Especialización en Gerencia de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo

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    Pertinencia de la escala nhanes para la valoración del riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Hurtado Lima, Martha Alejandra; Cordoba Sandoval, Natalia; Castro Aranda, Alvaro Esteban
    Nhanes is a relevant instrument for the assessment of cardiovascular risk in workers with different occupational exposures.
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    Consideraciones clínicas del codo para la calificación de la pérdida de capacidad laboral
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Segura Estupiñán, María Camila; Castro Aranda, Alvaro Esteban
    The method used is descriptive, using the documentary analysis methodology. It was possible to identify that the elbow is an important joint for the stability of the upper limb, therefore the conditions that occur in it can cause deficiency and lead to the loss of work capacity.
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    Caso de estudio sobre el absentismo del área administrativa en una empresa del sector salud, en la modalidad de trabajo en casa en el marco de la pandemia covid-19
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Valencia Luna, Karen Lizeth; Cano Pasuy, Felipe; Castro Álvaro, Esteban; Mejía, Carlos Alberto
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    Diseño de una aplicación móvil de bioseguridad aplicada a la cosmetología - BIOBEAUTY APP
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Casañas Romero, Ángela Cristina; Bedoya Gutiérrez, María Teresa
    The development of the following structure of degree work in Management mode, is due to the design and implementation of a Mobile Application in the field of Biosecurity applied to Cosmetology; Aimed at personnel who provide Aesthetic / Ornamental, Facial and Body Cosmetics services. This project seeks to facilitate access by mobile devices, tablets, computers to personnel who provide ornamental, facial and body beauty services or whoever has any relationship with such services, such as administrators and assistants to beauty establishments, among others, to information clear and exact on Biosecurity, Safety and Health at work directed based on regulatory and health competencies of mandatory compliance in the national territory. The BioBeauty App Mobile Application will provide its users with a range of interactive and informative activities, which aim to strengthen the process of providing beauty services in biosafety conditions, prevent and decrease the occurrence of occupational events (Work-related Accident and Illness) during development of homework.
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    Diseño de programa para el manejo seguro de sustancias químicas en un conjunto residencial de la ciudad de Cali-Valle en el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) López Guerrero, Andrés Felipe; Farfán Villada, Marisol; Bedoya Gutiérrez, María Teresa
    This consultancy aims to make a proposal for a safe program for chemical substances in the residential complex of apartments located in the Comuna 18 in the city of Cali. All the activities related to the handling of materials that fall within the definition of chemical substances used in the processes of the unit were analyzed. The objective of the consultancy was to identify and implement prevention and control measures for the safe handling of said substances. Within the daily activities of the people in the unit and of the workers, it is of great importance to adopt a classification system for chemical substances that allows having tools for the identification and communication of their hazards. As a tool for the prevention of the potential effects that these may have on human health and the environment. The complex where the consultancy was carried out is located in the city of Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca. Much of the processes require chemicals to fulfill their purposes. This acquisition and handling of materials brings with it the incorporation of occupational and / or environmental risks, which must be identified, evaluated and controlled. At the end of the consultancy, recommendations for improvement were given so that the unit has better control of chemical risk and self-care management, focused on people, facilities, the environment and the community in general in compliance with resolution 0312 of February 2019. The results obtained show a wide use of xylene in services as a component of the products used for painting or maintenance of common areas, this being one of the main risk areas. Among the population at risk, it was determined that cleaning and maintenance officials constitute the most affected group, a situation that is aggravated by the absence of institutional procedures and a training program that allows employees to know the risks to which they are exposed
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    Síndrome de burnout en los colaboradores de una institución educativa de Cali Colombia en el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Chate Ruiz, Ana María; Triana Díaz, Diana Paola; Castro Aranda, Álvaro Esteban
    The Burnout syndrome has been included in 2019 by the OMS in their disease classification list, caused by occupational wear. Stress has been showed a negative impact in the physical and mental health causing depression, anxiety triggered by chronic work stress. A descriptive study of an inductive cross-sectional type was carried out with 172 employees of an educational institution in Cali-Colombia, In March of 2020th. A sociodemographic survey was administered and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). This questionnaire measures emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal fulfillment, which determine the risk of suffering burnout. It was found that teachers have the highest risk of suffering from this disease, while the lowest risk is in directive positions of the organizational structure. There is no relationship between the customer service activities and the risk of suffering burnout. There is a correlation between age, having dependent people or children, having other jobs simultaneously and the risk of suffering from Burnout. It is recommended to follow up the cases that present high risk in all three dimensions through an epidemiological surveillance system for psychosocial risk with periodic screenings and provide activities that could reduce emotional exhaustion.
