Instrumentación Quirúrgica

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    Terapias emergentes para la enfermedad injerto contra huésped: Un nuevo horizonte en el tratamiento. Una revisión bibliográfica.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Ossa Gómez, Yurany; Ortega Rozo, Luisa María; Galvis Morán, Valentina; Segura Castillo, Linda Nerieth (Director)
    Introduction: Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a serious and complex complication that usually arises after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSC), however, such a complication, can also occur after bone marrow transplantation or after organ transplantation. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of emerging therapies for GVHD. Materials and methods: A review of the literature published between 2019-2024 was performed using search equations in the ScienceDirect and Springer databases. A total of 132 papers were obtained, of which 72 were selected for this review. Results: Treatments such as Ruxolitinib and Ibrutinib have been used, as well as the use of stem cells and extracorporeal photopheresis. The best rates of effectiveness in the treatment of GVHD have been observed with the use of Ruxolitinib. Some studies have reported overall response rates (ORR) higher than 60%, even reaching 63% in certain cases. In addition, treatment with Ruxolitinib has been shown promising results in improving patients’ symptoms as well as their overall quality of life. However, other therapies have also shown good results in treating the disease, which presents a broad picture of the options available to address this post-transplant complication. In addition, research has focused on the analysis of biomarkers to develop more personalized treatments for patients. Conclusions: These advances reflect the importance of continuing to explore and develop new therapeutic strategies to address this post-transplant complication more effectively and improve clinical outcomes in affected patients
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    Catéter venoso central una probabilidad de desarrollo para infecciones del tracto venoso: revisión bibliográfica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Ledezma Ocoro, Leidy Janine; Lezama López, Laura Camila; Bustos Tobón, Nasly Yireth; López López, María Nela (Director)
    Introduction: The CVC, has been considered an indispensable device in the hospital setting given that it is a thin tube, which provides long-term vascular access, allows the administration of medications, laboratory tests, among others; however, it has been shown that its use is highly related to bloodstream infections (1-3). Objective: To identify risk factors associated with central venous catheter infections. Materials and methods: The present literature review was carried out by means of a data search in different sources, distributed as follows: Google Academic Repository (42), Pubmed (7), Scielo (8). Results: CVC infections are increasingly present, which is why timely diagnosis of this complication is extremely important to provide adequate treatment and avoid other types of risks. On the other hand, CVC can have different advantages and disadvantages, among which bacteremia infections stand out; however, the application of adequate asepsis and the correct use of antimicrobial agents can help to combat this problem. However, within the treatments and techniques implemented for infections, the use of 2% chlorhexidine dressings, catheters with antimicrobial/antibiotic coatings and sensors stand out as an effective option. Conclusion: CVC infections have become a problem in health care institutions; therefore, it is essential to detect infections early in order to administer adequate treatment in time, avoid complications and improve clinical prognosis
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    Manejo anestésico en pacientes con obesidad y obesidad mórbida (revisión bibliográfica)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Hervas Arias, Edixon Camilo; Torres Aponte, Karen Daniela; Palacios Viveros, Andrés Felipe; Maldonado Rincón, Beatriz Alejandra (Director)
    Introduction: Obesity and morbid obesity, are increasingly prevalent in the current population, for this reason anesthesiologists are daily confronted with this type of patients, which represents a challenge because of their high rates of complications due to anesthetic induction (1-4). Objective: To know the anesthetic management in patients with obesity and morbid obesity. Materials and methods: The present bibliographic review was carried out by means of a search of articles in databases such as: Google Academic Repository (31), Pubmed (10), Scielo (10). Results: Among the types, techniques and advances for obese/morbid patients, we found the use of opioid-free anesthesia, use of peripheral regional anesthesia, ventilatory masks, constant monitoring, among others, which allow the reduction of possible complications (12-20). On the other hand, obese/morbid patients tend to be patients with difficult air access, which means that the use of anesthetics can further complicate this situation, causing serious complications that can lead to death itself (31-34). Thus, this type of patients usually present high post-anesthetic complications, among which arterial hypotension, respiratory problems, cardiovascular problems, among others, stand out (29-35). Conclusion: Obesity is considered a risk factor at the time of anesthetic induction, so the anesthetic management of obese/morbid patients is a continuous challenge, and it is advisable to look for other alternatives to minimize the risk of complications, such as the use of techniques and drugs
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    Principales usos de la terapia génica en el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades: Una revisión bibliográfica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Obando Castiblanco, Natalia; Tovar Pazmiño, Natalia; Riascos Sinisterra, Dayana; Segura Castillo, Linda Nerieth
    Gene therapy (GT) is a medical technique that involves the introduction, modification, or replacement of genetic material into cells of the body to treat disease. This innovative approach is based on the idea of correcting or replacing defective genes responsible for inherited or acquired diseases
