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    Revisión sistemática de levaduras empleadas en el proceso fermentativo para la obtención de Vodka en el presente milenio a nivel mundial
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Carabalí Banderas, Ana María; Escobar Muñoz, Angie Lizeth; Mellizo Cerón, Jhon Eric (Director)
    This article analyzes the history, production and cultural relevance of vodka, highlighting its evolution from medicinal concoction to global flagship drink. Emphasis is placed on its importance in Russian and Polish culture, as well as on the diversity of production techniques and varieties available on the real market, highlighting the vital role of yeasts, especially Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in the alcoholic fermentation process. Questions were raised about the use of yeasts in global vodka production by exploring how they contributed to fermentation efficiency and the final beverage profile. Literature search methodologies of scientific articles between 2000 and 2022 were analyzed with specific criteria to obtain relevant information on yeasts used in vodka production. Detailed results were presented on the biochemical process of fermentation, the variables that influence it and specific examples of the fermentative development of vodka using substrates such as potato and yeast strains. Finally, the practical implications of this research for the vodka industry were highlighted, noting how understanding the role of yeast and fermentation can improve quality and production efficiency, with an emphasis on the area of competitiveness in the global spirits market
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    Estudio del crecimiento de S. cerevisiae en sustratos biopolímericos (biomasa residual de cultivos de yuca y almidón)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Sánchez Chaux, María Camila; Palencia Luna, Sixta; Garcés Villegas, Viviana
    Single-use plastic products are used for a very short period of time or once before being discarded, and their accumulation generates a significant negative impact on the environment. Among the alternatives to counteract these damages is the design of new technologies for the manufacture and use of biomass with potential biodegradation properties. This research aims to evaluate the growth of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 9763 strain on a bioplastic synthesized from cassava (Manihot esculenta) residues using FTIR-ATR spectroscopy. The strain was isolated and morphologically studied, then the materials were inoculated for 24 h at 35 °C in both liquid and solid media, and finally evaluated using FTIR in a wavelength range of (4000 – 600 cm-1). In conclusion, microscopic observation confirmed that S. cerevisiae is a unicellular yeast with a specific morphology. The experiment in liquid medium allowed to determine that the maximum growth time was at 24 h with an average cell density of 29 x 108 CFU/ml, and the weight loss was higher in the B(h+t) with 18 %. Finally, the evaluation through FTIR allowed to observe changes throughout the spectrum and in the range of 1800 to 1300 cm-1 where signals corresponding to the ⱱd C=O and N-H bonds and ⱱt N-H of peptidoglycan deposited as a biofilm on the different polymeric materials were identified
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    Determinación de los cambios que genera la presencia de los Iones Mg2+, Ca2+, y Na+en la proliferación de salmonelófagos líticos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Guazá Balanta, María José; Aranaga Arias, Carlos Andrés; Falco Restrepo, Aura Dayana
    One of the most common foodborne diseases worldwide is salmonellosis, which is caused by the bacterial genus Salmonella spp. The resistance to antibiotics that this bacteria has conferred begins the search for alternatives for its treatment, phage therapy being one of these. The adhesion of bacteriophages to the cell surface is the first and one of the main stages in viral infection. There are ions such as Mg+2, Ca+2 and Na+ that work as cofactors for the adhesion of bacteriophages to their hosts, resulting in an increase in the viral population. That is why in this work, based on the determination of the viral titer of a bacteriophage infective for Salmonella (4x109 PFU/mL), the changes in its proliferation in the presence of Mg+2, Ca+2 and Na+and ions were determined. The Mg+2 ion was the one in which changes were found that can potentiate the obtaining of the bacteriophage from a complex sample such as a solid environmental matrix
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    Estudio del crecimiento de Pseudomonas fluorescens en sustratos biopolímericos sintetizados a partir de residuos agroindustriales de Manihot esculenta
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Candelo Montaño, Javier; Palencia Luna, Sixta; Garcés Villegas, Viviana
    Currently, plastic pollution from single-use plastics in water and soil is on the rise, causing damage to the ecosystem. Therefore, the development of new technologies for the manufacture of more environmentally friendly materials is a promising alternative to mitigate this damage. The manufacture of bioplastics from organic materials has enormous potential due to the use of residual biomass from various agro-industrial processes. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens ATCC13525 on two bioplastics synthesized from starch and residues from the cultivation of Manihot esculenta, specifically leaves and stems. The strain was isolated and morphologically studied, and growth was evaluated from the exposure of the substrates to two different culture media. The results determined that the strain had an ascending growth with an average cell density of 18.6 x 108 CFU/ml at 48 hours. Likewise, the percentage of mass loss was higher in the bioplastics with 50%. Finally, optical microscopy at 10x confirmed changes in all samples with the appearance of opacity, which translates to the presence of an attached biofilm, which is associated with microbial activity. These biofilms could have excellent application since P. fluorescens, being a rhizobacterium, could metabolize biomass and at the same time synthesize plant growth-promoting substances, therefore, the negative impact of the bioplastic on the environment would be mitigated. The evaluation through FTIR allowed to observe changes along the spectrum and in the range of 1800 to 1300 cm-1 where signals corresponding to the ⱱd C=O and N-H bonds and ⱱt N-H of peptidoglycan deposited as a biofilm in the different polymeric materials were identified
