Tecnología en Gestión de Procesos Industriales

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    Revisión de la literatura sobre residuos sólidos aprovechables: elementos plásticos y tereftalato de polietileno pet
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) López Bolaños, Luz Doreyi; Garcia Jiménez, Juan Camilo
    This article carries out a review of the different conceptual and study articles that develop topics on the management of waste that can be used, especially PET polyethylene terephthalate, as well as consolidating some current regulations in Colombia that regulate the management of waste, its different definitions and guidelines to ensure proper management. This article handles the observation window for the last 8 years, whose searches were developed in the different databases available (PROQUEST, SCIENCE DIRECT and GOOGLE ACADEMICO). The review was conducted in 10 conceptual articles, 12 case study articles, 5 national standards and 1 review, where the most relevant results were obtained: the most common type of article found and captured within this article is the case study. In addition, there is growing global interest in the proper management of waste as a mechanism to reduce environmental impacts and ensure a differentiating aspect in companies.
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    Importancia del estudio de métodos y tiempos en el proceso de cargue y descargue de vehículos de carga pesada, tipo tracto camión
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Nates Vera, Jhivanny Alexander; Vargas Franco, Katherine
    The present research article seeks to demonstrate the importance of the methods and times study, to improve the efficiency and productivity in the loading and unloading process of heavy-duty vehicles, tractor-type trucks, within organizations; for its development, the appropriate techniques and methodologies were taken into account to carry out a measurement that guarantees reliable results for those in charge of the process. The service process diagram is presented, as a fundamental element to carry out a methods and times study, and identify each of the aspects that stand out in the process of loading and unloading merchandise, taking into account the type of load, the client's recommendations, the resources necessary for the procedure and the time necessary for the provision of the service. To justify the importance of research in the logistics sector, a bibliographic review is carried out, highlighting operational solutions and continuous improvement processes, related to the reduction of costs and use of personnel, which are implemented in companies as a result of the results provided by the study of methods and time.
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    Propuesta de Mejoramiento del Proceso de Empaque en una Empresa Comercializadora de Artículos Navideños
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) García Marulanda, Diana Carolina; García Sánchez, Eduin Andrés; Padilla Rodríguez, Hediel Andrés; Martínez Escobar, Nathaly
    In this article, a proposal for improvement in the packaging process of a marketing and distribution company in Valle del Cauca, Colombia, was evaluated, carrying out a descriptive investigation, which allowed a technicaloperational and economic analysis of each of the stages. With the above, it was possible to identify the causes that generated losses for returns of $ 179,959,657.79 and 127 complaints of non-compliance by customers in one year, generating a bad reputation in the market and increased operating costs such as transportation. The foregoing, provided tools for identification, analysis and formulation of an improvement plan, in order to: first, reduce the losses presented in the merchandise dispatch process; second, to collect information on the picking and packing process, which allowed centralizing the process with greater incidence; third, carry out a survey of the work environment to measure the comfort associated with the human factor, which is a fundamental part of any production process, and third, structure a financial scheme to quantify costs of execution (raw material and labor) and development (time depreciation and return). In accordance with the above, if an improvement plan is implemented, both technically and operationally (increasing dispatches with fewer returns) and economically viable (reducing time and waste in its execution), financial growth and good name are confirmed. that has been achieved over the years in the evaluated company.
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    Lean Manufacturing y la aplicación de esta herramienta en empresas colombianas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Vargas Lozano, Anddy; Castaño Garavino, Oscar; Garcia, Juan Camilo
    This work is a bibliographic review of articles, degree works, case studies related to topics of LEAN philosophy such as: JUST IN TIME, 5’S, KAIZEN, SISTEMAS SMED, KANBAN, among others. Implemented in Colombian companies. The academic file search engine SANTIAGO CADENA COPETE has been investigated in a search engine database with an observation window for the last 5 years. The review resulted in 20 case study articles, distributed as follows: 12 LEAN MANUFACTURING in Colombian companies, 8 SLIGHT MANUFACTURE in COLOMBIA The most relevant results found and that are present in this document are in the execution of the LEAN methodology, which allows reduce costs, obtain, progress, increase efficiency, raise production levels and increase profits in Colombian companies. To prepare this execution, one must be connected to engineering and different methods of studies from the Lean methodology that allow reducing and / or excluding figures of evolution, surplus in inventories, flaws, among others. In addition, in this bibliographic review, a case study was carried out in the Manitoba company in which different types of peanuts are produced, this company has been presenting cost overruns and residues in the transformation of products, specifically in the processing of fried peanuts and which A bibliographic review of the Lean Manufacturing methodology is proposed to solve this problem and in which information was extracted, to apply it in the solution of the company's problems, accompanied by a methodological guide that helped in the application of appropriate practices, with in order to achieve productive improvement using this type of tools.
