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    Colestasis en el embarazo, Oportunidad y facilidad de diagnóstico en Latinoamérica: Revisión de alcance
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Aponza Herrera, María Alejandra; Eraso Montilla, Juan José; Solarte Bacca, Santiago; Morales Chaves, Renan Orlando (Director)
    Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is the most common and reversible liver disease, with low incidence but high risk of fetal complications. Timely diagnosis is required; The gold standard test is the quantification of bile acids, which is difficult to perform. METHODOLOGY: Scoping review based on the search in Pubmed, sciencedirect and scopus databases, which answers the question: What is the opportunity and ease of diagnosis in Latin America of intrahepatic cholestasis in pregnancy? RESULTS: 22 articles, published in Peru (36.3%), Uruguay and Argentina (13.6% each), Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador (9%), pruritus and jaundice are present in 80% of cases, along with elevated liver function, only 55% of the studies have an evaluation of total bile acids. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of ICP is made from the clinical presentation and confirmation of elevated liver tests; there is still little diagnostic opportunity from the quantification of total bile acids, which does not coincide with the advances and recommendations of CPGs, testing is recommended given the evidence of the existing elevation between ABT levels and perinatal complications
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    Factores de riesgo en gestantes mayores de 35 años diagnosticadas con placenta previa
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Castillo Dávila, Luisa Fernanda; Ramírez Sandoval, Daniel Alejandro; Sánchez Grueso, Bárbara; Hernández López, Andreina (Director)
    Risk factors in older pregnant women, both in Colombia and in other countries around the world, generate a relevant impact on their health and quality of life. For this reason, the objective of this article is based on the description of the risk factors in pregnant women over 35 years of age diagnosed with placenta previa. The research method used was the scoping review, which included descriptive and cross- sectional observational studies, prospective and retrospective cohorts, cases and controls. The search strategy was through scientific articles and research in databases such as: Dialnet, Direct, Scielo, Science, Scorpus, among others. The results indicated that elderly pregnant women with placenta previa (PP) are more prone to suffer complications, due to intrinsic factors of longevity that seem to be linked to progressive vascular endothelial involvement. It was concluded that the main risk factors in this population can cause serious maternal morbidity accompanied by hemorrhage, blood transfusion, peripartum hysterectomy and urgent postpartum due to uncontrolled bleeding, the consequence of which is the loss of fertility and even maternal mortality (MM) and the neonate. Caesarean section for PP constitutes a major risk factor for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) regardless of the incidence or not of a related placental accreta. This article represented an important theoretical contribution because it shares information with a very significant high social value, because it objectively details the reality of this problem in elderly pregnant women, at a global level
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    Caracterización y mortalidad en coinfección covid-19 y tuberculosis pulmonar: Revisión de alcance
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Chaves Molina, Lizethe Dayana; Parody Wadi, Fernando David; Martínez Hinojosa, Harrison; Escobar Delgado, Julián (Director)
    Introduction: Infectious diseases represent a public health problem, both emerging ones such as COVID-19 and re-emerging ones such as tuberculosis, a problem that is complicated by their appearance in the form of coinfection, with an unclear increase in the risk of mortality due to a causal association that is not very well known, which is why this review was carried out with the main of highlighting information on the interaction and mortality comorbidities between tuberculosis and Covid- 19. Methodology. An exhaustive scoping review was conducted of research published in databases worldwide since December 2019. The findings are presented in narrative form, complemented with tables and diagrams. Results: 22 articles, 100% observational, published in Asia (41%), America (23%), Europe (18%) and others (18%); presents in patients with a mean age of 49 years, male 88%, symptoms of triad of fever, dyspnea and cough, 43% of patients with coinfection present comorbidities DM (31%), HTN (14%), Smoking (10%), previous history of tuberculosis in 41%, and with findings of mortality associated with infection 11%, mortality relationship with comorbidities Pearson index of 0.054. Conclusions: There is an adequate level of scientific evidence about COVID-19 and tuberculosis coinfection, clarifying that the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of coinfection are established by the pathophysiological mechanism of the lung disease and that it occurs with a low mortality not associated with comorbidities pre-existing
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    Lesiones causadas por disparos con carga múltiple a niveles médico legal y balístico
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Arce Arce, Juan Jose; Terán Castaño, Juan Pablo; Tovar Narváez, Ángela Daniela; Restrepo Zapata, Jorge Humberto (Director)
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    Exploración de la susceptibilidad a prediabetes y diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en estudiantes del sector salud: una revisión de alcance
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Arrunategui Becerra, Jose Emanuel; Calonge Alomoto, Andrés Camilo; Durán Vélez, Alejandra; Aguilera González, Pedro Pablo (Director)
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    Complicaciones metabólicas agudas, Cetoacidosis diabética y manejos en pacientes adultos diabéticos tipo 2 en 2024
