Repositorio Institucional

Universidad Santiago de Cali

Acreditación Institucional de Alta Calidad


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Efectividad de la cánula nasal de alto flujo en pacientes adultos mayores con covid 19: revisión rápida de la literatura.
(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Arias Moreno, Andrés Felipe; Ramírez Jaramillo, Alejandro; Scarpetta Scarpetta, Santiago; Carrero Gallego, Diana Alejandra
“Factores asociados a la mortalidad en pacientes con covid-19 que ingresan a unidad de cuidado intensivo en el hospital isaías duarte cancino periodo 2020 a 2021”.
(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Tovar Salazar, Sandra Marcela; Cruz Rojas, Andrés Fernando; España Serna, Juan Daniel; Perlaza, Claudia Lorena; Eceomo Cruz, Freiser
Percepción de profesionales sanitarios, pacientes y cuidadores en la identificación de necesidades en el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para el monitoreo de pacientes con oxígeno domiciliario. grupo focal.
(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Castillo Alomia, Kristy Valentina; Giraldo Ramírez, Ingrid Lorena; Ocoro Orobio, Jannie Melissa; Naranjo, Anisbed
Factores asociados al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en adolescentes. Revisión de literatura de los últimos 10 años.
(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2022) Vergara Marin, Mabel Solany; Castaño Muñoz, Mayra Alejandra; Vargas Gómez, Jefferson Javier; Ramírez Correa, César Augusto
The consumption of psychoactive substances among young people is a complex phenomenon that cannot be explained on the basis of single causes, on the contrary, it is considered to be due to the interaction of different biological, psychological and social or contextual factors, which favor the consolidation of a pattern of abuse or dependency. Due to the physical, social and psychological implications of this problem in the adolescent population that is between 12 and 19 years old; The objective is to determine the factors that affect the consumption of psychoactive substances in this population through a systematic review in three electronic databases: Dialnet, Dspace and Scielo from 2012 to 2022, according to the strategy of PECO search and the PRISMA search method, 10 scientific research articles were analyzed. In conclusion, it can be seen that alcohol and cigarettes are the substances most consumed by adolescents, followed by drugs, the family is one of the main factors to avoid their consumption.
“Efectividad de los programas de rehabilitación pulmonar en procesos obstructivos crónicos (epoc)”
(Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2021) Garcés Mora, Zuleydi Del Carmen; Ramírez Restrepo, Heidy Marcela; Pretel Guerra Angiee Melissa; Endo Collazos, Nayibe
Introduction: Pulmonary rehabilitation plays a fundamental role in the management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), which includes a comprehensive and individualized intervention for patients. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation programs in chronic obstructive processes. Methodology: a review of the literature was carried out between the months of February and April of the year 2021. Criteria for the inclusion of articles with any type of epidemiological design, published in Spanish and English, whose objective was strategies that allow evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation pulmonary in chronic obstructive patients. A search was carried out in the bibliographic databases of the Santiago de Cali University and others such as; Science Direct, Scopus and Pubmed. Results: a total of 2871 studies found during the review carried out in the databases and manual search were identified, these were subjected to inclusion criteria and 13 articles were taken into account for the final analysis. Conclusions: Pulmonary rehabilitation (RP) has been shown to be effective with a high level of evidence in terms of symptom reduction, exercise capacity improvement and health-related quality of life in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)