Especialización en Sistemas de Información Geográfica

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    Diseño e implementación de aplicación web mapping para la visualización de la información del arbolado urbano de la ciudad de Cali caso de estudio Comuna 17
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Rosero Valencia, Luisa María; Melo Vargas, Andrés Felipe
    The main objective of this work is to develop a web mapping application that allows the consultation of information about the trees in the 17 township of Cali, Valle. The ARUCA web application contains a map with the locations of the urban trees of the 17 township. This application allows to visualize the trees that are in the township, and for each tree the information for its identification, such as: common name, scientific name and plaque, also, it is included the ecological benefits of each tree. Furthermore, the application allows you to report the damages for the selected tree to a previously configured email, and to check the tree information for its respective license plaque. The analysis of the geographic information was carried out through QGIS. The web map was created using the QGIS2WEB plugin with the Leaflet map library. The construction of the interfaces was carried out using the JavaScript React Framework. For the mailing it was used the EmailJS JavaScript library, as well as the icon library FontAwesome, and finally its publication was made in the Heroku platform.
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    Zonas potencialmente acondicionadas para la distribución y comercio de mango para el nororiente del Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Tapiero Ardila, Lucía del Pilar; Melo Vargas, Andrés Felipe
    Through the use of geographic information obtained from open data by different entities, Potentially Conditioned areas for Mango Distribution and Trade were obtained. The data obtained were classified according to result of spatial analysis derived from map algebra, in which the weighting by layers was established according to characteristics of variables used. Was selected for the study area, one of areas considered as a high aptitude zone and with greater extension according to research carried out by the UPRA (Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria). Information on roads was used where it was relevant to know the state, which is associated with estimated speed to travel. Regarding the toll information, it was necessary to determine roads and sectors directly related, and that would be affected by costs that this generates. The demographic and geographic information of study area, allowed to identify the population available and directly benefited from this analysis. From the result obtained, it can be estimated that around 5% of the prioritized area in terms of available resources such as information on roads, population and tolls, is potentially attractive for future investments, due to collection of geographic and statistical data.
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    Análisis de cambios de coberturas en dos áreas de compensación forestal ubicadas en los municipios de la Cumbre y Dagua en el departamento del Valle del Cauca durante los años 2013, 2014 y 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Pérez Durán, Igor Ephanor; Melo Vargas, Andrés Felipe
    Coverage layers were generated on two lands in forest compensation called Villa María in the municipality of Dagua and also the Santa Fe estate in the municipality of La Cumbre, department of Valle del Cauca - Colombia. Coverages were generated for March 2020 (both properties), for December 2013 (Villa María) and August 2014 (Santa Fe) applying a supervised classification and implementing the Corine land cover classification legend adjusted for Colombia (CLC Colombia). In addition to updating coverage to 2020, a comparison was made with the periods 2013 and 2014, which were the initial years of the beginning of these compensations, and through this comparison the increase or decrease in coverage generated by the implementation of the compensation measure focused mainly on a forest restoration strategy. It could be determined that during the multitemporal analysis period (6-7 years) Increases in grassland coverings occurred mainly in exchange for a decrease in grassland-type coverings. However, there were increases in unwanted coverage in the processes of plant succession as the case of increased fern coverage, while for some sectors there was a decrease in tree cover. In this way, 50% of the areas developed positive changes that contribute positively to achieving more advanced successional states, but between 40% and 43% present a stagnation or deterioration in the desired process of plant succession, so it is recommended to implement measures to eradicate unwanted cover (mainly fern), planting of pioneer species and high-density afforestation in sectors with low changes in cover.
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    Análisis de conectividad espacial entre las áreas protegidas del sistema nacional de áreas protegidas SINAP de una región del sistema Kárstico en el flanco oriental de la Cordillera Central en el Magdalena Medio Colombiano
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Sánchez Toro, Elizabeth Cristina; Melo Vargas, Andrés Felipe
    Protected areas in Colombia represent a strategic component for the maintenance of ecosystem services, therefore it is necessary to maintain dispersion, movement and genetic flow between natural areas, with the goal of guaranteeing the permanence over time of the essential natural resources for the permanence of life on earth. Consequently, the present study aims to establish the status of the connectivity of the natural áreas of the Karstic system located on the easterm flank of the Magdalena Medio Colombiano, base don estimates using the “Conefor” and ArcGis 10.2. programs. This analysis shows that protected áreas with different conservation figures are crucial to maintain conectivity between natural áreas by establishing the least cost route for dispersal, movement and genetic flow of species in general.
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    Propuesta metodológica de una zonificación edáfica caso de estudio cuenca Amaime municipio de Palmira
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Rivera Paja, Albin Oswaldo; Melo Vargas, Andrés Felipe
    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) today have become a powerful tool to predict phenomena in any field of science, however, they have gained greater strength in environmental sciences, mainly in land and resource administration. natural. To demonstrate the effectiveness of GIS in making institutional decisions, a soil zoning methodology was designed, taking as a case study the Amaime Basin of the municipality of Palmira, and where, based on processing and crossings of different concepts and geospatial characteristics, it is possible to identify the environmental offer that these soils have, the critical zones and their respective edaphic zoning. Said zoning alludes to the grouping of soil-forming and deforming factors, in addition, it provides information on the current and future conditions of the ecosystem that makes up the study area, and allows establishing actions in an effective and timely manner that promote conservation, protection and sustainability of the territory under study. The processing, from the GIS, of the secondary information of the Amaime Basin of the Palmira municipality, obtained from Departmental and National territorial entities, shows as a result that this Basin is rich in both types of soil, as well as in ecosystem biodiversity, which In turn, each of these components and their intersection present essential characteristics that determine the type of use, the favorable and unfavorable conditions that must be taken into account, how anthropic settlements behave at this time and should improve their , to mitigate the environmental damage practices of this Basin.