Especialización en Sistemas de Información Geográfica

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    Optimización de la Gestión en la nube de La Red ODN de EMCALI Telecomunicaciones a través de una plataforma Geoespacial.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-05-31) ViverosQuiñones, Washington Gregorio; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    Currently, the telecommunications area is one of the most competitive sectors worldwide, which is why companies strive to implement technological advances that are in line with the needs of their users and the market. Taking into account that, technological infrastructure has become the driving force behind the efficient and successful operation of organizations in an increasingly digitized world and some of the principles of the Entity (EMCALI) such as: customer service, social policy, market participation and technological modernization as stated in its corporate principles "Based on the needs of the Clients, its technology and infrastructure must be consistently innovated for the provision of the services it provides, in the same way the modernization of the information systems must be concluded to guarantee its productivity and the permanent control of the processes and procedures with maximum flexibility and quality" It is crucial to constantly develop technical and administrative tools that improve the quality of the service offered. That is why the Geoviewers will allow the Telecommunications Department of the company EMCALI to maintain an organized structure of its infrastructure, in which it can visualize, consult geographic and environmental information, exploring maps, spatial data related to specific locations of its telephone infrastructure in the city of Cali. This implementation will enable a more efficient management of the networks, thus speeding up the repair, maintenance and installation services of fiber optics. The data that will be taken from the Geoviewers will serve as a tool to generate a more effective planning in the installation and support processes of the customers of the TELCO component, thus allowing the optimization of time and resources in decision-making
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    Zonificación de áreas para siembra de cultivos frutales (“Guayaba, Lulo, Plátano y Aguacate”), priorizados en el Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-05-31) Rendon Valencia, José Luis; Bedoya Duque, Harold Andrés; Cabezas, Diego Fernando
    This study was conducted in recognition of the vital importance of agriculture in the economy and cultural identity of the department of Valle del Cauca. The main purpose of this research is to provide tools that make a significant contribution to the decision-making process regarding the public investment designed to strengthen this key agricultural sector. To achieve this goal, a thorough methodology of multi-criteria analysis was implemented, focused on the evaluation and classification of available information about climatic and edaphic data for the Department of Valle del Cauca. The prioritization of four fruit species, namely Guava, Lulo, Plantain and Avocado, was carried out considering their relevance in the agricultural context of this Department. In the Climatic phase, precipitation, temperature, relative humidity and sunlight (hours/day) data were integrated, while for the Edaphological component, slope and erosion data were analyzed. The mapping of the spatial distribution of these variables was executed applying IDW (Inverse Distance Weighting) Interpolation Method Using ArcGIS Pro, resulting in specialized maps at a detailed scale of 1:25,000. This careful process allowed the delimitation of areas by polygons, considering Climatic and Edaphic variables. The resulting cartography showing the areas with productive suitability was structured on a scale of four categories. The finished product of this research consists of Crop Suitability Maps, for the four species of fruit trees in the department of Valle del Cauca. This classification, which is of great relevance in regional agricultural planning, is presented as an essential component for territorial planning projects, predicting a positive and sustainable impact in the region.
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    Análisis de factibilidad para la localización de las centrales eléctricas con las energías renovables eólica y/o solar en el Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-04-26) Lemos Garcia, Natalia; Rojas Carvajal, Sharon Andrea; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    This study focuses on conducting a feasibility analysis to determine the suitable location for solar and wind power plants in the Valle del Cauca region. The methodology employed integrated Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Multicriteria Analysis, highlighting the importance of weighting critical variables in the process of identifying optimal locations. The methodology involved defining and weighting specific selection and restriction criteria for each type of power plant. The application of map algebra facilitated the identification of ideal zones for the installation of power plants utilizing solar or wind resources, establishing a threshold of equal to or greater than 0.9 to determine optimal areas. This approach revealed that the ideal areas for solar power plants are in the north-central region of the department. Additionally, it was identified that the Valle del Cauca lacks the necessary conditions for the installation of large-scale wind farms. This study underscores the viability of harnessing renewable sources, particularly solar energy, in identified specific areas. However, it highlights the challenges and limitations associated with optimal location for large-scale wind farms in the region, emphasizing the need to consider both the energy generation potential and the geographic restrictions and infrastructure criteria when planning renewable energy projects in the Valle del Cauca.