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    Condiciones de salud auditiva en la población de la Escuela Militar de Aviación (EMAVI), Cali – Colombia, para los años 2017 – 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) López Sierra, Alejandra; Rojas Osorio, Raúl Fernando; Castro Aranda, Álvaro Esteban
    Hearing health conditions in the population of the Military Aviation School (EMAVI), Cali – Colombia, for the years 2017 – 2019. Noise is defined as any unpleasant or unpleasant sensation to the ear or any unwanted sound. This stimulus produces alterations in the auditory pathway, among them noise-induced hearing loss. The regional and national importance of the Military Aviation School in the training of future Colombian Air Force officers, and in terms of security and support to the departments of the Colombian Southwest; it has generated for several years that the entire system of military transport, cargo and humanitarian transport has it as the central axis of much of the operation, functioning as an interchange and connection center for the military operations of southern Colombia. Identifying noise, as an important factor of noise pollution in EMAVI's work activity, the objective of this review study is to analyze the reports of audiometric evaluations carried out on personnel exposed to noise, during the years 2017 - 2019 , to observe their auditory state, the changes presented in the population during this time and its relationship with some socio-demographic variables; providing results that contribute to the institution in strengthening the hearing conservation programs already implemented.
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    Carga de tipo estática en los auxiliares de enfermería de un hemocentro en la ciudad de Cali en el periodo 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Arboleda Morales, Gustavo Adolfo; Díaz García, Mariana; Rodríguez Gómez, Yolima
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    Condiciones de los ajustes razonables a los trabajadores con discapacidad auditiva de la empresa Cañaveral S.A del departamento del Valle del Cauca en el año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Lucumí Carabali, Evensy; Bedoya Pulgarín, Gerly Johanna; Quiguanás López, Diana Maritza
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    Hidrocarburos asociados a la enfermedad laboral
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) López Rodríguez, Angiee Cheznhadya; Castro Aranda, Álvaro Esteban
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    Diseño de un procedimiento para realizar mediciones de concentración de cloro en una empresa productora de papel en el Valle del Cauca para para el año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Vargas Gutiérrez, Álvaro Ricardo; Ruíz Echeverry, Sergio; Castro Aranda, Álvaro Esteban
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    Diseño de una estrategia de comunicación para la prevención del peligro biomecánico asociado a la manipulación manual de cargas en tapiceros de una empresa del sector mobiliario en la ciudad de Cali en el 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Tamayo Ramírez, Viviana Marcela; Valencia Teran, Yexi Viviana; Castro Aranda, Álvaro Esteban
    Biomechanical hazards are caused by physical efforts, repetitive movements, awkward postures and material manual handling. Workers that have to do material manual handling during their job performing, are exposed to develop musculoskeletal disorders. The method applied to assess the risk (GINSHT methodology) showed as a result a non-tolerable risk in the tasks assessed. From here the importance of designing a communication strategy for prevention of the biomechanical hazards associated with manual handling in the manufacturing industry, specifically in the workers performing as upholsterers.
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    Los riesgos estratégicos en las empresas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Franco Aguilar, Alejandro; Herrera Collazos, Henry; Muñoz Bastidas, Rosa Lorieth
    The management of strategic risks occupies the first place in the aspects to be solved in a company. The bibliographic research allows to demonstrate that this management is linked to the system from the moments of search of information of the internal and external environments or what is called, analysis of the environments and other aspects related to it, to make way with the use of this tool, to the formulation of the strategy, its planning and strategic direction, among other processes; and therefore, the management of strategic risks makes it necessary to analyze from the different aspects related, that is, the perspective, the cognitive preparation and the professional concept.
