Especialización en Gerencia Logística Integral

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    Propuesta para el mejoramiento de los procesos logísticos de almacenamiento y preservación de materiales en bodegas de la empresa Ut Logis
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Feria Herazo, Karol; García, Henry
    This project is developed to improve the logistics processes of storage and preservation of materials in warehouses of the company Ut Logis; which is in charge, different wineries that are owned by Ecopetrol S.A. The first stage is oriented to the initial logistic diagnosis of three warehouses, located in Puente Aranda, Tocancipá and Galán. The proposed methodology includes direct observation and analysis of existing documents in the company, determining the critical aspects that are subject to improvement. On the other hand, improvement proposals are defined, focused on providing solutions in the short, medium and long term and proposing a logistic improvement plan that mainly impacts the storage and dispatch of products and is backed by senior management and complied with by workers. In compliance with the proposed general objective, a logistics plan is proposed, under the theoretical concepts of logistics models, applying the 5S strategy and the implementation of a procedures manual and a storage manual. Finally, it is proposed to develop a system of logistics management indicators, in order to standardize the processes, decrease delivery times and increase the life of the equipment
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    Propuesta de rediseño de infraestructura para el aumento de la productividad de la bodega de azúcar en el puerto industrial Aguadulce
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Bautista Galvis, Fabian Eduardo; Joaquín Diaz, Pedro
    This review article analyzes how the current infrastructure of the sugar cellar of the Aguadulce industrial port presents important limitations for the improvement of productivity and quality in operations. For this reason, a redesign of its infrastructure is proposed to increase productivity rates, storage capacity and make operations safer. This investment is necessary given the increase in the production and export of sugar in the Valle del Cauca and should be translated in the long term into economic benefits for the company.
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    Análisis del sistema de transporte terrestre para mercancías de importación y exportación en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2018) Urzola Acuña, María Mónica; Arboleda Zuñiga, Jairo
    Logistics is an essential point when talking about imports and exports of any type of elements, within this aspect a highly relevant being the oldest and equally traditional is the terrestrial, so in this document what is intended is analyze the contribution (positive - negative) of said factor and specifically for Colombia. Regardless of the elements that are transported, these also have a value for the final recipient, so that the time, accommodation, treatment and handling of these during their mobilization by road charge a highly important value in the logistics process; but in Colombia there are particularities due to the surface of the land, the climate and the situation of public order There are different ways of evaluating the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the land transport system that are applicable anywhere in the world, but the particularities of certain areas clearly mark the differences in these variables, which is why the valuation and evaluation are not subjective. analysis, only that each territory at world and local level has its particularities that make it more or less attractive for the displacement of goods by land, especially because of the effect on the cost variable
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    Factores que afectan la logística de transporte en el Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Diaz Mazuera, Vivian; Vargas Cuña, Leidy Carolina
    The Valle del Cauca is currently part of two of the main logistic corridors in the country (Bogotá-Cali and Medellín-Cali), additionally has the main port on the Pacific, located in the city of Buenaventura and listed as the largest and most Suitable for reception and dispatch of goods to and from the Pacific, it also has two free zones (Pacifico and Palmaseca) strategically located between (Cali-Yumbo and Yumbo-Palmira); However, it presents a number of factors that affect its logistical processes, among which are the lack of electronic platforms, limited infrastructure, delays in customs procedures, lack of human resource, progressive increments in the Operational costs, poor planning and delays in the expansion of the Pacific Railroad. This article delves into the logistical situation of the Department, emphasizing the main logistical barriers, taking into account the transport of cargo (maritime, air, iron and road), ports and patios of containers and indicators emitted by Authorized signatures
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    Revisión del modelo de demanda determinística para la estimación de políticas de inventario
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Delgado Carvajal, Jefferson; Martínez Escobar, Nathaly
    This monograph contains the development of a research focused on the deterministic demand model, in which a rigorous descriptive study of the respective theoretical environments that condition the correct functioning of the logistic processes was carried out, giving some concepts about the control of them as the most complex of logistics. The method used was the literary review on the subject to define inventory policies, going through the various concepts and elements that comprise it, emphasizing the types of inventory control policies and their uses, identifying the benefits in their application. This article specified how the application of an adequate inventory policy can guarantee the availability of a product in conditions of fluctuation, which becomes a key aspect for success in organizations. It is concluded that the application of an inventory policy, is the improvement of the level of the product - service and, therefore, of the competitiveness in the random behavior of the demand.
