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    Revisión de la literatura sobre la simulación discreta en la cadena de suministro durante los últimos 20 años
    (2021) Andrade Ospina, Carol; Gómez Wittinghan, Diana María; Solarte Coral, Carlos Andrés; John Alexander Masso
    The objective of this article is to carry out a literature review for those who are interested in simulation as an instrument for improvement and management in the supply chain, covering operational and strategic Slavs, in addition to achieving a broader knowledge of the simulation processes carried out in the industry. 40 articles published in the last 20 years were analyzed, of which 23 articles were selected as references in this work since they expose and manifest the application of simulation software, as a management tool for the supply chain and the different adaptations in different disciplines. Likewise, this theme has been growing for companies, engineers and others today.
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    Revisión del impacto de la norma iso: 9001 2015 en las instituciones prestadoras de salud (IPS)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Caicedo Mosquera, Héctor Fabio; Ibarra Peralta, Ferney; Garcia Jiménez, Juan Camilo
    The healthcare institutions (IPS) were created to provide citizens with the health care that is required in Colombian territory. Since health services are universal, it was necessary to incorporate methodologies to measure that the processes and services provided met the required quality, due to their nature. ISO 9001: 2015 is one of the international standards in charge of quality management in different areas such as the health system. For this, scientific research articles were taken as a reference that focused their study on the evolution of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard until reaching the incursion of the standard in the health sector, specifically in health care institutions. From this, in the first section you will find a journey through the birth of quality in health, along with the definition of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard. Secondly, it will be possible to understand the impact that quality has presented at the national level within the rendered health institutions (IPS) and finally the description of four cases of successful implementation of a quality management system under ISO 9001: 2015.
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    Implicaciones de la gestión del cambio en la implementación de un sistema de gestión de calidad
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Moreno Caicedo, Nicolás; Ramírez Guespud, Julián Andrés
    The present bibliographic review seeks to broaden the understanding of what it is, what it implies and what benefits organizations, applying change management in the implementation of a quality management system. In the course of literary research, you can find the different documents where the concepts under study are captured, which are first of all to know the pioneers of quality, as well as what a quality management system is and we end with the change management. After this, the implications of change management in the implementation of any tool, process, standard or system within the organization are investigated. It should be borne in mind that the factors for a successful implementation of a change process is good assertive, sincere and above all transparent communication with the employees of the organization, this in order that all those involved in the process are coordinated with the objectives of the organization and aligned with the new adaptation of the process, so that there are no fears or concerns about the changes that would be generated, since if so, that would be a serious problem for the company. However, it should be understood that the benefits generated by change management, is manifested in a good organizational culture and a solid work system. Generating confidence of the employees towards the decision making of the high management, creating this way a competitive advantage in front of the other organizations and it can be said that it will enjoy a growth in the market if the executed changes were according to what was planned. That is why, success cases were sought in the implementation of a management system such as ISO 9001: 2015 based on change management, showing how this process is necessary for the creation of optimal environments where the organization can function efficiently proactive. Finally, the pertinent conclusions were made regarding the research of the different literatures, where it is said that it is necessary to thoroughly know all the concepts of the subject, in order to generate strategies, where the employees who are affected by the new changes they can accept, in favor of better competitive performance.
