Especialización en Gerencia Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible Empresarial

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    “Microrredes: Una alternativa sostenible para la universalización de la energía eléctrica”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Ariza Melo, Daniel Fernando; López Santiago, Dany Mauricio
    Due to recent advances in the field of renewable energy and in order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which seeks to guarantee access to affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy for all. The need arises to rethink the distribution scheme of the electrical distribution system and involve the concept of microgrids as an alternative for the universalization of electrical energy and in parallel reduce environmental impacts and guarantee reliability in the provision of electrical service. implementing a microgrid system, which guarantees the universalization of electrical energy. In this order of ideas, a qualitative investigation of existing methodologies from the point of view of project management is carried out and some successful cases of microgrids in the world are presented. For this reason, for the purposes of this work, an in-depth investigation is carried out that addresses microgrids and the need to structure their methodology with a multi-criteria approach to holistically conceive its implementation.
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    Plantas solares para los sistemas de bombeo en la vereda “el arado”, rio de oro, cesar.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Mena Ochoa, Andrés Alejandro; Perico Rodríguez, Ángela Patricia
    A photovoltaic generator was designed for the irrigation systems of the rural town "El Arado"; in Rio de Oro Cesar; based on the premise that this should be fully adapted to the current operation of the systems of each farm and should be as economically viable as possible, for this, it began with a thorough field trip in which a georeferencing of the area and an analysis of the components and operations of the system was made, subsequently evaluated by two tools, the photovoltaic energy supply available at the site where the generators would be installed; based on horizontal global irradiation, all this accumulation of information led to of course in sizing, first in determining a type of generation that was the best and most economical alternative; which resulted in a direct feed system, then the determination of the energy demand of the system based on the consumption of water pumps in the districts, and finally the quantity of 310 watt modules that would be necessary for the operation from the generator, to finish the design stage, a frequency inverter with the necessary specifications for the voltaic demands of the motors was chosen, and a distribution of the panels that gave a symmetrical shape in its dimensions to the generator was chosen. Finally, the behavior of the generators once installed, through a computer information system was evaluated. The photovoltaic generators will generate a significant decrease in the production costs of the crops in "El Arado", which comes as a breath of fresh air to its economic activity; that hardly produces profits to subsist.
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    Propuesta de plan de gestión integral de residuos sólidos para una empresa de transporte público masivo de la ciudad de Cali.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Merchán Bermúdez, Ángela María; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andres
    The purpose of this document is to propose the design of an Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (PGIRS) for the company Grupo Integrado de Transporte Masivo SA –GIT MASIVO SA, which describes the stages of generation, storage, collection and transportation , treatment and / or final disposal of solid waste generated in the different activities carried out by the company, using as main tool the guidelines established in Decree 4741 of 2005 in relation to the Integrated Management of Solid Waste ”, as well as, through of Resolution 1045 of 2003 “By which the methodology for the preparation of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plans - PGIRS” is adopted, and the GTC 24 of 2009, the technical guide which provides the guidelines for making the separation in the source, avoiding negative impacts to the environment, and oriented to the continuous improvement of processes and principles of minimization and recovery Inside the company.
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    Propuesta de Plan de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos para una empresa de transporte público masivo de la Ciudad de Cali.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Merchán Bermúdez, Ángela María; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andres
    The purpose of this document is to propose the design of an Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (PGIRS) for the company Grupo Integrado de Transporte Masivo SA –GIT MASIVO SA, which describes the stages of generation, storage, collection and transportation , treatment and / or final disposal of solid waste generated in the different activities carried out by the company, using as main tool the guidelines established in Decree 4741 of 2005 in relation to the Integrated Management of Solid Waste ”, as well as, through of Resolution 1045 of 2003 “By which the methodology for the preparation of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plans - PGIRS” is adopted, and the GTC 24 of 2009, the technical guide which provides the guidelines for making the separation in the source, avoiding negative impacts to the environment, and oriented to the continuous improvement of processes and principles of minimization and recovery Inside the company.