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    Evaluación del nivel EtnoEducativo en el Resguardo Indígena Páez de Corinto mediante el uso de herramientas SIG
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-08-10) Cifuentes Gutierrez, Guillermo; Avendaño Meneses, Alexander; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    Ethno-education in indigenous reserves lacks precise and updated information that would facilitate decision-making in indigenous territories and by their traditional authorities. Therefore, an analysis of census data is being pursued through the application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), where data can be combined to provide a comprehensive analysis of the educational situation. This will facilitate the collection and analysis of data to improve ethno-education through the efficient distribution of resources and the monitoring of educational development progress, as well as community empowerment by involving indigenous authorities in a territorially and culturally sustainable future for the NASA people.
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    Análisis del cambio de la cobertura del suelo debido a la ampliación de la vía 3G Briceño – Tunja – Sogamoso
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-08-10) González Sánchez, Daniel Fernando; Arias Molina, Johannes; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    Road structures play a fundamental role since they are responsible for connecting different areas of the country. Therefore, their demand has increased in Colombia in recent years, allowing the population to move more efficiently and transport raw materials to places that were difficult in the past. One of the most important roads is the Briceño – Tunja – Sogamoso (BTS) road corridor as it is considered essential for the economic and social progress of the region, having a significant impact on local ecosystems, surface and land use. This study sought to identify and quantify changes in land use before and after the expansion of the BTS road using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools. To achieve this objective, a series of steps were carried out, such as extracting the Landsat 5 and 8 satellite images through which the Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated in addition to classifying the various land covers in the area. . study. The results obtained through coverage zoning, quantification of areas of influence and analysis of environmental and anthropic conditions indicate that the expansion of the agricultural frontier has had a negative impact on the forests within the area of influence in the region. Likewise, using the National Geostatistical Framework, an increase will be observed in the population centers within the area surrounding the BTS road corridor and also in the population of the municipalities in the area of influence of the project. This territorial development was reflected in the economic progress of the Cundiboyacense region where the agricultural, construction and provision of public services sectors had an increase in their share of the GDP of the department of Boyacá, while in Cundinamarca, the sectors of construction, provision of public services and commerce, repair, transportation and accommodation had an increase in their participation in the GDP of that department.
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    Análisis de correlación entre los incrementos de valor m2 dados por la dinámica inmobiliaria y los incrementos establecidos por el conpes del año 2020 al 2023 en la comuna 17 de Santiago de Cali.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-08-16) Ramírez, Diana Maritza; Tovar, Lina María; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    The cadastre in our country has maintained a purely fiscal focus and does not fully meet expectations as a fundamental input for better planning and territorial management. Updating the Property Valuation Index will allow for the evaluation of the percentage appreciation of urban residential properties and make adjustments for cadastral appraisals, knowing that the Property Valuation Index is the annual reference of the National Council for Economic Policy (CONPES) for the increase of cadastral appraisals. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the dynamics of the real estate market by comparing the values established by regulation with the real estate supply. Using the information provided by the real estate observatory of the cadastre sub-directorate, the study analyzed Commune 17 of the city of Santiago de Cali in the Valle del Cauca department (Colombia) from 2020 to 2023. This included a descriptive and spatial analysis of the real estate dynamics, highlighting hot spots, local G analysis, interpolation, and predictive simple kriging (QGIS). This analysis revealed significant variations in the square meter value of real estate offerings compared to those established by CONPES.