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    Actividad antimicrobiana de Fitocannabinoides como principios activos en plantas medicinales: una revisión sistemática
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Rivera Vargas, María Yuliel; Suarez Osorio, Liseth; Falco Restrepo, Aura Dayana
    Phytochemical compounds have long been an alternative to traditional medicine, which is why the industrial sector is dedicated to the manufacture of products such as drugs, cosmetics and veterinary products, and have considered innovating their lines from raw materials derived from the extraction of active compounds from plants. In this way, plant material with various attributes or substances that are allowed and regulated by government entities for use and marketing has been sought. Due to the above, it was proposed to carry out this systematic review that aims to identify medicinal plants that contain phytocannabinoids and that have antimicrobial activity. The consulted databases corresponding to 83, of which documents dating from the years 2010 to 2022 were found, however, 24 were discarded, since they were related to clinical aspects of veterinary use and others due to the years of publication, the which are outside the range of the minimum 10 years to be taken into account for the development of the systemic review
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    Identificación del resistoma y viruloma de aislados clinicos de pseudomonas aeruginosa portadoras de la enzima VIM
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Narváez Plata, Brandon; Rivera Sánchez, Sandra Patricia; Ocampo Ibáñez, Ivan Diario
    Due to its pathogenicity and prevalence in infections associated with medical care, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is characterized as one of the bacteria that generates the greatest concern in hospitals. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram-negative pathogen listed by the World Health Organization as one of the most dangerous bacteria worldwide, with a critical priority due to its ability to generate resistance to carbapenem antibiotics, developing strains with the ability to have multi-resistance to drugs (MDR) that harm human health. Carbapenemases are enzymes with the ability to modify the molecular structure of the beta-lactam ring present in antibiotics of this class. The objective of this project is to identify the resistome and virulome of clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the strain collection of the Departmental Public Health Laboratory of Valle del Cauca (LSPD-Valle) reported as MDR type strains and producers of beta-lactamase. SPRPa1 and SPRPa13 were classified as MDR strains by antimicrobial susceptibility tests (MIC), the presence of the blaVIM and blaIMP genes was also identified in the two strains using the commercial Check-Points CPO kit (BD MAX, Ref. 278102). The FastQC programs were used for quality analysis, FastQC Toolkit for cutting adapters, FastQ pair for pairing sequences, SPAdes for sequence assembly, analyzing the quality of the assembly and thus performing alignments using the MAUVE program and performing annotation using the BV-BRC and RESfinder platforms, analyzing the intrinsic and acquired resistance genes present in SPRPa1 and SPRPa13, also the exclusive virulence genes of Pseudomonas present in the SPRPa1 and SPRPa13 strains, to conclude, an international comparison was carried out using alignments with genomes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa carrying beta-lactamases. The results indicated that the SPRPa1 and SPRPa13 assemblies are in optimal quality conditions, 35.30% of the genes are acquired and 64.70% are intrinsic, the resistance to antibiotics used in MIC is due to their blaVIM genes and the expression of the pumps. Efflux and gene mutations in the porins of the strains. The strains contain virulence genes exclusive to the Pseudomonas genus, expressing mechanisms that allow them to be highly pathogenic and have survival attributes that allow them to survive hostile environments. The alignments show that the strains contain the ability to contain genes in common with many strains internationally with an identity percentage greater than 98%, contributing to the formation of mutations and/or the persistence of genes that are a problem for public health. It is necessary to carry out more studies on viable alternatives to combat resistance since the trend that is contemplated indicates that there will reach a point where there are no methods to combat microbial resistance
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    Obtención y evaluación de la actividad antibacteriana del extracto de las semillas de guanábana (Annona Muricata L.)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Cortes Chalar, Sharon Juliet; Chacon Londoño, MerlyTatiana; Quijano Pérez, Silvia Andrea; Morales, Jimmy Alexander