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    Gestión interal del manejo actual de los residuos sólidos generados en las actividades de construcción y demolición en el municipio de Santiago Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) García López, Paola Andrea; Mosquera Albornoz, César; Vargas Vasques, Jhon Edward
    The information that is presented below, has as main components, the issues of solid waste management of construction and demolition, as well as the current model of environmental management in the municipality of Cali - Valle del Cauca, as It is presented in the data obtained in the search of information made in different WEB sites of governmental order, which respect in themselves, what is legally known as the main ecological structure, which, has its origin in the municipal territorial order, in as much It contains systems, structures and functioning of the environmental corridors of the municipalities that establish the importance for the balance of the ecosystems that surround and are a renewable source of life. Initially an analysis of the RCD in the world, the benefits of recycling and managing the RCD, the accumulation of the RCD and environmental management in the municipality of Santiago de Cali, the analysis of the RCD in the main ecological structure of the municipality's POT of Santiago de Cali Valle del Cauca, which corresponds to Agreement 0373 of 2014 and the main conclusions of the topic
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    Priorización de variables que determinan las condiciones ambientales del mercado público en el municipio de Soledad-Atlántico
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Valencia Solana, Fernando Mario; Vargas Vasques, Jhon Edward
    This article presents the influence of variables, problems, environmental conditions of the public market in the municipality of Soledad, Atlántico. Emblematic site there was written the history and the development of the municipality. The municipal government and the department focus on urban renewal in the Central Plaza, but the conditions of the public market are based on the urban investments that will be made. This investigation determined the answers. The answers. For this research to be necessary the observation process and interviews with people who become commercial activities in the public market, the elements are defined variables of influence on environmental conditions and the cause - effect relationship embodied in the Vester's matrix. As results of the investigation, it was found that there are three (3) variables or problems found in the criticism, such as the lack of Environmental Culture - The lack of interest of the merchants in the improvement of the conditions of their work environment - The Lack of A Public environmental policy in relation to the market. Identifying these problems requires the intervention of the central administration in developing investment projects to generate environmental culture, invest in infrastructure works for the improvement of urban furniture and implement an environmental policy in the market.
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    Manejo y tratamiento de lixiviados provenientes de residuos sólidos urbanos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Flórez Silva, Pablo Andrés; Pérez Vidal Andrea
    The combination of solid waste generates a liquid mixture between organic and inorganic components, which is called leachate, there are several methods for the handling and treatment of them. This literature review paper focuses on the critical description of the different treatment technologies leachates from landfills identifying advantages and limitations. The review begins with topics related to the generation and composition of leachates aimed at identifying the type of treatment available, as well as including a critical description of the different leachate treatment technologies from landfills and the environmental impacts associated with leachates. The literature review allowed identifying that the leachates are characterized by high levels of COD to 60,000 mg / l and that the technology used in Colombia is leachate recirculation, followed by technologies such as evaporation, aerobic lagoons, anaerobic and natural systems, UASB, activated sludge and membrane system lesser percentage
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    Tendencias en problemas y proyectos medioambientales en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Ramírez Saldaña, Manuel Guillermo; Bernal Suárez, Diana Paola
    This article presents the results of the research entitled "ANALYSIS OF TRENDS IN ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS AND PROJECTS IN FAVOR OF ITS MITIGATION IN COLOMBIA" in which trends in environmental problems and projects in favor of mitigation were analyzed. in Colombia, for which three moments of analysis are proposed. Initially, it is proposed to identify the environmental challenges of Colombia, which should occupy the environmental agenda at present, for which a bibliographic search is made in which it is possible to identify the perception of the fundamental problems in the country that should be considered as priorities from the present year 2018 and towards the future. This search concludes with a review of the outgoing government report called "Achievements and recommendations of the environmental sector" (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, 2018), where in addition to the representation of the main achievements there are certain concerns about the pending issues environmental level that the current state intervention does not reach to mitigate. In a next phase, a search and subsequent characterization of certain projects that are being developed in favor of environmental protection in Colombia is carried out, a non-random selection of projects, with which it is intended to examine the means by which mitigation is currently being carried out. environmental problems. Based on this identification, in the final phase, the main trends are identified in terms of intervention, financing and financing issues and territorial coverage of environmental intervention projects, the foregoing to conclude with the proposed trend analysis.