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    Análisis geoespacial de los cambios de cobertura y de la contaminación generados por actividades mineras en la microcuenca del río Teta, municipio de Buenos Aires, Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-08-10) Delgado, Clara Isabel; Ibarra, Dayan Lizeth; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    On the banks of the Teta River in the municipality of Buenos Aires, department of Cauca, alluvial gold mining activities are carried out, often using mercury (Hg) in an excessive manner, generating hazardous waste, which is dumped into the river without any control. This practice and other anthropic activities lead to significant alteration and contamination of water bodies, biota, and the health of the human population that is directly related to the mining activity, as well as the inhabitants of the area. The objective of this study was to analyze through the application of GIS and remote sensing tools the spatio-temporal variation of land cover as a result of the impacts generated by contamination from gold mining and other human activities in the Teta River micro-watershed. For this purpose, a bitemporal (Jimenez-Moreno et al 2011) analysis was performed using Landsat satellite images from 1989 and 2019, and by using different geoprocessing tools, a supervised classification of the river was performed in a buffer of 100 meters on each side, according to the water protection strip. In addition, in a complementary manner and in order to carry out a greater analysis, the 2019 LULC land use and land cover layer provided by the ESRI platform was used, which is based on Sentinel 2 images, which allows for greater detail compared to other sources. This was compared with the supervised classification using the Kappa index. Likewise, it was related to data obtained in the field in 2019 at 5 points of the Teta river, on Hg concentrations in water and sediments, physicochemical parameters and macroinvertebrate sampling to determine the biological quality of the water using the BMWP/Col index. The spatial behavior of Hg concentrations along the altitudinal gradient was evaluated, as well as the variation of the biological and physicochemical quality of the water body and its relationship with the activities developed in the microbasin. The results showed a development and growth of gold mining activities in the river between 1989 and 2019, showing considerable loss of vegetation and forest cover on the riverbanks, and alteration of river morphology. Regarding river contamination, there was a trend of increasing metal concentrations in sediments in relation to the morphology of the river, being higher in areas of low water currents or backwaters, highlighting station E3. On the other hand, at station E4, where there are no mining activities, there is a decrease in these values. Regarding the biological quality of the river, a negative impact of contamination by organic load was evidenced downstream, although mining activities are not the major source of generation of these discharges, but housing and agricultural activities developed in the micro-watershed are, as in station E4, where there are extensive sugar cane crops, which provides a significant contribution of organic load. In addition, the contamination index (ICO) and water quality index (ICA) reflect the degradation and disturbance of the water body due to anthropic activities developed in the area of incidence.
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    Identificación de Zonas Óptimas para Redensificación Urbana mediante Sistemas de Información Geográficos para la Reubicación de Población en Riesgo por Remoción en Masa e Inundación en Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-08-09) Muñoz Muñoz, Evelin Nathaly ; Garcés Arias, Diego Alejandro; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    This study focused on identifying optimal areas to relocate communities in Cali, Colombia, that are at risk of landslides and floods, within the framework of urban densification projects. The methodology employed was carried out in three phases. First, at-risk properties were identified by overlaying geographic data layers on landslide and flood threats. Then, data was refined using a series of environmental, urban-normative, and sociocultural criteria, thus determining suitable areas for the relocation of these communities, considering their needs and characteristics. Finally, from the resulting optimal sectors, potential properties were selected for urban modeling. The results showed that the potential sectors for urban densification and relocation of at-risk populations are El Diamante, Prados del Norte, El Coliseo, and Santa Isabel. Additionally, the analysis phase of resulting properties and normative criteria for housing project modeling confirmed that the four properties located in the El Diamante sector had the necessary potential for urban modeling and, consequently, for housing project development. The urban modeling indicated that a multifamily housing development consisting of 12 buildings with five floors, each with four apartments per floor, provides 240 housing solutions for the relocation of at-risk populations.
