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    Transformaciones curriculares a partir del uso de las TIC para la enseñanza de Química
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Hinestroza Rojas, Nataly; Urbina Cárdenas, Jesús Ernesto; Castillo Vallejo, Sandra Liliana
    Given the conditions of the so-called fourth industrial revolution, where the incorporation of technologies in all fields that make up society is undeniable, it is necessary to take a look at how they have been linked to school curricula and the impact they have had on school. That is why this work analyzed how curricular transformations have occurred from the linkage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the teaching process in the subject of Chemistry in Bogotá – Colombia from 2017 to 2022. It should be mentioned that, although the national government has established as a public policy since 2001 to link information and communication technologies to school classrooms to improve the quality of education, the results obtained in national and international tests reflect that this goal has not been achieved. However, it should be noted that the didactics used in different academic contexts have been adapted in search of best practices, in such a way that they manage to respond to the current needs of society, however, there is still a wide educational and technological gap between underdeveloped countries and remote regions that needs to be reduced, adopting the government strategies that have been generated to address this problem. This study has hermeneutical phenomenological character. The methodology used has a qualitative approach. To carry out the data collection, the following instruments are used: semi-structured interview, and documentary review. The sample consists of 10 teachers who guide Chemistry at the vocational average level and whose schools are linked to the Plan Saber Digital 4.0 Stem + Transforma 2022 program
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    Transmodagogía. Una pedagogía crítica latinoamericana desde los supuestos pedagógicos transmodernos de Enrique Dussel (1992-2022)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2024) Erazo Cruz, Cicerón; López Noreña, Germán
    The uncritical, unconscious and oppressive pedagogies of the totality, of the system, in charge of the hegemonic cultural reproduction, are manifested through Euro-anglocentric and neoliberal schools and educations, educators in a foreign and alienating culture of the popular tradition of the diverse and different communities and peoples of Our America, of the Abya Yala. In this sense, the research has the objective of formulating a critical Latin American pedagogy from the transmodern pedagogical assumptions of Enrique Dussel. In order to fulfill this purpose, the research will be carried out within the interpretative paradigm, with a qualitative approach (in a theoretical and analytical, non-interactive horizon), of an analogical hermeneutic type and design. The Documentary Content Analysis (DCA) technique and its various instruments were used to collect information and process the data. Thus, first, Latin American Critical Pedagogies are reviewed in the period between 2012 and 2022. This involves an approach to their origin and historical development, the passage through some of their descriptive nodes, the reflective presentation of their most relevant conceptualizations and the sample of three examples of them. Afterwards, transmodernity is analyzed in Enrique Dussel's work after 1992, taking as a guiding thread the six diachronic stages that allow defining it as a world project of liberation, a realizable planetary pluriverse. Finally, Enrique Dussel's transmodern pedagogical assumptions from 1992 to 2022 are identified, translated into critical pedagogical, epistemic, ethical and political ruptures. It concludes, with the initial formulation or preliminary approach to the conceptualization and defining characteristics of a new Latin American critical pedagogy called transmodagogy or transmodern pedagogy. All this, in order to contribute to de(s)colonize and transform education in Latin America
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    Prácticas pedagógicas en aulas rurales multigrado de básica primaria. Provincia Gutiérrez, Boyacá
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Sua Tarazona, Maria Elena; González Sevillano, Pedro Hernando
    The general purpose of the research was to develop a theoretical construct to explain how pedagogical practices are generated in rural multigrade classrooms in primary basic schools in the Province of Gutiérrez, Boyacá because they influence the improvement for rural educational quality. In order to accomplish this, we worked from a qualitative approach, under the interpretative paradigm in relation to the grounded theory methodology. The techniques and instruments used were the semi-structured interview made up of thirty-five (35) items and the documentary review, in databases such as Proquest, Google academic and base. A sample of two (02) IE "Jaime Ruiz Carrillo de Chiscas and Normal Superior Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Güicán de la Sierra", and eight (08) teachers were used. The qualitative analysis program QDA Miner lite version 2.0.9 was used to process the information. The following conclusions were reached: among the elements integrated to the rural pedagogical practice, the appropriation of knowledge and masterly transmissive strategies, the development of workshops in independent work groups, socialization and enculturation are privileged. In relation to the methodological intentions of the rural multigrade classrooms to verify the learning of their students, it was determined that the teachers are inclined to guide the students' life project, the valuation of work and the Productive Pedagogical Projects. For the elaboration of their didactic planning and actions in multigrade classrooms, the integration of the community is the code that has the greatest negative weight in the teacher's actions, the written summons to meetings and assemblies is not persuading the members of the community for consensus and training and the fulfillment of the principle of educational co-responsibility. Teachers do not perceive the alliance as a communicational tool to articulate local projects between the school and the local government