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    “Estandarización en los procesos de armado y empaque de la empresa ci manufactura model internacional”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Valentierra Cuero, Miguel Ángel; Álzate Zapata, Jeison Fernando; Masso Álzate, Jhon Alexander
    In the international company CI Manufacturas Model SAS, the assembly and packaging processes show in the last periods the greatest number of overtime hours used to comply with daily production compared to the other productive areas. To study the problem, a standardization of the processes is carried out through a study that provides information on times and costs incurred for overtime in the aforementioned processes, giving an overview of current and actual daily production compared to the required or proposed one. These times help the study of the work done with the most trained operators to determine the variables and / or situations that the operator can present or perform at the time of the process. Together, the implementation of techniques embodied in instructions, technical sheets and standard times that helped train operators to carry out their work in the right and most efficient way is achieved. At the same time, it was possible to reduce the overtime of the mentioned areas by thirty percent in what was reflected in an increase in daily production by fourteen percent
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    “Propuesta de un sistema de control de inventarios en la línea poliéster 3 de la empresa eka corporación”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Grisales Loaiza, Mayiber; Rios Perea, Katherine; Masso Álzate, Jhon Alexander
    This proposed article contains the development of an inventory management model, which leads to improved levels of the polyester line 3 Auto (Closures) of the company Eka Corporatión. According to an analysis performed on the process, it can be shown that there is no quantitative method to forecast the demand of the items on the line. The company has been presenting problems such as: about some items, exhausted ítems and long delivery time of other items, due to the lack of inventories, which leads to urgent orders to meet customers' needs on a permanent basis. As a starting point for improvement is updated the historical demand of the previous 12 months analyzed for polyester items 3, an ABC classification of the 3,649 items is performed to determine the level of importance and reclassification AA of the 231 items, super important, then proceeded to analyze the coefficient of variation, the demand pattern and the forecast models , to subsequently follow up minimally every 3 days for a quarterly period, to have control of the items with greater rotation and maintain the optimal level of inventory for satisfaction as demand requires. The proposal made it possible to determine for AA items, how often to review inventory, how much to order, and when to order. As textile companies did, it achieved positive results, ABC analysis for assets and forecasting
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    "Propuesta de mejoramiento del proceso de gestión administrativa para el área de operaciones en la empresa codesa - caso de estudio"
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Caicedo Cortes, Lizeth Marcela; Parra Valdés, Daniel Alberto
    This article describes the development of an improvement proposal for the Operations area of a local company, which presents problems with its reconciliation and portfolio process since this, when performed manually, is susceptible to deliver erroneous information to customers, generating inconveniences when making important decisions for their business. For this inconvenience engineering analysis tools and a method designed to find a solution tailored to the needs of the company were applied. with the support of this tools a new process model is proposed for the study area that will allow in the future the automation of process through the design and development of software by the area of technological management. With the implementation of the new model, the elimination of human error in the tasks analyzed will be achieved. Likewise, it shows how the times of accomplishment of the tasks are reduced when automating. Welcoming the proposal in this article by the company will represent a significant improvement in the execution of the daily activities of the area and in the perception of its clients.
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    Propuesta de plan de manejo y aprovechamiento de los residuos sólidos en el barrio ciudad córdoba de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Palacios Hurtado, Kelly Johana; Bernal Suárez, Diana Paola
    This article presents the solid waste management plan for the Ciudad Córdoba neighborhood of the city of Santiago de Cali, which have the purpose of provide tools to community that allow a proper waste management, reducing the inadequate disposal practices in rainwater channels and streets and creating awareness among its inhabitants to encourage separation at source and recycling. To achieve the established objectives, the reverse logistics methodology was used (Collection and selection, Recycling, Industry, Distributor, Retail, End User), seeking to maximize the waste management and to recover costs to be used as benefit of the same neighborhood. This work presents the actions considered for the development of the proposed waste management plan.
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    Energías renovables y su relación con los sistemas de gestión ambiental
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Gerena Salamando, Jhon Alejandro; Ruiz Pineda, José Andrés; Horta Losada, Isaías Hernán; Ramírez Guespud, Julián Andrés
    This review article exposes the use of renewable energy in different production scenarios and its assessment in reducing environmental impacts in relation to the criteria of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) according to the ISO 14001 of 2015; This through the identification of the benefits, their limitations and the presentation of international success stories that allow us to identify what type of environmental impacts occur in these contexts. There is also a presentation of the guidelines in the standard for assessing success in Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and the indicators and measurement models for reducing negative impacts on the environment are discussed. Methodologically, various multidisciplinary databases were used: Sciencedirect, ProQuest, Google Scholar, Dialnet, e-journals, Springer, among others available on the platform of the Universidad Santiago de Cali; the articles were located based on the keywords located at the end of this summary, limiting articles that are more than 10 years old to a minimum. The results found allow us to recognize that renewable energies are a very important contribution to EMS, while allowing cleaner production. However, it is concluded that in Colombia its implementation is incipient, despite the benefits it could bring if it were to become general.
