Tecnología en Atención Prehospitalaria

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    Atención del intento suicida en la fase pre hospitalario
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) López Cadena, María Del Mar; Marmolejo Scarpetta, Juan David; Mayorga Cano, Édison Armando
    Suicide is the act of deliberately taking one's own life. People who attempt suicide are often trying to get away from a life situation that seems unmanageable. Many of those who commit suicide attempts are seeking relief from different situations that affect their stay in society (MedlinePlus, 2018). All of this leads us as health professionals and pre-hospital care technologists to have to face and deal with this reality in the vocation of providing help in cases of emergencies and more specifically in particular situations, such as when we are faced with critical cases where the person tries to commit suicide in places without any advantage for us as rescuers. It is important to prioritize their attention and more so when we are the first ones to intervene, that is where the importance of having a manual with small essential bases that guides us about how to deal with this type of situation, which serves as a tool for decision making in the face of suicidal ideation and/or behavior, identified the important variability in the therapeutic management, based on the need to guide, organize and implement the action guide for relief agencies to make decisions in a short period of time and that we would be able to protect the life of both the person who is in the emergency, as well as the life of the rescuer. It’s important that every ambulance carry at least one guide to provide quality care in the field
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    Incidencia en el nivel de afectación del síndrome de burnout en el personal de salud en 3 diferentes países
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Lara Delgado, Christian Andrés; Guevara Espitia, Robert Oswaldo; Aguirre Madroñero, Jennifer
    Background: Burnout syndrome is a public health problem that affects everyone and gets worse over time, where a negative effect is seen on the person, environment, work level and identify the relationship between the three countries in order to See what factors it has in common for the burnout syndrome to occur in health personnel in order to determine the impact that this burnout syndrome can have on health personnel in these three countries and to propose a series of strategies that can be carried out I just finished to face this burnout syndrome both personally, work, social Objective: Identify the risk factors that health personnel may have to suffer this burnout syndrome among the three countries. Methodology: It has a theoretical research approach, recourse was made to the collection of information through platforms such as google scholar, web pages The type of study used is descriptive and comparative research. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out looking for how frequently this syndrome occurs in the 3 countries and how it affects the health personnel of each country. Expected results: Identify the different factors that affect health personnel in these three countries, which may suffer from this burnout syndrome. What socio-demographic characteristics can intervene so that health personnel from the three countries can suffer from burnout syndrome When comparing the results of the studies carried out in the 3 countries, we can see that the highest index occurs in the female gender in the countries of Colombia and Spain, while in Peru it occurs more in men, it should be noted that the study in each country was has done with different number of respondents which makes the results variable since they are not the same number Conclusions: We can conclude that in the three countries to which the comparison was made that none of them their health personnel is not suffering from this burnout syndrome and it can be seen that there is a failure that affects these health personnel that makes them not feel good because they do not have or do not see a recognition for the work done in their workplace
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    Factores relacionados al suicidio en el personal de salud
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Landinez Rodríguez, Daniela; Monroy Bejarano, Stephany; Mayorga Cano, Édison Armando; Arango Arango, Ana Cristina
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    Atención prehospitalaria a mujeres víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Hoyos González, Daniel Esteban; Caicedo Ramírez, Yeison; Lucio Herrera,Sara María
    Domestic violence has historically been considered a social problem, but has not received sufficient attention from the authorities in charge of combating or mitigating this problem. Every day we witness acts of intrafamily violence where the main victims turn out to be women and the most significant consequences are those that affect the psychological part of women. Therefore, the following work emphasizes how a situation of this type of violence should be addressed by pre-hospital care personnel. The need to elaborate this monograph arises because in the university training the technologist focuses on pre-hospital care in physical injuries, ignoring in great magnitude the psychological aspect.
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    Diseño de plan de escolar de gestión del riesgo en el colegio liceo farallones del norte
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cruz Franco, Santiago; Bustos Tobón, Nasly Yireth; Mayorga Cano, Edinson Armando
    The school Liceo Farallones del Norte is exposed to various natural and anthropic threats. Among these threats, it stands out earthquakes, landslides, fires and flooding. Since, the school is located approximately 5 meters away from a drainage channel, this could cause flooding in rainy seasons within the institution. There has been commented that within the school there have been non-adaptive behaviors because it is located in a vulnerable sector, in which the consumption of psychoactive substances and confrontations of criminal gangs is frequent. The educational community has a basic prior knowledge of the Risk Management School Plans, which must be expanded. Through this project, it will be possible to restructure the design of the plan to deal with all those conditions that threaten the lives of the personnel who lives in the institution and surrounding areas, infrastructure and educational processes.This work will be used as a guide to procedures to be followed by the school in case of an emergency within or outside the institution. Through the analysis carried out on the institution, many recommendations were taken into account as regards the arrangement and adjustment of objects and parts of the school that are in poor condition.