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    Análisis Multitemporal del Cambio en la Formación de Islas de Calor Urbano para el Municipio de Jamundí en el Valle Del Cauca Periodo (2015 – 2023)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-08-10) Rojas Restrepo, Juan David; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    The Municipality of Jamundí has experienced rapid urban growth in recent years, which has led to an increase in the formation of Urban Heat Islands (UHI) in areas with higher temperatures. However, the lack of understanding of the distribution of UHIs and their relationship with various factors hinders urban planning and affects the quality of life of the inhabitants. This study aims to analyze the spatial distribution of UHIs through a multi-temporal analysis, with an emphasis on their influence on the new urban lands defined by the local government. Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), detailed maps of Land Surface Temperature (LST) were created, highlighting areas susceptible to the formation of Heat Islands. The study evaluated how changes in land use, coverage changes, and urban densification influence local temperatures. The analysis begins with the collection of data, including Landsat and Sentinel satellite images, ensuring the quality and relevance of the data for subsequent analyses. The creation of thematic maps uses free GIS software (QGIS) to visualize and analyze urban temperature variations, determining brightness temperatures, surface temperatures, and NDVI. The multi-temporal analysis of the municipality of Jamundí between 2015 and 2023 reveals a significant increase in the formation of Urban Heat Islands (UHI). In 2015, 90.98% of the study area was classified as "Weak." By 2023, this category decreased to 78.64%, while the "Moderately Weak" and "Moderately Strong" categories increased, reflecting the expansion of UHIs due to urban growth and vegetation reduction, as evidenced in the NDVI maps. The peripheral areas, initially with a high percentage of vegetation and lower temperatures, showed an increase in UHIs as urbanization progressed, especially in the northern and southeastern peripheral zones in 2023. Although the "Weak" areas remained relatively stable between 2019 and 2023, the "Moderate" and "Moderately Strong" categories experienced a significant increase, suggesting a growing trend towards higher temperatures in urbanized areas, with important implications for future urban planning and environmental management.
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    Aplicación de herramientas SIG en la evaluación de la cobertura de AICAs bajo criterios bioclimáticos: caso Thraupidae
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-08-10) Castillo Bautista, Mónica Patricia; Cabezas Alzate, Diego Fernando
    The use of geographic information systems - GIS tools facilitate the development of biogeographic studies and are useful in planning and decision making regarding the conservation of biodiversity. Critical areas for this are the important bird areas - IBAs that are constituted based on different ecological and geographical criteria. The bird family Thraupidae is the second with the most bird species, with exclusive distribution in the neotropics, however, about 20% of its species are with some category of extinction threat.. Bioclimatic specialization is a criterion that can be used in the planning of conservation areas since it allows the detection of geographic zones with a large number of specialist species that could be more sensitive to current climate change. In this work, the concentration of Thraupidae species that show biotic specialization and the percentage of their area within the existing IBAs is evaluated using GIS tools. The study area was taken at a continental scale between coordinates 30ºW to 119ºW and 30ºN to 60ºS, using the WGS-84 reference system. The biome map was georeferenced from an image, using a third-degree polynomial transformation and then digitized manually. A grid was then generated to intersect with the species distribution to determine the species concentration. The criteria to bioclimatic characterization of the species were that the species occupied at least 15% of the area of a biome and/or at least 50% of the area of a biome was occupied by the species. It was found that Thraupidae species are mostly found in the rainforest and tropical dry forest biomes, where the greatest number of biome specialist species are also found. The region with the highest concentration of specialist species are in the cerrado brasileño, the upper Amazon River basin and the Galapagos Islands. The use of GIS tools together with the evaluation of criteria such as bioclimatic ecological specialization and threat categories allowed the identification of relevant geographic areas for the conservation of the Thraupidae family, establishing a comparison between the range of distribution of specialist and threatened species of the family and the areas covered by the IBAs, showing a low representation of IBAs in the cerrado brasileño, which is proposed as an area of special attention for the planning of areas of interest for the conservation of birds.
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    Zonificación de la amenaza por inundación de la microcuenca San Pedro en el Departamento del Valle del Cauca - Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-08-10) Gomez Bedoya, Anyerson; Fernández Rico, Gustavo Adolfo; Cabezas Alzate, Diego Fernando
    The San Pedro watershed, located in the department of Valle del Cauca, has experienced disastrous events related to flooding approximately once per decade. However, the authorities responsible for risk management do not have basic studies that describe the behavior of this threat. Therefore, the general objective of this study is to zone the flood threat in the watershed. The study was developed in four phases: morphometric characterization of the basin; calculation of the probabilities of maximum rainfall; measurement of the depths and speeds that the flood can reach; and finally, classification of the threat into high, medium and low levels. The results indicate that the maximum flood height can reach one and a half floors of a home, with low to medium flow speeds, affecting a total area of 1,697.74 hectares. The competent entities are recommended to carry out detailed studies in the municipal capital and in the Todos Los Santos population center, especially in relation to the San Pedro and Totucal streams, to define developable areas, design mitigation works and establish ecological conservation processes.