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    Calidad de servicio y grado de satisfacción del cliente en empresas de servicios públicos en el contexto colombiano
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Hernández Zapata, Claudia Marcela; Pineda Zapata, Uriel
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    Implementación del justo a tiempo como sistema de inventarios para desarrollar ventajas competitivas en las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Reyes Pérez, Luis Gabriel; Gutiérrez, Cesar Augusto
    The adoption of the Just in Time production system has been a philosophy that has undoubtedly generated benefits for companies, thus allowing not only to remain in the market, but also to enjoy competitive advantages among other companies and in that way acquired position and achieve supremacy in their market segments. Based on this premise, the present monographic work is articulated, as a bibliographic review that seeks to study the implementation of Just in Time as an inventory system that allows to generate competitive advantages in micro, small and medium enterprises in Colombia. It is a systematic study, in which business concepts and institutions are articulated within the framework of the so-called Mipymes, in such a way that from the correct handling of their inventories, based on the Just in Time, and with it, the apprehension of their meaning, characteristics, requirements, scope, phases and correct form of execution, these can be maintained competitively in the market, more when it is emphasized that in the face of the globalization of the current economy, and the high levels of global competition, it is convenient to reflect about the need to understand the importance of logistics management of companies, their internal processes to achieve quality in their internal processes, contact with the customer and finally, their total satisfaction through the agility in product delivery, at low cost and quality, so that companies are empowered under effective approaches to total quality and continuous improvement.
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    Plan de manejo y control de inventarios en la Importadora J&G SAS
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Marlez Moreno, Victoria Eugenia; Arboleda Zuñiga, Jairo
    This paper seeks to develop an inventory management and control plan, which contributes to the logistics organization processes that are carried out at the Importadora J&G SAS; Starting from the problem identified in the company, which consists in not having an inventory control that allows it to have the adequate level of stocks to meet the needs of the customers. For this, three phases are proposed to be developed: (i) Diagnosis of the current situation of the J&G SAS Importer, identifying its strengths and weaknesses in its distribution processes; (ii) Selection of the inventory model according to the needs and conditions of the Importer; (iii) Proposal for an inventory control system adapted to the situation of the company, which allows the improvement of the distribution processes in the J&G SAS Importer. In the project, a descriptive research is used, which measures, evaluates and exposes the reality of the company, so that the proposal suits your needs; the target population and sample corresponds to the six employees of the company; primary and secondary sources were also used; the primary ones are: direct observation and semi-structured surveys and partial research results; Secondary schools correspond to books, studies, research, degree work, thesis, among others. It could be concluded that the inventory control method indicated for the company is the EOQ Method; with which it is possible to know the indicated quantity of order to be made, as well as the frequency in which these orders must be made.
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    Estructuración de un modelo de mejora del archivo técnico para el incremento de la productividad en la Secretaría de Minas de Antioquia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Rivera Zapata, Juan Alejandro; Vargas Acuña, Leidy Carolina
    For the productive organizations of services could be effective, productivity and the perceived quality are very important characteristics that must go together because of the client (internal or external user) evaluates the quality and also he/she is the principal agent who allows the service production. In this case study, the principal objective is study and analyze the productiveness performance in Mining Secretary of Antioquia according to customer satisfaction (user), implementing a solid structure in the management and control of the operative general inventory of the mining secretary (mining folders / files). In addition, identifying the logistic process and the agents that interrupt this process to present a management system to reduce or abolish any interruption. Because of this study, a management system is presented to manage the inventory that can be according to the mining secretary operation and increase the productivity levels with the client adaption. This increase is going to be represented in reduction of response, identification and location time of the required information.