    Guanabana (Annona muricata L.) is a plant native to South America, is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world; it is characterized by the high potential that has its properties and the variety of biological activities that these possess, such as: insecticides, antibacterials, anti-corrosive, among others; which are of great interest in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Traditionally, non-eatable seeds are a high-availability residue whose composition has been the subject of extensive research. In many of the fruit pulp production industries, seeds are converted into waste without any apparent value, but this waste can now be recovered in an integrated way during the industrial application of subsequent processes, transforming the waste into secondary raw materials and allowing the extraction of value-added compounds through sustainable and green methodologies. The aim of this research work was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the extract of the seeds of guanabana (Annona muricata L.) against pathogenic microorganisms such as: Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 by the Soxhlet extraction method, using two solvents (etanol y cloroformo). As a result, an aquatic extract of the guanabana seed was obtained with a yield of 16.5 to 33.6%. However, the result of the qualitative evaluation of the antibacterial activity of this extract was not what was expected, in comparison with the literature due to different aspects to be considered such as: the level of concentration, the raw material used, the moisture in the seeds, the solvents employed, the extraction method used, bacterial species, among others. In conclusion, guanabana seed extracts can be an alternative for the development of products with potential antibacterial applications, such as pre-treatment for biological control of fruit diseases after harvest, from a pharmaceutical and food point of view. Additional studies may also be carried out to determine the larvicidal and insecticidal capacity it may possess
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    Verificación de la técnica del método horizontal para la detección y el recuento de listeria monocytogenes en un laboratorio bioindustrial
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Corrales Correa, Valeria; Baloco Sanchez, Luis Alexander; Restrepo Aura Falco; María Ximena, Figueroa
    Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen that causes listeriosis, which makes it a public health problem due to its clinical manifestations such as meningitis, septicemia, abortion, among others. The lack of quality controls in the food production process increases the risk of infection, so a quick detection is essential. In this work, the verification of the horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of L. monocytogenes in the SYNLAB Laboratory was carried out following the ISO 11290 Standard. For this purpose, the strains were standardized, the culture media were tested for productivity and selectivity and the horizontal method was performed. Good precision and accuracy were obtained by achieving reproducibility percentages higher than 73.7% and a value close to 90% in the concordance correlation coefficient, and, finally, a sensitivity and specificity of 100%. No significant figures were observed between the two analysts, demonstrating the effectiveness of the verification
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    Análisis metataxonómico de suelos de cultivos de yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) con síntomas de cuero de sapo
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Díaz Marín, Valentina; Ocampo Ibáñez, Iván Darío
    “Frogskin disease” mainly affects the roots of cassava and generates symptoms that deteriorate large quantities of crops. The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Colombia has been studying this disease in cassava crops for approximately 50 years and has proposed some associated pathogens, however, the causal agent is still unknown. Therefore, in the present study, a meta-taxonomic analysis of the bacteria and fungi that are present in soils of cassava crops with symptoms of the “Frogskin disease” disease was carried out to find the possible causal agents. For this, a metataxonomic analysis was carried out, using Illumina Miseq sequencing, to obtain fungal ITS and bacterial 16S sequences. Bacteria belonging to the phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes were obtained; mainly the genera Pantoea, Enterobacter, Bacillus, and Rhizobium. The phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were the most abundant in the fungal ITS communities; represented by the genera Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Alternaria. The analysis of alpha and beta diversity using the Miseq sequencing platform revealed through a one-way ANOVA and a PERMANOVA that there were significant differences in composition at the genus level in soils with disease symptoms and control soils. This study provided useful information on the microbiome present in the rhizosphere and roots of resistant plants infected with “Frogskin disease” symptoms
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    Aislamiento de bacteriófagos provenientes de una muestra de origen ambiental con capacidad de infectar salmonella spp.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Álvarez Pérez, Juan Martín; Aura Dayana Falco Restrepo
    Salmonellosis is a Foodborne Disease (FDB) that occurs due to contamination by bacteria of the Salmonella genus in edibles such as chicken and pork, as well as in products from poultry farms. Because the indiscriminate use of antibiotics in chickens has contributed to the selection of resistant bacteria, it is necessary to implement natural alternatives that allow the control of bacterial populations in poultry farms, bacteriophages being a possible option due to their high specificity to infect bacteria. Using the double layer method, bacteriophages were found in an environmental sample of chicken manure from a poultry farm located in the municipality of Palmira, Valle del Cauca, capable of infecting a strain of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica ATCC 14028.
