Licenciatura en Ciencias Naturales

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    Las motivaciones en el proceso de aprendizaje de la tabla periódica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Lara Quesada, Mauricio Alfredo; Torres Arroyo, José Manuel; Leal Castro, Alejandro
    The present research project was able to describe the fundamental role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivations within the learning process of the periodic table of undergraduate students in natural sciences of the Santiago de Cali University. For this reason, a qualitative research is carried out, using an instrument for the collection of information that in this case was a semi-structured interview. For this reason, some evidence is obtained through writing and audios, where later results are derived which indicate that the motivations have a direct relationship with the learning process of the periodic table, being able to be contextualized towards everyday life phenomena. Part of the students
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    Aprendizaje de la clonación desde una perspectiva socio-científica
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Rubio Trochez, Daniela; Izquierdo Vargas, Jerry Johan; Muñoz Ríos, Karen Patricia; Leal Castro, Alejandro
    Twelve students from Santiago de Cali University participated in interviews and activities to explore their previous ideas, reactions and feelings regarding the situations posed: 1) cloning of cells to produce them, 2) use of transgenics in the home, and 3 ) the use of gene therapy to help infertile couples. From the initial sample of these twelve students, three were selected to be the subject of this study. The data were analyzed qualitatively to characterize in an emergent way the moral tasks recognized by each participant, in order to explore the degree to which university students interpret the relationships with gene therapy and cloning, through a socio-scientific approach that influences its decisions in this regard and encourages moral reasoning. The students expressed sensitivity to the moral aspects such as concern and empathy for the well-being of others, an aversion to the alteration of the natural consequences of the order and an emotionality linked to their decisions. Upon reaching the final phase, many participants integrated their moral concerns with religious, cultural, emotional and scientific factors, which show that the patterns of moral concern in the evaluated students act hand in hand with the table of categories proposed for the analysis of this work, since it influences socio-scientific decision-making. The students demonstrate the lack of an argumented discourse that supports their position, a fact that puts into the manifesto the teaching provided by the University and the students of Natural Sciences and Environmental Education
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    Fortalecimiento de las competencias investigativas, a través de la metacognición y la actividad experimental
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Polanco Granobles, Daniela; Quintero Soto, María del Mar; Viveros, Yajaira; Gutiérrez Avendaño, Carol Mildred
    This degree work approach in the investigative competition, the experimental activity and the metacognition. The investigation analyze as the components help learning process, strengthening the capacity the argue, synthesize, questions, solve problems. For it was used methodology qualitative with descriptive focusing, using as observation instruments interview, and survey. The result of this instruments showed than the students conceibe the science development human important, but they don't see scientific activity as a fundamental part of it. Likewise, they feel oblivious to it; assuming than asking is not part of the scientific process. it was searched strengthen knowledge, allowing them to interact with their reality and confront their own knowledge; that is to say, generate a self-assessment of what they learn. Therefore, it was evidenced that it is of amount importance to strengthen research skills and metacognition through praxis, which would allow the creation of critical thinking, where reflection is part of everyday life
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    Meta cognición asociada al tema de genética
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Palacios Castillo, Claudia Marcela; Osorio Castillo, Oscar Iván; Toro Hurtado, Diana Marcela; Gutierrez Avendaño, Carol Mildred
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    Fortalecimiento del pensamiento científico en niños mediante actividades lúdicas
    (Universidad Santiago de Cali, 2019) Yepes Espinosa, Yury Andrea; Moreno Rodríguez, Ivar De Jesús; Gutierrez Avendaño, Carol Mildred
    The purpose of this research is to strengthen the scientific thinking in students from pre-kindergarten leisure activities. To achieve this was taken as a reference action research which according Tierrablanca (2009); It bases its research on the "scientific thinking skills in young children," admits they are interested in giving explanation to the phenomena occurring around them; what happens in nature. States that children show their curiosity and wonder at the problems, argues that scientific thinking is not exclusive to great inventors on the other hand is an attitude to the world that makes it easier for children to explain the phenomena they observe. The researcher presents arguments to establish that young children develop scientific thinking. First, the ability to ask mentioned; He states that the question is the engine of scientific thinking because there are always questions about the mysteries of nature. Also establishes a relationship between the child's mind and creative mind adult, is a mixture of both as is limitless, as seeks to provide solutions unconventionally, they are ready to go into the unknown. He argues that the creative adult retains characteristics of the child because it does not conform to existing and accepted theories. In this sense any valid explanation given by the child, as he seeks to find an answer to the different situations that arise. This is a great challenge to be assumed by teachers, not to pigeonhole his thought as an adult, or put limits on possible theories arising from their students; In other words, the teacher should also possess creative thinking, to develop successfully since scientific thinking classroom in children. The sample involved in the research are students of two institutions of the private sector in the city of Cali, with a total population of 40 children 5 years old (20 children per institution). For sample selection took into account the intention conforming show groups of 10 students per school. Methodological development consists of three phases: the first known Fortalecimiento del pensamiento científico en niños mediante actividades lúdicas characterization phase, in which we seek to establish the level of scientific thinking of students from the implementation of an instrument used by Orozco Hormaza. B. C, Puche Navarro. R. (2003, p 23) which referred to "the status of the lamp"; the second phase called strengthening seeks from the contextualization made in the first phase to establish strategies and recreational activities to strengthen scientific thinking. To do four hours a week interventions were carried out for a period of three months; the last phase called evaluation seeks to determine the level of development of scientific thought that students achieved, for which takes into account the test applied in the characterization phase collecting information for later analysis. In conclusion of this paper grade it is emphasized that recreational activities are a strategy that gives students the tools to strengthen scientific thinking. It should be noted that leisure activities alone do not guarantee the development of the scientific thought in children, should take into account external factors to become an effective strategy, such as mastery of the teacher in the area of knowledge in which he works; appropriate learning environments so that the student participates in the process feel you are living and not Cohíba at the time to express their ideas; good management of pedagogical and didactic component that allows teachers to determine the appropriate time to generate the cognitive stimuli that make the student active in the process; a constant reflection by teachers of their work in the classroom, so you can improve teaching and learning processes that are carried from the interaction with students