Especialización en Derecho Constitucional

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    Linea jurisprudencial de la sustitución de la Constitución colombiana de 1991
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Martínez Ortíz, Heily Massiel; Giraldo Ángel, Laura Andrea
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    Los procesos de paz en Colombia: el caso del gobierno del presidente Andrés Pastrana Arango y las farc-ep, 1998-2002
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Romero Ayala, Natali; Guerrero Moreno, Álvaro Alfonso
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    El principio de estabilidad laboral, como garante del derecho fundamental al trabajo en los contratos a término fijo, dentro derecho constitucional colombiano
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Forero Figueroa, Nubia; Giraldo Ángel, Laura Andrea
    This research article consists of the description and analysis of the current conditions of the application of the principle of labor stability, as guarantor of the fundamental right to work in fixed-term contracts, within Colombian constitutional law, bringing up the background and historical references of the fundamental right to work and the principle of labor stability, which allow identifying and verifying the factors that allow the denomination in the legal system, this principle as guarantor of the fundamental right to work in fixed-term contracts, within Colombian constitutional law
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    Perspectiva Constitucional del Derecho a la libertad: enfoque en las libertades intelectuales y espirituales
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Gómez, Mara Abella; Giraldo Ángel, Laura Andrea
    The new tendencies of Constitutionalism revolve around the protection of social minorities, social pluralism, inclusion and also the freedom of human beings both in their interpersonal relationships and in their way of leading life. In the same way, these postulates are aimed at maximizing the rights of people in a social context in which serious violations, violations and ignorance of the rights of citizens are evident. In this way, to the extent that there are a plurality of branches of law, these affectations become more evident because the ignorance of occupational, pension, health, and health guarantees, as well as public liberties, such as the free development of personality, freedom of expression or freedom of opinion; freedoms that will be developed in this article through a categorization of them for a broad understanding of this right, which is often affected by the actions or omissions of the State or individuals. However, it is necessary to emphasize that these affectations or violations of the right to freedom always find protection in constitutionalism, a current in constant evolution and development, which at first was only a limit to the overflowing power of the State but in the Currently, there is talk of a neo-constitutionalism, transformative Constitutionalism or ecological Constitutionalism, which includes not only the protection of human beings but also has biocentric contents of Law in which a living being becomes a subject of rights. With regard to the transforming Constitutionalism, it must be commented that it consists in the materialization of the rights enshrined in a Constitution, that is, it must be passed from the schematic, solemn or theoretical plane to social reality, and precisely in the present writing the theme chosen is freedom, a right that must not only be a stipulation written in a rule or in a constitutional letter, but must be a reality that can be guaranteed and applied through legal action; either a legal action or through a constitutional action. In that way, it is necessary to address freedom from different perspectives and thus understand its scope and the ways in which the guarantees that a person has in this matter can be protected, besides being this essential right for a life in decent conditions is a categorical imperative to eradicate all forms that affect it and its various aspects
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    La configuración de litigios a mayor escala por desconocimiento de los derechos laborales adquiridos de la gente declarada muerta jurídicamente
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Cáceres Martínez, José Manuel; Giraldo Ángel, Laura Andrea
    The “articles 1, 2, 4, 5, 13, 25, 42, 48, 53, 83, 93, 220 and the Preamble of the 1991 Political Constitution in its objective application,” the “articles 208 and 3 first paragraph ( 1) and 2 first paragraph (1) of Law 1448 by which comprehensive care, assistance and reparation measures are issued to the victims of the internal armed conflict and other provisions are issued; the "law 16 of 1972 December 30) through which the Colombian Congress approves the" American Convention on Human Rights. " "Pact of San José de Costa Rica", "signed in San José, Costa Rica, on November 22, 1969." "Law 270 of 1996 (March 7) Official Gazette No. 42,745, of March 15, 1996 Statutory of the Administration of Justice amended by Law 1285 of 2009;" the "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Ratified by the Colombian Congress through Law 51 of July 2 of 1981;" the “International Convention to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women, signed in the city of Belem Do Para, Brazil, on June 9, 1994, approved by the Colombian Congress! by law 248 of 1995 (December 29); ” the “Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women. Belém Do Para Convention” approved by Congress with Law 24.632. Sanctioned: March 13, 1996.” The "Social Security Convention (minimum standard), 1952 (number 102) its preamble and articles 1,2 and especially articles 56 to 64 of the O.I.T." They contain the rules on legal supremacy, supremacy of the principles and constitutional supremacy applicable in the Colombian legal system and in the inter-American system of Human Rights that protect, protect, safeguard and guarantee the labor rights acquired from members of the public force and Civilians of the Ministry of Defense declared legally dead within the framework of the Colombian internal armed conflict.In “articles 208 and 3 first paragraph (1) and 2 first paragraph (1) of said law” the legislative progress in application and that of constitutional law are reflected in an objective way that is very important for the configuration of major litigation scale due to ignorance of the acquired labor rights of people declared legally dead. The "Constitutional Court by means of sentences C-250 of 2012 and C-280 of 2013 in development and application of the nascent Colombian constitutional law made the constitutionality control of the rules contained in Law 1448 of 2011." The development of the Colombian internal armed conflict has left many members of the public forces disappeared whose acquired labor rights were not protected. The spirit and intention of the Colombian Legislator, with the creation of the rules contained in “articles 208 and 3 first paragraph (1) and 2 first paragraph (1) of law 1448 of 2011 is that the people of the public force declared dead legally receive as compensation for the integral repair of the damage all their labor rights acquired during their time of service provided because, those rights DO NOT PRESCRIBE! because they are protected by international instruments and by constitutional law in their objective application