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    La logística empresarial integral como práctica exitosa en la cadena de abastecimiento.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Urbano Sarria, Carlos Andrés; Vargas Villani, Alexander; Calvo Sarmiento, Danilo
    The globalization’s emergence in the economic and social aspect of the 20th century, made society and companies think twice the mechanisms of production, distribution, supply and fair use of their resources that belong to the process chain of high technologies. With an influx of increasingly demanding customers and elevate competencies numbers, the companies understood that succesful practices come from a comprehensive logistic development in each process, such as supply. These techniques make companies more efficent, productive and competitive in the market. This monograh collects and studies a serie of concepts aimed to understanding how to make use of a comprehensive logistic, this means, supply logistic, distribution logistic, production logistic and reverse logistic, in order to achieve one of the most important objetives for most companies: satisfying customer requirements in an efficient and timely manner.
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    Control logístico en maquinaria tripulada de carga al interior de un centro de distribución
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Enciso López, Andrés Felipe; Martínez Escobar, Nathaly
    A Distribution Center (CEDI) is understood as a logistics space in which goods are stored and exit orders are shipped in order to be able to distribute in the different shops, to reach the consumer. The making an efficient process within them depends in part on the productivity developed by the logistics operations, for this reason the distribution and organization of the warehouses manage a fundamental pillar in the control of them. In CEDIs it should be taken into account that there are different machinery, which are established as a functional support factor for warehouse workers, in which you can find cargo transport vehicles, which are an important ally for the productive growth of a company. However, it is relevant to create and incentivize good uses of cargo elements, in order to avoid accidents of consideration. Below you can find a bibliographic review investigation on the processes of Operational Management. Six different Distribution Centers are also surveyed, measuring their parameters and safety controls in the handling of their cargo equipment. Likewise, seeking to demonstrate the progress that these Centers have in the business culture within Colombia and how their uses are preserved in line with the growth and demands demanded by their clientele.
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    Caracterización de la cadena de suministro de la empresa papelera Colombiana
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Villa Mejía, Diego Fernando; Carmona Guerrero, José David; Cortes, Mónica Andrea
    The purpose of this article is to carry out a study of the supply chain (CdS) of Colombian paper companies, for which, a documentary review of articles, undergraduate papers and academic texts related to the problem addressed was carried out.It is intended to develop a process of reviewing and analyzing the state of the art of the supply chain, as well as key performance activities.The conclusions show the importance of the proper management of CdS for an industrial company, as well as the requirements of such management in a country's paper company, because of the impact on profitability in addition to what these companies represent within the Colombia's industrial market
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    Criterios de selección y evaluación de proveedores de dos empresas del Valle del cauca bajo la norma técnica Colombiana ISO 9001 de 2015
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Quinayas Garcia, Daniela Alejandra; Restrepo Guerrero, Laura Isabel; Villar Uribe, Ana María
    This article was made with the objective of analyzing the process of selection and evaluation of suppliers that develop two companies, one from the manufacturing sector and the other from the services sector, in Valle del Cauca; where the scope of resource optimization was also evaluated; in which a comparison of the criteria of selection and evaluation of suppliers of each commercial sector to which the two companies analyzed belong. The methodology was descriptive, with a quantitative approach, through which they were visited, the managers of the purchasing area of the two companies were interviewed, and they were asked about compliance with each of the items or guidelines that ISO 9001: 2015 with respect to the process of selection and evaluation of suppliers. Among the results found, it was found that the two companies studied and analyzed if they met the criteria for selection and evaluation of suppliers, where processes necessary for the purchase of supplies and supplies are carried out, for their operation during each period of time established in the fulfillment of its corporate objectives and goals of each area of the company. The relevance of this work is based on the need for organizations today to be more productive and have competitive advantages that allow them to grow in the industry and remain in the market over time. In conclusion, it was determined that through the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015, thus overcoming barriers to entry and exit of a market and generating greater utility, as an integral part of the quality management system.
