Tecnología en Mecánica Dental

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    Adherencia de pacientes rehabilitados con prótesis acrílicas en campañas dentales por una universidad privada periodo 2021B-2023A
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2023) Cobo Giraldo, Beverlyn Dayana; Sánchez Arteaga, Claudia Patricia
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    Contaminación por aleación de co-cr-mo durante el pulido de estructuras de prótesis dental parcial removible
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Salazar Franco, Marlon Andrés; Andrade, Jhon Carlos; Urrego Manzano, Santiago; Valencia Llanos, Carlos Humberto
    Introduction: The removable partial denture is one of the most widely used dentistry rehabilitations, usually they are made in base metal due to their cost and mechanical properties, but cytotoxicity problems and carcinogenic potential associated with ion release and particle shedding have been reported. Materials and Method: A removable prosthesis structure was polished for 30 minutes, the particles detached during the procedure were collected in a goosebumps barrier, divided into fragments and each fragment was checked in a stereoscopic microscope determined in average number of particles and the average size of them Results: An average number of 88,600 received for half an hour and particle sizes were found in a range of millimeter fractions to centimeter fractions Conclusions: During the polishing process of a metal structure for removable prosthesis the operator is exposed to a high risk due to the number of particles he receives and the harmful potential of its components
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    Validación de una mufla para elaboración de dientes provisionales acrílicos, fabricada mediante impresión 3D
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Correa Tuquerres, Mayra Alejandra; Buitrago Cabrera, Angie Tatiana; Valencia Llanos, Carlos Humberto
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    Caracterización de la estabilidad dimensional de dos materiales de polimetilmetacrilato utilizados para elaborar platos bases en prótesis total
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Ordoñez Argotti, Ruth; Calambas Jerilyn, Sally; Zapata Ortiz, Valeria; Valencia Llanos, Carlos Humberto
    The bases for acrylic prostheses are a big problem for both dentists and dental laboratories at the time of testing them in the mouth since after a while after elaboration they are normally maladaptive. To determine the dimensional change that occurs in the polymethylmethacrylate used to make base dishes, 20 samples were taken from the New Stetic commercial house (veracryl®) and 20 test samples from the Dismadet commercial house (Dymacril®), with measures of 2 cms wide x 3 cms long and 2mm thick. Each sample was placed on a glass sheet and a stereoscopic microscope was used to measure the separation between the two sheets. The results showed that for the two materials there was a large increase in the separation between the first and second day, with slight increases between days 2, 3 and 4 and a large increase between day 4 and 5; the separation value being greater for Veracryl acrylic In conclusion, it was observed that the two materials show a loss of stability depending on the time, especially after 24 hours and the Veracryl material was the one with the greatest stability.
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    Caracterización de los resultados Saber- Pro de los estudiantes de tecnología en mecánica dental, años 2011 – 2015 enfocado a las competencias: Lectura crítica, razonamiento cuantitativo, prueba específica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Mena Barreiro, Andrea Marisol; Usma Agudelo, Jessica Lorena; Valencia Llanos, Carlos Humberto
    Introduction: The Saber Pro tests have been designed with the purpose of evaluating the competences acquired by the students during their education in higher education, in this work we analyze the performance of the students of the technology in Dental Mechanics during the last 5 years with relationship to critical reading skills, mathematical reasoning and specific tests, which are very important for their integration as technologists to work life. Materials and methods: this research is of descriptive type, the objectives were to evaluate the performance in these competences, it was based on the results obtained by the students, which were tabulated and graphed with the statistical component of the Excel program. Results: The graphed results are presented for better visualization. The results showed the lack of homogeneity and as the result of a single student can affect the averages of a whole group, given the large amount of information the results are presented in the document Discussion: In spite of the importance that these tests have for the programs, the need to prepare students better for their presentation is observed Conclusion: It is necessary that the program carries out workshops aimed at the development of these competencies and the awareness of students about the importance of Saber Pro tests.
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    Caracterización de los estudiantes que ingresan al programa TMD de acuerdo a las pruebas saber 11
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Aponte Sanchez, Brigyth Valeria; Betancourth Mejia, Efigenia Maria; Cuevas Santos, Jhon Mario; Valencia Llanos, Carlos Humberto
    Introduction: The state tests carried out at the end of the baccalaureate are standardized and applied in all countries, becoming an indicator of the level of education and quality of secondary education in each country. For university programs they become an entrance requirement but they can also be predictors of future academic performance. Materials and Methods: The results of the tests of the applicants to the technology program in dental mechanics were taken, tabulated and processed to visualize the most relevant results by areas Results and Discussion: Due to the large amount of information, the document presents the results obtained Conclusions: the information obtained will allow the Technology in Dental Mechanics program to plan strategies to reinforce the competencies of their future students