Especialización en Gerencia Estratégica de Tecnología Informática

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    Trámites y Servicios de Estratificación en la Alcaldía de Santiago de Cali, una Apuesta de gobierno digital
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Ruales Álvarez, William Eduardo; Vélez Varela, Fernando
    This article is a look at the way the local government of the Mayor's Office of Santiago de Cali, promotes a new model of procedures and online services for the community, within the framework of the Anti-Procedures Law and the Digital Government Strategy Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies - (Decree 1078 of 2015, p 65). In its development, it conceptualizes what socioeconomic stratification is, in order to size the services that were the object of innovation in its form of attention to citizens, this is how it identifies the before and after the procedures offered to the community and the impact generated at the administrative and citizen level with the implementation of the new web services based on the development of initiatives and good practices in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools. In addition, it determines success and failure factors in the appropriation of new administrative models that facilitate citizen participation in the framework of the provision of public services and describes how the administration has taken advantage of human and physical resources, with the purpose of improving processes of procedures and services, as an invaluable public management strategy to recover or strengthen the bonds of trust with citizens. Finally, some results obtained in the execution of the project are analyzed and it is determined if the objectives set within the framework of the generation of public value were achieved, where the central axis is the citizen and the use and appropriation of ICT in a vision of business architecture, as a key feature in the modernization of public administration, in order to contribute to the construction of a more efficient and dynamic city in terms of public services.
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    Diseñar un tablero para la representación de datos gráficos (dashboard) para los Grupos Misionales en la Secretaría de Salud Pública Municipal
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Prada Rada, Willarman; Vásquez Jiménez, Rafael Antonio
    The present work intends to show a design of a dashboard for the graphic representation of data (dashboard) at the managerial and advisory level of the Municipal Health Secretariat of the Mayor's Office of Santiago de Cali, which allows to have timely information, in the place and time desired for a high-level management group, in said Central Administration Agency, in a computerized scheme that is easy to access and represent for personnel under its responsibility, the supervision and coordination of Mission Groups in an organization that has the Competence to manage the Inspection, Surveillance and Control in the Municipality of Santiago de Cali. This board design for the representation of graphic data (dashboard) will make use of libraries or software components for free use, called the “Open Source” Programming Code (“Código Abierto”, for its translation into Spanish), which can be incorporated as a computer module. to an Information System already operating in production or operation, or to work as an autonomous computer program, without dependence on a main program. The use of these libraries or Open Source computer programs allow the reuse of computer programs already tested in other environments or scenarios, the tracking or debugging of source code programs and the original modification thereof for other particular needs. This makes it easier for the systems engineers or professional in the development of computer programs, the integration to information systems already implemented in the Organization or the separation as another independent subsystem, all depending on what one wants to address, in the Ministry of Health Public, it would be handled as an independent module, since it is required to expose that data to a group of managers and a part of it will be automatically published on the Agency's website. The use of this model of programming libraries of Open Source code in other scenarios, has proven to be efficient, because there is basic and sufficient documentation on the Internet for the implementation and use of such programs for computers, allowing an appropriation and transfer of knowledge in Systems Engineers systems developers, very easy and in a very short time. In addition, the Municipal Public Health Secretariat will make use of the professional staff that it already has at its disposal and in a distributed way it will carry out the topics that it is wanted to visualize or represent in the design of the dashboard, which will allow not to have dependency on the engineers of systems and in this way have balanced the programming loads in them.
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    Bases para la implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información en el Ingenio Pichichí S.A.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Ramírez Reyes, Héctor Hernán; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andrés
    This article presents the results of the research: Bases for the Implementation of the Information Security Management System at Ingenio Pichichí S.A. raised before the need to measure and analyze the incidents that occur with the security of the information, specifically regarding the probable risk in terms of confidentiality, availability and integrity of the data. The investigation determined as objective to establish the bases for an Information Security Management System that guarantees the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the data of Ingenio Pichichí S.A. under the criteria of ISO / IEC 27001: 2013. To carry out the diagnosis of the current state of the organization, an existing instrument was used; Regarding the definition of the policy, constituent elements were recognized from the referred standard; of the risk assessment, a matrix was prepared for its treatment. When the diagnosis was made, a very low level of implementation was obtained for the company but it allows to design specific actions based on the measurement made; the information security policy was constituted as a statement of the responsibilities and accepted behavior to maintain a safe environment in the study unit; and establishes guidelines and guidelines related to the safe handling of information; once their probability and financial impact were defined for each risk, the risk map was obtained, which is mainly concentrated on the map, in the high probability zone and moderate financial impact; a second concentration is established in the area of moderate probability and moderate financial impact.
