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    Mujeres, salud y lactancia: una revisión crítica de la literatura con enfoque psicosocial
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Navia Papamija, Paula Andrea; Polo Balanta, Diana Lorena; González Cepero, Karen Vanessa; Giraldo Henao, Carolina; Cuevas Arenas, Héctor Manuel
    This bibliographic review with a narrative approach aims to provide contributions to the redefinition of the care and promotion of breastfeeding to reduce the effects on the physical and mental health of mothers. Through the search in thirteen databases, it was possible to analyze 50 articles by authors in different countries of the Latin American and Western continent, where greater study interest was evident on the part of professions belonging to the field of health and the humanities. who contributed different perspectives. As a result, it was found that a hegemonic view prevails regarding the body of the nursing mother woman that establishes parameters for the practice of breastfeeding through sociocultural stereotypes, also, that influence risk and protective factors, strengthening or hindering its implementation; Also, the standardized care methods for this population and the promulgation of Exclusive Breastfeeding EBF by health systems are currently being questioned. Finally, as a discussion, it is proposed to be able to dimension new intervention alternatives with a gender and differential approach aimed at female empowerment, which go into reducing the gaps of oppression to which women are exposed due to the naturalization of the functionality of the system. Furthermore, to propose humanization as the way to address the felt needs of women through empathetic support that minimizes the consequences of the deterioration of their mental health
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    Trabajo social, deporte y recreación: una estrategia de intervención social eficaz para el desarrollo social en el barrio valle grande en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali año 2022.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) González Araque, Mario Fernando; Mondol Herrera, Andrés Felipe; Castañeda Zuluaga, Leydy Lorena
    This research aims to analyze the impact generated in the population of the Valle Grande neighborhood through programs, sports and recreational projects such as intervention tool to generate social development, the collection of information was through interactive research techniques such as documentary analysis, observation, field diary, questionnaire, social cartography and content analysis, all of this was carried out with different key actors among them residents of the Valle Grande neighborhood, educators, social and sports leaders, workers who work in this field, which made it possible to highlight the social impact generated by this strategy of sport and recreation implemented with projects and programs offered by some public and private entities to the population of the neighborhood, with the help of the questionnaire we support ourselves to recognize and identify what are the benefits and advantages that these strategies that are developed in the population of the Valle Grande neighborhood bring both at the individual level and at the social level to your well-being. In the social cartography, the appropriate spaces for sports or recreation were observed, and some not very propitious as the points of distribution and concentration of substances hallucinogenic within the neighborhood; This helps to dignify the knowledge and epistemic bases of these useful tools, as a social intervention strategy to achieve a more calm and with less social problems, also, the role of the social worker within a community where multiple problematic situations converge and the incidence that it can have in the elaboration of proposals that address the being from an integral way
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    Representaciones sociales que construyen las mujeres sobre la violencia contra las mujeres en el barrio Terranova del Municipio de Jamundí –Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Mañunga González, Anyi Yorani; Rosero Murillo Fabián Augusto; Chacón Gironza, Laura Sofía
    This document collects the results of research on the social representations that women build about violence against women. For this, the Newfoundland municipality of Jamundí Valle del Cauca neighborhood is taken as a study scenario, where the social representations that women obtain about violence against women will be analyzed, where they are affected in their homes, in their jobs and in public, since it has become a phenomenon where violence is taken not only in physical terms, but also in psychological and sexual terms. In that order of ideas, it should be noted that, at the methodological level, the study is carried out based on qualitative work which allows the collection of information directly from the target population through the implementation of specific techniques such as semi-structured interviews. For its part, the type of study is descriptive, which allows knowing the particularities based on the different perceptions that the interviewees may have about the phenomenon of violence against women. Finally, the results allow us to understand that the interviewees clearly knew the entities to which to turn in the event of a possible aggression, but they were unaware of the care protocols within the framework of the routes for survivors of acts of violence, since at the time they did not They had been victims of it
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    Relatos de vida sobre la estigmatización social frente al ejercicio de la prostitución femenina
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Espinosa Parra, Karen Valentina; García Betancur, Kathleen Afeni; Chacón Gironza, Laura Sofía
    This research seeks to analyze within the context of Cali society, the social stigmatization that exists in the exercise of female prostitution, and how these stigmas violate the dignity of these women, from different scenarios and social actors. In this sense, the objective of this research, based on life stories, was to analyze the incidences of stigmas on the violation of the dignity of two women who practice prostitution, from the street and prepaid prostitution modality, emphasizing in the socioeconomic difference of each one. For this, the theoretical contributions of social stigma from the perspective of Erving Goffman, the gender perspective of Martha Lamas and contributions of intersectionality, symbolic interactionism and understanding were used. Methodologically, this work is qualitative, descriptive type, in which the life story of two women in different socio-economic levels is analyzed. Among its most relevant findings is that the socio-economic level directly influences the stigmatization received by women who practice prostitution. Finally, this research develops the conclusions addressing each of the categories of analysis used.
