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    Análisis al cumplimiento de los planes de mejoramiento del macroproceso de hacienda Municipal de Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Garcés Zuluaga, Johana; Rodríguez Chacón, Jhon Jairo; Astudillo Villegas, Ricardo
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    Auditoría de gestión en la estación de servicio “granero y gasolinera brazo seco” (el Charco-Nariño) como base para su reestructuración administrativa
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Micolta Sinisterra, Maricely; Álzate López, Fabio
    This project intends to carry out the management audit at the service station “Granero y Gasolinera Brazo Seco” (El Charco-Nariño) as the basis for its administrative restructuring. To fulfill this purpose, the service station under study was described in the first instance in terms of its functional structure; secondly, the functional structure of the microenterprise is evaluated through internal evaluation and identify opportunities for improvement; as a third step, solutions are proposed that lead to the restructuring of the microenterprise to acquire the character of formality; and finally, there are the benefits and costs of the proposals. This study is descriptive - explanatory and is based on primary information from the company's workers who provided information through interviews. In addition, observation is used to track processes. Secondary sources are company documents that contribute to the development of work, books, databases and the Internet. The main results show that there are aspects to improve in terms of planning and control, operational, marketing, financial and human management; seeking to set goals, control processes, control costs and establish austerity policies in spending; study the competitor and buyer market to reach new customers and substantially improve human management providing stability and development.
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    Variables que influyen en la apropiación del manejo del módulo de gestión documental para la gestión de las PQRS de la alcaldía de Palmira
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Marmolejo Guañarita, Carlos Mauricio; Vallejo Cataño, Yessica; Mantilla Redondo, José Luis
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    Propuesta de un programa para definir los controles con el fin de minimizar el riesgo de corrupción en el proceso de compras en una empresa del sector servicios en la ciudad de Buenaventura para el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Álvarez Díaz, Guillermo De Jesús; Arango Victoria, Rafael Antonio; Gongora Vanegas, Boris
    This research addressed the problem of corruption in the private sphere and aimed to propose a program to define controls in order to minimize the risk of corruption in the purchasing process at a company in the service sector in the city of Buenaventura. It was based on the presumption that the lack of controls in the internal rules and procedures regarding purchases to which the members of an organization must be subject and that generates a potential risk of unfair practices or corruption; reason why the importance of regulating, unifying and organizing the behavior of any organization is highlighted. This research was developed through descriptive research. The actors involved in the purchasing area were identified, the risks of corruption were identified, and the controls that must be carried out to identify the risks of corruption in the purchasing area were defined, and finally, it was carried out the proposal of new actors that must intervene in the purchasing process. What was identified and proposed made it possible to identify the different strategies to meet the objective of improving purchasing management and reducing the risks of corruption.
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    Propuesta de un diseño del proceso de compras de recursos físicos para una empresa de servicios públicos domiciliarios en el Municipio de Yumbo para el año 2020
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Posada Herrera, Eddie Eric; González Pabón, Julián Alberto; Rojas Muñoz, Alfonso Lucas
    The objective of this research is to implement strategies that allow the control and centralization of purchases made in a public service company in the municipality of Yumbo, this work pretend to offer a proposal that facilitates the development of purchasing activities and traceability from the initial solicitude and the end of the final purchase. The purchasing function represents the initial phase of supplying an organization, with this process we guaranteed that the needs of supplies, equipment and services are met with high quality and price standards. In the purchasing process, many roles are involved, since administrative, technical, commercial and financial processes participate, incorporating conduct based on the code of ethics, avoiding any type of fraud and conflict of interest. The company's purchasing activities were reviewed, showing that the company carries out these without any established and documented procedure, without having a clear responsible for this process, this generates cost overruns in the company, delays in the execution of its activities (bottleneck), due to not having the inputs and products when they are required, however, this means that the organization is immersed and vulnerable to risks of corruption, fraud and conflict of interest, which may have consequences in the future economic and image to the organization. For this research we used the qualitative methodology with a descriptive approach, the design of the company's purchasing process was carried out, through interviews with the people responsible for carrying out this activity, in this way we obtained a clear context of how the purchases were being carried out, the process was standardized creating the characterization, procedures and formats; establishing the indicated and suitable managers. The possible inherent risks of the purchasing process were identified, proposing the controls that are considered adequate to mitigate its risks and to have a good operation of the company.
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    Diseño de control interno basado en Coso III para Fundación Misión Niños Colombia, Minicol del municipio del San Juan del Cesar, la Guajira
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Bruges Arrieta, Elemir Enrique; Góngora Vanegas, Boris
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    Verificación del cumplimiento de la normatividad vigente en los establecimientos farmacéutico minoristas en el municipio de Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Vega Correa, Sixta Paola; Rojas Muñoz, Lucas Alfonso
    The objective of this study is to verify current regulation compliance at retail pharmaceutical establishments in the municipality of Santiago de Cali, which provide the service of dispensing Medicines and Medical Devices to users, verifying the functioning of the personnel's suitability, locative properties and temperature and humidity measurement system.