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    Análisis de la evolución en pacientes con sinusitis crónica y el impacto en la calidad de vida postoperatoria: Una revisión bibliográfica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Valencia Ceron, Stephania; Ortiz Londoño, Geraldine; Parra Castillo, Liseth; Maldonado Rincon, Beatriz Alejandra
    Chronic sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucosa lining the paranasal sinuses, causing bothersome symptoms such as nasal obstruction, loss of smell, and facial discomfort, significantly affecting quality of life. Although initial treatments include nasal irrigation, antibiotics, and corticosteroids, some patients continue to experience persistent symptoms, leading to consideration of endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS). The methodology of this research involved an exhaustive search in different databases such as Google Scholar, yielding a total of 26 articles, 10 from PubMed, 1 from Sage Journals, 4 from Science Direct, and 8 from Springer, thus providing a wide variety of perspectives and studies for analysis. ESS stands out as the primary treatment for chronic sinusitis, aiming to improve ventilation and mucociliary clearance of the paranasal sinuses, offering a quicker and less painful recovery than other methods. However, studies show that disease recurrence is common, underscoring the need for long-term follow-up strategies and revision surgeries. Despite these challenges, ESS has demonstrated significant improvements in patients' quality of life, supported by ample scientific evidence. Evaluation tools such as the SNOT-22 questionnaire are crucial for objectively measuring surgery outcomes and understanding the disease's impact on daily life. In conclusion, ESS represents a significant advancement in chronic sinusitis management, providing patients with the opportunity to enhance their well-being and quality of life
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    Reconstrucción mandibular mediante colgajos. Revisión bibliográfica
    (2021) Rassa Briceño; Valeria, Rebolledo; Maria Camila
    Mandibular reconstruction using pedicle and free flaps have been fundamental techniques in the intervention of functional and aesthetic defects such as management of benign and malignant tumors, segmental bone reconstruction, osteoradionecrosis of the jaw, reconstruction of extraoral soft tissues below the commissure, of infrastructure of the maxilla and mandibulectomies among others.
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    Efectos del tratamiento quirúrgico de elongación ósea: una revisión sistemática.
    (2021) Márquez Alegría, Natalia; Luna Hurtado, Javier David; Calderón Velasco, Alejandro; Linda Nerieth Segura Castillo; Diana Miley Orejuela Baquero
    Bone elongation or surgical elongation, is the surgical procedure used to perform the elongation of bones and correct congenital malformations and bone discrepancies. This procedure is performed, especially, to correct deformities of the extremities, both upper and lower, and, to a lesser extent, other areas of the body are attended.
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    “Estrés académico de los estudiantes de instrumentación quirúrgica frente a las prácticas quirúrgicas I de una institución universitaria privada de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, periodo 2020a.”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Bañol Aya, Rubén Darío; Pedroza Rosero, Vanesa; Rengifo Serna, Camila; Segura Castillo,Linda Neireth
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    “Nivel de satisfacción de los adultos mayores que asisten al servicio de consulta externa en una ips de baja complejidad de la ciudad de Cali- valle en el primer semestre de 2020”.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Klinger Marquinez, Suanny Jesús; Ibarra Imbachi, Ariel; Millán, Juan Carlos
    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to establish the level of satisfaction of older adults who attend the outpatient service in a low complexity IPS in Cali- Valle del Cauca in the first semester of 2020. METHODOLOGY: Within the methodological design, the study was conducted under an observational design, since the reality is not modified or intervened by the researchers; in addition to a qualitative approach where reality will be studied in its natural context, as it happens; descriptive cross-sectional study where reality is mentioned without modifying it. The research took into account the perception and opinion of adult users over 60 years of age who attended the outpatient service at a low complexity IPS in the city of Cali-Valle in the first half of 2020 in terms of accessibility, infrastructure, opportunity and personal treatment through the execution and development of the PECASUSS survey and its subsequent analysis of data and results. RESULTS: It was observed that most of the data indicates that the respondents show a high degree of satisfaction with the services provided in health and care that they receive in the institution's outpatient service, and which can be corroborated by evaluating that the Patients stated that the care received at the institution left them generally satisfied and very satisfied, with a percentage of 72% and 17% respectively, and an intention to return to the institution and therefore to the service, which is around 97%. We can see in this research that the high satisfaction of users is largely determined by aspects such as the perception of the simple procedures to be attended to, the ability to resolve their health needs by the medical team, the cooperation and response by part of the staff of the institution and the good treatment of human talent in health thus perceived by the user. CONCLUSION: It was established that there is a high degree of satisfaction level among older adults who attend the outpatient service in a low complexity IPS in CaliValle del Cauca in the first semester of 2020. Furthermore, it was possible to characterize the surveyed population of older adults who attend the outpatient service and it can be seen from the results obtained that for the majority of patients who attended the outpatient service of this IPS they feel satisfied in terms of accessibility and opportunity: the procedures They were simple, with the waiting times standardized by the institution and relevant to each service.
