Ingeniería Electrónica

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    Desarrollo de un módulo de medición de variables eléctricas en transformadores de potencia mediante conceptos de iot
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Barragán Barón, Pedro Jefferson; Guzmán Atehortúa, Jhon Hadder; Vélez Varela, Fernando
    This work details the development of a module that performs measurements of electrical variables in a low voltage power transformer. These variables are sent by means of the IEEE802.11 standard, connecting to a database stored in the cloud; associating IoT concepts with the meter, this to allow a client to perform an analysis, monitoring and management of their electrical network. For the construction of this module, non-invasive current sensors connected to a three-phase meter are used and a communication card is used that allows data to be extracted from the meter and sent to the cloud database. With this module, it is possible to convert a conventional electrical power transformer into an smart electrical power transformer, making it a Smart Object and thus extract information from it telemetrically in real time.
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    Reconocimiento técnico de componentes para el procesamiento de imágenes en vehículos autónomos terrestres
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Unigarro Díaz, Julio Cesar; Sarria Paja, Milton Orlando
    Autonomous vehicles today have become the standard innovation for the new driving methods demanded by the world's societies. Its objectives on environmental care, accidents and autonomy are unique pillars that have led certain vehicle manufacturers to make the next leap in the independent mobile revolution. In this way, the objective of this study is to make a fundamental tour that analyzes what are autonomous land vehicles, their technical, algorithmic components, image processing, the use of radar, the advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of a new transport system, which, it is speculated that for the next decade, would be in the market of the main cities of the world. Thus, it was found that these systems to process images require improvements, while driving Autonomous Vehicles (AV) which essentially implies, modernization with high-tech electronic equipment, this has greatly increased costs, that is why that prototypes are still being designed particularly, but not mass production
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    Gestión de infraestructura tecnológicas en entidades públicas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Amaya Moreno, Diego Fernando; Sarria Paja, Milton Orlando
    The management of the technological infrastructure is vital for the functioning of the State; Colombia has regulations that fall short of the international context, as well as the availability of technological resources with a high social impact. However, the technological infrastructure in relation to the provision of services and the presence of technology by the State is inefficient in some areas of the country. This paper analyzes these problems and proposes an action plan that optimizes the management of technological infrastructure in public entities, following a Top-Down technical design model.
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    Integración e implementación de redes convergentes para el soporte de IoT en Smart Cities
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Palacios Tovar, Sebastián; Velez Varela, Fernando
    This article is the conceptual achievement in IoT, Machine learning and artificial intelligence, which bases the current integration and implementation of convergent networks for the support of current technologies, supported by hardware and software elements applied in Smart Cities models. These seek to determine sustainability margins through improvement processes related to infrastructure, innovation and technology, to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. For this, it is intended to use the Digital Network Architecture® (DNA®) model of converged networks to support IoT references in Smart cities and, in turn, establish which network integration process is more efficient for use in some parameters of these. The arrival of new technologies such as 5G and the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) have forced telecommunications operators to converge into a single network to maximize the use of their resources. Convergent networks are constantly developing, because there are increasing demands for connectivity and data transmission.
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    Sistema computacional para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Parkinson empleando el análisis de señales de voz
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Moofarry Villaquiran, Jhon Fredy; Sarria, Milton Orlando
    Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer's disease. This disorder mainly affects older adults at a rate of about 2%, and about 89% of people diagnosed with PD also have speech disorders. This has led to the development of different research in voice processing for Parkinson's patients, which allows not only a diagnosis of the pathology but also a follow-up of its evolution. In recent years, a large number of studies have focused on the automatic detection of pathologies related to the voice, in order to make objective evaluations of the voice in a non-invasive manner. In cases where the pathology primarily affects the vibratory patterns of vocal folds such as Parkinson's, the analyses typically performed are sustained vowel pronunciations. In this article, it is proposed to use information from slow and rapid variations in voice signals, also known as modulating components, combined with an effective feature reduction approach that will be used as input to the classification system. The proposed approach achieves success rates higher than 88%, surpassing the classical approach based on cepstrales coefficients on the Mel scale (MFCC), this was achieved by extracting characteristics in voice records from a Spanish language database, consequent to this was organized into a vector of characteristics and subsequent estimation was made to the diagnosis of the pathology. The results show that the information extracted from components with slow and fast variations is highly discriminatory to support the assisted diagnosis of PD. This information can also be used as a complement to existing systems.