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    Modelo de gestión de procesos como herramienta administrativa para Acuabuitrera Cali E.S.P.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Saldarriaga Grimaldo, Luis Fernando; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andrés
    Entities are continually committed to making decisions in the administrative, operational and commercial spheres, among many others, which must be based on the adequate use of the information resource that, for many organizations, although it exists, is in a state of dispersed or in voluminous accumulation of cold transactions without some interpretation or in the mental capacity and the historical memory of its collaborators. When companies focus primarily on the delivery of their product or final service neglecting strategic management and decision making, in many circumstances, these situations arise from improvisation in the operation of operations or chance and luck in the executions. Supporting the proper use of processes and procedures in the different areas of a community enterprise favors internal management with its consequent attention to Users and Subscribers, which is why the establishment of a process management model will be presented as an administrative tool for a rural aqueduct based on a methodology created as part of the work development process.
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    Revisión literaria sobre privacidad y seguridad de datos en el internet de las cosas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cortés Ortiz, Luis Nel; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andrés
    The security in the Internet of things is one of the biggest problems in technology since having an integration and increase of the IoT objects or devices these can cause possible hacking and theft of data from cybercriminals. The main objective of this article is to analyze the elements associated with the security of data in the Internet of Things. We analyze the risks, weaknesses, threats and consider schemes to consider to add security at different levels to an object or an IoT environment. This promising technology will bring about an improvement in the quality of life of human beings and benefits in the health area as well as at the level of smart city, through the application of security mechanisms focused on techniques, methodologies, digital certificates and the contribution legal framework, the identity of the users will be protected and vulnerability will be reduced in the face of IoT threats.
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    Artículo de revisión de Metodologías de Análisis de Riesgos de la Información, enfocado a Pymes
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Ocampo Giraldo, Mauricio; Dussán Clavijo, Ciro Antonio
    This article explores different points of view of how to identify the risks presented by the information of companies today, there are different points of view on this, but the vast majority are designed for large companies that in turn have large structures, which make the implementation of these in most Colombian companies very complex. This review aims to unify different points of view and synthesize in an agile and simple manner such methodologies that will generate value to SMEs in the analysis and management of the risks associated with their information, not only in aspects that have to do with cybersecurity but also with the handling of physical information and the knowledge that can make the difference between one and another company that compete for the same market. The information security management systems are based on how to implement a sustainability model that manages to establish an efficient management of these risks, which in turn will create an organizational culture that protects sensitive information, which is one of the assets most important in organizations that develop their business relying on information technologies.
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    Gestión del conocimiento a través del E-learning
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Chavarro Ramos, Lorena Fernanda; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andrés
    La gestión del conocimiento es hoy por hoy un tema crucial para todas las organizaciones, capturar, transferir y aplicar el conocimiento intelectual de los procesos que realizan el capital humano es necesario para mejorar sus competencias y habilidades, apoyarse en la tecnología y los sistemas de aprendizaje electrónico (e-learnig) puede ser una oportunidad para agilizar y facilitar los procesos de capacitación de las organizaciones y generar en consecuencia ventajas competitivas en la mejora de sus bienes y servicios. El propósito de esta investigación bibliografía es demostrar como la gestión del conocimiento a través del e-learnig puede beneficiar a las organizaciones y ofrecer los medios para garantizar una formación eficaz del conocimiento en sus colaboradores. Inicia con la importancia de la gestión del conocimiento, luego expone las percepciones, las ventajas y desventajas del e-learnig con base a publicaciones de varios autores, y por último muestra como la combinación de estos puede generar una ventaja competitiva para las organizaciones.