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    Las dinámicas del conflicto armado y los lazos comunitarios en los jóvenes de bocas de Satinga
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Perlaza, Angeline Hurtado; Quiñones Castro, Yeraldine; Lasso Lozano, Jahaira; Aguilera González, Pedro Pablo
    The work is an analysis and characterization in 2023 of how the dynamics of violence, armed conflict are a factor of disarticulation of the social fabric of young people in the municipality of Bocas de Satinga. It is an analysis from a short intervention methodology in the community, applying interviews and surveys to youth leaders, in addition to the personal knowledge of the researchers of the social environment in favor of further resistance work to improve social cohesion and community ties in particular of young people from culture, sport and community entrepreneurship
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    Importancia de las habilidades blandas en el clima organizacional del sector servicios
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Ceballos Rodriguez, Angela Cristina; Meza Sanchez, Juan Camilo; Norato, Francy Liliana
    The implementation and development of soft skills are increasingly acquiring more importance within organizations, becoming one of the most indispensable elements for the success, strengthening, and growth of companies due to the fact that currently, these skills have allowed to understand and recognize the value that their human talent can have. The purpose of this research is to analyze and identify the importance that soft skills have inside the organizational environment, specifically in the service sector through literature reviews that allow establishing which soft skills are, their characteristics, and how these skills influence the organizational environment, likewise, show evidence that both employers and employees are more and more aware of the importance of these skills and how they contribute to the organizational and personal growth
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    Análisis desde la perspectiva crítica, la percepción de una mujer militar acerca del lugar que ocupa en un batallón del ejército nacional de Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Arana Méndez, Paola Andrea; Espinosa Rivera, Camila Andrea; Giraldo Valencia, Samantha; Sánchez Rodríguez, Mariela
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    Aspectos familiares, sociales y económicos que generan deserción escolar en el Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Muñoz Suarez, Karen Andrea; Loango Sinisterra, Yiniva; Ospina Nieto, Yovany
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    Abordaje del síndrome de ansiedad desde el enfoque psicosocial
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Chica Rojas, Jenny Patricia; Henao, Carolina Giraldo
    This bibliographical review aims to provide tools to identify the characterological traits of anxiety, the factors that may represent a risk or be protective in the person's social environment and the types of treatment and current interventions. Through the search in four databases, it was possible to carry out the analysis of 32 articles by authors in different countries of the American and European continent, a variety of professions and disciplines were evidenced that contributed a multiplicity of perspectives. As a result, it was found that there is a specific population that is mostly affected by AS (anxiety syndrome), women, as well as a range of ages ranging from 6 to 40 years who are more likely to experience an episode of SA either due to the educational or work context. Finally, as a discussion, it is proposed to be able to dimension new intervention alternatives to counteract the symptoms of AS and the proposal of a gender perspective to investigate the forms of oppression towards women and its consequences in the deterioration of their mental health
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    Artículo de Revisión: Violencia de pareja en el género masculino: La otra cara de la Moneda
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Gacha Santana, Daylin Gabriela; Riascos Serna; Leidy Daniela; Henao, Carolina Giraldo
    The purpose of this work is to know the variables associated with intimate partner violence in the male gender from a documentary review, for which 30 documents were reviewed, of which 30 % were in English and 70 % in Spanish, the search it was carried out in 10 databases from different countries; for its collection, 30 reviews and registration sheets were generated; which allowed us to consider ourselves as a specific objective, to identify the relationship that the four categories found in the bibliographic review have with intimate partner violence in the male gender. Recognizing that violence against men within heterosexual couples has increased notably and the violence that most often occurs is: psychological, physical and sexual, it was also determined that it is essential to prevent these violent behaviors or naturalize them from childhood and adolescence, since this is a factor that can significantly influence people's lives
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    Migración y salud mental: Secuelas en las familias
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) García Ortiz, Tania; Salazar Correa, Mayra Alejandra; Henao, Carolina Giraldo
    This review article analyzes the sequels generated in terms of mental health due to migrat ion in the family, related to the changes that the family goes through, the interactions between members, the changes in roles, the reconfigurations they undergo, among others. Taking into account that the main reasons for migration in general and according to research, are the search for opportunities, a better quality of life and everything related to a better economic stabilit y, comfort and supplying the basic and general needs of the family itself. Data were obtained from thirty (30) researches, taken from open and restricted databases such as Scielo and the database of the University of Santiago de Cali. The documents found focus on the subject of migrat io n, its causes and effects with different approaches, but in the end they show a series of similar affectations from one document to another. As a result, we expose the approaches of differe nt authors and a closing discussion in which the professional perspective of the importance of learning to recognize the different signs that the subjects present and how these affect their family and daily life. This ends with a reference list in which the researched documents are included.