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    Revisión de literatura Sistema Integrado de Gestión: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Bolaños Solarte, Sandra Jimena; Arévalo Posada, José Fernando; Guerrero Moreno, David Rodrigo
    This article makes a review of the Integrated Management System composed of the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management System, ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management System and ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System through technical standards, conceptual articles and case studies with a four-year observation window in the databases PROQUEST, SCIENCE DIRECT. The review resulted in 21 conceptual articles, 1 case study articles, distributed as follows: 6 studies for the Quality Management System, 7 studies for the Environmental Management System, 7 studies for the Occupational Health and Safety System, and 2 studies for Integrated Management System. The most relevant results found are: The standards of ISO management systems during the last years have had changes in their structure, but maintain their base in the continuous improvement cycle PHVA (Plan, Do, Verify, Act), which applies for all its implementation. The high-level structure is the common basis for the management systems ISO9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018, that is, the three standards have 10 chapters and their titles, the main terms and definitions are identical, what facilitates the integration of them. Having an integrated management system is very beneficial because it saves time and resources by improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the systems and the organization.
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    Propuesta de documentación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en una empresa del sector textil, cumpliendo con lo establecido en el Decreto 1072 del 2015
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Aguilar Peña, Orland Yamidt; Oyola Morante, Luis Alberto; Martínez Escobar, Nathaly
    The research was carried out in the textile company GRUPO JACOLY SAS as a proposal to implement documentation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST), since all companies must comply with the requirements in terms of safety, conservation of life and working conditions. The government of Colombia establishes with the sole regulatory decree of work 1072 of 2015, which establishes the regulations on the occupational health and safety management system. To carry out the documentation, the initial evaluation was carried out with indications given in resolution 0312 of 2019, this was done to establish priorities in the occupational safety and health management system, based on the cycle to plan to verify and act ( PHVA). With the completion of this work, it allowed the company to recognize, evaluate and generate mechanisms to control the risks that may affect the safety of workers; With the participation of workers, a system could be created with the potential to improve working conditions and control risks and hazards in the workplace.
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    Propuesta para el mejoramiento del proceso de suministro de materia prima terminada hacia el área de almacenamiento
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2018) Gutiérrez García, Oliver; García Jiménez, Juan Camilo
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    Normatividad y factores para un adecuado trabajo seguro en alturas en el sector construcción
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Manrique Sánchez, José Ricardo; Cortes Vásquez, Mónica Andrea
    The purpose of the article is to identify the risk factors that arise in the work activity at heights from the current legal regulations that apply to the construction sector, since according to statistics consulted and taking into account analyzes carried out in a range of 33 years through the database Construction FACE database are reported about 768 cases with high accident rates and manages to determine that this item certainly belongs to one of the most likely. Taking the Latin American and European countries as a reference, the accident rate is also high, because in many cases the worker's reliability in his job does not allow following the regulation in an adequate way affecting his safety. The document is divided into sections to specify the fundamental procedures, where the types of medical examinations required are mentioned, activities that are carried out in the training centers for training, techniques and laws according to the sector that govern the activities carried out for the prevention of accidents
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    Descripción del proceso de potabilización del agua en una planta de la ciudad de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Yepes Osorio, Deicy Solanyi; Rojas Castañeda, Manuel Alejandro; García Jiménez, Juan Camilo
    This article describes the entire water purification process in a plant in the city of Cali, in each of its stages with its corresponding process maps, it shows systematically the complete cycle and raw materials used for this process, also the risks of the use of activated charcoal and quick lime as the main raw material are made known, since they must have an adequate management and management to avoid damage to human health and the environment. Also it is detailed the handling of the packages of the raw material previously named, showing with this a descriptive panorama of what happens with these inside the process and it is compared with the form of drinking water in another municipality.