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    Propuesta para la evaluación de aprendizajes en diseño gráfico desde un enfoque de formación integral
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) García Cordero, Marisol Soledad; López Noreña, Germán; Morales Holguín, Arodi
    Graphic designers have particularities in their professional training. Over time, modifications have been made to the strategies, methodologies, methods, and tools used to support teaching and learning in this discipline. However, tensions persist in evaluating the practices carried out in design workshops, which leads to overlapping approaches. This research focuses on the need to consolidate the epistemological, theoretical, and methodological foundations of evaluative practices used in Graphic Design (GD) programs at three specific universities in Cundinamarca and Boyacá. It also seeks to identify the challenges and uncertainties faced by the actors involved in the process in order to understand the discrepancies that arise internally. Finally, a evaluation method is proposed based on the aforementioned results and objectives, with a theoretical component grounded in the paradigm of complex thinking, which aligns with the current needs of design in society. In methodological terms, this research is framed within a sociocritical paradigm and utilizes an educational research method. The participants in the study were teachers, students, graduates, and employers from various design fields. The results of this research aim to contribute both theoretically and methodologically to the evaluation processes in GD. Through these results, an evaluation method called MED 360 is proposed, which allows for a comprehensive and holistic evaluation that aligns with the new perspectives of design in relation to the current context
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    (Re)Construcción curricular del diseño gráfico en la educación superior para la formación de profesionales integrales
    (2023) Buitrago López, Yesid Camilo; Muñoz Joven, Luis Armando; Morales Holguín, Arodi
    The research presented below addresses the curricular reconstruction of Graphic Design (GD) in Colombian professional education, focusing on resolving existing issues. In Colombia, GD faces challenges regarding its theoretical framework and coherent curricular organization across different levels of Higher Education (HE). The duplication of content between levels has led to a curricular crisis, making it difficult to establish a coherent structure that distinguishes the roles of professional graphic designers from technicians and technologists. Despite previous debates, research on this topic is limited in the Colombian educational context. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to propose a curricular (re)construction of GD in professional education, based on the analysis of the theoretical-methodological foundations of programs accredited by the National Accreditation Council in Colombia. Additionally, specific objectives are set to identify curricular components, analyze professional education, and propose a coherent curricular structure. To achieve these objectives, a methodology based on the social critical paradigm with a qualitative approach was adopted, using a multiple case study and an intentional non-probabilistic sampling method. Data collection was carried out through documentary reviews and semi-structured interviews with teachers, students, graduates, and employers from the seven high-quality accredited GD programs in Colombia. The findings of this research highlight the need to consolidate GD as an independent discipline from Fine Arts, emphasizing training in visual communication, ethical problem-solving, and interdisciplinary approaches. A curricular (re)construction based on the complexity paradigm is proposed, fostering skills such as critical thinking, creativity, adaptability, and collaboration
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    Representaciones sociales de los docentes sobre evaluación formativa del aprendizaje: una lectura desde el pensamiento complejo
    (2023) Ávila Vanegas, Claudia; López Noreña, Germán; Aloiso Gamboa, Audin
    The evaluation of learning in the educational setting is made up of various theoretical and practical elements that reveal the epistemological and ontological positions of the subjects who have a place and power in the school. These positions do not emerge spontaneously, they are configured by social representations (SR) based on institutionalized discourses. In the first place, they are influenced by regulatory requirements and guidelines adjusted to the new public management. Secondly, they are influenced by disciplines that establish concepts and methods from distant needs and realities to the pedagogical field. Based on these convergences, the objective is to put in dialogue the configurative discourses of subjectivation and objectification of the formative evaluation of learning to be analyzed through the multidimensionality of the SR that teachers have configured from traditional paradigms and new categories of analysis. . These categories are based on the historical, social and personal footprint, and are called levels of sociogenetic, ontogenetic and microgenetic analysis. Subsequently, they are interpreted from the logic of complex thought, and its three guiding principles of dialogic, recursion and hologrammaticity; Given the qualitative approach of this study, the paradigm is interpretive and the hermeneutic method is used. This approach is developed through the theory of SR to approach its configuration and content, through documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews. The results are triangulated through open and axial coding, allowing an interrelation of meanings from co-occurrences and graphic networks that show as findings, the construction of emancipatory SR supported by the transformation of constituted and homogeneous thought through reflection as key element. The scenarios that facilitate the development of other forms of evaluation are framed in the implementation of pedagogical projects that, from personal initiatives, make the curriculum more flexible and humanize the evaluation methods.