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    Uso de herramientas SIG en la determinación del modelo de distribución geográfica de Oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus) en Colombia, para el direccionamiento de medidas de conservación
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-08-10) Echeverry Soto, Valentina; Sánchez Cuellar, Laura Maritza; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    Leopardus tigrinus is one of the least known felid species in Colombia, with significant information gaps due to its elusive behavior and taxonomic uncertainty. This study developed a geographical distribution model for Leopardus tigrinus in Colombia, identifying priority areas for its conservation through GIS tools. Several virtual platforms were utilized to consolidate information on the species' occurrences within the country. Additionally, the influence of ecological and environmental variables on the species' geographical distribution was analyzed on a national scale using the MaxEnt algorithm, incorporating the most relevant and least correlated variables, including WorldClim bioclimatic data, terrain (elevation and slope), and vegetation (EVI) variables. Furthermore, potential priority areas for the species conservation were identified by categorizing threatened areas within the calculated suitable habitat. The results indicate that EVI and its quadratic factor, along with Mean Annual Temperature and Precipitation Seasonality, had the most significant influence on the prediction of the distribution, underscoring the importance of conserving high-quality and dense habitats for the species' conservation. Priority areas were identified in the central and eastern Andes, particularly in the northern portion, as those requiring the most urgent attention.
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    Identificación y análisis Espacial de los Drenajes Dobles de los Consejos Comunitarios Ubicados en la Bahía Marítima interna del Distrito Especial, Industrial, Portuario, Biodiverso y Ecoturístico de Buenaventura
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-10-31) Arroyo Alomia, Mario Alfonso; Orozco Ordoñez, Iván
    The district of Buenaventura, in coordination with the competent entities of the department of Valle del Cauca, in relation to its functions, has the obligation to ensure the preservation and conservation of the environment, renewable and non-renewable natural resources that are within the limits of the district, in addition to that, the district has a rural and suburban territorial extension of 6,653 km2, which represents 94% of the total territorial extension. The rural area is characterized by containing riches in flora and fauna. In rural areas there are settlements of black and indigenous communities that, as a community, have long had their social and cultural customs, their special way of carrying out economic activities, and their medicinal uses. . traditional everything included in an ancestral culture of the same, currently necessary actions are carried out that lead to constant maintenance of the water resource; From this we see the need to carry out the characterization of the water sources so that they serve as input for the constant maintenance and good use of the water resource that abounds in the district, and the conservation of the environment. The present research work fully seeks the identification in detail of the water sources of the Community Councils located in the internal maritime bay of the Special, Industrial, Port, Biodiverse and Ecotourism District of Buenaventura that allow the preservation, care, conservation and use in a manner appropriate of them.
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    Zonificación de áreas adecuadas para densificación urbana mediante el uso de SIG en el municipio de Pereira, Risaralda
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-04-26) Restrepo Velásquez, Juan José; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    Currently, urban growth is a matter of great importance due to the increasing demand for housing and commercial spaces in urban areas. Urban densification has become an alternative to maximize available spaces and reduce city expansion into rural areas, which are often classified as ecologically important land. However, city planning, and land use management are complex processes that require the collection, analysis, and systematization of large volumes of data and other relevant factors. In this context, the application of techniques such as multicriteria analysis and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allows for the selection and prioritization of relevant factors for identifying the best areas for urban densification. Additionally, the generation of data processing models and zoning maps to define optimal areas facilitate decision-making for urban planning. This research proposes a methodology for identifying suitable areas for urban densification in the urban center of Pereira, Risaralda municipality. Relevant data and factors related to city land use will be collected, systematized using GIS tools to visualize and analyze the collected data along with identified areas, areas with low construction density will be identified, and specific recommendations for urban densification in identified areas will be proposed. In conclusion, the application of GIS techniques and multicriteria analysis allows for more efficient and sustainable urban planning, contributing to the development of more livable and environmentally friendly cities.