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    Abstencionismo como forma de participación, ¿derecho a no ser representado? implicaciones en su ejercicio
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Caicedo Osorio, Jonathan Jair; Giraldo Ángel, Laura Andrea
    This article intends to study, the different implications of abstentionism as a form of participation in Colombia and the implications of exercising our constitutional right to vote and our right to be represented or not, having a generalized perspective taking as an example the data of the different most relevant electoral days lived in our country, making a comparison with national vs. regional elections and especially with those held on October 27, 2019, also obtaining a vision from constitutional law, based on the citizen prerogatives that establishes our Magna Carta, all of the above based on the inductive method of investigation
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    Límites a la libertad de expresión a la luz de la Constitución Colombiana
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Luna Campo, Gloria Cristina; Giraldo Ángel, Laura Andrea
    Freedom of expression has been conceived from the Colombian Political Constitution and international regulations as a basic and central right for the consolidation of a participatory democracy; The constitutional protection of all expressions is presumed, being subject to strict constitutional control, in the event of any attempt at limitation
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    ¿Es Constitucional el decreto 546 del 2020 para mitigar la emergencia carcelaria por el Covid 19?
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Angulo Mina, Eric José; Giraldo Ángel, Laura Andrea
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    Alcance jurisprudencial y doctrinal sobre la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo y sus causales en Colombia, a partir de la sentencia SU- 096 de 2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Barrera Ortiz, Diego Fernando; Giraldo Ángel Laura Andrea
    With the present article is intended to publicize the doctrinal and jurisprudential scope of the right to the voluntary interruption of pregnancy, for it is reviewed some authors who make reference and reference to the topic, on the other hand, the Constitutional Court through the sentence SU - 096 of 2018, has been unified the processes and circumstances in which the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy will be allowed, which will be addressed in this writing. General objective: to establish the jurisprudential and doctrinal scope on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy and its causes in Colombia, from SU-096 of 2018. Objectives: To characterize the doctrinal scope on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy. The voluntary interruption of pregnancy in Colombia, from SU-096 of 2018- Examine the jurisprudential and doctrinal scope on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy and its causes in Colombia, as of judgment SU-096 of 2018. Question of Investigation: What is the jurisprudential and doctrinal scope on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy and its causes in Colombia, from SU-096 of 2018?
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    Supremacía Legal vs Supremacía Constitucional en Colombia (Ley 57 de 1887 vs Constitución de 1991)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Losada Ángel, Álvaro Hernán; Giraldo Ángel, Laura Andrea
    This article aims to analyze and define the characteristics of the two major trends or trends that have developed in the Western legal system. Legal supremacy and constitutional supremacy.To begin with, I will refer to the legal supremacy, its definition, the origin, characteristics, and then move on to the constitutional supremacy, its development in our country, the consequences of its application in a globalized world, how it modifies the issue of the sources of law, its influence on jurisprudence, to end in a recently new concept in our domestic law: the judicial precedent and its impact on the decisions of the high courts in our country, the criticisms of its application
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    Eutanasia en Colombia (constitucionalidad y diferentes posturas ideológicas)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Rodríguez Tabares, Mayra Alejandra; Toro Hernandez, Laura Ines
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    Minería ilegal (una práctica ilegal en Colombia, admitida por todos pero indiferente a la mayoría)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Rodríguez Tabares, Álvaro Ernesto; Toro Hernández, Laura Inés
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    Decisiones judiciales integrales-El nuevo derecho
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Chasoy Herrera, Jheinny Catherine; Cano Sterling, Andrés Felipe
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    "Aplicación del sistema de responsabilidad penal para adolescentes"
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Andrade Rosero, Willintong; Toro Hernández, Laura Inés
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    "Respeto de la integridad sexual de los niños, niñas y adolescentes como derecho fundamental en Colombia"
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Churta Castro, Olga Lucia; Toro Hernández, Laura Inés
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    La evolución del derecho fundamental a la igualdad a partir de la constitución política de 1991
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Bolaños Rodriguez, Nury Mary; Toro Hernández, Laura Inés
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    Principios de justicia de John Rawls en la constitución.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2016) Triana Cardenas, Nelson; Cano sterling, Andrés Felipe