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    Desarrollo de una plataforma robótica para estimulación cognitiva y física en niños con discapacidad
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Murillo Penagos, Luis Carlos; Castillo Garcia, Javier Ferney
    The problem inherent to the intervention of animals in therapies is associated with the risks involved in this interaction and the low capacity to make a quantitative assessment. The approach given to this problem is carried out using a robotic platform divided into three systems, integrating elements for motor, cognitive and sensory rehabilitation: The first consists of the emulation of the head and neck of the animal; the second system is the base, which allows emulating movements of rotation and translation of the back of the horse in the three axes; finally the system of the seat that in its inferior part calculates the vector of force relating the distribution of the weight of the child, while in the superior part the emulation of the temperature is made that varies from 38 ºC to 42 ºC depending on the speed of work, additionally the articular angles of the cervical region were registered, the thoracic cage, lumbar and the hip; evaluating the patient's posture, also incorporating a set of lights that make it easier to observe to which side the resulting force vector is directed, allowing him to modify his posture and improve his proprioception. This document is a proof of concept that deals with the use of a robotic rehabilitation platform that aims to help patients with motor sensory and cognitive disabilities can access a treatment option different from traditional hypotherapy, generating results that provide benefits, and at the same time a recovery and implementation of work plans that generate welfare in the health of the patient. The proposed robotic platform emulates the great advantages granted by horses, and measures and data can be accessed in real time. The system comprises an interaction of commands for the user, so that he can develop new psychomotor skills and abilities. The data obtained can serve as indicators for the differential evaluation of each patient, as well as the possibility of monitoring variables such as: Temperature, acceleration, joint angles and weight.
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    Estimación de seguridad en el uso de una bicicleta convencional para la generación de energía eléctrica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Salazar Muñoz, Daniel; Castillo Garcia, Javier Ferney
    The need to find alternative energy sources brings with it the use of new sources of generation, such as conventional bicycles. In this sense, the question arises as to how safe it is for the user to use this means of transport in generation. The present work consists of the estimation of a parameter of easy evaluation, for the safe use of a conventional bicycle in the generation of electrical energy. The generation of energy is achieved by coupling a bicycle to an electric alternator and this to an inverter, the load used consists of a 100W lamp. The measurement of non-physiological parameters such as vibration, ambient temperature and pedaling speed, together with physiological parameters such as heart rate and body temperature were used to determine physiological and electrical signals when there is overexertion in the user-bike interaction. A protocol oriented to two routines was defined to evaluate the use of the bicycle in conditions of maximum security. Effort and safe operating conditions. Eight people between the ages of 22 and 32, body weights from 56 kg to 80 kg and heights from 1.59 m to 1.84 m. Voltage and current readings were taken to estimate the power and energy generated by the participants. In the process of user-bike interaction it was found that when the participant made an excessive effort, he resorted to compensatory postural movements to maintain the pedaling speed. These compensatory movements made it possible to observe a relationship between vibration and heart rate.