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    ODK como mHealth para la investigación en Salud
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Oviedo Sarmiento, Oscar Javier; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andrés
    Health research involves active and constant processes of collection, validation and protection of personal data of patients. These processes are fundamental to ensure, in principle, the obtaining of reliable conclusions from the investigative processes, as well as for the construction of a responsible investigation with the rights of its participants. For the unification of criteria in this topic, transnational organizations have emerged whose purpose is the issuance of guidelines on good practices in data management that ensure the quality and scientific and ethical soundness of health studies. In many investigations data collection is still done on paper; some others implement technologies considered obsolete today. Currently there are free technologies with potential for data collection that are supported by recognized technology companies and supported by online communities that contribute to their growth. This is the case of Open Data Kit, which also does not require training in application development. This technology would allow the collection and processing of data in a secure way by mobile devices, allowing researchers to have a fast, free and reliable tool. Aspects such as security, the structure of the data required for further statistical analysis and the confidentiality of information are taken into account by this technology, promoting its incorporation into medical research in a prompt manner. This document aims to provide necessary concepts for decision making on the incorporation of Open Data Kit as a mHealth technology starting from the global panorama to the special considerations required for health research projects.
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    Una visión y aplicación de los estándares para pymes y grandes entidades de desarrollo de software en Colombia
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Carpintero Sánchez, Carlos Humberto; Vásquez Jiménez, Rafael Antonio
    Currently small, medium and large company’s software development entities in Colombia, has an important role in both products and services, for this reason, it is usually required to be recognized as a provider of high quality software, leading them to have. To cover a series of international norms and operations, where the companies of some software companies do not include or understand some of these needs. It is thus that these entities of the companies do not have ways to be recognized as companies that produce quality software in their environment, this leads to an isolation in some economic activities and losing market share, but of course it is not implausible Obtain this acknowledgment This article shows the advances of software development standards in companies in Colombia, the application and how the different norms affect organizational decisions about profiles, documentation and specific guides.
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    Diagnóstico de la situación actual para implementar el Modelo Integral de Gestión en TI - IT4 PLUS para la Alcaldía de Palmira armonizado con el Sistema Integrado de Gestión
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Murillo Molina, Vivian Andrea; Dussán Clavijo, Ciro Antonio
    The public entities of territorial order carry out reports of information and data as soon as the fulfillments of law related to the Management of the Information, Management of IT, management of Services, in different aspects of the Management through different tools of the state, then this leads us to the desire within the entities to evaluate that these achievements are reflected in good service to the community and other stakeholders, therefore a diagnosis is made in the use of ICTs in the Mayor's Office of Palmira - Valle, studies the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the Tics and analyzes the capabilities of the organization for alignment with the process. For the analysis of the states of maturity of the Tics in the entity, it is studied through the framework of IT Architecture - IT4 plus-, a tool developed by Mintic, which is born from the experiences of other implementations in the different sectors of the Government where the state of IT Government was determined, evaluating the fulfillment of the objectives aiming for the transparent and efficient use of the information in the public entity oriented to the good service to the community, finding enormous strengths in the entity since this has an organized way with a Quality Management System, updated to the MIPG Reference Framework that has allowed the self-diagnosis related to the Digital Government scheme through the FURAG tool that measures in data the status of each of the components of Digital Government, in the strengthening of Enterprise Architecture for which we found weaknesses in IT Government.
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    La protección de datos personales en Europa y en Colombia, similitudes y diferencias
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Torres Llantén, Edgar Julián; Vásquez Jiménez, Rafael Antonio
    Due to the rapid technological development of recent years, it is necessary that governments think about updating their laws and policies on the processing of personal data, for example, the rise of social networks, the Internet of things, nanotechnology, etc. , make data collection easier and more accurate for companies dedicated to it. With this problem comes a marketing issue where personal data are used to profile people, create new forms of addictive entertainment, product promotions, or simply for improper purposes. Habeas Data laws already exist in most countries, such as in Latin America where different types of Habeas Data models are used (Puccinelli, 2019) to regulate the processing of personal data, or the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) currently implemented in the European Union as a framework for data protection. Implementing data protection laws at this scale implies time and cost, not only for governments but also for companies that have to make modifications to their information systems to comply with the regulation at its different levels of complexity.
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    Diseño de un modelo para la implementación de un sistema de gestión documental
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Ortiz Segura, Gabriel Federman; Salazar Calvache, Oscar Andrés
    The Document will define standards by which all the processes of document management should be governed, continue with the identification of the current processes and procedures programs and ending with the type of specific control tool for the development of the initiatives defined, with the conviction of that through its Elaboration of a document management model, the strengthening of administrative transparency and information management will be achieved.
