Tecnología en Sistemas de Información

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    “Plugins vst efectos de sonido para las estaciones de trabajo”
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Rincón Raigoza, Johan Mauricio; Roman Salinas, Cesar Augusto; Almeida, Ricardo Andrés
    The first VST (Virtual Studio Technology) plugins, were created in 1999, by the German company Steinberg, the plugins are those that allow you to integrate audio effects and virtual instruments with audio editors, sequencers and computer-based recording systems and modules for sound that are a type of programming (PC program) that, in general, do not work independently, must be linked to a software called computerized sound workstation (DAW), which complements its capabilities, since The VST is an interface to integrate audio synthesizers and effects plugins with its digital audio workstation (DAW), (Karl, Steinbuch 1958) Therefore, at present there have been multiple VST plugins, which have been created by some companies such as Pioneer that develop the code that make the VSTs meet some of the needs of the users, however when these plugins are created they present inconsistency in DAW workstations, due to internal conflicts either due to incompatibility of the plugins and does not allow it to be installed, it does not support the plugins because it is very heavy and generates poor quality when it comes to playing a sound, it does not allow you to save your mixes generating nonconformity of the functioning among others, causing users to lose interest in wanting to know about the mixes that DAWs can bring, even affecting people and Johan Mauricio Rincon Raigoza - Cesar Augusto Román, Tecnología en Sistemas de Información.(2020)1 professionals such as DJ's, or a game programmer, who can't make music what you need for your emulator, etc ... so you want to determine with this research find those plugins, which conform to our DAW and you can run perfectly, when you want to make a mix or create a melody. This article gives an overview of the advantages and disadvantages, which has the best plugins on the market, each plugins is different for its characteristics, from the lightest to the heaviest, since some have a pleasant atmosphere, the process is easy of installation, it is not expensive, its operation is very intuitive, it is compatible with the operating system and the DAW among others, all in order to help guide the new generation of young people who want to become a DJ, or the young programmer of games you want to make a unique melody for your emulator.
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    Beneficios de las redes definidas por software y el protocolo openflow
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Bermúdez Escobar, Cristian David; Rodríguez Taborda, Jesús Alexander; Dussan Clavijo, Ciro Antonio
    With the emergence of software-defined networks Defined Networking (SDN), and the use of the Openflow protocol in SDNs, new intelligent network architectures have evolved, bringing with them various advantages when applied together. On the other hand, the technological advances of the last decades, the development of new devices, higher transmission speeds, connectivity requirements, the development of new IoT applications and online services, make traditional network architectures that were thought to endure unsustainable over time and imposed as standards, today they are little used, such is the case of X.25, ATM, among others. therefore, a design evolution of these network architectures is demanden. At this point, the software defined network (SDN) together with the Openflow protocol appear as an evolution of a viable alternative network architecture that allows programming the network and opening the possibility of creating new services and more efficient applications to meet the requirements. Real in a centralized and programmable way. Finally, this work starts from a general context explaining the basic concepts related to software-defined networks, the types of controllers, layers and interfaces it handles. Subsequently, the advantages of SDNs over networks, virtualization will be determined and the use of the Openflow protocol in Programmable Networks will be identified. The article is made based con descriptive studies, information was obtained from various sources, such as articles from databases, web magazines, corporate pages and books.
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    PETS USC: Sistema informático para la adopción y protección de animales callejeros
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Fernández Hernández, Melissa; Ruíz Torres, Isabella; Pinta Higuita, Sergio Iván; Loaiza Buitrago, Diego Fernando
    This monograph will show the process of planning, design, creation and execution of a web-oriented computer system that will allow the help and adoption of the animals that are currently wandering in the streets of the city of Cali. It will start from an investigation on the use of the technological tools that are currently used for development and creation of websites and will review the present studies on the problem of homeless animals of the city of Cali, emphasizing how it is solving this problem today, what methodologies they are using, what tools and resources, in order to intervene with the help of the computer system and contribute to the solution of this problem, for which the community and animal foundations are responsible.
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    Revisión de la clasificación, categorías, métodos y efectos de la ciberdelincuencia en Colombia en la última década
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Trochez Arias, Isabel Cristina
    The advance in information technology and the globalization of the internet has allowed criminals to have a new field of action, generating new forms of crime or facilitating the commission of traditional crimes, cybercrime. This concept is very broad, so the literature has given various classifications to help define the subject in a more limited way. This document shows the different variations and classifications that are given to cybercrime, also, analyzes the most used cybercrime methods in Colombia, as well as, some practices or strategies to avoid being victims of cybercriminals.
