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    Formas y procesos de expertos y aprendices que crean fotografía publicitaria
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Quintero Candezano, Julián David; Vélez, Luis Felipe
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    Campaña para la movilidad efectiva dentro de la universidad Santiago de Cali sedes Cali - Palmira
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Álvarez Vaquero, Diana Katherin; Castillo Montero, María Camila; Lozano Pérez, David; Henao Bermúdez, Juan Manuel
    The beginning of classes for new students, at Santiago de Cali’s University, could mean a constant feeling of disorientation, due to they get to know new spaces. During the first weeks is common that the students need to find their classrooms, a department or a share space and don’t be able to find it. This is how the idea of designing an advertising campaign came up, to improve mobility within the campus of the USC headquarters in Cali and Palmira, providing those involved with inductive information that prepare them for their mobility on campus and made their adaptation to this environment more effective. For this, the present project posed the following research question: ¿How do to improve the mobility of the students of the first semester of the University of Santiago de Cali at the headquarters of Cali and Palmira in 2020?. Question that was addressed through the analysis of the campuses and the interaction in them by the academic community of the USC. The results obtained were used to create an advertising Brief that identified the needs against the mobility problem. The work led to the creation of an information campaign that sought to induce the community to move effectively within the university environment.
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    Estrategia de fidelización para los clientes del restaurante de productos vegetarianos/veganos “frutos del sol” durante el año 2023
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Martínez Corrales, María Alejandra; Riascos, Jhon Alexander
    This research work, proposes a loyalty strategy for Frutos del Sol´s clients, located in El Peñón neighborhood in the west of Cali, Colombia; which is characterized by offering vegetarian and vegan preparations designed for any type of palate. This will be done through 3 specific objectives, which mainly seek to know how the restaurant is in the market, and identify the perception that customers have about the brand, the products and services it offers, to finally build the elements that make up the structure of the advertising strategy to retain restaurant customers. With this, it seeks to generate a solid relationship between customers and the restaurant, so that could become their favorite brand of healthy food.
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    Aproximaciones de las narrativas Transmedia y digital en el contexto de la publicidad social
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Henao Argel, María Alejandra; Castañeda Zuluaga, Diana
    This text presents a scoping review of the existing literature on social advertising in relation to transmedia narratives and digital narratives.
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    Diplomado en desarrollo y creación estratégica de marca personal
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Chaux Candamil, Luisa María; Castañeda, Diana Lisseth
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    La percepción sobre la humanización en la estrategia de comunicación de la marca Netflix en el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Vera Arboleda, Laura Catalina; León Muñoz, John Jairo
    The following research focuses on analyzing and understanding the humanization present in the advertising messages used by Netflix on the Facebook social media platform in April 2020. This period is chosen due to the changes made by the brand to adapt to a global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. To carry out this study, a methodology is employed that is based on the use of analysis forms as data collection instruments. These instruments allow for a detailed review of the graphic advertising pieces and associated copy on Netflix's Facebook page, considering elements such as tone, language, conveyed emotions, and values present in the messages. The potential results of this research will provide a clearer insight into how Netflix approached humanization in its communication strategy on Facebook in April 2020 in Colombia. This work contributes to the field of advertising by providing recommendations on how humanization can be an effective strategy on social media. Furthermore, it is expected that the obtained results will inspire other brands to adopt similar approaches in their communication strategies, promoting a greater emotional connection with their audiences and strengthening their positioning in the market.