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    Determinación de áreas de afectación por presencia humana, en los sitios de importancia para las aves playeras en el Delta del Rio Iscuandé y PNN Sanquianga del departamento de Nariño - Colombia.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-04-26) Cuervo Ferrin, Cindy Marcela; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    The Pacific coast of Nariño, Colombia, is a region with a high biodiversity potential, in which two important areas have been identified for the conservation of shorebirds. Highlighting the Bocana del Río Iscuandé as the first site of regional importance for the Hemispheric Network, has an area of 12712 ha in the information extracted by the ArcGis and is used by more than 50,000 shorebirds a year, hosting to date 22 different species, including the plover piquigrueso (Charadrius wilsonia) and the western sandpiper (Calidris mauri). Sanquianga National Natural Park covers approximately 53% of the mangroves in the department of Nariño and 20% of the mangroves in the Colombian Pacific, making it a highly productive and biodiverse ecosystem. This park covers an area of 80,000 hectares and is a site of international importance for WHSRN (Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network). In addition to this, it should be noted that within each of these areas, there are specific feeding and resting sites for shorebirds, which were taken into account for these analyses. Human disturbance of natural areas causes, to a large extent, the loss of habitat and the birds' stay in the area. On the other hand, airstrips allow us to evaluate the accessibility of the sites for tourists, since they offer a direct and convenient way to access remote and difficult to reach areas. In addition, the beaches variable allows us to identify how accessible the beaches are for the people who live in the area. To understand the magnitude of the effect of human disturbance on shorebird concentration sites, a geographic perspective was used to analyze the level of disturbance to the sites. Two components of disturbance were selected: connectivity (airstrips) and tourism supply (beaches and population centers). Once these components were defined, spatial analyses were carried out to evaluate the proximity of the variables as a measure of influence. Finally, the areas affected by the sites in relation to each variable were determined. The spatial analyses consisted of using areas of influence of different radii to evaluate the proximity of the variables to the sites, defining proximity as the largest radius of incidence. This was carried out using ArcGIS Pro software and the Buffer and Selection by Location tools. This analysis provides valuable information for future decision making in terms of conservation of natural areas. Ultimately, this article shows the usefulness of GIS as an effective decision-making tool.
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    Análisis multitemporal del cambio de cobertura vegetal debido a la explotación de carbón a cielo abierto en la mina El Cerrejón, ubicada en el departamento de La Guajira, Colombia, durante el período comprendido entre 1986 y 2023.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-09-13) Arango Cifuentes, Andres Mauricio; Orozco Ordoñez, Iván
    The open-pit coal mining in the La Guajira department has experienced significant growth in the last four decades, raising questions about the extent and consequences of vegetation loss in the region. The aim of this study is to conduct a multitemporal analysis of changes in vegetation cover in the El Cerrejón coal mines and surrounding areas from 1985 to 2023. By utilizing geospatial analysis techniques in the open-source software QGIS and satellite imagery from Landsat and Sentinel remote sensors, subsequently processed with the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin (SCP), graphical outputs were obtained to quantify and evaluate historical changes in the study area, as well as understand the spatial and temporal behaviors of observed changes. This multitemporal analysis provides a deeper insight into the magnitude and dynamics of changes in vegetation cover due to mining exploitation. The results of this analysis are expected to contribute to a better understanding of the environmental impacts of extractive activities in the La Guajira department, providing essential information for environmental management decision-making. Likewise, it is anticipated that this study will serve as a scientific basis for the implementation of mitigation and ecological restoration strategies in areas affected by vegetation loss.
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    Accesibilidad espacial desde los barrios a las Instituciones Educativas Oficiales del distrito de Buenaventura
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-11-02) Guerrero Leudo, Andres Felipe; Orozco Ordoñez, Iván
    This study addresses accessibility to public educational institutions in Buenaventura, Colombia, using four measurement methods. Despite the importance of education as a fundamental right, challenges are identified in terms of its accessibility in this region, marked by the Afro-descendant and indigenous population and high levels of poverty. Accessibility is assessed using isochronous, Hansen, Hansen population-adjusted indicators and Integral Route Factor. The results reveal that the majority of the population lives in areas with a regular road network, which facilitates accessibility to official educational institutions. However, there is a disparity in accessibility, with the central neighborhoods being the most accessible and the peripheral neighborhoods and in the western area the least accessible due to the lack of nearby educational centers. In addition, areas with different levels of mobility to official educational institutions are identified. The analysis also shows relationships between accessibility indicators, such as the correlation between Hansen and Hansen adjusted for population. However, no significant association was found between Hansen and the Integral Route Factor. This study offers valuable considerations and conclusions to guide policies that promote equality and access to education in Buenaventura. The quality of the road infrastructure is highlighted as a key factor in accessibility, and it is emphasized that a high accessibility index does not guarantee quick access to educational centers if the necessary services are not offered.