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    Raspberry pi: La tecnología reducida en placa
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Escalante Cardona, David Steeven; Vargas Ospina, Daniel Mateo; Tavera Romero, Carlos Andrés
    The Raspberry Pi is a minicomputer of the size of a card of credit that fulfills all the functions of a normal computer, this it was designed principally to diminish the cost in the educational facilities and in order that persons of low resources could have access to the IT technology. Developed for “Raspberry Pi Foundation that is a non-profit-making organization that gave his first steps as foundation in 2008, but that actually was going being in preparation from a lot of time behind. In 2011, it developed the Raspberry Pi, but until 2012, it did not begin to be made. & quot; «Raspberry Pi - Xataka», s. f.) With the small but great functioning of this mike computer stimulates the learning of the children
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    Propuesta del uso de una plataforma lms para capacitación del personal de la empresa pristel ingeniería de servicios S.A.S
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Lucumí Lucumí, Jennifer; Segovia de Maya, Patricia
    In the current times, companies make a digital transformation in all of their internal processes; this document presents a proposal for staff training through the LMS platform for the company Pristel Engineering and Services S.A.S. Based on this proposal, the importance of E-learning educational platforms within the company is raised, the benefits that these tools bring, due to their characteristics to accompany educational processes that require different profiles, especially for those companies that have distant branches. The Company Pristel Engineering and Services S.A.S has had an expansion growth, which is why it is considered important to maintain an optimal level of training, to continue offering a high quality service; On the other hand, the use of virtual platforms allows for the possibility of training at low cost since it prevents the displacement of personnel for this purpose.
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    Pruebas en JavaScript con ESLINT
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) López Huertas, Daniel; Dinas, Simena
    This article describes the use of the ESLINT tool for the correction of source code in JavaScript. Initially, the installatio n process and the execution of the tool are shown, then the configuration of the necessary parameters is made to adjust the application according to the preferences of each programmer, however, these components can present some variations and will be explained with the in o rder to improve the understanding of the process. Some examples will be developed that will help to understand the use of ESLINT
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    Impresoras 3D la nueva era tecnológica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Sánchez Bejarano, James Eduardo; Sánchez Bejarano, James Eduardo
    Mankind has always wanted to be one step ahead of the impossible. Which is why devices have been created capable of printing from hamburgers to human organs. In this article intends to inform the importance of 3D technology. Knowing what it is and its usefulness that has started to show, you could imagine the scope of these devices. On top of that, whit these machines it’s possible to achieve the creation of many innovative things such as food, dental prothesis, human organs, houses and creations of objects made of different materials (Corporación Colombia Digital, 2014). This article also explains how it works and what is 3D impressions. The types of printing, the advantages and disadvantages, as well as informing the reader that having a good CAD design and availability of machines with materials its possible to fulfill dreams in the 3D printing technology era.
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    Una mirada a las profundidades de la Deep Web usando FreeNet
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Valencia Martínez, Ana Isabel; Hoyos Pérez, Andrés José; Dussan Clavijo,Ciro Antonio
    This document takes a look at the Deep Web and how to access it via Freenet, an alternative to the more popular Deep Web browser, TOR. For the completion of this document, we made use of personal experience using Freenet, as well as of the available literature about the Deep Web, the World Wide Web, and Freenet itself. As a result, we present a general view of the Deep Web, the organization of the great web (the internet), the content found in the Deep Web, the functioning of internet browsers, the safety measures to observe when browsing the Deep Web, and the ways in which Freenet guarantees the safety of its users when entering the Deep Web
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    Plataformas E-Learning, sus riesgos y amenazas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Diaz Contreras, Johan Sebastián; Villota Oliveros, Diana Lucía; Ospina López, Orlando
    In any virtual education environment or E-Learning there will be the participation of students, teachers or tutors and the authorities in charge of the administration or coordination of the courses. On the other hand, for an E-Learning system to work smoothly, it requires integrity strategies to be applied, which translates into applying security policies as this is a system that works on the Internet. Due to the above, E-Learning learning will be exposed to threats and risks by computer hackers, who will attack the different digital assets or contents of the course, with special emphasis on the violation of copyright (Delgado Peña, 2018). It is this situation that generates the objective of carrying out a documentary investigation about the treated topic. This article reviews the threats to which an E-Learning platform is exposed and the way in which the risks that distance education can present can be mitigated, so that all actors of remote learning can be trusted, when they use virtual platforms E-Learning.