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    Plan estratégico de comunicación publicitaria para fortalecer el posicionamiento del salón de belleza “Anzayak” ante su target en el barrio el caney de la ciudad de Cali para el año 2022
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Álzate Gallego, Karol Tatiana; López Caicedo, Leslie Andrea; Henao Bermúdez, Juan Manuel
    The present project is based on the recognition of the problem that experiences the beauty salon “Anzayak”, namely, the affectation of brand positioning caused by three factors: the influence of Covid-19 in the economic crisis of the years 2020 and 2021, the change of the local where establishment was located in August of 2020, and the increase of the competitive environment f of September of the same year. In front of which it raises the purpose of proposing a strategic plan of advertising communication to strengthen the positioning of the beauty salon “Anzayak” in view ogivenet in the neighborhood El Caney of Cali for the year 2022. To develop that goal will implement actions like analyzing the current situation of the advertising communication of the beauty salon “Anzayak” in the market of the neighborhood El Caney. On tof he other hand, the identification of the characteristics and perceptions of the consumers about the beauty salon, and finalizes with the approach of the advertising tactics which allows the strengthening of the communication of the beauty salon of the beau of its consumers. Consequently, it is expected that the results obtained with the project described will help to improve the positioning of the beauty salon “Anzayak” in the neighborhood El Caney of the city Cali inr tof he yof ear 2022
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    Propuesta de campaña publicitaria para la promoción del producto “capullo de mariposa” de la “fundación zoocriadero de mariposas andoke” entre los usuarios que hacen parte de su comunidad de la red social instagram para el año 2023.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Agudelo Hernández, Juan Sebastián; Alegría Grande, Lina Mariana; Castillo Domínguez, Sergio Ricardo; Henao Bermúdez, Juan Manuel
    The project "Proposal of an advertising campaign for the promotion of the product "Capullo de Mariposa" of the "Fundación Zoocriadero de Mariposas Andoke" among the users that are part of its community in the social network Instagram for the year 2023", is proposed because of the little and inadequate promotion that is made to this product, while it is projected as one of the most potential of Andoke. Therefore, an advertising campaign is proposed to promote the product "Capullo de Mariposa" of this foundation among users who are part of its community in the social network Instagram for the year 2023. To achieve this, actions are undertaken such as the description of the current state of the brand's advertising communication, in relation to its product offering to recognize opportunities for the promotion of its butterfly cocoon, to know the characteristics and perceptions of the brand's followers in its Instagram social network to focus the campaign proposal towards them and to propose advertising strategies that allow the promotion of the product among the followers that are part of the brand's Instagram channel. It is expected that the results obtained with the research will help to adequately promote the butterfly cocoon product among the followers that are part of its community in the social network Instagram, and that a positive impact is generated with respect to the recognition of the value that the product has for the followers of the brand.
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    Narración periodística del posconflicto en Caloto Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Aguilar Méndez, Carlos Andrés; Serna Ochoa, Juan Camilo; Muñoz Joven, Luis Armando
    More than 50 years ago, the Republic of Colombia has lived in constant confrontations with the subversive group F.A.R.C.
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    Estrategia publicitaria para mejorar el tratamiento de los residuos sólidos, en el caso de la galería santa elena de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Martínez Mejía, Jonathan David; Meneses Medina, Lorena
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    Estrategia de posicionamiento de contenido digital para la óptica city lentes en los estudiantes de la facultad de ingeniería de sistemas de la universidad santiago de Cali para el año 2022.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Sandoval Posso, Isabella; Londoño, Miguel Ángel
    The following investigation has been developed in the city of Cali specifically to the students of the Faculty of Systems Engineering of the Santiago de Cali University, with the objective of carrying out a digital advertising strategy that allows a company such as City Lens optics, to position itself in The social networks Facebook and Instagram, with a logo redesign, brand identity creation and value content, stand out despite the large number of companies that exist in this sector as an organization that has highly qualified teams and personnel. to provide a service at the level of any other recognized brand in the market. This advertising strategy is designed in three phases; The first consists of carrying out a documentary review, a semi-structured interview and an observation matrix in order to know the current situation of digital communication in optics. Subsequently, conducting a semi-structured interview with the systems engineering students to find out the perception of the optics and finally, we sought to propose a creative briefing that would allow the Citylentes optics to begin to be recognized as a good option within the visual health sector and at the same time. At the same time stand out among the brands that compete directly with it.
