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    Enfoque multicriterio para la composición de una flota escolar
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cortes Sevillano, Luis Fernando; Ríos David, Julián Andrés; Vargas Acuña, Leidy Carolina
    The objective of this paper is to present a model to select an alternative for the management of the school fleet in a school, which strengthens its service levels. The process of selection of the alternative requires the use of instruments that contribute to decision-making in an agile, effective and efficient manner. For this reason, the Technique for the Order of Preference for Similarity with the Ideal Solution is proposed, mathematical and analytical elements that facilitate the information. These models, which can be applied to different types of organization, were validated in a company in the education sector and the decision was identified that an interdisciplinary work group chose with the best levels for their service levels.
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    Aprovechamiento frutícola y hortícola a partir del desperdicio en el territorio del Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Echeverri Aparicio, Yamileth; Villar Uribe, Ana María
    Colombia is a country known for its vegetation, its geographical location and its tropical climate as well as having land in conditions to carry out the cultivation and agriculture process. The cultivation process is carried out in 4 zones in which the climate must be taken into account to obtain a product that meets the specifications, since rainy or dry seasons occur with the presence of some rainfall that can cause the Crops do not develop properly. Based on this information, the resulting product “fruits and vegetables” are products that are desired by the foreign market, which has been used to increase exports in the country, however, this action has not minimized the deficiency that it presents with the loss and / or waste of these products. The objective of this study is to determine and find the causes that have been related to these events of waste and loss which are addressed with aspects from pests, production decisions, climate changes, lack of logistics and technology, deficiencies in infrastructure and capacity, even bad distribution channels and market chains, in addition to bad consumption habits and lack of strategic coordination between the sectors, which has led to the impact of the sustainability of food systems which can put security at risk food
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    Propuesta de metodología Canvas para la compañía Telemetryone S.A.S
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) González Ruiz, Oscar Eduardo; Vargas Acuña, Leidy Carolina
    An analysis carried out inside the company TelemetryOne S.A.S., from southwestern Colombia, which provides vehicular telemetry services to fleets and vehicles that require tracking their assets. The SWOT model was implemented to identify the situation of the company; analysis of the company's stakeholders, together with a theoretical review oriented towards various approaches to administrative theory, which highlights management aspects, negotiation strategies, marketing and operations, sales motivation, internal communication, organizational structure and organizational culture, in order to present a proposed Canvas model that, if applied in the organization, could make it more profitable in the future; considering the contributions of this model in the strengthening of the organizational structure. Structurally, an introduction to the topic is presented, which gives an account of the objectives; conceptual references; background of similar investigations; methodology used, of a mixed nature; diagnosis of the company; stakeholder perception; Canvas proposal and a set of conclusions that can serve as a starting point for research on the subject or similar.
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    Análisis multicriterio para disminución de los costos por transporte de personal hacia los lugares de la operación del negocio en EPSA S.A. E.S.P.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cárdenas Polanco, Benson Stiwen; Vargas Acuña, Leidy Carolina
    This article develops a proposal to improve the transport service of the personnel that due to the needs of their role, must travel to the different headquarters of the company EPSA S.A, to attend operative tasks or supervision of the operation. The proposal was built considering the needs of the company in relation to the exponential growth in operating costs, an analysis of the current process and the best practices framed in a multi-criteria matrix that uses as input the company's own needs in terms of costs and administrative procedures and a Benchmarking among the companies of the sector. The proposal incorporates a scheme in which employees who need to move to the operation make their vehicles available, while the company pays a fee for each kilometer traveled. It is think that this mode of transport, reduces the cost of the operation by 22%, improve income and quality of life for workers and significantly reduce the different procedures for approval and payment
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    Análisis de las dimensiones del servicio al cliente en las empresas promotoras de salud
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Azcarate Sánchez, Anyela Giovanna; García Jiménez, Juan Camilo
    This monograph will focus on studying the Dimensions of Customer Service and its applicability in Health Promoting Companies (EPS), taking as a reference the requirements of the affiliated population and current legal regulations for this type of entities, where the central objective is to improve health conditions and provide comprehensive services that meet the needs of the user. Sin ce the creation of the EPS and the birth of Law 100/93, there has been an increase in complaints of lack of quality in the care and provision of health services, lack of coverage, administrative failures in the management of entities, among multiple causes of claims by affiliates, has led to the transfer of the report of petitions, complaints and claims of the EPS (PQRS) to handle reports of the number of guardianships received by the entities by the users for to demand their right to health and better care that meets the nee ds of the user. Among the causes that have generated deterioration in the quality of services, are the barriers of access and communication by entities towards the user, there is evidence of risk management where prevention predominates rather than correction, on the contrary , improvisation predominates before the planning of services and attention, lack of monitoring and control by the entities in charge of regulating the service in the EPS.