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Hormaza De La Cruz, Francisco Javier 924X; García Quiñones, Angelica Alejandra (Director)
    The three acute metabolic complications in diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes) are usually hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), and the hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state (HHS). Hypoglycemia, which must meet the criterion of very low blood glucose levels of less than 50 mg/dL, is the complication usually found in the pharmacological treatment of diabetic patients as a response to insulin treatment at the beginning of the disease due to excess insulin. the prescribed dose or in geriatric patients who suffer from senile, vascular or Alzheimer's dementia and who lose cognitive and memory capacity. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is an acute metabolic complication of diabetes mellitus (type 2), although it predominates in type 1 diabetes mellitus, especially in young debuting subjects, but it is becoming common in emergency services in diabetes mellitus (type 2) due to poor pharmacological adherence to insulin and the lack of timely delivery of antidiabetics due to the problems presented in the health sector in Colombia, associated with SGLT2 oral antidiabetics as an adverse effect and the increase in infectious conditions in diabetics
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    Factores asociados a alteraciones de agudeza visual en estudiantes de medicina: Revisión de alcance y propuesta preventiva
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Duque Castaño, Francisco Javier; Lombo Gutiérrez, Mayra Michelle; Ramírez Vallejo, Paula Andrea; Escobar Libreros, Julián Andrés (Director)
    The impairment of visual acuity limits adequate development, affects performance, limits productivity and affects quality of life. It can affect the entire population, including young people such as university students, with medical students being among the most affected as they are one of the most affected. of the longest undergraduate degrees, however there are no studies that show or intervene in the factors to reduce the incidence, which is why this review is carried out with the objective of determining the factors associated with the development of visual acuity alterations in medical students. Method: Scoping review, systematic search of articles from the last 5 years, in Medline, PubMed, Cochrane and Elsevier databases. Results: 14 articles, 83.33% cross-sectional studies, 8.33% cases and controls, 8.33% retrospective study, 75% Asia, 8.33% North America, 8.33% in Europe and 5.26% Africa. Common refractive errors are myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, diplopia, computer vision syndrome (CVS) and astigmatism, the associated factors are age over 25 years (AOR = 1.8; CI of 95), family history with double probability of disease development and excessive use of screens. Conclusions: Refraction problems are common in medical students associated with triggers such as age, family inheritance and use of screens which can be intervened from early detection programs and development of visual hygiene activities from undergraduate training
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    Intento de suicidio en adolescentes en Iberoamérica entre 2018 y 2023. Una revisión sistemática acerca de los factores de riesgo e intervenciones comunitarias
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Rivera Cárdenas, Daniela; Serna Paz, Eduardo José; Orobio Diuza, Herminsul; Acosta Ramírez, Naydú (Director)
    Suicide according to the WHO determines it as the act in which an individual inflicts injuries on himself, which varies in degree and lethal intention; in fact, it encompasses a range of possibilities ranging from suicidal thoughts to death. This phenomenon is surrounded by stigmas, myths and taboos that generate barriers that hinder its visibility and subsequent health interventions to address the problem. This scourge is among the ten main causes of death. In this sense, the objective of this work is to identify the social determinants and community interventions for suicide attempts in adolescents in Latin America between the years 2018 and 2023. Methodology: Modality literature review “scoping review”, with narrative synthesis and analysis with a qualitative approach at a descriptive level. The PRISMA guide was used, the search was carried out in the databases and bibliographic resources: Scielo, Scopus, and Pubmed. The eligibility criteria for the search were English and Spanish languages. DeCS and MeSH keywords were used to maximize the identification of relevant literature. The terms considered for the search were: “social determinants”, “community interventions”, “suicidal behavior”, and “suicidal ideation”, which were used in combination with the Boolean operators “AND” and “OR”. Results: today's young people, due to factors that affect their environment and themselves, such as low school performance, low academic expectations, school integration problems, risky eating behaviors; among others. Another factor found is related to the presence of negative thoughts in the young person. Regarding the most frequent interventions associated with psychological and emotional factors, cognitive therapy (CBT), behavioral therapy and emotional prevention and emotion regulation strategies stand out. Conclusion: family, personal and social history can be risk factors for suicide attempts. These antecedents include little interest in school, minimal academic prospects, difficulties for greater integration in the academic and social sphere, risky eating behaviors and dysfunctional family dynamics, among others
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    Evidencias, impacto y alternativas terapéuticas sobre alopecia inducida por quimioterapia: revisión de alcance
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Narváez Beltrán, Carlos Andrés; Vidal Cañas, Sinthia Michel; Liscano Martínez, Yamil (Director)