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    “Monografía: infección del sitio operatorio en cirugía 2010-2019.”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Sanjuán Noguera, Marlon Brando; Arango Anaya, Cindy Johana; Giraldo Ríos, Oscar Iván; Millan Estupiñan, Juan Carlos
    INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to establish what information is found in the literature on surgical site infections in surgery during the years 2010-2019. METHODOLOGY: The present work corresponds to an investigation of a quantitative, (22) observational type; since it will be investigated about infection of the operative site in surgery 2010- 2019. The main areas of study related to infections will be public health, medical sciences, and epidemiology. The bibliographic review was taken from free databases (Google academic, MEDLINE PLUS, ERIC,), Invima references, university and public libraries, (Universidad Santiago de Cali, among others). In addition, a search was made for the different topics that would be used to adequately focus the work preparation process. The data found will be analyzed from the keywords and selection criteria, the data presented is the result of the search and are the results of studies prepared and published in the literature. RESULTS: The generation of observatories of an investigative and non-sanctional nature is essential, as evidenced in the studies, the aim is to emphasize patient safety and strategies that seek to minimize infections acquired by health care. CONCLUSION: the main microorganisms are found in the operative site: Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus coagulase negative, Enterococcus sp, E. coli, Pseudomona aeruginosa, Enterobacter sp, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Other Streptococcus spp, Candida albicac, Other Aerobic Gram-positives, Bacteroides fragilis
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    Análisis del manejo de residuos peligrosos en el área de la salud y su incidencia en los colaboradores que la manipulan
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Cuellar Mosquera, Lina Fernanda; Castillo Possu, Yorlays Melissa; Mora Zambrano, Lizeth Jessenia; Segura Castillo, Linda Neireth
    The dangerous residues that are generated in the institutions of health originated from the activities of the service doctor must be managed of the form as ideal as possible, so much for the personnel in charge of its manipulation as of the professionals of the health and the same institutions; these should take into account a hazardous waste management plan or manual, covering the entire storage, handling, transport and other stages. in addition to providing detailed consideration for the planning and execution of each activity that reduces the risk of exposure or direct contact with the waste. In this context, research into the health sector's hazardous waste management as a central issue is of great importance because of the effects this type of waste has on people and the environment. The objectives addressed in this research are therefore to identify, determine and describe the practices of hazardous waste management and effects presented by the selected research on the proposed topic published in the temporality 2010-2020. Inside the this document there develops a documentary review that tackles a methodology with qualitative approach and of type descriptive, that allowed to analyze the articles about last decade regarding the topic of study and which investigation phases were the investigation of topic, analysis of articles and results and conclusions. Finally, the review points out that waste management practices in the health sector focus on an optimal, comprehensive waste management process, starting from collection, transport and storage, but this should be done by standardizing the entire process through a manual that will expose the right techniques for waste collection phases.It is also clear that the effects that this type of waste can generate are the spread of disease vectors, as well as the deterioration of biodiversity, biological contamination of soil, water and air, and the creation of biological risk factors. Therefore, it is considered of great relevance to create or update the regulations or regulations of waste management where the whole 14 process that involves the collection, transport and storage of hazardous wastes of health entities is precisely established and thus, to cultivate and train all personnel who are in contact with this type of waste.
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    “Monografía: Eficacia y seguridad del sling en el tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo femenina.”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Bedoya Torres, Leidy Vanessa; Valdés López, Stefannya; Pinillo Obando, Solanny; Segura Castillo, Linda Neireth
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    “Monografía: Efecto de la música en el personal asistencial de salud y el paciente.”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Cáceres Hurtado, José Arnold; Materon Córdoba, Angie Natalia; Tinoco Garcia, Kelly Natalia; Puerta Díaz, Daniel Eduardo
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    “Conocimiento sobre el uso de injertos y sustitutos óseos de los estudiantes de 7 y 8 semestre de instrumentación quirúrgica en la universidad Santiago de Cali 2020a.”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Cambindo Campo, Gloria Fernanda; Bocanegra Palacios, Kevin Josseph; Oviedo Jiménez, Miguel Ángel; Puerta Díaz, Daniel Eduardo
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    Conocimiento sobre residuos peligrosos en docentes asistenciales del programa de instrumentación quirúrgica en una institución educativa de la ciudad de Cali, periodo 2020 A.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Chilito Baralt, Adriana; Medina Castaño, Juan David; Muñoz Bermúdez, Leidy Jhoana; Franco Correa, Mónica Lorena
    In the present undergraduate work, she determined the knowledge about hazardous waste in healthcare teachers of the Surgical Instrumentation program at an educational institution in the City of Cali, period 2020ª. We collected information by applying a virtual survey using a tool called Google Forms, this due to the Covid-19 pandemic we are currently experiencing, it was sent by institutional mail to 56 teachers of the Surgical Instrumentation program. Those teachers who did not receive the mail, who did not sign the informed consent and teachers who did not have internet to carry out the survey, were excluded for a total of 50 teachers who did participate in the research. Sociodemographic data was measured. The analysis of the results showed that in the gender 90% are women, that the socio-economic strata that predominates is the middle 3-4 with 72% followed by the upper stratum 5-6 with 16%, that their marital status showed that 48% are married, followed by free union with 26%, as well as single. Therefore, it is shown that there is a population in the same age range of 33 to 37 years and 38 to 42 years, occupying 36% each. However, in general we were able to determine that 60% of the healthcare teachers have knowledge about hazardous waste. Finally, a discussion, conclusions, recommendations are made and a pedagogical tool was created to reinforce the topic, regarding the results found in the research.