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    La importancia de los procesos de mejora continua para la internacionalización de las Pymes Colombianas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Arango Santamaría, Rodolfo; Robayo Avendaño, Angélica
    This article aims to describe the importance of continuous improvement processes for the internationalization of Colombian SMEs, in which it begins with the introduction, which contextualizes in general the topic to be treated, to give way to the development of the reflection that begins with a general description of these companies, highlighting their importance and dynamics in international business, then identifying the respective improvement processes that have been advanced in these companies and ending with a description of the quality certifications that are They have been implemented by Colombian SMEs, subsequently the respective conclusions were shown. This article was developed under a type of descriptive study, using the documentary method as a tool for collecting and analyzing information, where it was noted that there are few SMEs that have been inserted in international business, despite the existence of various commercial agreements in all the world. In turn, it was determined that the main certifications that internationalized Colombian SMEs have obtained, have focused on the process approach to develop their improvement activities, through the use of the PHVA continuous improvement cycle. All this, thanks to the fact that these companies have been using a reference for process improvement, to NTC 6001, who has facilitated the implementation of ISO 9001 standards.
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    Métodos de localización de plantas industriales
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Tobón Botache, Martha Isabel; Cruz Viveros, Jorge Andrés
    The present work of monographic degree called "methods of locating industrial plants", consists of the analysis of basic principles such as: and importance of the plant location in the industry, the different methods of localization and the support procedure for the taking of Location decision. Finally, the conclusions are developed which give positive results on the importance of the location of the plants in the organization.
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    Análisis de la cadena de valor en el centro logístico de despachos de motocicletas Honda
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2017) Morante Gomez, John Fredy; Morzola Ovalle, Emiro Jose; Rubiano Ovalle, Oscar
    With this work, an analysis of the value chain in the dispatch area corresponding to a Honda motorcycle logistics center was carried out, and to identify possible waste and bottlenecks that exist in the current process. Through the objectives it was possible to visualize what is intended to be achieved in this work and through justification the need to carry out the research is raised. The theoretical framework shows the tools that exist to address the objectives and also defined the tool to be used, later the methodology to be used throughout the work was shown in detail and, finally, a series was deployed From conclusions and recommendations to the company, everything was addressed through an established schedule
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    La Asociatividad de pequeños productores frutícolas en Colombia
    (2018) Díaz Pacheco, Alfredo Antonio
    In this article a reviews the concept of agrarian associations in the rural sector for the strengthening of fruit production in Colombia, strategies are proposed to consolidate this important economic sector according to the capacities of the agrarian sector, development policies and trends in the world. Secondary data was collected, consolidated and later analyzed in order to present a brief overview of Agro in Colombia. The main conditioning factors for the development of the fruit sector in the country are analyzed, some association alternatives are discussed and the way in which small producers can be integrated in the supply chains, as well as the opportunities of success for associations of small producers. Finally, some technical and financial strategies are shown, which will enable the fruit sector in the country to be boosted, achieving greater competitiveness in the market.
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    Análisis de las herramientas de administración de negocios en la industria farmacéutica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2018) Giraldo Aricapa, Angélica
    In Colombia there are more than 200 companies that belong to the pharmaceutical sector, together, more than 5,900 million pesos in annual sales, and contributed 2.5% of the GDP of the country (ANDI, 2016), however, the figures available in the ANDI, it is easy to identify that this market, account for a group of companies, in which major multinationals, which forces the Colombian companies to fidget and be competitive, forcing himself in this way to generate strategies that combine the compliance requirements of the industry and the administrative tools of the business to stay in the market, which is characterized by its high standards of quality control (Resolution 1160, 2016) and the Competition (Angell, 2004). In the present document shows the statistics of the pharmaceutical sector and the tactical and operational strategic factors of the business, the challenges it faces, the external circumstances which affect the strategies employed in this industry at the national level and other tools that could be applied in the administration of other companies in the sector, such as lean sigma and BPM, becoming a guide that explains the operation of the national pharmaceutical sector administrators or managers who are faced for the first time to this branch of the industry.