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    Responsabilidad social empresarial en el sector hotelero del municipio de San Antero, Córdoba – Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Katty Marcela, Rey Sierra; Pérez Vidal, Andrea
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is of vital importance for the tourism sector due to the great benefits that entail at a business level, such as employee loyalty and commitment. For the inhabitants of the municipality of San Antero, one of the main forms of income is tourism which has promoted a great growth of the hotel sector. With this research, we sought to study the degree of ownership and understanding of corporate social responsibility among hotel tourism service providers. For the development of the study, a survey was developed as an instrument for collecting primary information and, based on the analysis of the data, a pilot training plan on CSR was generated. The results showed that 55% of the respondents were unaware of the term CSR and the trend was maintained throughout the questions asked in the survey. The training plan was not executed by lack of government support, but it would be integrated by hotel service providers and an expert staff in order to find and publicize these strategies. The need for government support in terms of training for the inhabitants was evidenced, as well as policies that guide the managers of the integrated formal and informal workers, to contribute to the sustainable growth of tourism in the area.
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    Evaluación de la eficacia del plan de gestión integral de residuos sólidos en el sur de la ciudad de Montería-Córdoba
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Córdoba Hernández, Jairo Andrés; Pérez Vidal, Andrea
    Evaluate the effectiveness and adequate applicability of the integral solid waste management plan in the south of the city of Montería Córdoba. Materials and methods. Two neighborhoods in the south of Montería (Colina Real and Furatena) were chosen with evident problems derived from the inadequate disposition of garbage. This two sectors, represented a total population of 1,200 inhabitants distributed in 653 people for Royal Hill and 547 for Furatena. The integral solid waste management plan - PGIRS was reviewed and surveys were applied as an instrument for collecting primary information, applying a snowball sampling. Results For the Furatenas and Colina real neighborhoods, there was a good acceptance of the collection processes with averages of 50-66% and transport with 40-95%. On the other hand, in both neighborhoods there was a bad execution of storage with percentages of 21-85% and final disposal of waste with 85-93%, the latter process being the one that should improve the most according to the inhabitants' consideration. The problem of storage in the Colina Real neighborhood presents a reduction with an average of 79% with respect to Furatena due to the knowledge of the population about the good disposal of waste in the home. In both neighborhoods, most of the inhabitants do not make separation at the source or do not do it properly. Although in Colina Real the municipality in collaboration with the company in charge of waste carries out environmental education campaigns established in the PGIRS to be executed in some neighborhoods of the municipality of montería. Conclusion. It was established that the integral solid waste management plan presents a good efficiency in terms of the processes of collection and transportation of the basic waste in the Furatena and Colina Real neighborhoods in the south of Montería, nevertheless it requires considerable improvements in storage and mainly in the final disposition established in specific points in the PGIRS. The separation at the source is an activity partially carried out in both neighborhoods as well as environmental education generating the need for greater municipal intervention. Keywords: solid waste; harvest; transport; storage; final disposition; separation at the source; environmental education.
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    Metodologías de caracterización de residuos sólidos urbanos. Una revisión
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Castro Velazco, Leidy Paola; Pérez Vidal, Andrea
    Solid waste characterization methods are destined for the determination of the physical composition, generation rates and per capita production of different waste generated in municipalities, factories, institutions or selected study areas, they allow to evaluate generation of populations trends as well as the amounts of waste according to the economic activities that are carried out. They are characterized by being suitable for their execution in different places which can be the generating sources or the final disposal spaces, they have their own evaluation parameters in the production of waste according to the information to be obtained, total volume or volume fraction, weight of waste, densities or future generation projections. The comparison of the methods allows to know the viability of each, the duration and frequency that entails its realization and the complexity that its processes encompass as established in the theory elaborated by researchers in the characterization studies. The methods of difference of weights and quartering, weight-volume analysis, analysis of the number of loads, mass balance and analysis by statistical sampling show that each one can be applied according to the information requirements that one wishes to determine because each one establishes a flexible methodology that is easy to implement as a tool to improve information on the generation and composition of solid waste. The quartering and analysis by statistical sampling are applicable methods for Colombia because they allow obtaining the physical composition of the waste to know the percentages of waste generation, production per capita, generation per capita, current waste quantity and future generation