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    Metodología práctica de auditoria informática en seguridad lógica para aplicativos contables y financieros en Pymes
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cabrera Nuñez, Héctor Fabio; Vélez Varela, Fernando
    The article proposes a practical methodology of computer security audit focused on SMEs for accounting and financial applications, collecting, organizing and analyzing information based on a process of conceptual appropriation as audited, evidencing ignorance by executives and company personnel added to the lack of economic resources to have access to professionals trained in computer audit who can evaluate and verify the integrity, availability and reliability of the information in the software; confirming ESET in its security report LATAM 2018, that the theft of information in Latin American companies is 51% (ESET, 2018). The methodology is developed under the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) framework, which facilitates the process of diagnosing the company's logical security status through review and analysis. The information system S1ESA 8.5, application with 10,000 client companies in 7 Latin American countries (SIESA), is taken as a case study, for the creation of this model, a set of instruments that enable the analysis and evaluation of risks is shown, the techniques used to know and understand the current status of business organizations evaluated and that can be applied to perform security audit processes (Solarte, Rosero, & del Carmen Benavides, 2015) allowing an SME to take the respective actions and controls preventive or corrective, strengthening the logical security of the application and the company's digital ecosystem.
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    La Bioinformática como Estratégia de Mejora en el Desarrollo Agrícola de la Región Pacífico
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Satizabal López, Andrés Ignacio; Loaiza Buitrago, Diego Fernando
    The new policies, plans and research programs defined by the Colombian government and seeking economic development and innovative projects in technology and the commitment in the agricultural sector, have opened the way for the implementation and development of new trends such as bioinformatics . Bioinformatics is one of the research areas that it proposes, computational and multidisciplinary tools that involve in its methodologies the natural sciences and exact sciences. This article aims to: 1) Collect information based on research in Bioinformatics and the agricultural sector of the Region Pacific, that serve for the structuring and development of projects with technological application in computing and software engineering and, 2) propose the computational tools according to the needs of the Pacific Region that will provide greater support to the continuous research, scientific support of the agricultural sector and better strategies for the application of bioinformatics and computational biology technologies that serve the sectors involved in decision making with scientific argumentation. This document is based on the Methodological Guide: design of composite indicators of sustainable development. Bioinformatic tools that aligned and structured with social focus plans can contribute to the strengthening of agriculture, consolidating as a definitive strategy for the development of the Pacific region. The main contribution of this article is to contribute to the direction and implementation of regional development strategies, addressing Research and projects supported by Bioinformatics applied to agro-industry, supported by the best practices of evaluation and public investment and promoting the increase in the state knowledge about the benefits and risks of the investment in Biotechnology.
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    Proponer un modelo de gestión de conocimiento al proceso de implementación del software de nómina de la empresa Talento & Tecnología S.A.S.
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Saavedra Suárez, Victoria Eugenia; Loaiza Buitrago, Diego Fernando
    Knowledge management in organizations has been an important aspect in the rapid and continuous development of their processes in the information and technology management era, where knowledge has become an essential factor of progress. Constantly companies are based on learning their most precious capital, human capital; through which it transmits and manages data, information and knowledge. One of the forms of data management is the documentation of its processes as a development factor for a knowledge management model, which allows to create and share the knowledge acquired with the members of the organization. All this contributes to the strategies and value chain of the company. Although the management of knowledge is not the axis of the business of the companies, if it becomes a fundamental tool, because its dynamics allows streamlining processes, which in turn generates competitiveness over time. All of the above is based on experience in carrying out several implementations within the company Talentos & Tecnología SAS, so it is stated that this process is not being efficient and effective, it is also outside the estimated times at the beginning of each project of implementation. It is not generating added value. Documentation, as part of knowledge management, should be developed by management so that it points to an organizational culture focused on its personnel. The importance of having and documenting all the knowledge that people have at the time of developing their processes must be emphasized; in addition to this, to make employees aware of lessons learned and good or bad practices experienced to document them. The proposed model for knowledge management is the model of Nonaka and Takeuchi, which allows creating a bridge between the Western and Japanese perspectives. In the West, explicit knowledge is emphasized, while in Japan the tacit emphasis is emphasized. They affirm that both knowledge are the two sides of the same coin, they are complementary and that both interact giving meaning to the human experience.