    Chemotherapy-induced alopecia is the abnormal loss of hair due to cytotoxic drugs in cancer treatment, it is one of the main adverse factors that affects the physical, emotional, and psychosocial state of the patient. Method: Scoping review, search of articles in databases Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Medline, Cochrane and, with the aim of demonstrating the effectiveness of pharmacological, physical, and alternative treatments, how they affect quality of life and in what cancer and regimen it is used. Results: Effectiveness in preventing AIC with scalp cooling (ECC) 58%, minoxidil 50%, topical Calcitriol 50%, CG428 Lotion 34.70%, Larrea divaricate lotion 613%, and effectiveness demonstrated qualitatively with low frequency ultrasound, no improvement is evident with the use of platelet-rich plasma; The effects on quality-of-life report evidence of reducing the need to purchase wigs and improvement in mood. AIC effectiveness in underlying breast cancers (69,5%) and solid cancers in treatments with anthracyclines and taxanes (79%). Conclusions: Effectiveness demonstrated with ECC and minoxidil not offered due to lack of knowledge and high costs, the alternatives still have little evidence to establish recommendations, little report on the effect on quality of life due to the lack of specific questionnaires; Alopecia is greater with anthracyclines and taxanes, hence the greater prevalence of alopecia in breast cancer. It recommends offering the treatments with the greatest evidence to patients at risk of AIC and designing studies in Colombia to provide results with a population focus
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    Donación de sangre de cordón umbilical a partir de pinzamiento tardío en américa latina: ¿continúa la controversia? revisión de alcance
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Meléndez Arenas, Bryan Ricardo; Jojoa Hernández, Jorge Alexander; Cuaran Montenegro, David Procardo; Angulo Mosquera, Jorge Mario (Director)
    Late clamping of the umbilical cord has multiple benefits, among them it is a valuable source of stem and progenitor cells, which is why donation began in 1990, until now with difficulties in accessing this procedure, with various controversies. regarding the topic. Methodology: A scoping review was designed, based on a specialized bibliographic search in the area of knowledge in umbilical cord blood donation from late clamping, through different databases. Results: The search process provided 17 articles, 88% observational, 12% quasi-experimental; whose research focus was on the evaluation of the knowledge of pregnant women and health personnel about donation, demonstration of the importance of transplantation and identification of current regulations. In relation to legality, only Argentina and Uruguay have established a specific law for Cord blood donation; 83% of Latin American countries are in favor of stem cell donation, and make state efforts for this. Conclusions: Umbilical cord blood is a good therapeutic alternative for donation, but this scientific advance entails problems due to lack of knowledge, as well as ethical and legal problems; There is a lack of specific regulations, despite being in favor of the practice, to which possible solutions or at least proposals must continue to be given
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    Alergia a la proteína de leche de vaca relacionada con menores de edad, un reto clínico para el médico actual. Monografía.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Pérez Herrera, Ana María; Valencia Salazar, Marcela María; Rivas Jiménez, Valentina; Villamarín Betancourt, Eder Antonio (Director)
    Cow's milk is a common source of protein in the diet, however, some people may develop intolerance or allergy to these macronutrients, this can trigger different symptoms in each of the affected individuals, predominating gastrointestinal, skin and respiratory disorders; it should be noted that this allergic reaction, like any other, if not treated effectively, can be potentially fatal. Objective: To analyze the scope of allergy to cow's milk protein in order to identify the pathology and thus improve the time of treatment initiation and prognosis in minor patients as a clinical challenge for current medicine. Methodology: a review of the literature was carried out that included cross-sectional descriptive observational studies, cases and controls and cohorts in patients with a clinical history compatible with Allergy to Cow's Milk Proteins "CMPA". Articles published in Spanish, English and Portuguese in the period between 2016 and 2023 were selected, using the PRISMA flowchart and consulting databases such as: Scielo, Scopus, Dialnet, ScienceDirect, Elsevier and PubMed. Results: the main symptom found was atopic dermatitis, where the highest incidence occurred in children living in urban areas. Conclusion: It is concluded that CMA was more common in children under 1 year of age, especially in those who had a mixed diet (breastfeeding plus formula)
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    Prevalencia de factores de riesgo y/o enfermedad renal, en comunidades indígenas chonara huena e ipua euja de la selva, de la costa pacifica
    (2021) Truque Asprilla, Angela Nohemi; Garcias Riascos, Sofia del Mar; Dr. Roberto Ramírez Marmolejo
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    Caracterización sociolaboral de un grupo de egresados de medicina de la usc cali – periodo 2014 – 2018
    (2021) Garcia, Nelson; Delgado, Luis Alberto; Benavides, Mercedes; Mercedes Benavides Portilla
    La universidad Santiago de Cali forma egresados en medicina que cumplen con las exigencias del ámbito laboral, sin embargo como parte de su proceso de acreditación se evidencia la necesidad de determinar la eficacia de la educación prestada y la eficiencia al desempeñarse como graduados y por esto el propósito de este estudio es conocer las particularidades sociolaborales y demográficas de los egresados, que permita replantear el currículo de ser necesario y permita conocer el impacto del egresado santiaguino en el medio laboral, generando un beneficio para la universidad, los nuevos estudiantes y los egresados.