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    Alternativas para el aprovechamiento de residuos sólidos: revisión de literatura
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Benavides Acosta, Melissa; Vargas Vasques, Jhon Edward
    In the world, the management of solid waste has represented a problem due to the high volumes generated; when the management of these is not adequate, it can affect the health of citizens and the environment. Currently a large percentage of the world population uses traditional fuels for domestic use, despite the important socio-economic and technological development. Thus, it is necessary to find alternative sources of energy before all fossil fuel reserves are exhausted, in addition to finding a solution to the growing production and elimination of solid municipal waste, one of the most viable is adopting the waste system to energy (WTE) that can be considered as a potential source of alternative energy, which is economically viable and environmentally sustainable. The present study reviewed the current global scenario of technological options of WTE (incineration, pyrolysis, gasification, anaerobic digestion and filling with gas recovery) for the effective recovery of energy and all the challenges faced by developed countries and development path. This review will help policymakers and implementing authorities involved to improve policies and protocols used in waste disposal. This review concluded that WTE is a possible source of renewable energy, which will partly cover the demand for energy and guarantee an adequate management of solid municipal waste
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    Impactos ambientales asociados a la construcción de embalses
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Alvarez Cubillos, Jessica; Robayo Avendaño, Angélica
    The development of the present bibliographical review, it demonstrates the environmental scene associated with the construction of reservoirs worldwide and regionally. During the last years, the protection to the natural resources is relevant for the future progress of the company, for which to recognize and to analyze the effects that are generated by the construction of these megaprojects allows the security of the populations and the natural existing resources. This investigation allows to analyze, from the perspective of the beginning of the processes of construction, his characteristics, the applicable normatividad, the impacts and protection measures associated with the development, construction and execution of the big reservoirs and / or hydroelectric power stations, everything previous allowing to demonstrate as the development it affects the natural way and as complete current existing measures in a sustainable suitable development.
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    Diagnóstico de la gestión integral de residuos peligrosos hospitalarios y similares, en establecimientos categorizados como grandes generadores, para los años 2016 y 2017 en el departamento del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Vallejos Ortiz, Luisa Manuela; Reyes Arias, Tito Reinaldo
    Hazardous waste generated by hospitals and healthcare centres, represent risks and difficulties, fundamentally due to the infectious nature of its components. A poor management of these hazardous wastes create not only situations of risk that threaten the health of the hospital’s population (staff and patients), but it can also be the cause of environmental detriment. Therefore, the present case-study seeks to establish a diagnosis of the Integrated Management of hazardous hospital Waste at healthcare facilities that have been categorized as large waste-generators/(contributors), in the Province/(department) of Cauca, during the period of 2016 to 2017. The Registry of Hazardous Waste Generators was used as source of data, to obtain figures on waste generation and management of hospital hazardous-waste. The data hereby, was validated and transmitted by the Autonomous Regional Corporation of Cauca (CRC). Data on internal and external management, was as well provided by the CRC. According to the figures presented, in the department of Cauca, in both, 2016 and 2017, the economic activity that had the highest contribution of hazardous waste, in percentage, is human healthcare, with 36% and 29%, respectively. Even when the most representative economic sectors in 2016 and 2017 were information and communications, energy, gas and water, social, community and personal services, financial and real estate services, agriculture and industry, none of these represent such high generation of hazardous waste.
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    Estado actual de los sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales en el Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Martinez Ramirez, Andrea; Rojas Figueroa, Jackeline; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andrés
    The treatment of wastewater generated in the Cauca Valley must be done through systems that allow the improvement of the characteristics with which they are to be discharged to a surface source. Given the above, it is important to know what is the situation of the wastewater treatment plants and in this way understand the way in which it is intended to reduce the damage to the water sources of the department. The discharge of discharges from large settlements has led to increased pollution in water sources throughout the national territory, this being a trigger for the development of implementation strategies, according to the National Municipal Wastewater Management Plan - PMAR- of ambitious programs for the treatment and final disposal of wastewater, especially in large cities. The above aims to maintain the balance of water sources, considering their state and dilution capacity. Through a literature review will show how many PTARS has the Valle del Cauca and how is its operation, in addition to knowing what are the most common technologies for the treatment of wastewater.