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    Administración logística aplicada al manejo de materiales de construcción de procedencia natural
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Martínez Mañunga, Daniela; González Díaz, Andrés Felipe; García Delgado, Raúl Alberto
    In this article we analyze the logistics administration, applied to the handling of construction materials of natural origin, such as sand, stones, wood and other resources that are very useful in construction works, but that, due to their high volume, in Sometimes it is difficult to make a good logistic process. For this, a conceptual description is initially made about techniques in the handling of construction materials; from this, the way in which the storage of construction materials of natural origin must be done and finally the various techniques that should be used for good management of construction materials of natural origin are disclosed. It is concluded that the companies dedicated to the construction, must establish processes of logistic administration, coherent with the materials that they manage, in such a way that the efficiency and competitiveness in their organizations are increased.
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    Gestión de Proyectos: importancia de la oficina de administración de proyectos para el cumplimiento de las estrategias empresariales en una Cooperativa Colombiana
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Chiquito Loaiza, Leidy Angélica; Gómez Ramírez, Olga Lucia; Villar Uribe, Ana María
    Objective: to contribute to the continuous improvement of the Office of Project Management (or by its name in English Project Management Office, PMO) business of a cooperative made up of 17 companies from the tourism, health, banking, technology, fiduciary sector, among others at national level. Methodology: qualitative-descriptive research carried out through the observation and implementation of a questionnaire as data collection instrument, particularly located on the services offered Analysis unit: the participation of the cooperative's PMO was included, it is say, as a macro office in the project management of which 8 people are involved Results: in terms of the construction of ideas, it was observed that in the cooperative's PMO the precise metrics and objectives to select the best one are not clear solution, that is, the parameters for project selection are very poor and the staff does not have the communication adequate ment and dysfunction of the organizational strategy. Regarding the monitoring and control activities, it is found that the times and compliance in the delivery of information to the PMO are traumatic when the information for the report will be consolidated. Conclusion: the merger of areas such as: PMO, change management and business architecture was suggested, in order to generate greater value in compliance with the organizational strategy. The three parts are very related and are of great importance for senior management, because through them it manages the fulfillment of the objectives to keep the company in force in the market.
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    Revisión de literatura sistema integrado de gestión: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) García Sánchez, Cristian Fabián; Ramírez Guespu, Julián Andrés
    Este artículo realiza una revisión del Sistema Integrado de Gestión compuesto por las normas ISO 9001:2015 Sistema de Gestión de Calidad, ISO 14001:2015 Sistema de Gestión Ambiental e ISO 45001:2015 Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo a través de las normas técnicas, artículos conceptuales y de estudios de caso con una ventana de observación de 5 años en las bases de datos (PROQUEST, SCIENCE DIRECT). La revisión resultó en 2 artículos conceptuales, 1 de revisión y 17 artículos de estudios de caso, distribuidos así: 8 estudios para el Sistema de Gestión de Calidad, 4 estudios para el Sistema de Gestión Ambiental, 5 estudios para el Sistema de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo y 3 estudios para Sistema Integrado de Gestión. Los resultados más relevantes encontrados son: durante la revisión de los diferentes estudios encontramos diferentes análisis conclusiones alrededor de las diferentes normas, de las cuales la más relevante fue que las empresas con certificación ISO gozan de más beneficios al implementar un sistema de gestión de calidad ya que al ser certificadas la satisfacción del cliente va a ser mucho mayor, obtendrán una mejor imagen y mejores propuestas laborales igualmente ahorro en producto.
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    Rol de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en los inventarios
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Bedoya Luna, Jefersson; Mosquera Castro, Jorge Andrés; Zambrano Salgado, Yesid Fabián
    The present work projects the operation of the information and communication technologies implemented to the inventories, in order to analyze the way of execution of this logistic process. From this, activities of registration, control, delivery, reduction of costs and reliability in the information obtained from stored products benefit; therefore, information and communication technologies perform an important function in the logistics chain of a company. It should be noted that the use of ICTs has become the method for evaluating the competitiveness of these processes and the continuous improvement of the flow of information obtained.