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    Modelo de abastecimiento colaborativo en una empresa Frutícola en el Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Serna Ortíz, Juan Felipe; Londoño Grajales, Carlos Andrés; Cardenas Erazo, Danilo
    Valle del Cauca is a department with high levels of fruit production, a condition that generates high volume, quality, price requirements for companies in this sector, among other attributes of sanitary regulations and sustainability, which is why the use of elements and tools to meet this high challenge, guaranteeing the presence and competitiveness in the market (Governorate of Valle del Cauca, 2006), as a transcendental function in the supply chain. Therefore, the application of techniques such as Inventory Managed by the VMI Provider (Vendor Managed Inventory) and collaborative sourcing, have led companies to obtain competitive advantages in costs and customer service, allowing the supplier to respond to the final demand and avoiding the whip effect with the appropriate decision making (Adarme, Arango & Otero, 2011).
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    Caracterización de un operador logístico 4PL
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Echeverry Díaz, Laura Cristina; Zuñiga Reyes, Greiler Durbary; Cañas, Marlon Dagoberto
    A logistics operator has the ability to plan the supply chain of an entire organization. Logistics operators through the technologies they manage provide the company with efficiency in real-time processes, reducing costs, improving information, money and material flows; This is achieved thanks to the integration of end customers, important information to level the flows of the supply chain. Logistics is transformed every day at the rhythm of markets and services, and 4pl logistics operators are a reflection of the needs that days after day present in companies. Organizations worldwide are changing rapidly, at the pace of market needs In the monograph we want to highlight, the importance of a 4pl logistics operator for organizations, the services they offer and the benefits that are obtained, the relationship that must be had when a customer includes a 4pl logistics operator to your company, a description of 4pl logistics operators, their classification, limitations and a brief example of how a 4pl logistics operator operates in Colombia, among others. The work is divided into 3 chapters which focus on characterizing the 4pl logistics operators
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    Priorización multicriterio para la afiliación a un banco de alimentos en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Henao Gaviria, Diana Milena; López Cardenas, Fernanda; Chud Pantoja, Vivian Lorena
    The decision-making process in organizations is a vital responsibility, which leads to generating strategies to minimize errors in making important decisions. This research presents a model that integrates the AHP with TOPSIS that will allow The Food Bank Foundation to speed up and facilitate the affiliation of Social Organizations using the most relevant variables and criteria (Coverage, Location, Population Group, Food Times, Program and Physical Resources) to make this decision; which is expected to improve Processes and be more efficient in meeting the social intervention objectives of the food bank. This, being a Solidarity and non-profit organization that seeks to minimize food waste, through the application of reverse logistics operations to recover and take advantage of food surpluses and distribute them among the most vulnerable population, has as a very important point associated with the Management and the definition of the beneficiaries; due to the fact that the applications for affiliation are generally more than the support available, so it is necessary to prioritize this activity according to multiple criteria. This research study allowed to design a tool that facilitates the decision making of affiliation combining the different relevant factors in the process.
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    El cross docking una estrategia para la competitividad de una empresa distribuidora de productos de consumo masivo
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Zuñiga Perez, Leslie Jhoanna; Cardenas Erazo, Danilo
    This investigation determines in theoretical terms the utility of cross docking, it's functions and characteristics, as well as defining the different types (direct and indirect cross docking) and how and when they should be used. The criteria of a logistical strategy can be undoubtedly found by overcoming problems before implementation, from there the managers will select the best strategy for the organisation after considering cost and advantages, both short and long term. Finally successful case studies of the implementation of cross docking such as Invernaderos El Ejido, Walmart, GAP-INC, military environment , and the Promodès case, among others.