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    Uso del desfibrilador externo automático en el campus de la Universidad Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Goyes Molano, Valeria; Rodríguez Forero, María Fernanda; Velasco Rivas, Felipe
    The following research monograph is carried out in the need of the university Santiago de Cali, in the proper use of the automatic external defibrillator (DEA) in people who collapse suddenly. The initial approach is part of the third link in the survival chain, which is fundamental for the management of most frequent cardiac arrest in adults, ventricular fibrillation (FV) and pulseless ventricular tachycardia (TV) two highly lethal arrhythmias. Early defibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (RCP) of public access are currently recognized as a public health measure that impact favorably on timely care, Of sudden events in public or private places of great influx of people. That is why it is considered necessary to support the determinants and associated factors of the use of the DEA, to promote its implementation in a highly crowded place such as the campus of the university Santiago de Cali.
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    Plan de gestión del riesgo comunitario en el portal del Jordán en Jamundí Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Plaza Clavijo, Natalia; Cortes Rodríguez, Cristhian David; Mayorga Cano, Édison Armando
    The present work was carried out in the community of the Jordán portal in the municipality of Jamundí Valle del Cauca with the purpose of providing a tool to the inhabitants that allows them to know about the risk management that their community can acquire, adapting the management plan of the risk to the needs belonging to the area and the current conditions in which it is located. In order to comply with this project, an environmental diagnosis was carried out, followed by an evaluation of the different threats and vulnerabilities taking into account the physical, environmental, social and economic factors in order to determine the risk scenarios. Based on the identification of risks, proposals have been defined for the realization of the plan, within which main axes proposed in the national risk and disaster management policy will be incorporated: prevention, disaster recovery and attention, emergency management and reduction. Of risks, as a result we obtained data, diagnoses and risk situations were observed, which seeks to exercise what is stipulated in the law.
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    Análisis comparativo entre las guías de reanimación pediátrica avanzada del año 2015
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Agudelo Osorio, Mariana; Motato Prado, Juan Sebastián; Alegría López, Margareth
    Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation comprises a set of maneuvers, techniques and skills possessed by the rescuer where the main objective of the rescuer is to resume spontaneous breathing and circulation taking into account the C-A-B sequence (compressions, airway and good ventilation). In this work, an analysis of two cardiopulmonary resuscitation guides will be presented, with the last update in 2015, the American Heart Association (AHA) guide and the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) guide, with a focus on the analysis of advanced pediatric life support. Priority will be given to the analysis of variables such as the quality of chest compressions and the use of medications during cardiorespiratory arrest in pediatric patients. The protocol of these guidelines shares too many similarities, as well as highlight and denote the differences found in them, thus bringing to the reader a critical perspective for the care of advanced pediatric cardiorespiratory.
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    Estrés postraumático en el personal de emergencias
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cano Bedoya, Maycol Stiven; Romero Enríquez, Cindy Katherine; Arango Arango, Ana Cristina; Mayorga Cano, Edison Armando; Arango Arango, Ana Cristina
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    Plan hospitalario de gestión del riesgo de desastres del centro médico Jamundí en el año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Medina Ramos, Adriana del Pilar; Guerrero Bermúdez, Valentina; Gallego Laguna, Jhonatan; Arango Arango, Ana Cristina
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    Diseño de un plan comunitario en potrerito zona rural, Jamundí 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Claros Cobo, Kevin Stiven; Córdoba Mamian, Maribel; Arango Arango, Ana Cristina
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    Atención del parto inminente en el ámbito pre hospitalario en Cali año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Álzate Barreiro, Eleonora; Montes Sánchez, Juan José; Arango Arango, Ana Cristina; Mayorga Cano, Édison Armando
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    Plan de emergencia de la empresa imágenes gráficas BIC S.A.S
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Díaz Padilla, Thania Marcela; Luna Mosquera, Laura Isabel; Mayorga Cano, Édison Armando
    The company Imagenes Graficas Bic S.A.S, has an emergency plan for 4 years, unfortunately this is outdated. There are many changes that the company in this period of time, among which are; Locative modifications, retirement and linking of personnel, purchase of machinery, among others. In this way, the recommendations and strategies are related to the control of the responses and the reduction of the functions that must be restructured. The objective of this work is precisely the updating of the plan of prevention and preparedness against the threats identified. Recall that Colombian law determines that this task is met annually. The company must bear in mind its degree of preparedness against the control of them, whether their origin is natural or anthropic. Therefore, those who decide to read this work will find all the structured actions to protect the lives of the people, the infrastructure and the processes of the company.