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    Analizar el comportamiento del insecto Dalbulus maidis, vector del complejo del achaparramiento del maíz, mediante el uso de herramientas de SIG en Roldanillo, Valle del Cauca.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024-05-31) Nieto Valencia, Andrés Fabricio; Escalante Caicedo, Ana Bely
    The maize crop in Colombia is currently on alert due to the constant increase in the populations of the insect Dalbulus maidis and the transmission of the disease of the "stunting complex" in the different regions of the country with reductions of up to 90% in yields. One of the main activities for decision-making in the health of a crop is the monitoring of pests and diseases.In this study, this insect was monitored through weekly monitoring in both study plots from its planting date until approximately 40 days after planting with a modification in the monitoring methodology suggested in the "Dalbulus maidis Management Manual". In both cases, a slight increase in insect populations was observed from the first to the last evaluation, although always below the action threshold (0.7 insects per plant), which suggests that the environmental conditions of the evaluated period and the agronomic management of farmers in the area positively influenced management and control. In addition, some meteorological variables were statistically analyzed through a trail analysis those that can influence the incidence of the insect, of which two of them stood out (Vapor pressure deficit and relative humidity) with a positive correlation with the threshold of action of Dalbulus maidis.
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    Análisis de la distribución espacial de los datos de ocurrencia de Movimientos en Masa en Santiago de Cali, caso Comuna 20, en el periodo 2019 a 2021.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-02-21) Ramírez Calderón, Luis Andeimer; Rojas Montes, Javier Salvador
    The Analysis of the spatial distribution of the data on the occurrence of Mass Movements makes it possible to identify their distribution through the application of spatial statistical tools for the analysis of patterns. The materialization of the phenomenon brings with it different social, physical and economic problems. Therefore, this article aims to make visible from a geographical perspective the occurrence of the phenomenon through the identification of the spatial distribution with the data provided by the Secretariat of Emergency and Disaster Risk Management of Santiago de Cali between the years 2019 to 2021. , case of Commune 20. With the data shared by the institution, a spatial analysis was carried out: autocorrelation and spatial patterns, in contrast to the zoning of threat and risk mitigable by mass movements of the official information of the current Land Management Plan. Spatial autocorrelation makes it possible to determine the degree of association (influence) that a geographic phenomenon presents between the defined analysis units, considering its vicinity and explaining the behavior and distribution of the phenomenon within the geographic framework. The results obtained with the application of spatial autocorrelation techniques allow the identification of a conformed spatial structure. This article is an important input for decision-making in relation to prevention and risk reduction actions.
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    Identificación de áreas para la siembra de especies forestales nativas en el bosque seco tropical del Valle del Cauca: una aplicación de los sistemas de información geográfica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023-02-15) Celorio Mosquera, Leidy Janeth; Cardona Zea, Diana Amparo
    The Valle del Cauca is one of the few departments in Colombia that has the dry tropical forest ecosystem, however, its coverage is limited to small areas due to high degradation rates and the loss of biodiversity due to anthropogenic factors. In this project, priority planting areas, nurseries, and plant species that could be relevant in ecological projects for these ecosystems were identified. The multicriteria analysis was implemented to obtain the areas of interest (the evaluated criteria were degradation and soil use, distance to water sources, roads, and forest fragments); and species selection criteria based on their threat category, use, resistance, among others. The results show that 148 plant species meet the necessary criteria to be ideal in the plantings carried out in these ecosystems due to their ecological and cultural importance. Likewise, a local network of 69 nurseries was identified for the acquisition of these species, which can be strengthened and consolidated in the long term. In addition, 58,509 hectares were divided into 281 possible sites in the territory that could be intervened. This project generates valuable information on the use of geographic information systems (GIS) tools as a key complement in conservation strategies for tropical dry forests in Valle del Cauca