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    Planificación de la producción en una empresa de confección
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2018) Ramirez Sanchez, Katherine; Perez Parejo, Karina Margarita
    Currently, the fashion sector is a key piece for the economy of the country, not only because it is an important source of employment, but because according to the Inexmoda-Raddar observatory, the consumption of clothing accumulated nationwide until December 2017 , is in 13.08 billion pesos, that is to say a growth of 6.8% with respect to the previous year (Inexmoda, 2017); The modernization, technification and implementation of efficient production processes are increasingly necessary to achieve another export alternative for the country. The textile and clothing industry in Colombia has more than 100 years of experience and a consolidated and experienced production chain. The sector represents 10.7% of the gross domestic product of the industry and 3% of the national GDP, constitutes more than 5% of the country's total exports. (DANE, 2016) Therefore, it is important to mention that each industrial activity is structured based on the characteristics of the information, raw material, labor, machinery, processes and product, the interactions of these factors are decisive for the fulfillment of the objectives proposed by the company, success depends on the order and fluidity of the process minimizing adjuvants for delays that prevent the achievement of goals.
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    Indicadores de desempeño para agentes de un contact center
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2018) Hernández Marquez, Patricia Eugenia
    The purpose of this study is to provide a proposal to measure the performance indicators of the agents of a contact center, which allows to achieve business objectives and achieve customer satisfaction. Technology-based BPO businesses are provided by contact centers with services that range from simple phone calls, to marketing, sales, technical support and even remote diagnostics. In the contact centers linked to the BPO sector (Offshoring in Business Processes), countless data on the activities of different processes can be collected; however, they must be analyzed, classified, related to others inherent in the process and ordered, so that they become relevant information.
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    Análisis multicriterio para disminución de los costos por transporte de personal hacia los lugares de la operación del negocio en EPSA S.A. E.S.P.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cárdenas Polanco, Benson Stiwen
    This article develops a proposal to improve the transport service of the personnel that due to the needs of their role, must travel to the different headquarters of the company EPSA S.A, to attend operative tasks or supervision of the operation. The proposal was built considering the needs of the company in relation to the exponential growth in operating costs, an analysis of the current process and the best practices framed in a multi-criteria matrix that uses as input the company's own needs in terms of costs and administrative procedures and a Benchmarking among the companies of the sector. The proposal incorporates a scheme in which employees who need to move to the operation make their vehicles available, while the company pays a fee for each kilometer traveled. It is think that this mode of transport, reduces the cost of the operation by 22%, improve income and quality of life for workers and significantly reduce the different procedures for approval and payment.
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    Propuesta de mejoramiento del sistema productivo en Carnes Frías Rieti utilizando metodología Lean Six Sigma
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Restrepo Castillo, Julián Andrés; Guerrero Moreno, David; Masso, Jhon
    Industria de Alimentos Cárbel S.A y su Planta procesadora de carnes frías Rieti presenta deficiencias en su producción, ya que se están presentando pedidos no despachados debido a falta de existencias o inventario, provocando así ventas perdidas. Este problema se genera por una mala planeación de producción y una inadecuada capacidad de producción, por tal motivo en este proyecto se enfocara en generar propuestas para mejorar el sistema productivo de la planta de procesamiento con el fin de mejorar el nivel de servicio, la productividad, satisfacción del cliente y la rentabilidad para la empresa; para lo cual se hará uso de la metodología LSS aplicando herramientas como Voz del cliente, Análisis estadístico, Kanban y Value Stream Mapping. Dichas herramientas pretenden dar solución a la problemática que presenta los procesos de abastecimiento de producto terminado a despacho. El VSM, permite ver el flujo del proceso y el flujo de comunicación dentro de la cadena de valor con el fin de identificar los desperdicios y desarrollar un plan de mejora; y el Kanban ayuda a aumentar la eficiencia del proceso de producción.