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    Evaluación del efecto de un péptido antimicrobiano en bacterias multirresistentes que circulan en el municipio de Cali, años 2017 y 2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Lugo Guevara, Ashley Dayan; Ocampo Ibáñez, Iván Darío
    Bacterial resistance (RB) is one of the major public health problems worldwide. In particular, infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae clinical isolates are serious global health concerns because of the ineffectiveness of empirical antibiotic therapy. Therefore, research and development of new antibiotic alternatives to control these bacteria is urgently needed, and cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAMP) have emerged as a promising alternative because they are highly effective against MDR bacteria. In this study, we aimed to investigate the in vitro antibacterial effect of a short synthetic CAMP derived from the ΔM2 analog of cecropin D-like (CAMP-CecD) against clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae (n = 30) and P. aeruginosa (n = 30), as well as its hemolytic activity. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) of CAMP-CecD against wild-type and MDR strains were determined. The results revealed a bactericidal effect of PAMC-CecD against both wild-type and resistant strains, but P. aeruginosa MDR strains showed higher susceptibility to this peptide with MIC values between 32 and 512 µg/ml. In addition, the peptide did not show hemolytic activity. Given the antibacterial activity of PAMC-CecD against wild-type and MDR clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae and its non-hemolytic effects on human erythrocytes, PAMC-CecD may be a promising alternative to conventional antibiotics.
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    Evaluación de la actividad antimicrobiana de un desinfectante de extractos naturales, sobre el crecimiento de bacterias y hongos provenientes de ambientes industriales e institucionales
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Cañón Castro, Sofía; Palacio Muñoz, Nicolás; Aranaga Arias, Carlos Andrés
    Cleaning and disinfection in hospital, industrial and institutional environments is an essential procedure for controlling the risk of disease transmission, as well as contaminating microorganisms. However, many chemical disinfectants pose a risk to the environment because they can form toxic compounds that are difficult to handle. The objective of this work was to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of a disinfectant, whose active ingredients are natural extracts, which minimizes the environmental impact. For this, this disinfectant was validated under Colombian Technical Standards 5150 and 5817. Additionally, its activity was verified on isolates of lactic acid and acid-acetic bacteria contaminating fermentation industries, as well as environmental yeasts of an educational institution. The results obtained show that the disinfectant is effective for the disinfection of bacteria and fungi found in institutional and industrial environments, being an alternative to the use of chemical disinfectants
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    Aproximación metagenómica para la identificación de bacterias endófitas de la raíz de yuca (manihot esculenta crantz) bajo condiciones de estrés abiótico
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Fernández Gaviria, Alexandra; Herrera Arbeláez, Valentina; Corrales Ducuara, Alba Rocío
    Cassava (M. esculenta) is the fourth most important crop in the world. It is considered a basic food in the diet of millions of people in tropical and sub-tropical areas. However, its productivity has been affected by adverse environmental conditions such as: low and high temperatures. In this regard, it is important to study new tolerant mechanisms to different types of abiotic stress. Knowing the endophyte microbial diversity of the root may influence positively or negatively in its development, productivity and crop heath under abiotic stress conditions. Cassava plants M. esculenta of the variety MCOL1734 were subjected to stress by hydric deficit for a 20-day period. In the metagenomic analysis of endophyte bacteria there were four Phylum; Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria, which are cataloged as endophytes in root of plants. Species like; Clostridium sp. Acinetobacter lwoffii and Acinetobacter sp. which are PGPR bacteria, are candidates to implement in improvement programs to increase tolerance to water deficit in cassava cultivation (M. esculenta).