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    Diplomado en desarrollo y creación estratégica de marca personal
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Potosí Achito, Hilda Catalina; Quinaya, Diana Patricia
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    Implicaciones ambientales de la disposición de vinaza en el suelo
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Marín Agudelo, Jhoan Sebastián; Ochoa Hermida, Mauro Sebastián; Silva Leal Jorge Antonio
    One of the strategies to deal with climate change is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, bioethanol being an alternative used to reduce this consumption. The growing demand for this fuel alcohol motivated the sugarcane industry to produce sugarcane-based bioethanol. With the increase in the production of bioethanol, the generation of vinasse also increased, which is a liquid residue associated with the sugarcane distillation process. The high content of organic matter present in vinasse has motivated the sugarcane industry to use it as a fertilizer. This bibliographic review article describes the physicochemical and biological characteristics of vinasse, the environmental impacts derived from its disposal in the soil, and the efforts made by some countries for its regular use. It was identified that the use of vinasse in the sugarcane industry increases the yield of sugarcane crops; however, the inadequate disposal of vinasse can generate acidification, salinization and sodification of the soil, increase in the concentrations of BOD, COD and TSS in the water and decrease in dissolved oxygen in bodies of surface water. It is ruled out that there are international standards that regulate the physicochemical characteristics of vinasse, with Cuba being the country that regulates a greater number of parameters; in Colombia the regulatory framework is more flexible
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    Fortalecimiento de la identidad visual de la de marca de la fundación “huellas del futuro” de la ciudad de Cali para el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) López Rodríguez, David Esteban; Henao Bermúdez, Juan Manuel
    This paper was motivated by the inconsistency in the communications that has the Foundation Huellas del Futuro. In view of which it is proposed to strengthen the visual identity thus supporting those communications. To carry out this objective, it was undertaken an advertising process which was developed through research and analysis of the sector, understanding the context in which this organization operates, in order to understand and support the needs it presents. The work was developed through a methodology which consists of five phases that allowed to make a proposal with a greater foundation for strengthening the communication of the Foundation Huellas de Futuro. In this sense, a visual identity manual was delivered, a document that collects the main graphic elements of a brand, fulfilling the function of ensuring the proper use of graphic communications. Finally, with this work, the foundation is provided with the appropriate elements for an assertive communication with which it can become visible, promote itself and position itself by occupying a place in the market
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    Campaña publicitaria de bien social para el programa “vértigo” en el barrio Manuel María Buenaventura de Cali para el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) España García, Carolina;; Nieto Bocanegra, Leidy Vanessa; León, John Jairo
    In this work, the fundamental parameters are found to design a social good campaign for the Vertigo program of the Ministry of Sport and Recreation of Cali. These parameters are supported by antecedents, undergraduate studies that have marketing and advertising research as a starting point, social good campaigns, advertising activities and strategies, case analyzes that have national and international advertising and sports as their central theme, authors and connoisseurs who support the decision and talk about the importance of sport in the education of children, young people and adolescents, as well as the laws that oblige the right to sport to be fulfilled in the Colombian population and research that supports the decision and actions that are carried out in the design of the social good campaign in adolescents from 12 to 19 years of age in the Manuel María Buenaventura neighborhood of Cali. The methodology to be used is coupled to the purpose of the investigative work and important information is collected to promote through a campaign that the target audience begins to practice a sports activity, specifically extreme sports. Their habits, customs, behaviors are identified as bases or pillars in the theoretical support for the creation of the advertising campaign. The means and tone of communication are known, its competence, added value; In addition, insight is identified and the creative concept is created as the main axis for the campaign.
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    Manual de identidad corporativa para la marca de cerveza artesanal Carmesí de la Universidad Santiago De Cali para el año 2021
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Cortez Benavides, Angie Yulieth; Asprilla Jordan, Edwin Fernando; Velásquez Franco, María Camila; Londoño Ossa, Miguel Ángel
    The initiative of this present project is to design, develop, socialize and disseminate a corporate image manual for the new craft beer brand USC Carmesí from the Santiago de Cali University. For this, it is necessary to highlight the development of the brand, which is made up of the name and image of the institution, which will help to be recognized by the students and guidelines of the University, highlighting and differentiating the Crimson brand from the others. The research used is descriptive with a mixed approach. The population in the communication and advertising faculty was delimited, the sample was determined as a non-probabilistic type for teachers and a probabilistic sample for students, the techniques of interview, survey and matrix step by step of own elaboration were applied. The results (pending) are expected to reflect the need for a USC Crimson brand identity manual; This allows to justify the proposal of elaboration of a graphic regulation of the visual Identity that will help, benefit and guide the brand to become part of its own identity.
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    Manual de identidad corporativa para el hotel Herrera Polo
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Herrera Pérez, Andrés Felipe; Cárdenas Gómez, Christian Andrés; Meneses Medina, Lorena
    In this project carried out for the HOTEL HERRERA POLO located in the center of Valle del Cauca. Seeing the shortcomings that the company lacks in the branding part, we encourage ourselves to create a corporate identity manual, which is important for every company because it is this, the one that gives the guidelines to the corporation through illustrations, typographic fonts, logos , brand values, positioning, among other applications, all this in order to maintain the same line of presentation and coherence when implementing the brand on different supports, with the aim of making correct use of the company's corporate image..
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    Posicionar a sabands agency en el mercado publicitario de la ciudad Santiago de Cali en la red social instagram
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Acosta Bernal, Andrés David; Rincón Londoño, Andrés Mauricio; Cruz, Carlos Andrés