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    Barreras de transición y beneficios de la norma OHSAS 18001 a la ISO 45001 en las PYMES
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Sánchez Cardona, Ivan Darío; Melenge Escobar, Jennifer Andrea; Garcia Jiménez, Juan Camilo
    Since 1800, the first workplace safety standards were born due to multiple accidents, where the most affected were women and children, these standards seek to reduce absenteeism through the reduction of accidents and incidents that may occur in an environment labor. In 1830 Robert Backer made a proposal for the visit of medical personnel to factories to care for workers, women and children. At present, companies that seek to be more productive must establish organizational policies and objectives, be communicated and make them available to all the organization's personnel, they can also use a method of compensation for attendance or automate absences with a fingerprint, with This will help decrease absenteeism. Until 2015, the international standard was OHSAS 18001.However, since 2018, ISO 45001 (International Organization of Standardization) has been accepted as the new international standard. This research aims to collect the barriers and benefits that SME companies have in Colombia in the transition from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 to obtain their certification, taking into account that these companies constitute a large percentage of the productive sector in this country. . Therefore, in order to achieve this objective, 6 stages were developed: revision of the standard, differences between the OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001 standards, key points of the ISO 45001 standard, benefits with the implementation of the ISO 45001 standard, cases of application of ISO 45001 and the compilation of transition barriers between one standard and another. With the research carried out, 5 different barriers were found that affect SME companies, thus evidencing that the main barrier that organizations have is the economic difficulty that reduces the resources of these companies to obtain their certification, which may arise due to the situation of the country or due to difficulties in acquiring money from financial institutions. Similarly, 7 benefits were identified that the implementation of the ISO 45001 standard brings to companies, employees, customers and society.
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    Simulación y estimación del tiempo esperado en la gestión de un proyecto en una empresa de alimentos.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Mena Ibargüen, Gina Alexandra; Salazar Ramos, Andrés Felipe
    The article presents the proposed simulation and modification of the expected time in the management of a project for the launch of new products, in a food company that manufactures and markets corn chips, French fries and other snacks, identify, the possible risks within the project management in order to implement an improvement plan that allows mitigating, controlling and treating those risks that generate a negative impact and can avoid meeting the times established for each project activity. To meet the proposed objectives, the Monte Carlo simulation methodology was used, seeking to calculate the challenges with sequences of random numbers.
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    Propuesta de mejora a la calidad en el proceso de recolección de datos en una firma encuestadora de Cali.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Jaramillo Enríquez, Frank Steven; Robayo Avendaño, Angélica
    The investigations of markets is currently one of the general tools that lets us find a way to success in a project, however accomplishing with the rules of quality in the phase of picking information of a study is a hard task to accomplish because we continue focused on this phase, it requires accompaniment to the ones who interfere in it. The current task done from a qualitative focus analyzed the process of picking data while there were going on a variety of studies of market during the first semester of the year 2019 on a Colombian polling firm that has presence in the national territory with regional headquarters in Cali. For the realization of the job there was an interview semi structured as the source of of data collection required, such instrument was applied in a group of pollsters and a coordinator of studies of market. Considering the access to information and the availability of pollsters at the time of doing this study, non-probability sampling was used, for this purpose, six contractor pollsters were interviewed and one person in charge of coordinating studies of market in Cali; there was also relevant data obtained from the participative information and non participative in the process of data picking. With theses techniques it was possible to identify the role that such collaborators play in the phase of data picking with polls on the study of market. The análisis of information allowed to identify fails in the fulfillment of aspects related to the conduct of ethic, honesty and veracity of the task of the field done, fundamental aspects for the evolution of the activities from the pollster according to rule ISO 20252 and the code of international ethic ESOMAR. Finally, starting from the findings identified, there was a plan proposed from improvement pointing out key aspects like correct supervision and accompaniment to the evolution of training and other recommendations for the task of data picking on the use of technological tools and direct supervision of the first interviews, with the objective of having a trustworthy interpretation in the results of the investigation.