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    Factores de riesgo relacionados con el manejo de ictericia neonatal
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Castro Mazuera, Zaira Alejandra; Canizales Castro, Julio Cesar; Vergara Copete, Yessica; Sánchez Cedeño, María Neila
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    Diagnóstico, tratamiento y repercusiones en el producto de madres gestantes con infección por virus zika
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) López Palacios Muñoz, Johana Patricia; López Díaz, Jean Paul; Salazar Aguirre, Carolina; Villamarin Betancourt, Eder Antonio
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    Resultados clínicos relacionados con tratamiento de hernia inguinal corregida por vía laparoscópica transabdomino preperitoneal (tapp) en paciente que acuden a centro de alta complejidad en Santiago de Cali durante 2016-2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Segura Sánchez, María Camila; Porto Grajales, Katherine Andrea; Bilicic ,Ivo Siljic
    Introduction: Inguinal hernia is the main entity within the group of abdominal wall hernias whose treatment is surgical. The technique (TAPP) for its correction is considered of choice. Therefore, studies with records of their characteristics increased. Objective: clinical results related to the treatment of inguinal hernia corrected by the preparitoneal transabdomine laparoscopic route (tapp) in patient who come to the high complexity center in santiago de cali during 2016-2019 Materials and methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. 26 patients with inguinal herniorrhaphy via laparoscopic TAPP were included. Statistical software SPS version 17 and univariate analysis with proportions, measurement of central tendency and dispersion were used as the variable corresponded. Results: Of 26 patients it was found that the majority were men (96.2%). Half of the patients had indirect hernia defect and right laterality, for every 6 patients who were overweight 7 had normal weight, all patients had mesh, recurrence at 0, 07%; 3.8% infections and 23.1% post-surgical pain. Conclusions: The results of this study lead us to believe that the TAPP technique is beneficial, since it offers a fast, reliable, safe and economically profitable method. However, monitoring of post-surgical clinical results should continue.
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    Factores de riesgos y abordaje farmacología en las crisis hipertensivas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Córdoba Ceballos, Angie Daniela; Hurtado Anchico, Hilary Andrea; Ramírez García, Claudia Alejandra; Rámirez Marmolejo, Roberto
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    Malaria 2010-2019
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Muñoz Lancheros, Carlos Enrique; Agudelo Giraldo, Esteban; Parra Calderón, Mauricio; Millán Estupiñán, Juan Carlos
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    Expresión proteica de metaloproteinasa 2 en el riñón de rata durante la gestación en condición de obesidad
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Díaz González, Juan Camilo; Ruiz,Carlos Felipe
    An epidemiological interest group within the obese community is made up of pregnant women or women of childbearing age (who account for the highest percentage of obese people worldwide) this is because during pregnancy, the physiological changes of the it assume a certain susceptibility from several systems to obesity. One of the systems most affected by this is the renal system. Several authors have found a relationship between obesity and renal pathology in conditions such as generalized or segmental glomerulosclerosis, diabetic or hypertensive nephropathy. These diseases have in common that they develop from an inflammatory and fibrotic process, which originates in the context of the imbalance between the deposit and the degradation of the extracellular matrix collagen. And on this balance, Metalloproteinase 2 plays a fundamental role. However, the relationship between gestational obesity, maternal renal disease and protein expression of MMP-2 has not been referenced. The present study relates these aspects using a murine biomodel, forming a control group and an obese group, in a state of pregnancy, who were tested for inhumohistochemistry in three representative states of the three trimesters of pregnancy, to then determine statistically their behavior and relationship.
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    Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en población femenina. Revisión global
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Quintero Hurtado, Andrés Felipe; Vallejo, Maria Camila; Alvarez Ramirez,Alba Aydee