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    Diseño del modelo de un portafolio de proyectos de ti alineado con ISO 38500 para clínicas en el valle del cauca
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Garzón Salamanca, Yoana Andrea; Vásquez Mena, Víctor Alfonso; Dussan Clavijo, Ciro Antonio
    According to The Chaos Report for 2015, only 29% of projects in the health industry were successful, 53% were challenged and the remaining 18% were failed projects (Standish Group, 2015). Therefore, in this work an investigation was carried out on the portfolio of IT projects, the characteristics that identify it, the stages and the different activities for its construction. Within the analysis performed, the standards ISO 38500 (Governance of IT for the organization) and ISO 21504 (Project, programme and portfolio management) were revised, with which, after making a qualitative relation with the approaches of the different authors consulted, 17 characteristics were consolidated in a matrix in order to determine their relation with the principles of IT governance. Additionally, the key stages and activities were defined for the design of an Information Technology project portfolio model (PPTI), thus managing to propose a new formal PPTI model in Valle del Cauca clinics with a formally constituted IT department. Considering the research carried out in clinics in Valle del Cauca, it was found that there are no models of project portfolios in their IT areas, the projects are managed by different methodologies, however, there is no design of a formal portfolio model for health sector institutions
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    Diseño de una guía teórica y práctica sobre redes definidas por software (SDN) para la Universidad Santiago de Cali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cardona Aguirre, Juan Mateo; Velez Varela, Fernando
    Software-defined networking they are a set of communication techniques that have been developed for the construction of a network architecture that allows you to divide the control and the data for the production of programmable networks flexible and automated to increase its capabilities, independent of the physical infrastructure. Since the SDN are still at the stage of research and development, the best current option to experience its functionalities is to carry out a simulation of the network that you want to implement, through an emulator called Mininet, this being a software that creates a virtual network set to actual parameters. Engineering of the Universidad Santiago de Cali programs do not have in their curricula with topics where consideration the SDN, it therefore intends to develop a theoretical and practical guide to software defined networking that serves as a basis for future practices that are carried out. That way an installation and configuration guide accurate about Mininet explaining the development for establishing the initial connections to simulate, in addition to a document where the current theoretical framework related to the SDN is taught and ends with the practice of some generals of the Mininet commands, and CLI command line administration of switchs OpenFlow
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    Polisomnografía con redes de sensores inalámbricas en el estudio y diagnóstico de la apnea del sueño
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Obregón Garcés, Fawssy Evans; Sarria Paja, Milton Orlando
    In Colombia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a little known or diagnosed disease, the real number of people affected being uncertain, due to the difficult access to the necessary equipment for diagnosis, lack of qualified personnel and deficits in The health system in general. The objective of this study is to synthesize the research or implementation of wireless sensors in the diagnosis and control of OSAS. To this end, it is possible to highlight methodologies and devices for the orientation of future studies or developments of this type sensors, oriented mainly to SAOS. Thus facilitating the execution of studies at national level that allow to know the real state of health of people affected by SAOS in the country. The review focused mainly on two diagnostic methodologies based on vector support machine and artificial neural networks, reaching values higher than 80% in the classification and detection of OSAS events, and mention is made of two complementary technologies such as data collection Contactless polysomnographic and the development of a wireless sensor for integrated circuits. The implementation of these devices in future projects, will allow the diagnosis and remote monitoring of this disease and the miniaturization integration to smart watches
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    Metodología para seguimiento de obra de infraestructura usando drone
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) García Casierra, Cristian Benjamín; Calle Sánchez, Carlos Gustavo; Castillo Garcia, Javier Ferney
    The process of monitoring a work of infrastructure allows to know the state of this, as well as the efficiency of the workers. The follow-up is a work carried out by the auditor, which sails so that the implemented corresponds with the design in planes, it takes a fulfillment in the budgeted one and also it complies with the established times. This work is done by using classical topography elements, which demands time and money, in addition, of the implications on the safety issue of non-construction personnel. To avoid this, this project implements a methodology capable of carrying out the task of monitoring a civil work. An unmanned aerial vehicle or drone is used, which are small remotely controlled flying devices that in recent years have become an extremely useful tool in activities that human beings cannot perform or that threaten its integrity. For the realization of this work is used a drone Quacopter Phantom 3 Standard, responsible for taking photographs, these are loaded in the software Agisoft Metashape Professional, which allows digital processing of images, generating 3D vision, cloud of dots, digital surface model and distance measurement. By obtaining this information, it is possible to make a match with the schedule of the work and to detect delays or advances in a precise way.