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    Caracterización de los trabajos de grado en seguridad y salud en el trabajo como insumo para crear el observatorio académico de la universidad Santiago de Cali en el año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Mejía Fernández, Claudia Lorena; Bedoya Gutiérrez, Maria Teresa
    This is a characterization of the degree projects presented in the Occupational Health and Safety postgraduate studies, these being the input for the creation of the academic observatory led by the Santiago de Cali University. Together, a comparative analysis is carried out with another university in the region and database of the International Labor Organization (ILO) of research presented by different countries. Finally, a strategy is proposed to allow the continuity of the observatory as a source of information and knowledge that allows professors, students or directors of internal and external degree works to make decisions or create academic policies
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    Identificación de los peligros biomecánicos en el área de producción de una empresa metalmecánica del sur occidente colombiano durante el periodo 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Giraldo Medina, Ana María; Rodríguez Calzada, Leidy Yohana; Castro Aranda, Álvaro Esteban
    This project seeks to reach improvements of the production area of a metal-mechanic company from the Southwest of Colombia, taking into account occupational biomechanical dangers focused on skeletal muscle disorders which are frequent symptoms in the workplace and other types of activities that humans do, as well as work absenteeism. The following written work is based on the identification of occupational risks that commonly occurs, taking as a starting point the conditions in which workers performs their functions and work activities. These skeletal muscle traumas are a manifestation of work absenteeism in the companies which are the main root causes of physical effects (bodily effects) affecting the functionality, productivity and quality of life of workers. The study developed for this purpose was descriptive where were taken into account ergonomic elements of the bodily static and dynamic posture and organizational factors of the workstations in the workplace , this study was established on workers pain symptoms diagnosed. In this research was applied GTC 45 methodology, it is a guide called GUÍA DE ATENCIÓN EN SEGURIDAD Y SALUD EN EL TRABAJO and the regulation GATISO 2015 was employed to executed preventions and risk management. According to the report about workers health conditions made by the company TIAM, based on the fact that workers are exposed to repetitive movements of the upper limbs and to remain in poor body postures specially in seated and standing positions for an extended period of time, in this study the statistics were analyzed and it could be concluded that the level of risk which workers are exposed is medium according to the result of the 32,7 %, adding , the previous figure does not exceed hands pain statistics specifically carpal tunnel syndrome in comparison with other symptoms in different body areas. Finally, in the statistical results of this study it was established the most recurrent pain of skeletal muscle areas is located in hands as reported by 47%, follow, lower limbs area reveals 38% , then lower back area 37 %, nevertheless the findings in this research strongly suggest that a higher frequency of pain is located in body areas with the highest postural requirements and muscle activity, these results must be examine in detail to determine in what way the risk factors by physical stress and other organizational and workplace aspects may be causing pain to the workers.
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    Enfermedades Infectocontagiosas de Origen Laboral
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Calderón Durán, Estefanía; Florián Arroyo, Keila; Castro Aranda, Álvaro Esteban
    In the health sector, biological risk is the most common, with the most exposed being the staff that provides direct assistance to the sick, the laboratory staff that processes contaminated or possibly contaminated samples. Within all the groups that make up the health sector, this work addresses, exclusively, the possible biological risks and infectious diseases to which the personnel interacting with patients can be exposed. Among the occupational hazards suffered by these personnel, one of the most worrying is the exposure to diseases of serum transmission due to accidental punctures with sharp objects, due to the severity of the consequences and the frequency with which they occur. Exposures of health personnel to diseases such as hepatitis C, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), with the risk of contracting AIDS, with the hepatitis B virus. It is important to provide protection to workers against risks related to exposure to biological agents during work, which requires the evaluation of biological risks in the workplace. Thus, and bearing in mind that it is the Health Entities that are responsible for adopting measures to control this situation. Therefore, we must bear in mind that the prevention of occupational hazards must be integrated between the objectives of the entities, and all the professionals of the organizations have to assume the specific obligations in the matter in the daily development of their work. It is necessary to implement preventive measures in the workplace, seeking the establishment of safe work practices, promotion of health and safety of workers, in the same way, strategies to motivate workers for behavioral changes. All this will allow to achieve a significant improvement in the working conditions of the health group, which will have an impact on an improvement in healthcare quality.