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    Monografía manejo de residuos de riesgo biológico y químico, generados en quirófanos de centros sanitarios latinoamericanos desde el año 2015 hasta el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Quiceno Gómez, Nicholas; Valdés Bermúdez, Marcos Brayan; Segura Castillo, Linda Nerieth
    Introduction. Surgical rooms are the most important area and highlight of the surgical process, therefore, health care institutions optimally condition those spaces as required by Colombian law and guarantee to provide the best quality services and patient care With medical-surgical personnel trained to carry out the various procedures, in turn, essential supplies are used in the environment, since it is there that hazardous hospital waste is generated, such as those of chemical and biological risk. Objective. To identify the management of Biological and Chemical risk residues generated in operating rooms of Latin American health centers from 2015 to 2020 available in scientific lietrature. Methodology. A compilation monograph of a systematic review of critical literature was carried out, with a descriptive qualitative approach, corresponding to the area of public health study, conducting an investigation on waste generated in surgery. Results: 200 articles from different databases were found, of which 30 were taken as a sample, meeting the inclusion criteria defined for this review and consolidated by means of tables that allowed qualitative descriptions to be made. Conclusions. It was found that there is a cognitive gap on the part of the health area personnel in important aspects for public and environmental health in the identification of segregation parameters and / or final disposal of waste in Latin American surgical environments, in addition to little supervision by regulatory entities.
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    Monografía efectividad del óxido de etileno como agente esterilizante versus su acción tóxica en el personal sanitario
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Echeverri Burbano, Catalina; Molina Girón, Laura Isabel; Segura Castillo, Linda Nerieth
    The collateral effects on the health of health personnel caused by the management of ethylene oxide as a sterilizing agent involve complications with the various systems of the human body: neurological, cardiovascular, dermatological and endocrine, respiratory, ocular systems, among others. These effects can be exacerbated by bad practice regarding the use of the specific biosecurity elements of this gas or insufficient infrastructure of the sterilization plant that uses this method. However, the healthcare institutions that have in their installed capacity a sterilization plant equipped with the equipment, pipes and all the ornamentation necessary to handle this gas, despite the contraindications to the health of the personnel it manages. In this area, they continue to use this gas as a sterilizing agent. This is why, as researchers, the question arises about the true complication of ethylene oxide as a sterilant compared to the possible complications that may be contrary to personnel, or if its sterilizing action can be replaced by another method that carries less risks for the worker.
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    Incidentes ocurridos en la prestación del servicio de la central de esterilización al área de cirugía en una institución de ll nivel del municipio de Palmira Valle, en el año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Obando Escobar, Rita Margoth; Londoño Durán, Gerardo Andrés; Restrepo, Leidy Johana; Maldonado Rincón, Beatriz Alejandra
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the most frequent incidents in the provision of the Central Sterilization and Elements service to the surgery area in an institution at the II level of the municipality of Palmira-Valle, in the year 2019. A study will be carried out observational, qualitative and retrospective research. The instrument corresponds to a series of questions that will be verified while compiling the information on the institution's verification sheets. The results showed 59 incidents in the Clinic sterilization center. In general, conclude, review the specific inspection processes for the correct functioning of the equipment prior to each procedure, since what is sought is to reduce the probability of one of these incidents compromising the life and well-being of the patient.
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    Evaluación del conocimiento ambiental en estudiantes de quinto a octavo semestre de Instrumentación Quirúrgica de la Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Erazo Delgado, Karen Liliana; Ortiz Ángel, Laura María; Trujillo Ayala, Nathalia; Segura Castillo, Linda Nerieth