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    Competencias socioemocionales del docente en la formación integral de los estudiantes de básica secundaria.
    (2022) Ordoñez Rodríguez, Viviana Yamileth; Castillo Vallejo, Sandra Liliana
    Education in basic secondary, provides elements that aim to develop and strengthen people in different areas of life. To achieve the stated purpose, the teacher has a fundamental role, because he is in constant interaction with the students and his work is not limited to academic guidance only. In this sense, it is pertinent to recognize that different factors intervene in the learning process of students. In response to the above, this research was raised as a general objective, to analyze how the socio-emotional competences of the teacher intervene in the integral formation of the student. It was theoretically based on the postulates of socio-emotional competencies. Likewise, what is established by the pillars of education and educational regulations was taken into account. The research was qualitative, of an interpretative-comprehensive type, the method used was the hermeneutic-dialectical one. The results showed that the implicit or explicit actions or orientations that students receive from educators allow them to take guidelines for their training, recognizing them as referents in socio-emotional aspects. It was found as a finding, the lack of effective listening spaces, in which the situations of each educational institution are dealt with internally, both of the pedagogical work of the teacher and of the students. In response to this, the initiative entitled ICEVAER was derived from this research, which consists of leading, from the educational authorities, Contextualized Investigations Listening to the Voices of Real Educational Actors; in such a way that actions that contribute to transformations are determined and executed, starting from reality and not from impositions that ignore the particular school context. In the same way, the need to promote spaces for socio-emotional dialogue was evidenced, in an effective way in the group directions.
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    Orientaciones filosóficas y pedagógicas para una axiología de la actividad científica en la enseñanza de las ciencias naturales: aportes en la formación inicial de maestros
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Gutiérrez Salazar, César Augusto; Pelegrin Ramírez, Jonathan S.; Rengifo Gallego, Luz Adriana
    The actuality of the sciences fundamentally highlights the inclusion of ethical and axiological elements in the didactics of the natural sciences, as an alternative to overcome hegemonic models in the school context; supported by the rationalization, memorization and reproduction of concepts that promote a deterministic and neutral science. Faced with this, this research aims to provide philosophical, pedagogical and didactic foundations in the initial training of teachers, to favor school science from the integration of values of scientific activity, as principles that contribute to the integral formation of subjects and a citizen scientific culture. This work was approached from the qualitative-interpretative paradigm with a hermeneutic approach, enabling a deep understanding of assuming the axiological perspective of scientific activity in the current educational scenario. For this, four fundamental axes were developed: building a theoretical-epistemological framework that proposes the need for the ethical-axiological dimension in techno-scientific progress and school science. Carry out an exhaustive content analysis of the field of didactics and philosophy of science, as a commitment to integration between humanities and natural sciences, to redefine scientific education. To investigate from the systematization of the conceptions and pedagogical practices in natural sciences of a group of teachers in initial training in three university institutions of the Colombian South West, how the axiological elements imply in professional training and educational praxis. And, finally, from the reflection, triangulation and analysis of the information, a series of didactic-pedagogical orientations are proposed that can reconfigure the teaching of natural sciences, valuing the axiological rationality of scientific activity as a fundamental alternative to promote an image of science, while promoting the formation of active, critical and responsible citizens from a science committed to sustainability, human well-being and life.
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    Diálogos intercríticos entre saber pedagógico y currículo en escuelas normales superiores de Antioquia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Quiñones Idárraga, Juan Esteban; Forero González, Omar Osbaldo
    The purpose of this document is to analyze scenarios of intercritical dialogue between pedagogical knowledge and curriculum in some Higher Normal Schools in Antioquia. In order to strengthen the points of epistemic placement, the "Knowledge" category is first addressed, followed by a theoretical overview of the conception of pedagogy as a disciplinary and professional field. In this field, pedagogical knowledge is derived from teaching practices and is put into conversation within the curricular field. Finally, the methodological approach is presented, which is based on a historical-hermeneutic perspective, a sensitive-rhizome map, and a biographical-narrative methodology tool. Ultimately, it is concluded that teacher education in Higher Normal Schools is anchored in a historical concept but not in historicity, and that pedagogical practice is a bridge that facilitates intercritical dialogue between pedagogical knowledge and curriculum.