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    El estigma de la madre soltera: una revisión documental de su impacto en la sociedad y en la vida de las mujeres
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Alvarez Ramirez, Karol Anett; Ardila Guzmán, María Isabel; Amú Molina, Gloria Andrea; Henao, Carolina Giraldo
    This article presents the vision of single motherhood and the dimensions that affect the female gender in this analysis that was compiled in a review of forty-nine academic documents, covered by research projects, degree and master's theses, scientific articles, which 48% were written in Spanish and 41% in English. The tracking of these documents was made in 17 databases (opened and closed), from different countries and continents such as America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, for their analysis 49 files were prepared with the objective of collecting information on women. single mothers and respectively; The review made visible how society stigmatizes women who are single mothers and how this has a particular impact on their self-perception, their physical and mental health, as well as economic and labor. Finally, we recognize the importance of motivating people to denature and deconstruct gender roles that influence and have a relevant impact on mothers and their children
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    Análisis de caso de sentencia corte constitucional desde el rol de trabajo social
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Rincon Bonilla, Angela Maria; Martínez Gómez, Dará Isabel; Osorio Castro, Gustavo Adolfo; Bedoya María Teresa
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    Análisis de una sentencia interpuesta por la vulneración de derechos en un accidente de trabajo desde la perspectiva del trabajador social.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Quiñones Palacios, Luisa Alejandra; Rentería García, Ana María; Giraldo Santacruz, Daniela; Bedoya, María Teresa
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    Mujer, Cuerpo y Territorio. Sistematización de experiencias colectivo la Bicicleta Verde para el empoderamiento femenino en el municipio de Candelaria, Valle entre el año 2016-2022
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Viveros Escobar, María José; Velásquez Chávez, Brillid Yowana; Giraldo Henao, Carolina
    In this work, the significant of the artistic and cultural collective processes La Bicicleta Verde will be known with a systematization of experiences, starting from a theoretical basis that argues the feeling-thinking from those internal reflections, then moving on to a brief chronological description which will be in charge of the dating. and ordering of the historical milestones that the group has experienced, as a result of this, interviews will be found from the individual subject which delves into the personal life of each of the members, thus having to understand the background of how their life processes have contributed to the construction of a social fabric with its voice and its body in the territory, then a brief description is given of the articulations with the support networks that are all those entities that have been part of different processes together with the collective from a experiences in community
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    Imaginarios sociales de la comunidad transgenero sobre la inserción en el mundo laboral
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Bueno Vargas, Steffania del Mar; Hernández Santamaría, Laura Vanesa; Rodríguez González, Daniella; Gil Claros, María Fernanda
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    Transformaciones de las dinámicas familiares a partir de la inserción de la mujer en el mercado laboral
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Arbeláez Salazar, Luisa María; Ibáñez Chapal, Carolina Lucía; Castalleda Zuluaga, Lorena
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    Revisión bibliométrica sobre la violencia de género en el ámbito escolar en el periodo 2015-2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Colorado Rodríguez, Layli; Caicedo Murillo, Lindsay Katherine; Ospina Nieto, Yovani
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    Transformación de las dinámicas familiares a causa de la minería a gran escala en el corregimiento de San José municipio de Timbiquí – Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Asprilla Martínez, Giselli; Florez Sinisterra, Ana Milena; Castalleda Zuluaga, Lorena