Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Tecnología Informática

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    Una propuesta didáctica para el fortalecimiento del proyecto capacidades y competencias para la vida - CCPV mediada por objetos virtuales de aprendizaje
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2020) Solís Cabezas, Erika; Córdoba Luna, Kiara Aidé; Ruiz Riascos, Daniel Alexis
    This work stems from a need found in the Fe y Alegría Madre Siffredi Educational Institution, which is characterized by being aligned with popular education because its population served is vulnerable. This institution is located in the El Vallado neighborhood, surrounded by invisible borders, gangs, dysfunctional families, drugs and a lot of social violence, which accompanies the lives of the students; Due to the aforementioned aspects, the need arose as a working group to strengthen the project "Competence and capacities for life - CCPV", "comprehensive national program, whose ultimate goal is the human development of its school and teaching population" (Mantilla, 1999 ). This project is an educational proposal for the promotion of human development and the prevention of psychosocial problems created by the Ministry of Health with the support of a doctor Specialist in Mental Health and Psychosocial Development of Children and Adolescents in agreement with the institutions of Fe y Alegría. Based on the need found in the institution, the aim is to strengthen the CCPV project based on the development of a didactic sequence mediated by an (OVA) virtual learning objects that allows students to generate motivation and interest in managing emotions, feelings , values, motivation, personality and above all the resolution of problems that could be seen in the students of the school where the project was developed
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    Implementación de Scratch como un Entorno Virtual de Aprendizaje (EVA) que contribuye a fortalecer el pensamiento numérico a educandos de grado 5° de la educación básica primaria desde el área de tecnología e informática
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Bonilla Pérez, Yurany; Castillo Caracas, Xiomara; Castillo Vallejo, Sandra Liliana
    The present research work aims to verify if the implementation of Scratch as a Virtual Learning Environment (EVA) contributes to strengthen mathematical logical thinking in fifth grade students of primary education of the institution Centro Educativo Comunitario Omar Torrijos.Taking into account the above, the implementation process will be as follows: First, a diagnostic test will be applied to determine how the students' mathematical logical thinking is through a written evaluation (traditional way), followed by a rubric that is intended to measure this test.Second, there will be an intervention (as a master class) on a subject that is determined as mathematical logical thinking, third. A final intervention will be made but this time mediated by a Virtual Learning Environment (EVA) with previously chosen and developed activities Then, a rubric will be applied in order to carry out the measurement and determine if said implementation responds to the objectives proposed in this investigation.
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    Implementación de una secuencia didáctica a través de un Objeto Virtual de Aprendizaje (OVA) para el desarrollo de competencias en tecnología de acuerdo a la guía 30 en estudiantes de grado Quinto de la Institución Educativa Niña María del Crucero de Guali
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Sánchez Fernández, Francy Elena; Velasco Pino, Jorge Enrique; Lozano Cortés, Edgar Mauricio
    This research implements a didactic sequence through a virtual learning object for the development of competences in technology, it is developed under the qualitative methodology and research-action (AI) in the Educational Institution Niña María del Crucero of Gualí in Caloto, Cauca. Through direct observation and questionnaires applied to the fifth grade students and primary school teachers of the Institution, resulting in students not receiving technology class even when they are attracted to the area, as for teachers, there is total ignorance of the general guidelines for technology education (guide 30) and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). To support the area of technology and information technology, a didactic sequence was developed for the development of skills and use of ICTs through a Virtual Learning Object (OVA) using tablets. The results obtained with the students are that they are very careful when using these tools and the learning of concepts was assimilated quickly. ICT should be considered as an ally in the teaching-learning process.
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    Estrategias de aprendizaje para la construcción de herramientas tecnológicas implementando la plataforma educativa Educaplay
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Lucumí Charrupi, Carlos Arturo; Truquez Larrahondo, Javier Alexis; Villota Enríquez, Jakeline Amparo
    The present article consists of identifying and analyzing the strategies used by the students for the literacy of technological appliances, a look from the virtual platform Educaplay. The context of this study was the Educational Institution Monsignor Ramon Arcilla, located in the city of Cali, Valley of the Cauca belonging to the commune 14 of the Neighborhood Marroquin II. In addition, the participants of this study were thirty-eight (38 children of third degree of primary belonging to the above-mentioned educational institution. The method used in this study, was qualitative, in which, the procedures implemented for the compilation of information it given across the observation, that is to say, by means of the recording of video’s, photos and the field notebook. The obtained results demonstrate that there exist different strategies used by the students in the moment of using the virtual platform Educaplay, which, identified, described and classified according to Monereo (2000). It is important to highlight that each of the strategies used by the students has immersed a certain premeditation tied to the task proposed by the teacher.
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    Una experiencia pedagógica significativa basada en los principios del Movimiento “Maker” enfocada al fortalecimiento de las competencias tecnológicas y la integración de las TIC
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Cardona Liberado, Nataly; Mileida Rodríguez, Betsy; Páez Fajardo, Eduardo; Lozano Cortes, Edgar Mauricio
    In the present work of degree is comprised as base of the proposal the Movement "Maker" or "Space to create" which arises from the motivation of "Do it yourself". With this initiative we sought to analyze the effectiveness of applying the ideas promoted and principles of this movement to enhance the formation of technological competences in the Colegio San Antonio María Claret, being this articulated with the interactive use of TIC. The development of the proposal has as methodological framework the Research action, which allowed to reorient the proposal of the practice in the light of the qualitative evaluations carried out during the development of the research, using rubrics designed for student work sessions, interviews and logs. The results showed how the application of this movement allows the students involved better appropriation not only of practical-theoretical knowledge, but also in the experimental and collaborative aspect.