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    Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en estudiantes de algunas universidades de Colombia durante el periodo 2013-2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Motta Ramírez, Miguel Ángel; Alegría López, Margareth
    This work is the result of a cross-sectional descriptive review that seeks to compile different studies already prepared in several universities in Colombia associated with the use of psychoactive substances by university students related to age and gender causes. It is also considered to provide new content about the use of the aforementioned substances and thus offer new conclusions according to the statistics found about the problem, in university students.
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    Propuesta de diseño del plan escolar para la gestión del riesgo en el Colegio Comercial Mixto Incanof de Palmira
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Vargas Solís, Juan Camilo; López Guzmán, Carlos Alberto
    The Incanof Joint Commercial College of Palmyra is exposed to natural and anthropic threats, including structural damage in a particular area of the institution. There is also evidence of a lack of awareness on the part of the educational community as to what procedure should be carried out in the event of an emergency occurring within the facilities. It is therefore important for school managers to develop strategies to reduce vulnerability. It is only through the implementation of a school risk management policy that all conditions that threaten life, infrastructure and educational processes will be addressed. The following work demonstrates the proposal put into practice of standard operating procedures for emergencies in an educational establishment, among which are unleashed: awareness of the vulnerability of the human being to various threats, mitigation strategies, evacuation procedures and risk intervention.
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    Análisis de la estrategia de respuesta a emergencias y desastres en el territorio Colombiano
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Valencia Nieto, Ángel Giovanny; Mena Urrutia, Laura Isabel; Gallego Laguna, Jonatan Ariel
    In the course of the history of the world, disasters have been a fundamental factor for its changes; natural and human induced phenomenons on earth produce social and economical deterioration which includes human losses. Said inducements have created a mark on several chapters on life all around the world, likewise there has been the urge to take strong decisions to face toxic lifestyles and take part on task that would avoid going along the way of said lifestyles. Colombia has also dealt with a fair number of damaging disasters which have caused an alarming quantity of deaths and collapsed the aids system of the country, said disasters as the vulcan eruption of Nevado del Ruiz on the Wednesday the 13th of November in 1985 that lead to the death of approximately 23.000 citizens, out of their 29.000 inhabitants of the south zone, reason why the execution of evacuation plans and the creation of Dirección de Prevencion y Atención de Desastres, plays a very important role when preventing further damages in a situation where a vulcan erupts. Years later, Dirección de Prevencion y Atención de Desastres, changed its name to Unidad Nacional de Gestion del Riesgo de Desastre, an entity that takes action with creating laws, delegating budgets to identify risks, mitigating and attending disasters. This work seeks to expose and explain the changes that affect in a particular way several base territories regarding economy and the humans well being and also to deepen on the theoretical aspect of said laws, with the aim of making aware of these phenomenons from a integral point of view to damage done to the ecosystem. All of this backed up by the requirements established on law 1523 of 2012 where the national politics of risk management and the Sistema Nacional de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres mandate other dispositions
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    El estrés académico como factor de riesgo en la urgencia del intento suicida en estudiantes universitarios
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) García Rodríguez, Sofía; Santa Mendoza, Rosana; Lucio Herrera, Sara María
    Uno de los pilares fundamentales de la atención prehospitalaria es trabajar en la prevención antes que, en la atención, un intento suicida es un acto muy común para el que muy pocas veces como personal de salud nos encontramos en las capacidades de manejar. El suicidio y la conducta suicida en los estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad Santiago de Cali se basa en actos auto-infligidos para quitarse la vida, esto es condicionado por diferentes causas ligadas a los cambios en los entornos sociales y algunos de los factores de riesgos relacionados con el estrés académico. Todas las disciplinas en el mundo están entrelazadas ya sea de forma directa o indirecta, como lo es en este caso la cuarta revolución industrial y las altas exigencias de habilidades y capacidades que requieren para incluir a las personas en el mercado laboral de tal forma que modifican los planes de estudios, excluyendo algunas profesiones e incluyendo algunas nuevas que al mismo tiempo exigieran un mayor rendimiento a los estudiantes universitarios, dando paso a tener una población de jóvenes con un excesivo agotamiento que puede tener como consecuencias disrupción de la salud metal y en los caso más graves el suicidio.