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    Revisión de implementación de la norma iso 14001 en el sector industrial. Caso de estudio: industria azucarera en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Moreno Vidal, Desdi Melithza; Ramírez Guespud, Julián Andrés
    As an objective for the development of this document, it was proposed to know how the industrial sector dedicated to the transformation of sugarcane benefits from the implementation of ISO 14001 to improve environmental responsibility in the development of its productive activities. The review of different documents that have addressed the experience in different companies, where environmental problems such as efforts to reduce pollution and reduce the impact on resources, ecosystems and communities have been documented, were used. In the agro sugar chain, the environmental issue has been worked on from two dimensions; a union that groups the links in the chain, and another; particular, where each mill and / or company establishes its strategy of taking care of the ecosystems close to the productive zones, of the resources used its productive and commercial activity in order to reduce the environmental impact. From the union stand out the efforts of Asocaña and Cenicaña, which through research, plans and action programs have promoted a more sustainable agribusiness. From the particular, the mills have been working in company with entities and authorities in environmental matters of the national, departmental and municipal order, such as autonomous corporations, responsible for ensuring the protection of ecosystems and natural resources, in this regard since the decade of the In the 70's, work has been carried out in a concerted manner in activities to control and reduce the pollution load. The ISO 14000 for sugar mills has allowed them to have a responsible environmental management in accordance with the principles of sustainability, however, background aspects Revisión de implementación de la norma iso 14001 en el sector industrial. Caso de estudio: industria azucarera en Colombia |2 associated with the very nature of the industry must be considered, as is the issue of monoculture that has a strong impact on ecosystems, on water sources and thus an alteration in the life of communities is generated.
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    "Propuesta de la política de compras para una comercializadora y distribuidora de tecnología en el valle del cauca"
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Sánchez Álzate, Daniela; Masso Álzate, Jhon Alexander
    The main objective of this research was to propose purchasing policies to optimize purchasing management and, at the same time, service in the technology area by means of pagers or pagers. "These location systems for a service or product are mostly used in restaurants, which by means of sounds and vibrations determines the delivery or reception of the service or product" (PAGER TEC, 2011). In the company under of study, two variables were determined to be analyzed: Purchase Policies and inventory management in order to improve the purchasing process in organizations of this type. Therefore, three phases were contemplated for its methodological development, information diagnosis of the current state in the purchasing and inventory area of the company specialized in this type of process; then the information is analyzed, tabulated and the fundamentals and / or procedures for good purchasing and inventory management are applied; and finally, the purchasing policy proposals are developed, being the key to improving the quality of service provided to customers. Regarding the results obtained, a purchasing policy proposal is presented for the company in order to mitigate the impact and improve the purchasing process, obtain greater advantages with suppliers and offer better customer service.
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    Documentación del sistema de gestión de calidad bajo la norma ISO 9001:2015 en la empresa alquilequipos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Biojo, Carlos Andrés; Lasso Ussa, Michael Andrés; Guerrero Moreno, David Rodrigo
    The company Alquilequipos by not having documentation in their processes presents different problems in the rental service. With documentation it seeks to show traceability in their processes, standardize them and allow the company to gather information that facilitates the decision making that leads to the continuous improvement and can offer quality services. In order to achieve this, the ISO 9001: 2015 norm was used, which provides a guide in the documentation process. For the information gathering process visits to the company were made, as well as meetings and interviews with area supervisors. Obtained results proceeded to add the missing documents in the process and to improve the existing ones so that they meet the requirements of the norm. Finally a control system is proposed for handling the documents created in this project, in which the importance of traceability and documentation could be observed in the operation of a company that seeks to continuously improve the quality of its service, and in which the foundations are laid down so that in the future the company can implement a quality management system. In this article the documentation of the company and the proposal of a documentary control system in the organization Alquilequipos is carried out in order to achieve a quality service.
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    “Propuesta de un modelo de control de inventarios de materia prima en la empresa productora de alimentos “crukies” de la ciudad de Cali”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Toloza González, Nicole Valeria; González Chacón, Ángela María; Masso Alzate,John Alexander
    Inventory management systems are increasingly important in companies, regardless of the economic activity in which they engage, this allows them to have control over their inputs, raw materials, the product in process or the finished product. For this reason, this article was based on proposing a raw material inventory control model in the company "Crukies", located in the city of Cali, which is dedicated to the production and marketing of cookies. As a starting point for the work, a diagnosis of the raw material inventory system currently used by the company was started through qualitative analysis, which shows deficiencies in the control of raw material inventories, which generates exhaustion for the process of production. Through the diagnosis carried out, it was possible to identify the most important raw materials; For this, traditional forecasting techniques based on the demand pattern analysis, mean squared error (ECM), optimal order quantity (EOQ) and the optimal safety inventory were used. Finally, the inventory control model allowed determining for raw materials the quantity to order, when to order and how often to order. It should be noted that the research process was carried out logically and in accordance with the established objectives, based on the formulation of methodological strategies.
