Ordoñez, Edward JavierDmtrieff Aguirre, Ivan Alexei2020-06-132020-06-132019Dmtrieff Aguirre, I. A. (2019). To determine the effects that video clip production generates on the effective development of speaking, writing and grammar skills in english as a foreing language and how does it tighten relationships among high school students from different socio econo. Universidad Santiago de Cali.https://repositorio.usc.edu.co/handle/20.500.12421/3076This research study was developed for the purpose of determining the effects of conducting a video making methodology in an English as second Language classroom of a bilingual school in the city of Cali, Colombia. In order to acquire the data a descriptive research method was carried out, a questionnaire was given to students of eleven grade at Colegio Anglo Hispano, for measuring their perception towards the implementation of video-based learning method during the ESL class. the sample was calculated by using chi square formula as this study has the character of a non-statistical research. Due to this is concluded that, a video based learning method can help students acquire metacognitive skills in the use of a second language and that it’s a major confidence builder and its input is outstanding in the student’s speaking development.application/pdf85 PáginasesVideo based learningSpeaking developmentMetacognitive skillsConfidence builderTo determine the effects that video clip production generates on the effective development of speaking, writing and grammar skills in english as a foreing language and how does it tighten relationships among high school students from different socio economic levels?ThesisAcceso AbiertoReconocimiento 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0)