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    Marco legal resolución 0312 de 2019 para la aplicación en el sector agroindustrial
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Aponza Castillo, Diana Eugenia; Correa Muñoz, Angélica María; Rodríguez, Christian
    The Occupational Health and Safety Management System is a measure proposed by the National Government that seeks to ensure the welfare and health of employees in all productive areas of the country. However, in the agribusiness sector, it has not been possible to fully implement this type of process, recognizing this activity as one that leaves people with work-related injuries and illnesses (23). This is how for February 2019, the Ministry of Labor issued a new legislation, Resolution 0312, which aims to improve the implementation of these recommendations, not only in the agricultural sector, but also in the other productive areas of the country. The development of this document is based on this new resolution, making a historical account of what the OSH has been in the country, describing in detail what the new regulation is about and illustrating its application in a pineapple producing association located in Santander de Quilichao.
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    Peligros biomecánicos asociados a la manipulación manual de cargas en trabajadores de una empresa de plástico en el municipio de Yumbo año 2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Torres Giraldo, Ashley Dahiana; Estrada Sánchez, Yesica; Castro Aranda, Alvaro Esteban
    The research focuses on assessing biomechanical risks in the workers of a company that produces plastic, the type of study is cross-sectional descriptive with primary source of information, it was performed on (25) workers with manual cargo handling functions the reba method was used for postural loading and niosh method for manual handling of loads, the results showed that the position with the highest number of workers is that of the operator, with respect to muscular activity, 47% of the population presented an altered muscular activity. At the time of the action, 60% of the workforce needs immediate action and 40% needs action as soon as posible and The average estimated weight was 10.3 kg, It was concluded that eight out of ten workers have a moderate level of risk and one in five have a limited risk of presenting low back pain due to manual handling of loads and six out of ten workers have a very high level of risk and four out of ten a high risk.
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    Condiciones ambientales de temperatura extrema y vibración asociado a hombro doloroso por origen laboral
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Manyoma Delgado, Leydi Tatiana; Martínez Arango, Diego Fernando; Castro Aranda, Álvaro Esteban
    This research work is located within the framework of Western medicine, called "Painful Shoulder due to Temperature and Vibration Factors". Its objective is to issue evidence-based recommendations for comprehensive management (promotion, prevention, early detection, treatment and rehabilitation). ) Of PAINFUL SHOULDER related to temperature and vibration risk factors in the work environment.This work focused on research carried out by different authors; although in the course of the same one it is possible to demonstrate that it is a relatively New subject of concepts, since many authors have spoken about Dolorosa Shoulder, but not properly assosado to the temperature and the vibrations; so it became a investigative and experiential challenge for us; generating greater impact and development.
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    Modelo de una matriz de gestion del cambio en seguridad y salud en el trabajo para empresas de la ciudad de cali en el año 2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2018) Cruz Larrota, Sheyla Johanna; Erazo López, Diana Carolina; Bedoya Gutierrez, Maria Teresa
    At present, there are new challenges in the face of constant changes in the environment and the market of companies that significantly undermine the welfare of these organizations; the difficulty lies fundamentally in retaining human talent, the attempt to break the domination of monopolies and the new competitors that enter the market daily; These are just some of the disadvantages that organizations must face if they want to be sustainable and maintain themselves over time. However, many companies have established change management, however as there are success there are also failures in the face of changes. Even so, incidents and quasi-accidents attributable to inadequate change management systems, or subtle changes of sources, machinery, equipment and infrastructure not previously recognized as, for example, organizational changes, continue to occur and many accidents occur due to not managing these. In the following project the components of the proposed matrix will be presented in relation to the management of the internal and external changes of the organizations as a warning system inherent to the risks and dangers in Health and Safety at Work (SST), responding to the requirements of the decree 1072 of 2015 Unified work regulations, Chapter II, Occupational Health and Safety System with the purpose of unifying common criteria and / or requirements regarding the management of change.