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    Propuesta de optimización de rutas de distribución del area de despachos en la empresa STF GROUP de logística
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Hernández Abadia, Carolina; Díaz Pacheco, Raúl Antonio
    The main purpose of this document is to design a delivery and receipt routing system that optimizes the distribution routes that STF GROUP S.A. currently has to the clothing factories that in this case are its internal customers. To do this, set the following specific objectives: 1. Diagnose the process of dispatching the company. 2. Formulation of logistic performance indicators 3. Elaborate a proposal that allows the improvement of internal and external customer service The methodology that is applied to the theory and models of routing and vehicle programming. The level of analysis of the work was designed based on documentary data and observations in the field and the interpretation of the opinions and contributions of the members of the company, through semi- structured interview. The techniques of development of the work are based on the orientation of the director of the work of degree and on the bibliographic sources that develop the subject.
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    Identificación de las principales variables que inciden en el proceso de los inventarios en una empresa de servicios públicos domiciliarios del departamento del Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Flórez Micolta, Diva Liliana; Osorio Tovar, Libardo Jair; Cardenas Erazo, Danilo
    Currently in the world, the economy, finance and business sector make logistics an important factor for the creation of value and the increase of the service levels of companies, as this allows them to compete under consistent conditions of time and space, since, having a good logistic management not only of internal processes but of distribution processes admits an advantage with just in time, so that manufactured products and services reach the final consumer in the right place and in time precise. Thus, each one of the logistic activities, the administration, the execution and the control play an important role from the entrance of the inputs, the manufacture of the products or services until the final destination of the same; where adequate provisioning allows the company to provide the supplies in a timely manner, avoiding production delays, and the correct storage of both materials and products is necessary for availability and fair delivery to customers or users and finally distribution responsible for transport which allows the proper location of the product - service either available to the final consumer or intermediaries, all this process within the rules and procedures established within the legal, administrative and tax field exercised and controlled by government entities central and the control bodies that regulate it. The aforementioned factors demonstrate that the purchase, administration, accounting and registration process must be the tools that the administration of a private or public company has for its proper management and in this way who knows what it has knows that it buys and that it can sell as a product or service, reason or end of each business cycle in companies.
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    Diagnóstico del proceso de planeación para la asignación de rutas urbanas de un operador logístico de la ciudad de Cali con flota subcontratada de capacidad limitada
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Montaño Zuñiga, Lina Marcela; Valencia Prado, John Jairo; Londoño Ortega, Julio Cesar
    The competitive environment in which companies are currently developing and specifically in the city of Cali, requires that operations be carried out with planning, enable the best use of resources and that it be maintained as a solid support for commercial activity, In this way, the interaction of both factors enhance the profitability and growth of companies. According to Parra-Ortega (2010), in the field of logistics, transport is a substantial component in the supply chain, since it represents the component with the highest proportional cost, therefore it implies having adequate planning in its operations . The problem that is addressed in the case study is related to the recurrent breach of its cost and service objectives in the distribution of the company that provides the transport service by subcontracted fleet. This breach is relevant given the business environment in which the company operates, where there are different scenarios such as the starting conditions that you want to transport with the minimum cost, shipments to their respective destinations using all the necessary vehicles (vehicles which can belong to different typologies, each of them with different characteristics in terms of weight and maximum capacities and with variable costs - depending on the number of km traveled and different hiring). For which competitiveness is very important especially at the level of customers, suppliers and transporters, forcing them to optimize their planning processes for the allocation of routes.
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    Propuesta de mejora para el manejo de la cadena de frio de medicamentos en Centro Hospitalario en la ciudad de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Vargas Arboleda, Carmen Elena; Arboleda Zuñiga, Jairo
    It is universally admitted that the concept of quality of a medicine includes two basic characteristics: efficacy and safety. While efficacy is defined as the ability of a medication to obtain the therapeutic action sought in a timely manner, it is understood that a medication is safe as long as the risks it has for the patient are acceptable in terms of a risk-benefit analysis. . Among the required quality requirements for a drug is its stability, that is, the ability of a particular formulation in a specific container / closure system, to remain within its physical, chemical, microbiological, therapeutic and toxicological specifications throughout of the entire period in which it is in the market. There are many factors that affect the stability of the drug from its manufacture until the moment of its use, so that deficiencies in the preservation systems (cold chain break) or in the type of packaging can wreak havoc on the stability of a medicine. It should be noted that products formed as a result of drug degradation, although, in general, lack pharmacological activity, can sometimes be potentially toxic or lead to alterations in organoleptic characteristics. To avoid or delay this type of reaction, a series of measures can be taken, among which we can highlight the temperature control, since an increase in temperature, in general terms, is accompanied by an increase in the degradation rate (G r J rt Ru S u T - 2004).