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    Plan de diseño de huertas caseras urbanas, mediante la utilización de botellas plásticas PET en el barrio los Mandarinos, Cali, Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Mosquera Murillo, Carlos Alberto; Reyes Arias, Tito Reinaldo
    The research carried out aims to create a plan for urban gardens by using plastic PET bottles in the Los Mandarinos neighborhood in the city of Cali. As we know the development within today's societies have had the misfortune to form surrounded by unnecessary elements within society with the need to produce and distribute products in a more systematized way. In these circumstances, we find that much of the development that capitalism gave us as a solution is to use in monstrous amounts of plastic as a distribution alternative. This has resulted in an indiscriminate shot of waste pollution figures on these products indiscriminately without being aware of their high periods of decomposition. In the face of these negative impacts the world has been making alternative options for the use of plastic, seeking that the development of plastic can strengthen alternatives that help improve the environmental impact that it has on the planet. Much of the plastic used in the world is for PET bottles, which are used for liquids such as sodas, water, cleaning products, among others. The intention of the plan is to provide an improvement from two subjects of the environmental sector such as recycling and self-support, with which we want to develop the urban garden project with an alternative development of these plastic bottles as an option of reuse in the process
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    Economía circular: una estrategia aplicable a la gestión integral de los residuos sólidos
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Asaff Cárdenas, Viviana Andrea; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andrés
    Today, nations are in search of sustainable development, framed in the achievement of economic, social development and environmental protection for the satisfaction of present needs without affecting the needs of future generations. In this sense, the excessive production of solid waste is a worldwide problem, which results in the environmental impact through greenhouse gas emissions, pollution of water sources, inadequate disposal in unauthorized places, among other; therefore, it is the duty of all countries and the population in general, to generate structural changes in the policies and programs associated with the Integrated Management of Solid Waste, where adequate management, treatment, use and final disposal are the focus of attention with the application of available technologies that use the circular economy approach as a sustainable development strategy. In accordance with the above, this review article explores various bibliographical sources that support the concept of circular economy, importance of solid waste characterization, its management and use applying various technologies, as well as application analysis. of the circular economy as a strategy for the Integral Management of Solid Waste. In general, it was found that the applications of efficient technologies made so far such as composting, anaerobic digestion, efficient recycling systems and the advances obtained in developed countries and some in Latin America have managed to reduce costs, reduce gas emissions from greenhouse effect, significantly reduce the generation of waste and greater process performance, articulating solid waste to the production chain.
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    Estrategias para la gestión de residuos sólidos en la institución educativa Matías Trespalacios del municipio de Cértegui departamento del chocó
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Alvarez Robledo, Kati Yiseth; Vargas Vasquez, Jhon Edwar
    The man in the search to satisfy his needs has been evolving and over the years modifications have been made in the land, these modifications can be perceived in the environment in events such as natural disasters, loss of flora and fauna, affectation to sources water sources due to waste dumping, contamination by solid waste, etc. Where the latter occupies great importance internationally for the amount of waste produced around the world. This study was carried out in the educational institution Matías Trespalacios in the municipality of Cértegui, carrying out awareness and training campaigns regarding solid waste management, campaigns that were directed to a sample population of the institution, whose purpose was the understanding of the appropriate management that should be give these residues, the correct way of separation at the source and the ability to have an appropriate behavior on solid waste and the environment that surrounds them
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    Evaluación cualitativa de los efectos socio-ambientales de la minería aurífera ilegal en el corregimiento de Zaragoza, Distrito de Buenaventura
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Prado Caicedo, Allan Kevin; Bernal Suarez, Diana Paola
    The purpose of this research article was to evaluate, from a qualitative point of view, the socio-environmental effects caused by open pit mining, as well as the new possibilities of economic recovery and employment of the productive practices traditionally carried out by Afro-descendant communities that were impacted during the dynamics of illegal exploitation. The existence of regulations and institutions as well as environmental authorities were dysfunctional before the process of destruction of the natural biodiversity of the territory. It was found that the exploitation of illegal mining led to heavy metal contamination, situation that endangers the lives of the inhabitants, on the other hand, generated the disappearance of a diversity of ecological resources and, the modification of the riverbed, altering the flood zones and generating large sedimentations.
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    Recuperación de los suelos en el predio Altamira, ubicado en el corregimiento del piñal, municipio de Dagua
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Rosero Escobar, Javier Alonso; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andrés
    Resumen en Inglés