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    Sistema domótico para la gestión de demanda de una vivienda autosostenible
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Suaza Cano, Kevin Andrés; Angulo Gamboa, Angel Stiven; Castillo Garcia, Javier Ferney
    A load characterization system was developed in an embedded platform, in order to identify electrical devices used in the home. For the characterization process, the most representative electrical parameters of the different loads were defined, which were used in the training of an artificial neural network implemented in an embedded platform with a network topology with the best performance in terms of computational resources, time of execution and percentage of error. The structure of the network used two hidden layers each with 10 neurons, obtaining an average error of 2.051% with a standard deviation of 1.23%. With the characterization of electrical charges, an intelligent home automation system could be created which can generate savings of up to 23% compared to traditional home automation systems or 69% savings compared to a home without any automation or system control. The proposed demand management system can actively manage the loads due to the knowledge of the elements connected to the network, identifying periods of low consumption which can be related to charging processes completed in mobile phones, laptops or standby mode for televisions. The identification of charges facilitates the implementation of management schemes and control of electric charges
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    Diseño e implementación de un sistema de adquisición basado en señales mioeléctricas para la ejecución de movimientos en una prótesis didáctica de miembro superior derecho
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Renteria Vivero, Juberth Andres; Arcos Hurtado, Edgar Francisco
    Myoelectric signals are electrical signals produced by a muscle during the process of contraction and relaxation, each time an individual makes a movement, for example, elbow flexion. These signals can be used in the sense that with the correct acquisition and processing of myoelectric signals, it could be possible to design mechanisms that simulate movements or, failing that, the design of prostheses. In this article, the acquisition and processing of myoelectric signals and the development of a didactic prosthesis that simulates the flexion-extension movements of the elbow, pronosupination of the forearm, flexion-extension of the fingers and rotation of the thumb are performed. The data acquisition system consists of a system of surface electrodes and MyoWare muscle sensors, the acquisition hardware is based on an Arduino Mega 2560 and the controller software programmed with a state machine, connected by serial port to a computer with the software of Matlab® processing. Then, the didactic platform for teaching biomechatronics is designed and built, where the student can interact with an acquisition system based on myoelectric signals integrated into a didactic prosthesis with servomotor components and a gearmotor, with its proper graphic interface. The platform allows the acquisition of myoelectric signals in 4 different positions, where a characteristic vector of the performed movements is obtained. The platform allowed to simulate and adequately characterize the flexion-extension movements of the elbow, pronosupination of the forearm, flexion-extension of the fingers and rotation of the thumb. This platform will allow specific studies of the movement of the upper limb in a didactic way, with the capacity that in later studies other movements can be characterized or the simple combination of these
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    Sistema para el análisis de la marcha humana usando sensores inerciales
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Saavedra Lozano, Diego Fernando; Castillo Garcia, Javier Ferney
    The human gait analysis in specialized laboratories is not available in Colombia for applications such as rehabilitation or sports. Therefore, a capture system is designed using inexpensive inertial sensors to analyze the kinematics of the lower limbs. In this article, initially the characteristics and parameters of the human gait are studied, then it was chosen the inertial sensor that would be used according to its specifications and cost, then the prototype of the inertial capture system was made, and finally, the capture system data was verified by comparing the angle of flexion of the knee with the angle obtained by the artificial vision system from the sagittal plane and comparing it with bands of normality. As a result, it was possible to implement a low-cost inertial motion capture system for the analysis of human gait, with its respective graphical interface to visualize the orientation, flexion and extension angles for each segment and joint of the lower limbs. As a conclusion of this work, it was found that with the information of the artificial vision system, from the sagittal plane, it was possible to identify the gait phases and temporal and spatial parameters such as cadence, step length, stride length, speed of stride, as well as the length of the segments, likewise the inertial system can obtain this information with a system of artificial vision or an anthropometric model, to develop a complete tool for the kinematic analysis of human gait
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    Diseño y construcción de un sistema basado en IoT para supervisión remota de la frecuencia cardíaca y el tono simpático a partir de la señal fotopletismográfica (PPG)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Rodriguez Rodriguez, Juan Jose; Argüello Prada, Erick Javier
    Automatic and remote monitoring could contribute to diminish treatment costs and to improve attention quality. In this context, the Internet of Things (IoT) emerges as a suitable candidate for developing solutions enabling continuous and remote assessment of patient’s condition and, specifically, his/her heart rate and autonomic balance. These parameters are crucial for patient’s care. However, very few efforts have been focused on developing IoT-based solutions in order to evaluate this indicator. In the present work, an IoT-based system is proposed for remote monitoring of heart rate and sympathetic tone from the photoplethysmographic signal (PPG). Using a combination of Gaussian functions it was possible to simulate variations in blood flow to obtain an artificial PPG signal. To limit the bandwidth consumption of the transmission channel, a pre-processing was applied to the PPG signal, which consisted in extracting the maximum and minimum of the signal, as well as their instant at which they occur. This information was stored and transmitted in 10 second windows. Finally, on the server side, processing was carried out to determine sympathetic activation in 60-second windows. The results show that the TCP protocol maintains a constant and robust transmission rate at different bandwidth capacities, maintaining network reliability. In addition, given the characteristics of the chosen physiological parameters and their adequate preprocessing, computational resources are optimized so that the proposed solution does not require a high data transmission rate, so there would be no limitation regarding the wireless communication standard that could be used to implement it. Nevertheless, a broader range of parameters should be considered to perform a more rigorous performance evaluation, such as larger-scale evaluations.
