model that allows the characterization of customer profile linked to the commercialization process that would contribute to mitigate the risk to business agreement. As several productive sectors begin to apply data mining, adaptations of traditional methodologies for data mining arise, which solve particularities of these sectors. This paper proposes a characterization model of customer profile adapted to building sector with data mining that includes the results obtained in case study in a building company. The Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) methodology was followed with an adaptation or contribution found in literature that identified own characteristics of building industry in the approach, design, mining techniques, pattern evaluation and validation that allowed generalizing the model. With case study, a design for the data warehouse based on the multidimensional data model using the star schema was proposed. It was proved that classification, regression and clustering techniques are recommended to solve the problem and finally the proposal for data mining techniques evaluation and validation was presented. The generalization of the characterization model of customer profile, confirmed the tendency and requirement of the productive sectors to have data mining models specific to their needs.
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    Transformación Digital de la Gestión Docente de la Universidad Santiago de Cali utilizando Inteligencia de Negocios
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Herrera Ramírez, Javier Ricardo; Borda Restrepo, Jorge Aníbal; Simena, Dinas
    This document proposes an investigation in the Digital transformation using Business Intelligence to support the decision making in the Santiago de Cali University; the main motivation is the capacity to generate opportune and precise information, to later, to use them in the decision making, to generate the best strategies according to the reality of the organization and that lead to the success. For the purposes of the study, bibliographic reviews of the main concepts of Business Intelligence were carried out, interviews were conducted to the different areas of the institution that require information from teachers such as: quality assurance, human management, research and Academic vice-rectory, to know the needs regarding performance indicators and obtaining information; this approach allowed to obtain the requirements of users, guide the development of the project to meet the needs of the areas interviewed, this research used the business intelligence tool qlik sense, to generate knowledge related to teachers in the USC. As for the methodology, a qualitative descriptive research methodology was used and as a methodology for the development of the business intelligence model, a methodology for the development of business intelligence projects was applied, which allows the identification of the needs to integrate data in an organization. The most relevant findings are: A. The most valuable asset in the organization is knowledge; B. Business intelligence is fed from data repositories to support decision making; C. Technological innovation is fundamental for the institution to remain competitive; D. Business intelligence improves knowledge management and allows an updated reading of the organization.