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    Herramientas lean manufactoring en industria manufacturera y de servicios
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Tarazona Rodríguez, Roque Julio; Amezquita Hernandez, Milton Alexander; Victoria Molina, Jairo; Ramírez Guespú, Julian Andrés
    Lean's tools have become one of the most effective methodologies for the continuous improvement of industrial processes, making companies more competitive and productive in market positioning. Where it is achieved with the implementation of these tools the mitigation of lost time and the reduction of high costs, obtaining control of all the variables that generate no value and contribute to their competitiveness in terms of processes and quality of products or services. This article aims to publicize the different tools that are part of the Lean methodology and which are the most used in the manufacturing industry and in the services sector, in addition to this it is placed in context that is Lean Manufacturing and what benefits to taken these implementations internationally, nationally and in the service sector.
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    Estudio de viabilidad para producción y comercialización de líquidos para cigarrillos electrónicos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Ortiz Usuga, Oscar Iván; Flórez González, Sandra Viviana
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    Propuesta de estándares de limpieza, inspección y mantenimiento de equipos críticos bajo los lineamientos de la filosofía de TPM en una industria de alimentos de la región
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Barreda Urrea, Oscar Duvan; Rojas Trejos, Carlos Alberto
    Nowadays, the manufacturing sector is always subject to innovations that force the industry to evolve faster and faster in order to be more effective in the production process, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is focused on these objectives, a Japanese methodology that has been implemented since the 60's with excellent results in many industrial sectors. In this case, in a food plant under study there is a high number of failures that are generating maintenance overruns due to repairs, losses in lubricant consumption and reduction of the available time of the equipment that with the design of standards and their respective Documentation and execution is sought in critical equipment, recover its basic conditions, its efficiency, reduce maintenance costs and contribute to the continuity of processes without functional failures. All this supported by the Autonomous Maintenance (MA) pillar structured in the TPM methodology and contributing to the RCM of the equipment for its acronym in English (Reliability Centered Maintenance)
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    Impacto de la implementación del value stream mapping (vsm) en empresas latinoamericanas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Castaño Mosquera, Lina María; Garcés Soto, Luz Geraldine; Trujillo Perdomo, Tatiana; Guerrero Moreno, David Rodrigo
    tool of the Lean Manufacturing methodology, in Latin American companies. Through success stories such as that of the Builder Fenix and Coservicios from Colombia companies, it will be shown that the VSM is a very useful tool to visualize in a graphic way the productive reality that is lived inside them, identifying timely which are those processes that generate delays, bottlenecks, reprocesses and any waste or change; Additionally, it will allow determining and analyze whether the number of workers was directly proportional to demand and production, thus providing great economic benefits to companies and generating differentiation and positioning compared to other market industries
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    Revisión bibliográfica de la herramienta Value Stream Map en el sector salud
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Ordoñez Palechor, Lucia Amanda; Marín Muñoz, Maria del Mar; Romero Lozano, Leidy Tatiana; Guerrero Moreno, David Rodrigo
    The Value Stream Map (VSM) is one of the tools of Lean that brings a lot of benefits inside the manufacture process, but also in the services sector. Guiding the Lean Manufacture and turning it into a Lean Service. The Lean Methodology have a branch focused on health, known as Lean Healthcare. Integrating this philosophy with the Value Stream Map tool, was determined to made this article, creating a idea to break down the knowledge barrier, given that when talked about Lean VSM, It is though about manufacture, but in fact now days the Service Industry is taking in a lot of studies relating to VSM with focused on the sector, showing improvements on the services and guaranteeing the quality as well, to decrease and reduce of the activities that do not create service value. Resulting on a future VSM, that is which represent all the improvements made to the actual, highlighting the times, the costs, the displacement, the unnecessary movements, the customer saturation, lack of rooms, the customer service professionals, decrease on lines, etc. this work is done based on the bibliographies about VSM in Healthcare and in different implementation that strengthen the job; leaving an enrich article with its own concepts that would bring understanding of the importance to use VSM to get constant improvement of a Service, combined as a result of an efficient, effective and effective process in which it was shown that the VSM tool improved the quality of customer service, improved waiting times, reduced waste or activities that did not generate value for the process, also compromised to senior managers for the implementation of the Lean tool and its internal customers who are committed to the established improvement