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    Determinación técnica de los mapas de cobertura de las redes IEEE 802.11 dentro de los bloques 1,2,4, y 6 de la universidad Santiago de Cali, sede pampalinda
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) García portilla, Carlos Jair; Velez Varela, Fernando
    The Santiago de Cali University has a wireless WI-FI®-LAN communication network system, which is a mixed combination of two types of networks: WI-FI® , which is a wireless technology that allows the connection of electronic devices, LAN (area networks local) that connects devices via data lines or telephone lines. The backbone network interconnection or backbone connections is composed of a large number of switches between the 7 buildings that make up the Santiago de Cali University, this connection has a speed of 10Gbps per second and between classrooms has a speed of 1Gbps per second to the consumption of users who have terminal devices (cell phones, computers), their accessibility (AP) has an estimate of 300 Ap to be used by approximately 3500 to 4000 students a day and approximately 100 administrative. The wireless communication network of the Santiago de Cali University, is within the minimum parameters established by the IEEE standards (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering), to offer the connectivity service to the educational community, but the communication offer presents problems which are evidenced in the repeated complaints of the users such as: connection difficulty, data transmission, coverage. Therefore, to give a general approach of how the state of the wireless communication network is, a “Technical Determination of the Coverage Maps of the IEEE 802.11 Networks within blocks 1,2,4, and 6 of the Santiago de Cali University, Pampalinda Headquarters.” was made through the implementation of the Inssider Home software Ekahau HeatMapper that allowed the mapping of the coverage of the electromagnetic spectrum that is used to evaluate in graphs the internet band that is analyzed and the flow of data packets. The conclusions obtained showed that there are problems in the connectivity of the devices and in the data traffic that cause a decrease in the signal and delay in the transfer of data, possibly due to the fact that there is an Access point that may be damaged, badly located or excessive of networks, the conjectures are many and it is expected that there will be continuity in the investigation.
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    Sistema de interlocución audiovisual de necesidades básicas para niños con lenguaje y motricidad reducida debido a parálisis cerebral infantil (PCI)
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Velásquez Mina, Wiston; Barona Sánchez, Johnson Camilo; Sarria Paja, Milton Orlando
    La parálisis cerebral infantil (PCI) es un daño que se presenta en el cerebro durante sus etapas tempranas; por una infección materna que afecta al desarrollo fetal (varicela, herpes, sífilis, zika, entre otras) en la etapa prenatal; falta de oxígeno al nacer, parto de nalgas y bajo de peso al nacer en la etapa perinatal; fiebre, convulsiones y desnutrición en la etapa postnatal. Esto compromete una gran heterogeneidad de manifestaciones clínicas: motoras, sensitivas, cognitivas, del lenguaje, perceptivas y conductuales. La incidencia mundial ha permanecido estable durante los últimos años presentándose alrededor de dos casos en países desarrollados y 2.5 en países en vía de desarrollo, por cada 1,000 niños nacidos vivos. Específicamente, en Colombia se presentan de uno a dos casos por mil nacidos vivos existiendo en total 300.000 pacientes y más del 70% viven en la pobreza. Por lo anterior, surge este proyecto que implementa una solución tecnológica para la comunicación de necesidades básicas primarias y algunas actividades a pacientes con parálisis cerebral infantil (PCI). Y así, generar en cierta medida independencia del paciente en su entorno familiar y reducir costos asociados a su cuidado. Se utilizó lenguaje de programación llamado “Python” como principal fuente para desarrollar una interfaz audio-visual, de fácil comprensión para el paciente y/o cuidadores. La librería “OpenCV” para desarrollar un programa que con la cámara web reconozca al usuario, este realice movimientos y estos a su vez sean interpretados como movimientos del cursor. Un sintetizador de texto a voz, que permitirá comunicar los deseos del paciente. . La aplicación puede ser usada por pacientes con cuadriplejia debido a parálisis cerebral infantil (PCI). De acuerdo con las pruebas realizadas en un paciente con la anterior condición, la herramienta es funcional y logrará que el paciente con parálisis cerebral infantil (PCI) pueda comunicar lo que desea en el momento a sus cuidadores.