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    Diseño e implementación de aplicación web para el control de inventarios perpetuo
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Giraldo Mendoza, Juan Pablo; Rojas Montes, Javier Salvador
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    Uso de los modelos tradicionales y las metodologías ágiles aplicadas en la industria de software colombiano
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Ortega Galíndez, Manuel Alejandro; Camacho Ramirez, Edgar David; Ospina López, Orlando
    The world of computer technology has been constantly evolving in terms of the design of its projects. Thanks to the "boom" of the internet, the demand for applications in all sectors of the industry has increased. Today we talk about traditional models and agile methodologies as development bases applied in projects, with their advantages and disadvantages. Traditional models are based on the first existing development models in the technological field. They opt for the paradigm of a fundamental a priori, analysis that guarantees enriched development and manage to close the gap of problems and complications that may arise during the development stage, ultimately decreasing time and resources. Moreover, agile methodologies propose a flexible form of work, whose planning is continuously updated, being its main objective to get the software up and running as soon as possible. Correctly defining the methodology to be implemented in a new project can be the long-term livelihood of an application's success or failure. Each methodology has its orientation, correctly defining and validating this can take a good time out of the total pre-implementation planning of a project, but it is necessary because this will eventually even define the profitability of it. This monographic article provide an overview of the use of some development models and methodologies and their use at the Colombian level, based on some of the most representative models of traditional approach as well as agile methodologies.
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    Comparativo entre la tecnología de redes 4G y 5G y los beneficios de su implementación en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Guevara Córdoba, Fabián Andrés; Dussán Clavijo, Ciro Antonio
    El presente trabajo de investigación consiste en la descripción y análisis de las distintitas tecnologías de la comunicación, dando un enfoque directo y total del trabajo al desarrollo de las tecnologías de internet móvil, partiendo por la 1G y siguiendo un camino de investigación hasta llegar a lo que se conoce como 4G y 5g, las cuales hoy en día se hacen un lugar como las redes móviles más rápidas con acceso a internet. El problema de investigación fue analizar los distintos aspectos que contemplan estas tecnologías y los beneficios que traería consigo la implementación de la tecnología 5G en el sector colombiano. Dicha investigación, ayudara a la comprensión total de estas herramientas de comunicación y a su vez brindara un espectro amplio de todos los factores que entran en juego dentro del desarrollo de las tecnologías de la comunicación móvil en un país como Colombia.
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    Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC), como herramienta para la incorporación de las empresas del Valle del Cauca, en proceso de globalización
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Hernández Rodallegas, Yesid; Tavera Romero, Carlos Andrés
    En esta investigación se pretende analizar la influencia de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC), en el proceso de globalización de las PYMES del Valle del Cauca. Para esto, en primer lugar, se determina, mediante una revisión de literatura, el desempeño que han tenido las TIC en el posicionamiento internacional de las empresas vallecaucanas; en segundo lugar, se identifican las principales herramientas TIC y la manera como estas contribuyen a la globalización; en tercer lugar, se investigan algunos casos de éxito de empresas vallecaucanas, que hayan logrado su expansión internacional a través de la implementación de las TIC. Como metodología se realiza una revisión de diversas teorías y estudios, acerca de las empresas que han hecho uso adecuado de las TIC, lo que permitió determinar el aporte de las herramientas tecnológicas, en la eficiencia de la producción, corrección de errores, mejoras en los productos y comercialización de los productos. Finalmente se concluye que las dinámicas empresariales de la actualidad han traído consigo diferentes cambios que se encuentran fundamentados y direccionados por los constantes avances tecnológicos que han facilitado los procesos tanto internos como externos de las organizaciones.
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    Descripción del funcionamiento de ataque del Malware ransomware (WannaCry) en sus procesos de infección, encriptación y propagación en el sistema operativo Windows
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Rodríguez Vallecilla, Anderson; Mina Loango, Jorge Enrique; Dussan Clavijo, Ciro Antonio
    The present monograph consists of the operation of an attack, one of the malware programs (malware / virus) with more impact worldwide, due to computer attacks in 2017 to several companies using the windows operating system. The ransomware WannaCry this malicious program that incorporates code to perform the exploitation of vulnerabilities of windows operating systems, which the objective of an attack is to encrypt sensitive information asking for rescue for it. Given this, this monographic research is exposed by means of sessions which is composed of three, the which speaks of the infection where part of the code is shown, encryption and propagation of this malicious program exposing its attack scenario, in order to show a global view on the structure both the danger of the source code of the virus and the vision of users or victims.