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    Comparación de dos técnicas para la captación de esporas fúngicas ambientales en un campus universitario
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Delgado Ñañez, Cristhian; Caicedo Bejarano, Luz Dary
    The concordance of two fungal spore uptake techniques in the environments of three buildings of the Santiago de Cali University campus was evaluated. The gravimetric method of spore uptake was compared with the Omeliansky formula and the volumetric method (Air Ideal 3P). The environmental sampling was carried out quarterly for a period of 12 months using Dicloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol agar (DRBC). 64497 CFU / m3 were accounted for, of which 34930 CFU / m3 were isolated with the volumetric method and 29567 CFU / m3 with the gravimetric method. No significant statistical differences were observed with the two techniques used (p = 0.0739), with a significance level α = 0.05. The predominant genera obtained with both methods were Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus and Fusarium, which suggests that although the gravimetric method is not as efficient as the volumetric method, it is reliable for estimating the degree of environmental fungal contamination in a similar way to the volumetric method.
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    Evaluación de la capacidad inhibitoria de extractos de curuba y moléculas bioactivas sobre el crecimiento de mycobacterium smegmatis mc2155.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Anacona Sánchez, Paola Andrea; Aranaga Arias, Carlos Andrés
    The intrinsic resistance that mycobacteria show to some disinfectants and antibiotics makes them a growing public health problem. Due to the fact that natural products and their derivatives have been shown to be a source of new antimicrobials, the effectiveness of hexanic, ethanolic and methanolic extracts of cascara and pulp of the fruit of the curuba (Passiflora mollisima) and some chalcone molecules synthesized by the Research Group of Heterocyclic Compounds of the Universidad del Valle (Colombia), on the growth of Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2155. The results showed that the hexanic extract of peel and a chalcone molecule, were able to inhibit the growing mycobacterium at concentrations of 1 mg/ml and 100 μM, respectively. This demonstrates the potential of curuba, to obtain molecules that, like the chalcones, serve as the basis for obtaining and designing new drugs.
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    Caracterización fisicoquímica, sensorial y micológica del kéfir de agua en jugos de frutas tropicales
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Pedraza Morales, Yiham Stephanie; Ramírez Navas, Juan Sebastián
    Kefir contains beneficial properties that promote health, which is why microorganisms isolated from kefir are studied for the development of functional foods. In the present study, the physicochemical, sensory and growth characteristics and phenotypic characterization of fungi present in water kefir in tropical fruit juices were determined. This experiment was done under a factorial design corresponding to the combination of two factors with three blocks and three replicas: type of substrate (pear juice, passion fruit and water with panela) and sucrose concentration (25%, 50% and 100%). The response variables were: acidity, pH, Brix degrees. For the microbiological analyzes, decimal dilutions were made, they were counted on the second and fifth day of incubation. The identification was made with API 20C and Vitek 2 (Biomérieux). Three yeast strains found from higher to lower number of CFU/mL Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1, Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2 and Zygosaccharomyces spp were finally isolated with the sensory analysis it was determined that the passion fruit drink was the one that had the best acceptance and preference on the part of consumers.
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    Susceptibilidad a los antimicóticos de levaduras aisladas de sistemas de aguas de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Osorio Vanegas, Lizeth Stefania; Caicedo Bejarano, Luz Dary
    Water systems become a high capacity of microorganisms. The objective of this work was to evaluate the susceptibility to the antifungals of yeasts present in the wastewater and natural waters of the city of Cali. Samples were collected from two types of water: potable (Río Melendez, Puerto Mallarino) and residual (Canal Sur, Planta de Tratamiento Cañaveralejo-PTAR). Yeasts were isolated in sabouraud and CHROMagar Candida in the commercial identification with API 20 C AUX (BioMérieux) and in the sequence analysis of the ITS1- 5.8S-ITS2 region. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of fluconazole and amphotericin was determined by the microdilution method, and the influence of some physicochemical parameters and heavy metals was correlated with the possibility of yeasts and antifungals. With the phenotypic tests, the 15 yeast species are identified and the molecular biology techniques six species, the morphotype of the property that can belong to the new species of the genus Candida. 100% of the strains were sensitive to Amphotericin B, and 44.3% were sensitive, 19.23% were sensitive dose-dependent (DDS) and the remaining 25% were resistant to fluconazole. Finally, a correlation has been found between the minimum inhibitory concentration, some physicochemical parameters and the concentration of heavy metals on the antifungal sensitivity of yeasts associated with aquatic systems in the city of Cali.