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    Lógistica integral en almacenes de cadena: La articulación entre cadena de abastecimiento y sistema de distribución
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Mosquera Valencia, Alexis; Sinisterra Murillo, Emma; Acosta Rios, Marío Fernando
    work is the result of a review of the literature about the way how the comprehensive logistics develops in stores from what is known as a system of distribution and supply chain, understanding that there must be an organization that starts with the planning of the main components of a process that ends with the satisfaction of the customer which can create competitive advantage and value chain for the company , customers, at the time that positions itself in the market. The methodology of work was of type qualitative and descriptive that is based in the search of material bibliographic that updated, i.e., that not exceeds them 10 years of publication, for to establish patterns common and understand what are them contributions that performed to the discussion and problematization of the theme. To the end is presented them conclusions that highlight the importance of these two components essential for the logistics comprehensive in stores.
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    Propuesta de mejoramiento en el sistema de almacenamiento de materia prima en EVACOL S.A.S
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Ordoñez Botina, Wilson Arbey; Romero Peña, Hector Fabian; Arboleda Zuñiga, Jairo
    The proposal of improvement in the system of storage of raw material was carried out in the company EVACOL SAS with the objective of implementing and designing a system in the area of storage, with which it will be possible to first improve the flow of Supply to the mixing and injection process and secondly, that these processes become more agile and efficient for the company, in this way it seeks to expand the productive capacity that will allow it to explore and compete in new markets in Latin America, Which contributes to the growth and strengthening of the company in this stage of expansion, responding to its stricter customers with the generation of added value in the wide portfolio of products it offers. In the realization of the project, the first thing that was taken into consideration was the current diagnosis in the company, of the processes involved in the storage, which generated a much wider vision of what was being presented and which allowed us to sit The bases for the elaboration and implementation of the proposals of improvement in the storage. The favorable results will be observed in the management indicators that will be established to make the comparison between the before and after, which will give the company a more in-depth knowledge of the need to generate an improvement in these aspects.
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    Propuesta metodológica para el desarrollo de proveedores en una casa médica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Mosquera Lucio, Yennifer Paola; Ortíz Cardoza, Constanza Viviana; Cardenas Erazo, Danilo
    The globalization of the markets has led to an increase in the level of dependence on suppliers in companies, in terms of reliability and compliance with the supply chain. In this sense, it is increasingly common for organizations to execute programs or projects to know and help their suppliers in order to obtain benefits such as cost reduction and recognition of their customers in competitive markets, such assistance to suppliers has Received the denomination of Supplier Development. (López, Bolaños and Méndez, 2015, p.15) Supplier development is an activity that enriches the management of the supply chain, providing it with greater value through mutual contribution between client companies and suppliers. For modern organizations, the management of suppliers has become one of the most important and strategic axes, since being the first link, it allows to dynamize the entire supply chain in an integral way; situation that is reflected in improvements in competitiveness, which translates into improvements in management capacity and, precisely, in generating added value and satisfying the needs of consumers. That is why it is necessary that the managers in charge of provisioning have tools that allow them to make decisions quickly, and as far as possible, that are objective and easy to use. In response to this need, a methodological proposal is proposed for the development of providers in a medical home. This methodology is based on the selection, negotiation and finally evaluation of suppliers. For the three development processes a diagnosis is made of how they are currently in the Bioart medical home, which allows us to give an overview of the aspects that should be improved in each process. Once the proposal for the selection and evaluation of suppliers has been presented based on the multicriteria analysis, quantitative and qualitative results are obtained that will allow making accurate and objective decisions, which would eliminate subjectivity in the process with which Bioart is currently working for the development of suppliers.