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    Sensibilidad cutánea (skin prick test) a hongos alergénicos de los trabajadores de tres edificios de la universidad Santiago de Cali y su relación con los síntomas de alergias respiratorias
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Calderón Quintero, Cristina; Caicedo Bejarano, Luz Dary
    Se planteó un estudio epidemiológico observacional de corte transversal, se describe una relación a la exposición de hongos en ambientes intramurales y a la presencia de hongos alergénicos en fosas nasales. En el estudio participaron 126 trabajadores de la Universidad Santiago de Cali, quienes firmaron un consentimiento informado y contestaron la encuesta adaptada de ISAAC (The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) para determinar la prevalencia de alergias diagnosticadas y no diagnosticadas. 71/126 (56,3%) trabajaban en el bloque 1; 24/126 (19,1%) en el bloque 3 y 31/126 (24,6%) en el bloque 4, La prueba “in vivo” Skin Prick Test (SPT) fue practicada a 75 trabajadores. Se encontró una prevalencia de SPT+ para Fusarium oxysporum de 10/75 (13,3%), Aspergillus fumigatus 5/75 (6,7%), Penicillium notatum 5/75 (6,7%), Alternaría alternata 5/75 (6,7%) y Cladosporium herbarum 1/75 (1,3%). Este estudio permitió establecer una posible asociación entre la presencia de hongos en los ambientes laborales y en las fosas nasales de los trabajadores con la respuesta positiva para la prueba SPT para Fusarium oxysporum
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    Biota fúngica en fosas nasales de trabajadores de tres edificios de la universidad Santiago de Cali y su relación con síntomas de alergias respiratorias
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Castillo Tellez, Beatriz Angélica; Caicedo Bejarano, Luz Dary
    Allergenic fungi enter through the air to nostrils and may be responsible for some respiratory allergies. The objective of the present study was to determine the relationship between allergies diagnosed and undiagnosed according to the results obtained from the adapted survey of ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) and the fungal load of the nostrils of workers of three buildings of the Santiago de Cali University. The samples taken from the nostrils were made with sterile swabs and the subsequent sowing was done on Sabouraud dextrose agar, sunflower seed agar and Candida CHROMagar. In 100% of the workers (126) who participated in the study, allergenic fungi were isolated. The highest prevalence of allergenic fungi in the workers of the different buildings was obtained by the workers of block 1, finding significant statistical differences, for the genus Fusarium sp, (p=0,0018 Kruskal Wallis) and Penicillum sp, (p=0,0080 Kruskal Wallis), but not for Cladosporium sp, Alternaria sp and Aspergillus sp; likewise, the biggest fungal load was presented by the workers of this building. When analyzing the fungal 6load found in the nasal passages and its relation with the presence of symptoms of respiratory allergies, it was established that there was significant statistical association with the genus Fusarium sp (p=0,0430 Wilcoxon Mann Whitney) and not for Cladosporium sp (p=0,1918, Wilcoxon Mann Whitney) which was the most frequently isolated genus.
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    Evaluación de la actividad antimicrobiana de péptidos catiónicos vehiculizados en nano liposomas funcionalizados, frente a bacterias patógenas de alimentos.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cantor Pareja, Stefania; Oñate, Jose Fernando
    During recent years the resistance of pathogens present in food to antibiotics has been demonstrated. That is why, in this research project, the antimicrobial activity of the synthetic peptides Alyteserin 1C (WT) and its mutant product (ΔM) was evaluated in bacterial strains such as Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923, Listeria monocytogenes ATCCbaa751, Salmonella typhi ATCC25922. Use of two procedures: modification of the antimicrobial peptides and vehiculization of the peptides in liposomes coated with cationic polymer Eudragit E100. The results showed the antibacterial activity of the peptides against the bacteria. However, after the encapsulation of the peptides in liposomes coated with Eudragit E-100, the antibacterial activity was reduced from 1000 to 2000 times against the strains of Listeria monocytogenes ATCCbaa751 and Escherichia coli ATCC25922